D001920• CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE OILDER BUDGET REVISION ��• '� I �. _ r+�iirrra � i � � �� — ADMIl�Tj$TRA'jIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of the Department of Public Works to amend the 20 00 budget of the Public Works Engineenng Fund fund, the Director of the O�ce of FinanciaT�rvices is authorized to amen sai u ge m e o owmg manner. 1 205 - 12115 - 0132 2 205 - 12115 - 0219 3 205 - 12115 - 0439 Not Certified-Temp/Seasonal Fees-Other Professional Fringe Benefits Current Budget $0.00 $30,000.00 $36,82b.00 Change $9,000.00 ($9,948.00) $948.00 Amended Budget $9,000.00 $20,052.00 $37,774.00 Totals $66,826.00 $0.00 $66,826.00 Transfer spending authority from Fees - Other Professional Services to Temporary Employees to complete digital mapping process. r� L Prepared'brAflivity Manager , Reques[etl by: DepaNnent Director Approvetl ey� M � � 9•li•M Data / I',� Public Works CpN'�ACi pER�.pN & PNONE Dan Bartholic 266-6243 COUNGIL AGENDA BY (OAiE� TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES DATE �NITIATED 8/29/2000 ASSIGlI NUMBEA PoR ROUTING ORDER 1 �t�� i9aa GREEN SHEET No. 102683 �muwDate mivavoaze �DFP DBE fl � ❑CITTCOUNqL �C17YATfORNEY ❑CRYCLEflK � FlNqNC1AL SEAYICES DIR�,�,� � FlNM�CIAL SERV/ACCTG ❑ MNYOR(OR ASSISTAf� ❑ ) � DON SOBANIA� � OICK RUPERr � `� � (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) acnoNaeouesreo Transfer $9,000 from 205-12115-0219 (Fees - Other Professional Services) to 205-12115-0132 (temporary employee salary). RECOMMENDATIONS'Approve (A) or Reject (R� � PLANNING COMMISSION CIBCOMMITTEE _ CIVILSERVICECOMMISSION A 5iAFF PERSONAL SEFVICE COMRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWINCa QUESTIONS 1. Hasih'spersoNhimeverxrorkedunderaCOnVaclfOrih¢[IepaNreM� O YES O NO 2 Hasthisp¢rsoMirtneverbeenacity¢mployee7 O �ES O NO 3 Does this perSOrtHirtn possess a skili not nortreily possessetl by any cutrem cM Bmployee? O �ES O NO 4 Is fh�s peSOMlirtn a taigeted ventlof� Q VES O NO F�piain all y¢s ansvrers on separate sheet antl anach to green sh¢et INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORNNITY (WHO. WHpT, WHEN. WHERE, WHY): The adjustrnent of our digital maps requires more resources to complete the process by 1/1/2001. ADVAMAGES IF APPROVE�: W e aze ab]e to accomplish the same amount of work at a lower cost by directly hiring temporary empioyees vs. contracting for services. D75ApVA1�IrqGES IF APPROVED: None DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED� The work wiil not be accomplished on schedule. AMOUNTOFTRANSACTIONS $9����� �osTmEVeNUEBUnGerED(CHECKON� OYES O�'o SOURCE Engineering Fund ACTIVIiv NUMBER GI�205-1 2 1 1 5-02 1 9 INFORMAiION 1ExPV+�M SEP 13 2000 C►TY CLERK �'