D2837 White - City Clerk CITY O F SAINT PA u L Pink — Finance Dept. Canary— Dept. OFFIGE OF THE MAYOR No: - 7 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER Date: JUN 2 4 1976 i ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, In the master os con6tAucting a pubti.c 6tonm aewen in Upper Aston Road snom Burma Avenue to MitteneAeat Lane and san.i tarry eewex exten6 i,ona in the 6ottow.ing .6tneet6: In Upper Aston Road snom MiUeAcAe6t Lane to KennaAd Count. In UppeA Aeon Road at MitteAeAeat Lane snom the een.texUne os Upper Aeon Road to the bouthmZy .dine os the pavement. In Upper Aston Road at Dona Count Weat snom the eentexUn.e os Upper Aston Road to the .6outheney Zi,ne os the pavement. Att aane tarry .aewena to be known " the Upper Aston Road Sani taAy Sewer Extena.iona. The DepaAtment o6 Finance and Management Senv ieea i,6 heAeby di tee ted to being thin matteA besone the City Councit son Pubtic Hearing. i APPROVED �S TO,FORM -j- c Assista t&ty torn De ent Head Date Administrative Assistant to Mayor