D001888e • . ADMZNISTRATIVE ORDER� City of Saint Paul OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER No: �O(,I0�0 Date: � �� �� WHEREAS, staff from the Saint Paul Public Library will hold a joint meeting and dinner with Saint Paul Public Schools staff at the Mi.nnesota Humanities Commission offices to discuss outreach and literacy issues on April 12, 2000, and WHEREAS, The Saint Paul Public I,ibrary has received monies from The Friends of the Saint Paul Public Librasy to pay for the event, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, It iS oLdeLed thdt liblaiy OffiCidlS axe allthOTized dRd directed to undertake the staging of the events and remit the cost not to exceed $300 for the program to the proper parties. APPROVED AS TO FORM -7/._ � � _�il� Assistant" ity Attorney • Date -�'/C�LN.f/!d . . � ��- Department Hea A n� Ass stant� �.. , DEPARTMENT/OFFICFICOUNCII,: DATE ID7ITIATED GREEN SHEET NO.: (�171 i.ibraries May 12, 2000 CONTAGT PERSON 8c PHONE: � II'II7fAiJDa1'E QIITfALDp+1'E Susan Canhx 266-70'76 �cx i D�enxn�arr nm v�2 . cincovxcn NUMBER FOR 2 cma7rox�x a crrrcccEax MUST BE ON COUNCII, AGENDA BY ROUTING C�.,,,,�ff CDATL') ORDER 3 FAtaxCtALSERVD ?'9�!r�^ F7�lnxcwi.s&2vic&S�wCCi _� MAYORCORASSf.) CNILS&RVIC&COA4ASSION TOTAL # OF SIGI3ATIJRE YAGES 1 (Q.IP ALL IACATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) acriox x�QvES�n: Approval of Administrative Order authorizing expenses for a joint meeting/dinner between Saint Paul Public Library staff and Saint Paul Public School staff. RECObiI��NDATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) ]PIF.LBgdDFIA][. 31E1��`/l[�E 21IDR17CllSA� Fu11IIT�77t" A`N6'�YlE1@ iC� IF�II.II.QD@`J7Q3� �II�S71'd�Fl�e _PLANNING CAMb1155ION _CIVII. SIILVICH COMbIISSION 1. Has �is pasoa�5� ev�wm&ed � a caotract fa� 9tis depeeement7 _cm rAi.uVanEe _ — s'rni�'f' — 3. xas �is pevsodSam eva eean s cicy �ployee? _DLSTRICT COURT SOPPORiS WHICH COUNCIL OBIECIIVE? 3. 13oes 8tis p�son/S¢m possess a�99 m4 na�a➢1S P��S� bY �' � �Y �ployzR ]Eapl�Pmn sID q¢s �arsu� m� e¢gmvsR¢ st�a¢¢ � mP(m¢�i 4� �a¢� slhx¢¢ IPiITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTI7IVITY (Who, What, Wl�en, Where, Why): he Library, with monies provided by The Friends of the Library, held a joint meeting with Saint Paul Public Schools to discuss collaborauve efforts and outreach issues at the Minnesota Humanities Commission Offices. Meeting included a dinner meal for participants. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: The Library will be able to process payment to the Minnesota Hmnanities Commission for the meeting. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: None DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: The Library will not be able to meet its obligation to the Minnesota Humanities Commission. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: $ not to �ceed 300 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: yes FUNDING SOURCE: The Friends of the Library/Perrie Jones Fund ACTIVITY NUMBER: GL-350-33424 FINANCIAL IPiFORMATION: (EXPLAIM n:��� ���ao�v.�cao.cniu..�a �'