192748Ori¢inal to City Clerk ^ N O R D I N Council File No. 192748 — Ordinance No. 11500 —By Adrian P. Winkel— An ordinance amending Ordinance E No. 32501,', entitled: NO i "An administrative ordinance relat- �9`�'748 r . to the Civil Service Bureau of the City PRESENTED BY city of saint Paul, approving and J adopting rules and regulations there- NQ, f Lj O cc \� 6j... O CL r or, Kapproved Augusit 20, 1914, as amended. The Council of the City of Saint P pl dair An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 3250z,kbntitled: 'lAn administrative ordinance relating to the Civil, $ervice Bureau of the City of Saint Paul, approving and adopting 'r,ules• and regulations therefor, 11 approved August�20,, 1914, as. amended. THE COUNCIL. OF' THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, DOES ORDAIN: Section L That Ordinance No. 32501, approved August 20, 1,914, as amended, b,e. and the same is hereby further amended by striking out of Section 6 where. it appears in Grade 38, the title 11Junior Council Recorder"; _and, by inserting said title in Grade 40 under the heading "Clericalit. Section 2. This ordinance, shall take effect and be in force thirty days. after its. passage, approval,. and publication. w N z n U Yeas Councilmen Nays DeCourcy ad- Mortinsan � Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President (Dillon) :12-57 es . City Clerk 8 " 0 Approved: JUL 1 1959 Passed by the Council In Favor Against Approved: JUL 1 1959 -r J�Mayor sfU 1 g (uOS.ta3ad) ova �saad :):)!A 'aYV uoll!a ;uaplsazd ..IN c �IfF[�, MUM fa�iatM uason uason uosaalod osia a uosuysoyQ u0su.4;10N 'old Saanoaa(l Saanoaa([ sSgK seaa sSsH saa)L / ;dop -�- � dds pus pig 03 iaeo pteZ 71 - I / -pug