D001832C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ApprovedCopiwto: 1��NIST�T1� ORDER: . CityCierK(Originaq BUDGET REVISION - Finance Dept's AccouMing Division / � y • Requesting Dept N �� (,— � � p? Date: ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authority granted in Section 10.07.3 of the City Charter and based on the request of the staff of the Budget Section to amend the 2000 budget of the General Fund, the Mayor is reporting a reduction in revenue and appropriations for City Council review, thereby authorizing the Director of the Department of Financial Services to amend said budget in the following manner: DEPARTMENT 8 DIVISION: FUND AND ACTIVITY: CURRENT BUDGET Revenue: Department Share 001-01119-7499 fund transfer to the General Fund u C� 30,36A.00 APPROVED AMENDED CHANGES BUDGET (16,422.46� 13,941.54 (16,422.46) Approprialions: Fire & Safety Services 001-05002-0284 25,000.00 (16,422.46) 8,577.54 (16,422A6) CF 96-828 authorized the implementation of the PC Replacement Program. One element of that resolution directed that department budgets contribute some portion of the cost for each machine. By making the budget reductions above, the appropriate General Fund department budgets will, in effect, be charged with that contribution. This transaction is a part of the billing for the 1999 PC Replacement Program. These entries assess a portion of the department share of the cost of replacing the PC's originally leased in 1996, with new leased PC's in 1999. This is the second and last charge to the 2000 budget related to the 1999 PC Replacement Program. �+ �•��� Prepared by: Date Requested by: Department �irector Date e-St� Yy" �_ .Z - 7�' ��d Approvetl by: Mayor Date FinennalServiceOffiw (G9SHARED�BUDGENIEPTSITMSN231A0_PC00) tNL�O IJooiB'3� FinancialSeivices0ffice z/ovoo GREEN SHEET NO. 104314 ' CANSACTPERSON&PAONE la �EPARIMENiD➢tECLOA 5� C1IYCOUNCQ. RonKline 266-8548 ��„ Q a'rvwnowmv � cmrccF�uc MUSSBEOMCOUNCp,ACBWDABY(DA'f£) � 2� FR�ANCfALSER`lICfSDRt 4� FQJANCIALSERVSCFSACCC. OZ/IS/ZOOO O MAYOA(ORASSISfAN'n � TAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES: 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIOIVS FOR SIGNATURE) ncnoctnFQussho Amend the 2000 budgef - Approval and Cify Council review of the attached administrative order implementing the department General Fund budget changes under the PC Replacement Program, as directed by CF 9Cr828. This is the second and final transadion for the 1999 PC Replacement program with charges against the 2000 budget. xErn�u[¢vnwnoxs: r�,rn(n�.,axympc) PERSOTiAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWGR'fHEFOLLOWING QL7F.SPIONS: _rLArvxwGCOUV.nsstou 1. Hac fltis pe�son/fvm ever worked �mder a contract for [his depar�ent? c� conu.ar�e YES NO CIW. SERNCE COIdM(SSION 2. Has this persodfum ever been a city employce? YES NO 3. Does tltis person/Srm possus a sldll pot normally possessed by any cmreut city employee? YES NO 4. Is Uris person / fvm a fazgeted vendor? • YES NO (Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sLeet) wrrurwc eaoai,em. �ss[h, oeronr�mm �weo, wuu, xmw, wn�, wn CF 96-898 set the policy on the woikings of the Ciry's PC Replacement Rogram. One portion of that policy directed that deparanent budgets absorb a portion of the costs associated with leasing the PCs. By making the deparhnent spending budget reductions in the attached administrarive oxder, the appropriate General Fund departmem budgets will, in effect, be chazged with their conhibution. The green sheet for CF 96-828 acknowledged that the recommended policy, if approded, would trigger other deparhnent fransfers. The attached h'ansfer is for onty the General Fund's owner budgets share. Some costs were alos assessed to special funds budgets by way of the interdepartmental invoice billing process. /ANCAGESffAPPROVED. ' The policy enacted by CF 96-828, relating to department chazges for PCs, will be carried out. The accounting practices recommended by the Directoi of Financial Services will be followed. This acrion is identical to that processed in 1996 1997, and 1998. � � D6ADVANTAGfiSiPAPPROVED' , None. �� t nLSnDVqNTAGPS OF NOTAPPROVED: qq n � g The policy enacted by CF 96-828, relating to department charges for PCs, will not be cairied out. �� ��Oq{� �����-���� .ror.u.nmocmroe'rxnnsnrnox � 16422 cosrinevEMteawceTeu�cueaeocre� �s rvo �mumcsouxcs General Fund ncnvnrn�mmex_ Varin �s general funrl activitiec CIAL 4�'OBMAiION. (EXPLARi) , fhe deparhnent shaze foL PC costs for special funds will also be reflected in some administrative h�ansfers and many of those transfers have already been pxesented for City Council informational ieview. FMandalServicesOtSlce �G:45HARED�Bl1DGETDEATS\TMSN2M0_OOPC.MM1(4) tft&W