D001754CITI' OF SAINT PALTL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMIlVISTRATIVE ORDER ADMII�TISTRATIVE ORDER, . �!► I • • WHEREA5, the adopted 1999 Capital Improvement Budget includes an appropriation of $75,000.00 for the Children's Play Equipment Program (CPEP) administered by the Division of Pazks and Recreation, and WHEREAS, the East Consalidated School Playground project is among the projects to receive matching CPEP grants of up to $15,000.00, and WHEREAS, the East Consolidated School Playground project has satisfied all program requirements, and WHEREAS, Saint Paul Public Schools is the fiscal agent for the project, THEREFORE, it is ordered that upon receipt of written approval of the project plans from Saint Paul Public Schools, the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to pay Saint Paul Public Schools, PPM Accounring, 360 Colborne Street, Saint Paul, MN 55102, an amount not to exceed $15,000.00 for the project. C99-3S010-0882-34159 • APPROVED AS TO FORM ' ( l �R�.cca� �� U c l'�s�. ' tl5sistant City Attomey Date "! ^''!— "!� DEPAqTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATE� �f � � ��" � Parks and Recreation GREEN SHEET �� I NO. 10003d Sept 1, 1999 COMACI' PERSON AND PHONE INRIAL/pATE INITIAL/DAiE John Wirka 266-6411 � � DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR — CRV COUNCIL assr�u — NUM6ER FO Z GITY ATTORNEY 4 CffY CLEflK BE ON COUNCri AGENDA BY IDA7E7 ROUTLNG OFlDER FINANCIAL SERVICES Dlft. FINANCIAL SERV/ACCTG h1q 3 MAYOR �OR ASSISTA 5 Parks and Recreavon TOTAL C OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATONS FOR SIGNAT1Rq AGTION REQUESiED: Approvaf of Administretive Order East Consolidated School Playground Project RECAMMENOAT10N5: Appcove (AV or Reject �R1 PEASONAL SERVICE CONTAACTS MUST ANSWER TNE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _PLANNWG COMMISSION CIVIL SEftVICE COMMISSION �, Haz ihis person/firm ¢ver worked under a contmc[ for this deparUnenV CIHC�MMIT[EE A CF 98-36J yES NO A STAFF , 2. Has this persoNflrm ever been a aty employee) DISTPICT COUNQL YES NO — -- 3. Does thia pevsoNfirm poasesa a sk�lt'wt iwrmally posussed by any curtmt city emptoyee� SUPPOflTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? YES NO Explein all yes anawera on aeparate aheet and anach m green sheat. INITIATING PRO8I.EM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNI'fY IWho, What, When, Where, Whyl: The East Consolidated School Playground Project is to receive a matching grant of up to S7 5,000.00 from the City's 1999 Children's Play Area Equipment program. VANTAGESIFAPPROVED: Payment will be made in accosdance with the terms of the grant program. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVEO: � T � " °3 3 ' None ;--�`:�: ��,� ;�y � '� ��� ��� ���� DISADVANTA6ES IF NOT APPROVED: �kx Y 5=4,: �--" i�� �� � `� u. `�; . � >a e .i �h �":C � v v'Y`s �t � �J S �4 � H ¢� Payment cannot be made. TOTAL AMOUNT OF jRANSACTiON �'Y � r J,OOO.00 COST/HEVENUE BUOGETEP (CIRCLE ON� ' YES NO FUNOINGS�UfiCE C�B pCTIVITYNUMBER C993S010-088234159 FINANCIAL 1NFORMATION: �EXPLAINI RECEIVED SEP � 1999