D2296 White - City Clerk CITY O F SAINT PAUL Pink Finance Dept. - Canary— Dept. OFFIGE OF THE MAYOR 99 No: ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER Date: SEP 1 1 1975 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, THAT the Department of Public Works is hereby directed and authorized to reconstruct traffic control signals at the following intersections: Marshall Ave. and Hamline Ave. ; Marshall Ave. and Fairview Ave. ; Marshall Ave. and Prior Ave. ; Marshall Ave. and Cleveland Ave. ; Marshall Ave. and Cretin Ave; Marshall Ave. and Otis Ave. ; Como Ave. and Western Ave. ; Maryland Ave. and Sylvan St; Maryland Ave. and White Bear Ave. ; White Bear Ave. and Arlington Ave. ; White Bear Ave. and Iowa Ave. and be it FURTHER ORDERED, That the Department of Public Works is hereby directed and authorized to construct a semi-actuated traffic control signal at White Bear Ave. and Ivy Ave. , and be it FURTHER ORDERED, That this work be constructed by contract at an estimated cost of $168,500 and charge this cost to the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund, code 60000 and this fund to be reimbursed from Trunk Highway Funds (Agreement #57722) $38,250.00, 1975 Municipal State Aid Funds $62,000.00, 1975 County Aid Funds $40,000.00, 1974 Capital Improvement Bond Funds, $10,750.00 and 1975 Capital Improvement Bond Funds, $17,500.00. T-1023A APPROVED AS TO FORM tant ty A torn y Department Head RHR Date Admini ativ Ass tant to Mayor