D733 White — City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PATIL n-- Pink — Finance Dept. No: Canary— Dept. OFFIGE OF THE MAYOR Date: ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER i ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, That the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to undertake all necessary measures to insure the immediate razing of the premises known as 360 Selby Avenue which is legally described as follows: .'Except E. 90' , Lot 1, Block 75, Dayton and Irvine' s Addition to Saint Paul ' said action being taken pursuant to a finding by the City Council dated Janus y 5, 19719 (C.F. 251806), that the structure was then in such a severe state of disrepair so as to be known as a hazardous building, and further, said structure having sustained a severe fire on or about July 2, 1973 which severely damaged the building and createdka situation which the Mayor determinesto be a danger and hazard to the life and safety of the citizens of Saint Paul; and be it FURTHER ORDtRED, that the proper City officials are further authorized and directed to assess the cost of said razing pursuant to statute. APP"TO F Assists t Cjty Attorney De tment *e ayor