D894 r White — City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL Pink — Finance Dept. NO: Canary— Dept. OFFIGE OF THE MAYOR Date:OCT 10 t973. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER • ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, In the matter of constructing public storm sewers in the area bounded by: DALE STREET on the west, FARRINGTON STREET on the east, CHARLES STREET on the north and INTERSTATE 94 on the south. All to be known as the KENT- CHARLES RELIEF SYSTEM. The preli�rlinary report, as presented by the Department of Public Works is accepted. 1 The Department of Finance and Management Services is hereby directed to bring this matt r before the City Council for a public hearing. APPROVED AS T FOR Assistant YCit Attor a tment Head Daniel J. Dunford D. R.-Sewer 4 Design x Date inistfative AssisUnt to Mayor