D001934C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L OFFICE OF THE MAYOR �proved Copies to: ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER: - City Clerk (Original) BUDGET REVISION - Financia{ Services - Accounting � ,/ - Requesting Dept. No: � 0 0 j7.�T Date: /p �;l_p � ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Consisterrt with tfie authority grarrted to the Mayw in Section '10.07.4 of the CiTy Charter and based on the request of the Director of the Depar6neM of Technoiogy & ManagemeM Services to amend the 2000 Budget of the the IMormation Services Generel Fund, the Director of the Office of Financial Services is au[horized to amend said budgM as follows: DEPARTMENT 8� DIVISION: FUND , ACTIVITY AND OBJECT: GL 001 01115 GL 001 01115 GL 001 01115 CURRENT APPROVED AMENDED BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET 0111 1,957,184 (50,236) 1,906,948 0439 652,892 (14,410) 638,d82 0219 72,500 64,646 137,146 2,682,576 0 2,682,576 This Administretive Order moves funds to the appropriate object code to prepare funding for the completed RFP process approved by City Council under Resolution D00.919, October 4, 2000, which authorized the Division of Information services to initiate an REP for remote dababase support for Oracle DaWbase Administratiart • �.a l0//��0� epared b: Activity Manager Date �� � Requested by: De a'rtment Director Date ���'� Approved b�irector of Financial Services Date G:/uaers�one��uioMiesrzoaaroncoaba.v.ka �Doo�93� DEPAR7MINi/OFFlCE/COUNC�l. owre wrturEO � � TMS/Information Services io-i�-oo . GREEN S EET No � 03680 COMACT PERSON & PFIONE � indy Mullan 68538 1 ����� �,�� BE ON COUNCIL AGHJDA BY (OA7q AE81Gi1 xureetcox arc�rrae�r 3 rn�ramc naure�c � �wuxawmexcESae �+ wuxu.�.mnn.�no ❑wvael�wsasnurtl �1';.,.73LM..].1�.. TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLJP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESTm Signature on Administrative Order Budget Revision. RECAMMENDATIONApprove A)orReject(R) VERSONALSERVICECANTRACTSMUSTANSWERTHEFOLLOWINGQYESTiONS: 1. Hasthispe�sor�rtne.errorkedurideraconUaCtforthis�partmeM? PLANNINGCOMMISSION VES NO CIB CAMMITTEE 2. Hm this pereoMim eoer been a dty empbyeel CIVILSERVICECOMMISSION YES NO � a ooesmis person?mi o�eee� a slan not m�malrypossessed bv em artent cilv emWoree4 YES NO _ 4. It thie persorvhrm e qrpHed venEOR YES NO ' E�lein a11 Y� arI5x4B on sePeiate shee[ arM attach to Oreen shee[ TIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (VJtw, Whaf, When, Wt�ere, Why) City Couneil appioval of RFP process for remate database support for Oracle Database Administration.on October 4, 2000 Resolution D00-919. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED Funding for the RFP will be in the appropriate Obje'ct Code ���EI��� Q�i 2<4 20Q0 DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED � None. DIS4DVANTAGES IF NO7 APPROVE� � There will be no funding in place at the completion of the RFP process. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION � 64 , 646 cosT�v�ue euoc�o �anc� oN� res NO Information Services General Fund 01115 FUNOING SOURCE ACTIVRY NUMBER INFORMATION (IXPWtQ �