D1119 White — City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL Pink — Finance Dept. No: L Canary— Dept. OFFICE OF THE MAYOR 1 J W Date: r FFR y 4 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, That, the Department of Finance & Management Services is hereby authorized and directed to take all the necessary action to complete the acquisition of the follow- ing described land for the expansion of Front Recreation Center: Lots Fifteen (15) and Sixteen (16) Block One (1) Foundry Addition to the City of St. Paul Acc. The Department of Finance & Management Services is further directed in connection with the acquisition thereof to update the appraisals of subject lands dated September 14, 1972, which were obtained pursuant to Administrative Order No. D-144, dated September 6, 1972 and, further, to negotiate with the : owners for the purchase of their property. The Estimated cost to acquire these parcels of land is $ 66,475.00 and detailed as follows: Estimated Acquisition Costs $40,350.00 Estimated Relocation Costs 26,125.00 $66,475.00 Ordered, that the payments in connection with the above particulars be charged to Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund No. 60000-501-000 (L-7560) , and to be reimbursed from Fund 93772-460-014 and Fund 93073-460-018. Reimbursement 93772-460--014 $36,000/&({ 93073-460-018 29,9754 tt Bal. in L-7560 500 ACCTIN G Director, Dep . of Finan ' & Management , Services W° AP VED TO FO Assis t City Attorney tment Head Adm' istrati ex--r ant to Mayor