D001774� City of Saint Pau1 Off'ice of the Mayor ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, No:��oo f 7 � y Date: October 5. 1999 WHEREAS, The Marketing and Promotions Department of the City of Saint Paul has been directed to assist neighborhoods in marketing and promoting their respective events for the public good, and; WHEREAS, The Marketing and Promotions Department is assisting in the promotion of the Capital City Days. WHEREAS, the cost of these promotions need to be paid and; TE�REFORE, BE IT ORDERED, that the proper city officials are autharized to pay amounts totaling $15,500.00 to this event. • Chazge to: GL-0Oi-00252-02XX APPROVED AS TO FORM C'� �.F ,� . � 'iC�omey October 5. 1999 ate �� ' �° >"�f9 Dep tment Direcior c��� rY- G�.�--�--.� 1 i-�- 9 9 Dir or of Financial Services Citizen Service Office Ryan 266-8694 10/5/99 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES GREEN SHEET Doc�l77� No 103426 oaNen�rw'Kra (_„janoarcc_ 'GlIYATiOR14Y ❑CRYClFR1f �' RMNqLLfEkNCF9CR ❑ RL1NGYiF0.Y4tCi0 � ❑ (CL1P ALL LOCA770NS FOR SIGNATURE) Approval to authorize the payment of costs incurred from C3pital City Days. VUA I I VN APPlOVB (A) W KB/2G[ PL4NNING COMMISSION CIB GOMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE C-0MMISSION Has mis ae���m ��a uneer e conMaa r« tnis aepaMnenn YES NO tlas this pefsonnirt� ever been a c#y empb.yee? YES NO Ooes this Peison�iim P� a slNl not ��YP��� M anY wrteM citY emP�QYee? YES N6 �s mre �a«M� aea�9e�ea �awv vES rro Maxketing and Promotions Departmznt assist the neighborhoods in promoting events. Vendors will need to be gaid for products: Vendors will be paid for services. none 'endors�will not be paid for products. ruamour�roFrrtaNSncrwrrf 15,500.00 � GL-001-00252-02XX ucw. iNFOReunor+�ewwn� (CIRCLEONE} YES NO �crmtv Nubedc