184508 Original tp City Clerk ` . ORDINANCE., -ft COUNCIL FILE NO. i. PRESENTED Err - ORDINANCE NO r lCouncil File No. 184508—Ordinance No. • 11116—By Severin A. Mortinson- An ordinance amending Ordi'-,-P An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7607, entitllvoY?607 "'I',,.,,. --- "An ordinance fixing the duties and responsi- bilities and the minimum qualifications for the various classes of positions in the Classified Service of the City, " approved February 13, 1935, as amended. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. 'What Ordinance No. 7607, approved February 13, 1935, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out the titles and specifications for the following: Branc Librarian Chief f Adult Library Services Caz Chief of Branch Services Ca Chief of Youth Library Services Lid 0 u Junior Librarian U g Senior Librarian--Children-Bookmobile Senior Librarian--Fine Arts 0 \ f Senior Librarian--General CC Senior Librarian--Hospital Services Senior Librarian--Music Senior Librarian--Social Science ^ Senior Librarian--Technology Wr Supervising Librarian--Cataloging Services Supervising Librarian--Circulation Supervising Librarian--School Services Supervising Librarian--Social Science Supervising Librarian--Technology Section 2. That said ordinance, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by inserting in their proper alphabetical order the following titles and specifications for: )i Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council DeCourcy Holland Marzitelli -- In Favor Mortinson Peterson Against Rosen Mr. President (Dillon) Approved: I Attest: City Clerk Mayor 1M 6-56 8 Original to City Clerk ORDINANCE imifFN COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. -19- Section 3. T is ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered ne essary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the first day of the first payroll period following its passage, approval and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nay: Passed by the Council OCT 2 1957 DeCourcy Mp / _ In Favor Mortinson Peterson • �, Against Rosen Mr. President (Dillon) OCT 21957 Approved: A te Qii041.1\J 1 y Clerk Mayor ix 6-56 8 PUBLISHED/0 Original to City Clerk ORDINANCE v15 COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO._ /1 -2- Assistant Director of Libraries Branch Librarian Chief of Adult Library Services Chief of ranch Services Chief of Youth Library Services Junior Librarian Librarian--Extension Librarian--Main Library Senior Librarian Supervising Librarian--Business and Technology Supervising Librarian--Circulation Supervising Librarian--Extension Supervising Librarian--Fine Arts and Audio-Visual Supervising Librarian--Reference Supervising Librarian--School Services Supervising Librarian--Technical Services. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council DeCourcy Holland Marzitelli In Favor Mortinson Peterson — Against Rosen Mr. President (Dillon) Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor 1M 6-56 8 i 1845f,i8 Title of claim: ell / IL ASSIS ' ANT DIRECTOR OF LIBRARIES Duties and responsis Under adrninistra•ive direction, to assist the Director of Libraries in directing the operation of the library systere; and to perform related work as assigned. Examples of work pgrf.ormad: To assist the Director of Libraries in all phases of departmental administration, including the development of policies and programs. To coordinate an be responsible for the activities of all divisions of the library wit in the general policies and programs determined by the Cornmissi.ner and the Director of Libraries. To discuss plans, programs, objectives and procedures with division heads and ter itically review their work. To assist the Dir -ctor of Libraries in the preparation and adrainistra.- tion of the buket, the survey of future needs, and plans fir ex- pansion and 1. .provement.. To have full adrei ristrative charge in the ab2ence of the Director of Libraries. Minimum qualificatiens: College grade.a.tiol, including a major in Library Science, and eight years profess oral library experience,at least two years of which must nave beer as librarian in charge of a library system in a city of at ]east 10, 00 population, or as assistant director of a system of libraries in city of at least 50, 000 population, or an equivalent system. (Nc s .bstitution for education. ) • -3- Title of class: 184�' (;8 BRANCH LIBRARIAN Duties and responsibilities: Under supervision, to have charge of a branch library; and to perform related work as assigned. Examples of work performed: To recommend books for the collection of the branch. To supervise, direct and assign the employees of the branch. To do reference work. To assist readers in the use of the facilities of the branch. To plan and promote publicity for the library. To arrange for lectures and club meetings. To plan book displays and exhibits. To see that the building is properly maintained. To keep records and statistics. To render reports as required. Minimum qualifications: College graduation, including a major in Library Science and three years' professional library experience. (No substitution for education. ) -4- • • T 1.84 5(18 Title of class: CHIEF OF ADULT LIBRARY SERVICES /Mk k Duties and responsiilities: Under supervisio , to be responsible for and to supervise the work in the adults' .ublic service roorns in the main library; and to perform relate. work as assigned. Examples of work pe formed: To supervise, dire ct and assign employees in the adult& public service rooms. To inform superio s of the need for accessions to or separations from the staff. To select and to r.commend all book stock for adults. To compile lists of books and other material. To conduct divisio al staff meetings. To prepare periodi reports regarding activities and progress. Minimum quali.ficatioi 8: College graduation, including a major in Library Science and five years' professio al library experience,at least one year of which must have been s a Supervising Librarian in the adult services. (No substitution or education, ) -5- Title of class: 184508 CHIEF OF BRANCH SERVICES / ( (This title abolished except as to present incumbent.) -6- Title of class: 1845(18 CHIE OF YOUTH LIBRARY SERVICES // Mt Duties and responsi•ilities: Under supervisio. , to be responsible for and to supervise the work in the children s and the young people's public service rooms in the main libra y; and to perform related work as assigned. Examples of work p-rformed: To supervise, di ect and assign employees in the children's and the young people's public service rooms. To inform superiors of the need for accessions to or separations from the staff. To select and to ecommend all book stock for children and young people. To compile lists •f books and other material. To conduct divisi•nal staff meetings. To prepare perio+ic reports regarding activities and progress. Minimum qualificati•ns: College graduatio , including a major in Library Science and five years' profess onal library experience, at least three years of which must have been above the entrance professional level and concerned prixtarily with work with children and/or adolescents. (No substitution for education. ) • -7- Title of class: 184 lass: 4 38 JUNIOR LIBRARIAN (1 / / Duties and responsi•ilities: Under supervisio , to perform professional library work; and to perform relat: d work as assigned. Examples of work p.rformed: To select books fir readers and to assist them in the use of the facilities of th_ library in specialized fields. To compile biblio; raphies and book lists, including periodicals. To do general ref rence work. To help children elect books. To catalog and classify books and to review and revise cataloging and classificati•n work done by those in lower grades. To read and repor on new books in specialized fields. To do library wor in assigned hospitals. To assist general' in a branch library. Minimum qualificatio , s: College graduation including a major in Library Science. (No substitution for -ducation, ) -8- Title of class: LI=RARIAN--EXTENSION Duties and responsib lities: Under direction, io be responsible for the professional library services " in agencies in 4 e library system away from the main library; and to perform rel•ted work as assigned. Examples of work pe formed: To be responsible for the professional library work in the branch libraries and 1 brary stations, and the hospital and bookmobile services. To be responsible for the requisitioning, training and scheduling of personnel. To select and recummend for ordering book stock recommended by subordinates. To evaluate facili ies and operations, and to make recommendations for improveme ts. To conduct divisi•nal staff meetings. To prepare perio•ic reports regarding activities and progress. Minimum qualificati•ns: College graduatio ', including a major in Library Science and six years' profess onal library experience,at least two years of which must have bee in a supervisory capacity above the level of a Senior Librari- n or Branch Librarian. (No substitution for education. ) -9- Title of class: 18`�� 8 LIBR RIAN--MAIN LIBRARY 1/ / f4 Duties and responsibiliti s: Under direction, to b responsible for the professional services in the main librar ; and to perform related work as assigned. Examples of work perfo rued: To be responsible for the professional library work in the public rooms in the main library. To be responsible for the requisitioning, training and scheduling of personnel To select and recomr�nend for ordering book stock recommended by subordinates. i To evaluate facilities and operations, and to make recommendations for improvements. To conduct divisional staff meetings. To prepare periodic reports regarding activities and progress. Minimum qualifications College graduation, including a major in Library Science and six years' professio al library experience,at least two years of which must have been i, a supervisory capacity above the level of a Senior Librarian or Branch Librarian. (No substitution for education, ) -10- 1845,f Title of class: �� SENIOR LIBRARIAN 611/ fo Duties and respon ibilities: Under supervis'on, to perform advanced professional library work; and to perfor related work as assigned. Examples of work ;'erformed: To handle the m•re difficult selection of books for readers. To compile the ore difficult bibliographies and book lists. To supervise as=istants assigned to the room or section. To search for r=ference material requested by the public. To assist reade s in the use of catalogs, bibliographies, reader's guides and of er library tools. Minimum qualificat ons: College graduati urn, including a major in Library Science and two years' experi:nce as a Junior Librarian. (No substitution for education. ) -11- • 1815 'S Title of class: �- c r r ,SUPERVISING LIB ARIAN--BUSINESS AND TECHNOLOGY //'1 ( "' Duties and responsibiliti s: Under supervision, to have charge of the business and technology services; and to pe form related work as assigned. Examples of work perfor ed: To assume overall re ponsibility for the collection in the Business and Technology Ro M. To supervise, direct d assign the employees in the division. To search for materia requested by the public. To keep records and s atisticso To prepare bibliograp ies and findings lists. To assist readers in the use of facilities of the Business and Technology Room. To render reports as required. Minimum qualifications: College graduation, i cluding a major in Library Science and four years' professiona experience, at least two years of which must have been in the fi d of business and technology. (No substitution for education. ) -12- Title of class: 1 45( SUPERVISI G LIBRARIAN--CIRCULATION // f ( �o Duties and responsibiliti=s: Under supervision, to have charge of the Circulation Room; and to perform related ork as assigned. Examples of work perfor ed: To assume overall re-ponsibility for the book collection in the Circulation Room. To supervise, direct d assign the employees in the circulation division. To keep records and tatisticso To assist readers in t e use of the facilities of the Circulation Room. To render reports as required. Minimum qualifications: College graduation, i cluding a major in Library Science and four years' professiona experience, at least two years of which must have been in gener-1 circulation. (No substitution for education. ) -13- • Title of class: SUPERVISING LIBRARIAN—EXTENSION 0 / I Duties and responsib lities: Under supervisio , to assist the Librarian--Extension in the administration •f the professional library services in agencies in the library sys em away from the Main Library, to have charge of a branch lib ary; and to perform related work as assigned.. Examples of work pe formed: To serve as gener• 1 assistant to the Librarian. -Extension in the professional lib ary work in all Extension agencies. To coordinate book displays and exhibits in all Extension agencies. To prepare periodi reports regarding activities and progress. To aid in the requi. itioning, training, and scheduling of personnel for all Extensio agencies. To keep records an• statistics. To recommend boo s for the collections of Extension agencies. To supervise, direst, and assign the employees of a branch or other Extension agencies. Minimum qualification : College graduation, including a major in Library Science and four years of professional library experience,at least two years of which must have •een as a Senior Librarian or Branch Librarian. (No substitution f•r education. ) -14- Title of class: ‘t8 SUPERVISING LIBRA• IAN--FINE ARTS AND AUDIO-VISUAL Duties and responsibiliti= s: Under supervision, to have charge of theFine Arts and the Music rooms, and the au•io-visual services; and to perform related work as assigned. • Examples of work performed: To assume overall re.ponsibility for the Fine Arts, Music and Audio-Visual Coll=ctions, To search for materi. 1 requested by the public. To prepare bibliogra shies and findings lists. To assist readers in he use of the facilities of the Fine Arts and the Music Rooms, and the audio- visual services. To supervise, direct and assign the employees in the division. To render reports as required. Minimum qualifications: College graduation, 'ncluding a major in Library Science and four years' profession• 1 experience, at least two years of which must have been in the Veld of fine arts and/or audio-visual services. (No substitution f•r education. ) -15- Title of clash: 184508 SUPER VI".ING LIBRARIAN--REFERENCE / 1 /1 10 Duties and responsibilit es: Under supervision, t• have charge of the General Reference Room; and to perform re ated work as assigned. Examples of work perfo med: To assume overall r sponsibility for the collection in the Reference Room. To supervise, direct and assign the employees in the division. To search for mater al requested by the public. To keep records and statistics. To assist readers in the use of the facilities of the Reference Room. To render reports a required. Minimum qualifications College graduation, cluding a major in Library Science and four years° profession 1 experience, at least two years of which must have been in the f eld of general reference, (No substitution for education. ) • -16- M4 5fl8 Title of class: 1 J J / SUPS • VISING LIBRARIAN--SCHOOL SERVICES / 1 Ip Duties and respons bilities: Under supervisi'n, to have charge of the public library services to schools; an. to perform related work as assigned. Examples of work p-rformed: To supervise, di ect and assign the employees in the school services division. To inform superi•rs of the need for accessions to or separations from the staff. To select and rec•mmend the book stock used in the schools and for the Teachers' ollection, To keep records -nd statistics. To compile lists •f books and other material for use by schools. To be responsible for the transportation of books to and from schools. To prepare perio.ic reports regarding activities and progress. Minimum quali.ficatio s: College graduation including a major in Library Science and four years' professi.nal experience, at least two years of which must have been in wo k concerned primarily with children and/or adolescents. ( o substitution for education. ) ) -17- 1_84568 of class: /1 1 / f SUPER\'I RING BRAR.IAN- -TE TIN AL., SE: VIOES Duties and responsibiliti a; Under :supervision, :x have cha:~ige 1 u ordering and the teed ica.1 pzocr csirg of all. lb.rti.ry rnatetr.ials° and to perform related work as assigned. Examples of work perfo med: To sup rise, direct 2nd assign the employees in the technical bl rvic.ee J.a:ni:iio 0 To prepare-: and to re ise cataloging. T o 17. ei records and tatist.ics., To preps a cariodic .:...ports regarding activities and progress. To be, 1:espo Bible for the or.-daring of all library materials. Minimum qualifications College graduations i eluding a major in Library Science and four p o`e.siex.o::i-1 experience, at least two years of which must have been in cataloging services. (No substitution for education. ) -18- 1st 9//i 2nd 7 Laid over to 3rd and app. I Adapted ��i Yeas Nays Yeas Nay DeCourcy DeCourcy Holland 0 Havollinlit Marsitolii— I i / Mortinson Mortinson U Peterson Peterson Rose osen r. President n Mr.'President il on 184rjo8