D002002C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L OFFICE OF THE MAYOR �proved Copies to: ADMINfSTRATNE ORDER: - City Clerk (Original) BUDGET REVISION - Financial Services - Accounting - Requesting Dept. No: (�D 0 a�00 a Date: 3 d1--8 J -�- ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authority grented to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of the Department of Technology and Management Services to amend the 2000 Budget of the General Fund, the Director of the Office of Financial Services is authorized to amend said budget as follows: DEPARTMENT & DIVISION: CURRENT APPROVED AMENDED FUND , ACTIVITY AND OBJECT: BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET Technology and Management Services Administration GL 001- 07001-0111 GL 001- 01007-0439 Full Time Permanent Fringe Benefits 42,668 42,233 (506) 42,162 506 42,739 (20,468) 99,772 19,450 657,932 1,U18 168,164 Information Services • GL 001- 01115-0112 GL 001- 07115-0439 GL 001- 01115-0219 Full Time Not Certified Fringe Benefits Fees Other Professional Services Real Estate Generaf Architectural Services GL 001- 01340-0211 Fees - Architect GL 001- 01340-0567 Transfer to Internal Service Fund Risk and Empfoyee Management 12U,24Q 638,482 167,146 0 110,400 11,944 165,836 107,700 107,700 (107,700) 2,T00 (3,338) 8,606 3,338 169,174 GL 001-01370-0133 GL 001- 01370-0439 Interns Fringe Benefits 1,298,949 0 1,298,949 �i'.,�� ���� �/� Approved by: Director of Financial Servlces ate , DEPAR?MENT/OFFIC�/COUNCQ. DA]E ¢JIIIATED `� D�/ �Q � Technology and Management services 03-19-00 GREEN SHEET NO. 103544 CONTAClPERSONffiPHONC �I DEPAR'R.ffiMI'DIltEClOA a CRYCOUNCQ. LoriLee 266-8822 " ��, Q ca�rnrrow+er O cm•c�nK MUSiBEONCOUNCp,AGENDASY(DA'lE) � O2 FINANCIALSVCDIRECfOR O4 FINANC41LSV6ACC0[IISfING O MAYOA(ORASSISSAN'n O TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) crcon e.�uES�o - Approval of Administrarive Order Budget Revision to cover 2000 yeaz end variances. aecoe.u�reiv�wnoNS. npp�o.�� (n) mn�..c(a) PERSONAL SERVICE CONIRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWAG QiJES1TONS: PL�NNWGCOI.Afi$SION _CNQ.SERVICECOhR955ION I.Hasthisperso¢�fumeverworkedwderawnttactfortltisdepartment? CmCOmmrrt� YES NO w_Sr� _ 2. Has Uti5 persod5m� ever been a ciTy employee? Dmx�crcounT YES NO suerox'rs v�ice couHCaoa�crrvs? 3. Dces Nvs person/5rm possess a slall not noimally possessedby any c�rent ciry employee? YES NO (Ezplain all yes answers on separate sheet and anach to green sheet) pJl'fNTINGPROHLEM, l$SIJfi, OPPORTUNRY (VJho. �=4 Whe4 WherS Why): At year end, a variance occurred in fringe benefit expendihues. This admiuistrarive order reconciles the actua12000 spending to 2000 budget. It also corrects the budget to relect actual architectual seroices received by the general fund from the Real Estate Division's Design group. ADVAN[AGE51£APPROVED: is activity will be in accordance with the budget level of control policy. DLSADVANiAGESa'APPROVED: None DISAOVANTAGESOFNOTAPPROVED: Acrivity will show a negative variance in 2000. TOiALAMOONiOF'IRANSACCION_�D 132 ��72 COS'I/REVF.NOEBllDGEiED(qRQ,EONE) O NO W�so�a� A�„�,,,��E, 01001.01115.01340 01370 .. ANCIAL A'FORMASION: (E}9LA�