D11295 CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR • ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER: No: 11 Q95 BUDGET REVISION Date: la,- A-q0 Approved Copies to: -City Clerk(Original) -Finance Dept's Accounting Division -Requesting Dept. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of the Department of City Clerk to amend the 19 90 budget of the Ueneral Fund fund,the Director of e Finance and Management Services Department is authorized o amend said u ge in a owing manner. DEPARTMENT&DIVISION: CURRENT APPROVED AMENDED LEDGER,FUND,ACTIVITY,OBJECT,PROJECT BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET City Clerk Records 001-00250 City Clerk Records -0111 Full Time Permanent 119,274.00 2,700.00 121,974.00 001-00250 City Clerk Records -0245 Publications and Advertising 122,000.00 (2,700.00) 119,300.00 ---------- ---------- ---------- . 241,274.00 0.00 241,274.00 ---------- ---------- ---------- Prepa b : Activity Manager Date go Qll'� 0 eques ed by: Department Director Date Approved by: ayor Date I I U-9 5 DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL JRO ATE INITIATED r. e-r City Clerk - Records GREEN SHEET NO. ef CONTACT PERSON&PHONE INITIAL/DATE INITIAUDATE DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR � �CITY COUNCIL Al Olson 4231 SSIGN CITY ATTORNEY CITY CLERK UMBER FOR "'1ST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY(DATE) UTIN G BUDGET DIRECTOR FIN.&MGT.SERVICES DIR. ORDER ©MAYOR(OR ASSISTANT) ❑ TOTAL#OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: Approve transfer of funds within office budget. RECOMMENDATIONS:Approve(A)or Reject(R) COUNCIL COMMITTEE/RESEARCH REPORT OPTIONAL ANALYST PHONE NO. PLANNING COMMISSION - CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION _CIS COMMITTEE COMMENTS: STAFF DISTRICT COURT SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? INITIATING PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY(Who,What,When,Where,Why): Mid-year salary adjustment was not sufficient to cover salaries to the end of 1990. No additional FTE's or salary adjustments involved. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: �t' 'U 1gg� DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: RECEIVED CITY CLERK .)TAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ 2,700,00 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE General Fund ACTIVITY NUMBER 00250 FINANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) VV