D211 White — City Clerk CITY OF ►SAINT PAUL Pink — Finance Dept. NO: Canary— Dept. H OCT OFFICE OF THE MAYOR Date: O 41972 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, That a deduct in the amount of Two Hundred Eighty-eight Dollars ($288) be allowed under Contract L-7538 for the Mechanical Construction of Two Recreation Buildings, one located at Arlington Playground and one at Scheffer Playground, and said change to cover substitution of spun soil pipe and. Ty-Seal gasket in lieu of lead joint with extra heavy pipe, as more fully set forth in letter from contractor dated August 18, 1972, a copy of which has been filed with the Acting Head of the Department of Finance. Credit 6000-604 to be recredited as follows: 9771-460-001. . . $144 and 9771-460-002. . . $144. Job #71-90. • W APPROVED AS TO FORM Acting Head of Finance Assis t City Attorney Department Head Administrative As ' tant to Wyor