D001720CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAXOR No: �JJD� �/� U ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER Date: (9 l�5' �g • ADMINTSTRAI'IVB ORDER, FVFiEREAS, Northern States Power Company (NSP) owns and operates overhead power lines along the Saint Paul Riverfront between its Aigh Bridge Plant and Dayton's Bluff substation, and FVHEREAS, NSP, City and Science Museum officia]s have an interest in piacing this power line system underground,and WHEREAS, with the participation of the City and Science Museum, NSP has agreed to conduct a feasib3lity study, including routing alternatives and estimates of probable construction cost, and WFIEREAS, said feasibility study will cost $25,000.00 WHEREAS, it is in the Division of Parks and Recreation's interest to participate in this feasibility study as it relates to the East Bank Mississippi River Regional Traii Conidor located in the power line's vicinity THEREFORB, it is ordered that the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to pay Northern States Power Company the amount of $5,000.00 as the Division of Parks and Recreation's contribution to the feasibility study, and FURTHER, it is ordered that said payment is to be made upon receipt of assurance from NSP that adequate funding �s been obtained or pledged to compiete the feasibility study. C98-3S050-0883-34005 APPROVEA AS TO FORM � � � �� ������ l/ Assistant City Attm'ney Date � � � l� Adrruuistrative Assistant to Mayor tA �7� W DEPARTMENT/OFFiGE/COUNCII Parks and Recreation DATEINITIATED GREEN SHEET V�� NO. 1-0000 June 16, 7999 nn� / 7,�/> COfJiACT PERSON AND PHONE INITIAL/DAiE iNR1AL/DAiE hn Wi�lca 266-6471 � DEPAR7MEM�IRECTOR __CI7YCOUNCR ASSIGN NUMBER FO ? Cf1Y ATfORNEY 4 cm c�eaK pOUTING tl5i BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA 8Y �DATE) oRDER 3 FlNANCWL SERVICES �IR. __ FlNANCIAL SERV/ACCTG �A _ MAYOR (OR ASSISTAMI 5 Parks and RecreaUOn TOTAL 1 OF SIGNATURE PAGES � (CLIP ALL LOCATONS FORSIGNANflq ACTION REQUE5iED: Approval of Administrative Order RECOMMENpAT10NS: Approve IA) or Rejec[ (R7 _PLANNING COMMISSION _dVIL SERVICE CoMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE `_ A STAFF OISTPICT COVNQL SVPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL O&IECTIVE2 INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNIiY IWho, What, When, Where, Whyi: PEfl50NAL SERVICE CONTpACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING pVESTIONS: 1. Has this person(firm evar worked vntler a conerxt for this departmenN VES NO 2. Has this person/firm evw bren a ciry emploYee? VES NO 3. Does this pereoNfirm possess a skili not wrmally Dossessed by a�y current ciK employse? YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate aheet and attach to green sheM. Parks and Recreation wishes to participate in and contribute to NSP-City-Science Museum feasibility study to bury overhead power lines between High Bridge Plant and Dayton's Bluff substation along the rivertront. ADVAN7AGES IF APPqOVED: Feasibility study wiil be useful in planning for the East Bank Mississippi River Regional Trail Corridor. DISADVANTAGES IF APPqOVE�: None D15ADVANTAGES IF N0T APPROVE�: Feasibility study may not be implemented. T�TAI AMOUNT OF TFANSACTION S ' FUNDINGSOUftCE CIB FINANCIAI INFORMATION: (EXPtA1N) J ��'�;�_ ;�i�:�.r!� , �_� . � _ _r �_ � �, � �:. �' a�u"� � � �5��� ����� ��� ��� COSTIREVENUE Bt1DGETED (CiRCLE OPoE) YF� NO acnvirrxumssn C98-3S050 RECEI�lEi� JUN 2 51999 CtTY C(,�RK