199284Original to City Clergy 1 • O R D I N I M0 ion Rosen— An No. An ordinance amending Ordinance • • �� No. 11061, entitled: "An ordinance granting permission and authority, to the Village of Maple - PRESENTED BY wood to connect the public sewer sys- tem of said Village of Maplewood to the public sewer system of the City of Saint Paul an thereafter maintain 199284 An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 11061, entitled: "An ordinance granting permissioin and authority to :r 'y the Village of-Maplewood to connect the public sewer system of said Village of Maplewood to the public sewer system of the City of Saint Paul and thereafter maintain and operate the same as an outlet for said public sewer system of said Village for public sewage conveyance and disposal purposes, and providing applicable terms and conditions ", 1957 approved July 26,'as amended. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. The Council of the City of Saint Paul does Ordain: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 11061, approved July 26, 1957, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by .inserting therein at the end of the first paragraph of Section 3 of said ordinance, as amended, the following provisions for additional sewer connections for sewer service to real property situate beyond the corporate limits of the Village of Maplewood: "And except that said Village of Maplewood may permit the installation, maintenance and operation of sewer service connections between its said public sewer system and the following described real property lying beyond its corporate limits and situate in t#e Town of Woodbury, County of Washington, State of Minnesota, to -wit: The West 789. '.07 feet of that part of the N. E. of Section 7, Township 28 North, Range 21 West, - lying southerly of the center line of Upper Afton Road, as it now exists, and subject to Upper After Road, containing 37,281 acres, more or less, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Washington County, Minnesota; solely for sanitary sewage drainage purposes and subject to all provisions, terms and conditions Yeas ° Councilmen Nays DeCourcy r Holland ' Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Attest: w City Clerk 1M 5 -60 OMo.8 �. Passed by the Council Approved: Mayor In Favor A gainst Original to City Clark PRESENTED BY Page 2. ORDINANCE 199284 COUNCIL FILE NO. ORDINANCE NO.-I of this ordinance which are hereby made applicable thereto, with the same intent, purpose, and effect as if such next above described real property were entirely situate within the corporate limits of said Village of Maplewood. That no connection other than that authorized under Section 1 of this ordinance directly between the public sewer system of said Village of Maplewood and the public sewer system of said City shall be constructed, maintained or operated without further express authorization therefor by the Council of said City. Section 2. That this amendatory ordinance shall be deemed dependent for its operative effect upon the acceptance of the same and the concurrence therein by said Village of Maplewood, evidenced by an ordinance passed by its Village Council or governing body, and the filing of a certified copy of the same with the City Clerk not later than 60 days next after the official publication of this amendatory ordinance. Section 3. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force upon its passage, approval and publication. Yeas Councilmen DeCourcy Holland; Loss l� Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Nays I' Attest aIJ'YI ,/"✓ U City Clerk 1M 5 -60 ,8 Passed by the Council Approved: y M'8 1 to Tn Favor / Against I`1V 8 1 Mayor 4 a 1 Duplicate to Printer ORDINANCE ��$ ~~ COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. / r✓ An ordinance amending Ordinance Nos 11061, entitledt "An ordinance granting permission and authority to the Village of Maplewood to connect tho public sewer system of said Village of Maplewood to the public sewer system of the City of Saint Paul and J thereafter maintain and operate the same as an outlet for said public sewer system of said Village for public sewage conveyance and disposal purposes$ and providing applicable terms and conditions ", 1957 approved July'26, as amended, This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peaces health and safety, The Council of the City of Saint Paul does Ordains Section 1. That Ordinance Nos 11061, approved July 26, 1957, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by inserting therein at the end of the first paragraph of Section 3 of said ordinance, as amended$ the following provisions for additional sewer connections for sewer service to real property situate beyond the corporate limits of the Village of Maplewood"t "And except that said Village of Maplewood may permit the installation, maintenance and operation of sewer service connections_ between its said public sewer system and the following described real property lying beyond its corporate limits and situate in the Town of Woodbury, dojAnty of Washington$ State of Minnesota* to -wits The West 789;07 feet of that part of the N. E. 9 of Section 7, Toi-mship 28 North, Range 21 West, lying southerly of the center line of Upper Afton Road) as it now exists, and subject to Upper After Road, containing 371281 acres, more or less, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Washington County, Minnesota; solely for sanitary sewage drainage purposes and subject to all provisions, terms and conditions Yeas Councilmen DeCourcy Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis Nays Attest• City Clerk 1M 6-60 .8 Passed by the Council Approved: Mayor Tn Favor A gainst Duplicate to Printer ORDINANCE' COUNCIL FILE NO. 1 PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. Page 2. of this ordinance which are hereby made applicable + thereto, with the same intent, purpose., and effect as if such next above described real property were entirely situate within the corporate limits of said Village of Maplewood. That no connection other than that authors %ed tinder Section 1 of thit ordinance directly between the public sewer system of said Village of Maplewood and the public sewer system of said City shall be constructedy maintained or operated without further express authorization therefor by the Council of said City,. _ Section 2e That this amendatory ordinance shall be deemed dependent'for its-operative effect'upon the acceptance of the same and the concurrence therein by said Village of Maplewood$ evidenced by an ordinance passed by its Village Council or governing body, and the filing of.a certified copy of the same with the City Clerk not later than 60 days next after the official publication of this amendatory ordinance, .� Section 3. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peaces health and safety. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be In force upon its passage, approval and publication. �'Nav s 11960 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by th Council DeCourey Holland Loss _. Tn Favor Mortinson r` Peterson Against Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) NQV -8 1 NEW r Approved: Attes C-6 4V1,4d,:!�2 A City Clerk Mayor im a -so s A110ItU0Y AT LAW 2744 VC1 SUM, tAIKT ►ArU! 17, MIN14160TAr IV - 00 September 199 1960 Mr. John A. DesLauriers ti Department of Public forks 234 City Hall 6 Cotu't House St. Pau1'2, Minnesota Dsar Mr. Deslrauriere s r r pia June.l7th, the Village of Mapl d asked permission of the City of to St. Paul, Department or forks, to perait a sewer oonnection t • for the purpose. of servin blic school in the Town of Aon�ury, said school tting pert of 1 Dietrict No. 633, ng tit° r r' Maplewood bas adopted an ordinanc cov «r Ulm natter, a c-)py of vt,ch fi herswtth enclose You. wish to pass this ordinance on to ; the St. Paul City A ornsy the purpose of prcceedi ng with the authorisation of th serer ctior. as requested in oit letter of June 17th,.1960. 0 June 2 1960. yc•u wrote a letter back to me j advising that you nieded-t t legal description and wil of the } en0ritering doLta. is near can maim out, R11 of the things YOU asked for are included in nclosed copy of the ordinanca arid, t oopr of Mr. Bonbetroo's let dated A4gust l; th. 1960 with tkiis information, I trust you prac•_eJ* to have the necessary ate tsion by the City 4f Saint to autdorize this connection sin - it is urgent tbat thq so t ork completed very moon • Yours truly, Milo w j u I r rr ..trsdsric4 p vOmm*p •1 •TTOAM[Y AT LAW 176 E LTRteT. SAINT PAUL 17, AtINNOSOTA IV 4 -2600 • E pc'tob'r 4, iyoC . r City of 3t. -Owl Public Rork& Pepartsawnt Court House ,. St. Pau -I, 1Hr•wcto •. + + . -. ket .3ewer extension fnr 'Noodbu y SCh_,>oj-.. .;en tl emen t • We have sent y,. tho data and it f- reatior+ r let ter ife •hmve a:sn passo+i ar oro out the te"trs and :cr.di titans ender wh with the ldlFiewood system U-it we bave office. As near as mn dctermTne, You have• reoeiv Including eng`neerirg data, etc,. and ti., i ° the City o° St, PoLji would to forma i ae this arrsnpemer.t either jy that the wooaoury School can p� :.seed it to getting ♦er,v late in the seapon Jim v-•om St. Paul so that the work e Yours truly, Frederi :k P. Merrier, Attorney fir the V111rge cf Msplewotd� PW110 a w � 1 t t ta`. .r 3 tevtcas e'in Ma'D eo oe a e: a! ^ q 009t,t.76j' :,ou:d ' :'(Ih :.PMt d nc tarther fr3Ir your of this _nforsation, uld gpreciate at. this id' r> C*-1ftary et ,-Ps w on;* or re s o, v t t c r, #) B>t ". r irmtml i ate or, rcrk. we ahc ,,la have mut) -om is - etarte!' - k, N O:iDI '11�Ch 115 A'1 ORDINANCE AU`1'11ORIZI :(; THE COQ IiNCTIO'. uF A SkNITARY SEVER Ii, THE TOWN OF WOODJURY, WASHIMuTON COUN`L'Y, TO M SEWER SYS'.'E:h OF THE VILLAGE OF MAPI,LVOOD, AND PROVIDING POP. INSPEf,'TION, CG�1iROL A 3) CHARGES. THE VILLAGE COUIICIL OF THE VILLAGE OF MAPLEWOOD DOES IU;RE t t:RDAIN A Section 1. The Town of Woodbury# Wabhington County, is hereuy granted permission and authorityt auojeet to all of the terms and oonditiona hereinafter expressad, to construct and thereafter w4ntain and operate suitable oonneotions A a000rding to aorrven.tional en4i.iieering standards approved as to cone truction# location auui elevation by the 7illat;e of Maplewood newer ent lneers and also by the Public Works Department of the City of Liaint Paul t at or a.djaoent to the intersection oft Century Street and Upper Aftor. HovA joinin- the sanitary sewer line in said Tovni of Woodbury with tho puulio) sewer eystmm of Maplewood to be operated as the only outlet for eald `town and for the Cotiv @7lienoe of property within said '1`otvn of Woodbury; it keing understood that tht only purpose and use for this sanitary sower cot:struotion within theaa Town of Woodbury and the only property to be serVpd by it, shall op the public grade sphool of Independent School District :4o. 833 located upon the property dateori bed as +h , The weer seven hundred eighty -nine and sever. hulidredthe (789007) feet of that part of 0-a Northeast Quarter (:'Er) or *ration Seven Mg Township Twenty -eight (28) Borth, 1*ige Twenty one ) West, lying Southerly of the Ceriter lane of Upper Afton Road as it now ezista, and subject to Upper Afton Roads containing 370281 aersal more or less% 3etse 2g The Town of Woodburyt, as part of its obligations hgrouiiaert shall pay �o the Village of Maplewood such soar. as - required by the terms of i e pion 2 of St. Paul city Ordinerivs ;'to. 11061 as (1) aruzual t, , ge for pa�c_h �onrtie tion� }sa (2) aanuta sewer rental char4os o end thi two ��a�rb;*t , shall be sub jet tits #hange u theyY twreafter b+ ghanged by ao1lon of the St. Paul 0 .r. A City Council. Present annual ohArge at z of enactment of this ordinaatoe is $3.00 per year for a school. Present annual sewer rental chargep based upon water meter size and oo- related well size is to be determined a000rding to the following tablev PHIViVE PUMP CAPACITY IN UALLUtda PER KNU'TE G -10 11 -3U 31_50 51-75 76 -100 101 -160 1•�i -30G 301 -500 501;.1 UJU 1 JOl r -1600 16UI -23-00 2301. -3100 REQUIM MATER A;FXAi, SEWER SERVICE .EWER 31"'y H-K-i' AL CHARGE 5/8M 8.00 3/4" 10.00 1" 18.00 1" 24.oa Ito 36. ou 2'1 -4-,DJ 3" 1;.J. CU 4" 432.00 5" 840. -JJ 8" 1440.00 lull 2J4V.0O 12" 2808.U0 3eo. 3. Drat the Towu of Woodbury shall permit no further properties or areas within or without its petal limits to sake ar ti- connection u tl:er than that herein above expressly authorized without further express authorization by the Coupon of the :rilla6v of Maplewood subject to approval and authoriza- tion by tha Couuoil of the City of Saint Paul. Tl,at the sewer line or lines within Woodbury shall carry only sanitary sewage limited to house or industrial wastes exclusive of roofs storm or growld water drainage. That the Town of Woodbury, when so required by either ? Daplewood or I $t. Paul shapp adopt, enact# and enforce proper ordinance for the .regulation of the construction use and naintenanoe of public sewers and house aonneot�arib thereto within said 'Down limits. 3e9, 4. That the Town of Woodbury shall be o #lilted to sgyp harmless 'the Vill&6T of Maplewood and the City of St. Paul from any damage or coat and "U" anal fW.11y indemnify said Maplewood and St. Paul against all. liaoilitj -2- a- Sustained by reason of the .anecting or 9 jriazinteiiauoe of oonneotions hereunder between said public sewer systems or oy ra4so•. of any damage, cost, expense or loss that inay be sustained by said Village or City, its irhauitwite, or any other person or persons - Viruie0ted with the use of said Town sewer sys tern or uy I•eaeuil Of the diversior, into said Town sewer of roof water or store sewer drainage. 8eoe 5. That the City of Saint- Paul and the Villa, of r- aplewooa shall have the right at any reasonable time and by exeroite of all reasonable procedures and facilities to inspect, explore and survey all or any part of 'the Town sewer line or sewer System as existing at the time of connection here - under or as the same shall thereafter be extended or otherwise alto" ' togs.I with house drains and other oonneotione for the purpose, among other things, of determining whether or not the same conform to requirements of this ordinwioe and of ordinance ` "o. 11061 of the City of st. Paul. 3ep� 6, The Town of Woodbury, as a condition precedent to its right to extend or enlarge the sewer services provided by this ordinance shall submit complete plans and specifications to the Village of Maplewood$ providintS such additional copies of all such data as the Village may requires and, such extensions or enlargements shall require approval of aoth the Coxioil of Maplewood arid the Counoil of the City of at. Paul. sec. 7. The said 'Down shall save both Maplewood and Ot. ,Paul harmless from all damages, goats, expenses or liaoility on account of any failure of said Town sewer system properly to serve for the purposes for whigh it is designed, or oy reason of any injury 000assioned by alleLTd inadequacy of said lbwn sewer ,yew►, and said Town shall indemnify both Maplewood and St. Paul on account of ar;Y action, claim or demand for recovery by any party against Said Maplewood and /or st. Paul in every such caae. -3- Sec. Be The Town of Woodbury sr be obligated to compile and maintain all records as required by Section 8 of St. Paul Ordinance No. 11061; except that so long as the public school operated V School District No. 833 is the only user of this sewer, all Ouch records and billings required for said school by the terms of Sections 8 and 9 of St. Paul Ordinance No. 11061 MAY be kept and per£omed by Maplewood. Ir ' Sec' 9• All Perai.ssion and authority hereunder shell be subject to all applicable rules and regulations of the Minnesota Board of Heaj.th, or by arW other State or Federal agency ha 4in6 cognizance and by the City of St. Paul and the Village of Maplewood in the manner and also as provided by Section 10, St. Paul City Ordinance No. 11061. I, Ji Sec. 10. That the outlet for sewers yj d pro de hereunder shall be disoh*Xg+ed into the Maplewood sewer in Upper Afton Road in said Village and the Goat for the use of this Maplewood sewer, on Upper Afton Road, McKnight FAtreet and Battle Creek in the Village of Maplewood, by Woodbury, Galcnlated on the peroantwp of oapaoityy available for such Wood way I bury use, not exceeding 1.1 o.f.s., has been determined to be =2,600.00, which auG _ , Plus =400.00 for loggia and engineering services, shall be paid to the Village of Maplewood on or before December lot, 1960. In addition to the Gonaeotion char ge of =2,600.0o a® provided ?A paragraph 10 hereof, and, in addition to the annual Gherg+e and the annual �swer- service ohargee established by the City of St. Paul as hereinbefore set forth, the Teen of Woodbury ahW pay to the V1l1 age of Maplewood an anmial maintemm obarge based upon the current aisi.ntenanee charges presertt]y in force in the Tillap of Maplewood for comparable house, institutional, and indAair'ial 9onae0lione0 It is further provided that such mm4ntenanoe charge W ill be billed direo I tly to the user by Maplewood if the Town of Woodb4ry so disOotaf obherwiae, such billing for annual ahar , gs, annual sewer service, charge -4- +� tt: I i MOW and smintenanoo charge will be and* quarterly o the Torn of Woodbury by the Maplewood utilities department. Sec. 12* is and to the extent it becomes necessary by reason of the aforesaid connection between the Woodbury sewer line and the Maplewood sower systems or by reason of any, of the asm hereundert that additional sewage disposal facilities 'be incorporated in the public sever system of Maplewoods such shall be dune bar Maplewood subject to the obligation of Woodburys in each such instances to fully reinburee said Maplewood on account of said MaplewoodIs aotual expense necessarily incurred in and for the incorporation of such additional facility, pursaant to St. foul City approvall ands that in no su h, instance shall said Maplewood be obligated to proo"d with the incorporation of any such additional facilities until said Woodbury shall have deposited with Maplewood the equivalent of Maplewood's estimated cost in the pres�lsss. • Pee. 13. This ordinance shell be approved by the 'Pam of Woodbury by an ordinance of said Towns which ordinance shall by its terms aooept and approve this ordinanoe of the Village of Maplewood. Ouch approving ordinance Wall. be adopted b0► Woodbury within ninet, (90) duos after #be effective Gate of this ordinances and two certified copies of such approving ordinance eha�;l bas within (10) dsays after its effective "te, transmitted to the Village %wrk of t1he fillav of Maplewood, @00t, ld. This ordinance Wall tain effect and be in torq* free and ►iter its passage mad publiaatien. 2%0"d lay t44 Villap Council Of the Village Of IspleV004 this da Y of . 19609 dttes41 Mayor Ayes - psys - eG I silnoesA auapisald • ` 8 sRnoAuA ;uoptsaid •i uaso uasog • 1�/, !o- aoyq uosuiljow P esoZ $IIoH _ �'uit� Saa aQ, SainooaQ sSex f asaA aSsH seaa / Q a;dopd dde pus pig 03 iaeo pisZ O? 4 � Pug � •� I 0 sT�