D3001 White - City clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL Pink — Finance Dept. Canary— ft" OFFICE OF THE MAYOR No: ./� `�0 O/. • ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER Date: SEP 15 1976 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, that the Purchasing Agent be authorized to purchase the following patented items without competitive bids from the Econolite Division of ALTEC Corporation, 2550 West Cermak Road, Broadview, Illinois for the Department of Public Works - Traffic Operations-Signal Maintenance, 899 North Dale Street, St. Paul, Minnesota. This is the only source of supply for this material. 3 - Econolite MT6A Telephone Interconnect Masters 2 Wire 6 Functions Cat. # 5522+-Gl . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .$399.00 each 10 - Econolite ST6A Telephone Interconnect Slaves 2 Wire 6 Functions Cat # 55223 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$x+65.50 each TOTAL . .. . . .. . . .$5,8x+7.00 1 � /G. DIRE DIRECT " , CE & AWAGEMENT SERVICES Reqn. No. 11996 Code: 12006-331-000 APPR D AS TO FORM As ' tant City Attorney, Department Head • --lam 76 Date 9/7/76/GIBBONS/rs Administrpfive Assistant to Mayor