209046�' , o�t�n eu�cttr ct��• PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. ORDINANCE NO. '0')04 ' created, in an amount not less than 5% in excess of the slum required to pay the principal and interest of the same when and asFsuch principal and interest mature and, after such Bonds have been delivered to the purchasers, such tax shall be irrepealable until all such in- debtedness is paid, and after the issuance of such Bonds no further action by said Port Authority shall be necessary to authorize the extensions, assessments and collection of such tax; that the Secretary of said Port'Authority shall forthwith furnish a certified copy of such levy to the County•Auditor of Ramsey County, Minnesota, the county in which said Port Authority and said City are located, together with full information regarding the Bonds of said Port Authority for which the tax is levied, and such County Auditor shall extend and assess the tax so levied, and shall do so annually until the principal and interest have been paid in full; provided that said Port Authority may, on or before October 15 in any year, by appropriate action cause its Secretary to certify to the said County Auditor the amount on hand and available in its own treasury from earnings or other income, including the amount in the sinking fund, which it will use to pay the princip�l or interest -in on each specified issue-of -its Bonds and the County Auditor shall reduce the .levy for that year'° °herein provided for by that amount;,.' that the amount of funds so acquired shall be set aside by said Port Authority and be used for no other purpose than for the repayment of the principal and interest on such Bonds; and that all such taxes being authorized to be levied under Section 458.193, Minnesota Statutes 1961, pursuant thereto shall be .collected and remitted to the Port Authority by the County Treasurer in accordance with the provisions'bf law governing the collection of other taxes and shall be used solely for the payment of the?ip�cindipafib.�'-andtlitterest on such Bonds when due. Section 4. That said Port Authority shall provide for the exercise of the•authority hereby granted for its issuance and sale of its. said Bonds, and the pledge of the full faith, credit and re- sources of said City of Saint Paul as security for the payment of the same, by its appropriate resolutions; and that in each such instance said Port Authority shall make due compliance with all applicable requirements of this ordinance, said Chapter 45.8, Minnesota Statutes 1961, Chapter 475 Minnesota Statutes 1961, and all other applicable laws. Section 5. That this ordinance .shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Dalghsh Loss Mortinson 0 Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Va/voulis %) Attest: V City Clerk I 6-62 2 z Passed by the rcil S'EP In Favor Against {. OririnaPto•City Clerik . t t ' 4 ORD•I PRESENTED BY j `Councll File No. 208046— Ordinance No. 122877 —By Bernard T. Holland —Robert F. Peters$n- AA' 6rdinance providing for and �� ,• authority to the Port Author- E- City of Saint Paul to issue General Improvement Bnncrs = • %art I Authority authorizer 1 Statlaes 19r' r:hante,- i NO. 209046 NO. K' '-An ordinance providing for and granting authority to the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul to issue and sell General Improvement Bonds of said Port Authority authorized by Minnesota Statutes 1961, Chapter 458, in the par value amount of $5,000,000.001additional to the General Improvement Bonds of said Port,Authority heretofore authorized to be issued and sold by said Port in ' Z Authority under and pursuant-to Ordinances Noy. 11913 and u No. 12166 respectively, for the procurement by said Port Authority of additional necessary funds for its defray - a ment of the cost and expense necessarily incurred and ` to be incurred by said Port Authority for its program of port and industrial development, in anticipation of the receipt by said Port Authority of payments, appro- priations, rents and profits and of income from other sources; prescribing the amount and form of such bonds and the maximum rate of interest thereon; an8 providing that such bonds shall be secured by and authorizing said Port Authority to.pledge the full faith, credit and resources of the City of Saint Paul, a city of the first class of the State of Minnesota, in which said Port Authority has been created, as security for the payment of said bonds. WHEREAS, The Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul did heretofore adopt its Resolution No. 186, dated September 5, 1962, there- by expressly constituted its application for and did thereby request the authorization of the Council of the City of Saint Paul, pursuant to Section 458.193, Minnesota Statutes 1961, for the issuance and sale, by said Port Authority, of General Improvement Bonds of "saidjPort Authority, in the aggregate par value amount of $5,000,000.00, additional to the General Improvement Bonds of said Port Authority heretofore authorized to be issued and sold by said Port Authority under and pursuant to Ordinances No. 11913 and No. 12166, respectively, when and as found necessary by the Authority, for the purposes set forth in said resolu- tion,.a certified copy whereof, pursuant thereto, as andjfor such appli= cation in behalf of said Port Authority, was prepared and presented to said City Council, by its,Secretary, in behalf of said Port Authority; and WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Saint Paul, being duly advised in the premises, finds and determines that it is,urgent and necessary that said Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul issue and sell, in the near future, such additional General Improvement, °Bonds of -said Port Autb9r -.:ty in the -aggregate par value amount'of$5,000,000.00 Yeas Councilmen Nays Dalglish ' Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Attest: 1M 6-62 X22 City Clerk Passed by the Council I Tn Favor A gainst Approved: Mayor 0 2 necessary for the procurement, by said Port Authority, of additional funds in said amount, for the purpose of paying costs incurred and to be incurred in the near future in the program-of port and industrial development described herein and mentioned in said resolution, all pursuant to the provisions and by authority of said Minnesota Statutes 1961, Chapter 45.8, and in anticipation of the receipt by said Port Authority of payments, appropriations, rents and profits and of in-, come from other sources, a duly certified.copy of said resolution being filed herewith, which, by reference, is made part and parcel hereof, and it is now the intention of said Council to grant authority there- for to said Port Authority, and to prescribe the form and maximum rate of interest of said bands and to provide therefor and to authorize said Port Authority to pledge the full faith, credit and resources of said City for the payment of such bonds as the'same shall 'be issued and sold, pursuant to the authority of said Minnesota Statutes 1961, Chapter 45.8, and pursuant to the authority granted by this ordinance', by said Port Authority; NOW, THEREFORE;'THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SA NT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That subj -ect thereto and in accordande with the applicable provisions, terms and conditions of this ordinance and those contained in said Minnesota Statutes' 1961, Chapter 45 -8, authority is hereby granted unto the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul, for its issuance and sale of its General Improvement Bonds authorized by Section 45.8.193, Subdivision 1, of Minnesota Statutes 1961, Chapter 458, in the aggregate par value amount of $5,000,000.00, additional to the - General Improvement Bonds of said Port Authority, Series A, dated September 1, 1961, heretofore issued and sold by said Port Authority as authorized by Ordinance No. 11931, adopted by the Council and approved by the Mayor- February 3, 1961, additional to the General Improvement Bonds of said Port Authority, Series B. dated April 1, 1962, in the amount of $2,500,000:00, heretofore issued and sold by said Port Authority, as authorized by Ordinance No. 12166, adopted by the Council and approved.44.4 by the Mayor March 13, 1962, and, additional to the General Improvemen-C,,:4,1- Bonds of said Port Authority,, Series C, in the 'amount of ;$ 2 , 5 0 0 , 0 0 0, 0 0 :`'.'x heretofore authorized to be Issued and sold by said Port Authority by said Ordinance No. 12166, which in no part have been issued and which together with the proceeds thereof have been substantially committed under contracts and agreements heretofore made as authorized by said Ordinance No. 12166 to the payment of pertinent obligations of said Port Authority; that said additional bonds are-authorized to,be issued and sold in the aggregate par value amount of $5,000,000100, for the procurement by said Port Authority of the additional necessary funds,. - in said amount, for its defrayment of the cost and expense necessarily W 2 WA6 incurred and to be incurred, in the'near future,' for the program of port and industrial development described be'l'ow; that said additional Bonds hereby are authorized to be issued and sold in said aggregate par value 'amount, when and as such necessity is found by said Pdrt Authority to exist; and that said additional Bonds hereby authorized, pursuantito the provisions and by authority of said Minnesota Statutes 1961, Chapter 458, shall be issued and sold in anticipationrof the receipt by said Port Authority of payments, appropriations, 4 rents and profits and of income from other sources, and solely in furtherance of said Port Authority's program of port and,industrial development comprising: I (1) The acquisition of waterfront, riparian and other lands and the,onstruction of docks, wharves, p c piers,, dikes and'oth.er related port facilities, both in conjunction with the Federal government and separately; (2) The acquisition, development and redevelppment of lands for the purpose of establishing a system of harbor and river improvements and industrial devel- opments within the port district, and within the industrial development district heretofore created therein for that purpose;' (3) The provision of recreational lands and facilities along-the river; and I (4) Incidental to the foregoing, 'the ~`construction of a dike in conjunction with the Federal government; dredging and filling, grading and reclaiming marginal land for port and industrial purposes; the development of port and industrial areas; and the construction of storm and sanitary sewers, potable water distri- bution systems and streets in those areas.' Section 2. That said Bonds shall be in the form of serial Bonds and each Bond shall bear date not later than the first day of the month in which thersame is delivered to the purchaser thereof; that the first installment of each issue of such Bonds shall mature not later than three (3) years from and after the date of the same and the last installment thereof shall mature not later than thirty (36) years from and after the date of the same; that no amount of- principal of said Bonds payable in any calendar year shall exceed five (5) times the smallest amount of principal maturing in any calendar year ending three.'(3) years or more after the date of issue of the same; and that said Bonds shall be issued and sold by said Port Authority in the manner provided by law; that said Bonds shall be each in the denomination of a multiple of $1,000 and shall bear interest not in excess of six per cent (6 %) per annum payable semiannually according to interest coupons to be attached to the same; that said Bonds shall be substantially in the form hereinafter prescribed by the Council of said City, and approved by its Corporation Counsel; that said Bonds shall bear such interest as said City Council shall approve, and shall be sold in one or more series by said Port Authority for not less-than par value plus accrued interest, to the highest bidder therefor, after two (2)•weeks' published notice of the time and place for-receiving bids thereon -; that the proceeds from the .issuance and sale of said Bonds, as received -by said Port Authority, shall 'be deposited by it in a fund of said Port Authority allocated thereto and subject to disbursement only in defrayment of the costs and expenses necessarily incurred and to be incurred by said Port Authority for the program of port4and industrial development here - inabove described., all pursuant to -the "provisions and by authority of said Minnesota Statutes 1961, Chapter 458, and in anticipation *of. -the receipt by said Port Authority of payments, appropriations; rents.,and profits and income from other sources; that -said Bonds shall be payable in lawful money of the United States of America at the office of the Fiscal Agent of said Port Authority as shall be appointed by said Port Authority, and as security for the prompt and faithful payment of both principal and interest of said Bonds said Port Authority is hereby. authorized to pledge the 6411 faith, credit and resources of said C-.ty; that said Bonds fier.eby:-authorized to_ be' ,issued and sold -by l said Port Authority, in the aggregate par value of $5,000,000.00, shall be r entitled "Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul General Improvement Bond, Series ", shall be issued in series consecutively designated, the Bonds of each series to be numbered. consecutively beginning with No. 1, and shall bear interest at such rate or rates not in excess of six per cent (6 %) per annum as shall be approved by resolution by said CityJCouncil; that each of said Bonds shall be signed by the President of said Port Authority, attested by its Secretary and countersigned'by its Treasurer, .provided that all but one of said signatures may be printed, lithographed, stamped or engraved on the Bonds, and interest coupons shall be attached thereto and shall be executed ana authenticated by the printed, engravedtor lithographed facsimile signatures' of its President and its Secretary; that each of said Bonds shall be' sealed with the corporate seal of said Port Authority, or a printed, lithographed or engraved facsimile thereof; that if approved by resolution of'said Council any of said Bonds may be made subject to redemption and prepayment at the option of said Port Authority at such time and price or prices and upon such notice as shall be prbvided.in" said resolution; that each said Bond shall be.in substantially the following form which has:;been ppe- scribed by said Council-" and approved by the Corporation Couns.el,of said r�s l _ 5 _ 209,046 City, with suitable variations as to serial designation and number, denomination, place of payment, redemption provisions, interest rates, and nominal date 'of issue: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF RAMSEY PORT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL GENERAL IMPROVEMENT BOND SERIES No. $ KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that the Port Authority of the City of Saint -Paul, in the.'County of Ramsey and State of Minnesota, acknowledges itself to owe and-,for value received hereby promises 'to pay to bearer the'sum of r Dollars on the first day of , 19 , ,together with 'interest e thereon at the rate, per cent f %) per annum from the date hereof until paid, payable _ { , 19 , and semiannually�:,thereafter on the�'first days of an in each year, ifiterest•to maturity being evidenced by and payable in accordance - with -,and'upon presentation an,d surrender of the annexed interest coupons as,. =,they severally become due., Both principal and interest of this bond`: are`' payable in]awful money of the United States of America at the office of 1 , in , and for the prompt payment of this bond, both principal and in eres , when due -, the full faith, credit and resources. of the City of Saint Paul are hereby irrevocably pledged. This bond is one of a series amounting in the aggregate to the sum of Dollars ($ ) issued by said Port Authority for the purpose of procurement by said Port, Authority of funds for the payment on account of said Port Authority o� the cost and expense necessarily incurred and to be incurred by said Port Authority for a program of port and industrial development described in Ordinance No. - of the City of Saint Paul, all pursuant to the provisions and by authority of Minnesota Statutes -1961, Chapter %8,.and in anticipation of the receipt by said Port Authority of payments, appropriations, rents and profits and income from other sources there- under, and in acco`r'd�nce­ with the provisions, terms and conditions ' P V ;_0 of Chapter 458, Minnesota Statutes 1961. This bond is issued pursuant to.said ordinance, as enacted by the Council of the City of Saint Paul and duly signed, attested and authorized by said Chapter 45.8, Minnesota Statutes 1961, also by Resolution of said Council No. ' 1 , passed and approved , 19 , and under authority and in all respects in full compliance with the Charter of said City off Saint Paul, as applicable thereto, also by resolution of said Port Authority No. passed and approved , 19 ' , under authority thereof, and in all respects in full compliance with all appli,cablelprovisions of law and Chapter 475, Minnesota Statutes 1961. It is: hereby certified-and recited that all t ings, acts and conditions required by the Constitution and laws of the State of Minnesota and the Charter of said City to happen.and be done and per- formed precedent to and in the issuance of this bond have happened and been done and performed in regular and due form and time ap required by law; that prior to the issuance of this bond said Port.Aq-thority'has levied for each.year, until the principal and interest are paid in full, a direct annual tax on all the taxable property in the 'City of Saint Paul in an amount not less than five per cent in excess;of the sum required- to pay, th'e principal and interest hereof when'l and as such principal and interest mature, which tax is irrepe all such indebtedness is paid, and may be reduced only in and to the extent provided in said Chapter 45.8; that addit if necessary for full payment of such principal and interes required by law to be levied'_upon all such property withou as to 'rate or amount; and that neiJher the total indebtedne City of Saint Paul•,nor that of-said Port Authority, includ exceeds any constitutional, statutory or charter lim-itatio IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the,'said 'Port Authority o Saint Paul, by its proper officers, has caused this bond t with [a lithographed-facsimile of ] its Official Seal, to countersigned by the [lithographed facsimilel' signatures o President and its Treasurer, attested' by the'[manual ] sig Secretary, and each of the interest coupons- hereto annexed and authenticated by the lithographed facsimile signatures President and Secretary, and has caused a true and correct opinion•rendered by bond counsel as to the validity of the eluding this bond, rendered at the time of delivery hereof printed. er ,on the revse'side of this bond, and has caused t be'fidate'd as of the first day of ,. 1 19 Countersigned': Treasurer Attest: Secretary T. 1•.5 lable until he manner onal taxes are 1,4 14itatiori. s of the r: ng. this bond, ,�.,y the City of be sealed. e signed and its . ature of its to be executed. ofj its • Qpy of-the issue in- to be is ,bond to No. Authority to pay to States at 620,9046 - 7 - COUPON On the.first day of , 19_T, the Port of the City of Saint Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, promises bearer Dollars lawful money of the United the office of in zor interest clue that clay Ion its Yort Authority of the:Qity of Saint Paul 'General Improvement Bond, Series dated 19 " • , N Attest: (Facsimile signature) (Facsimile signature):` Secretary President and that there shall be printed on the reverse'side of each bond a true and correct copy of the text of the opinion rendered by bond counsel as to the validity thereof, at the time of delivery of such bond, together with the following certificate to be exeG:uted by a lithgra hed facsimile of the signature of the Secretarp:c I certify that the above is..a full, true and correct copy' of the legal opinion rendered by bond counsel on the issue Iof bonds of!-, the Port Authority of the City;of Saint Paul which includes the within bond, dated.as of the date,of delivery of-and payment for the bonds. - (Facsimile signature) Secretary Section 3. That such Bonds, both in respect cf the principal amount of the same and in respect of the interest thereon, shall be. paid by said Port Authority from tax levies provided therefor and authorized by said Chapter 45.8, Minnesota Statutes 1961, and from the earnings and all income received by said Port Authority from what- ever source derived, to the extent that such earnings and income are determined by the'Port Authority to be available for such purpose and are not pledged for the payment of revenue bonds issued under Minnesota Statutes 1961, Section 45.8.194; that said Port Authority, i�n the event of the issuance of any of said Bonds authorized hereunder shall, before the issuance of the same, levy for each year, until the principal and interest are paid in full, a direct annual tax on all the taxable property in said City of Saint Paul in -which said Port Authority has been -G K FRANK D. MARZITELLI EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT LYLE E. KINVIG GENERAL MANAGER FRANK E. CLAWSON DIRECTOR INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT DALE D. BRAD13OCK CHIEF ENGINEER PHILIP W. FITZPATRICK CONSULTANT COMMISSIONERS PHILIP H. NASON PRESIDENT RICHARD C. RADMAN VICE PRESIDENT ROBERT W. JOHNSON SECRETARY NEIL H. GRIEBENOW TREASURER ALBERT J. BRAND BERNARD T. HOLLAND ROBERT F PETERSON LEGISLATIVE ADVISORS H. W. SCHULTZ STATE SENATOR D. D. WOZNIAK STATE REPRESENTATIVE i ®� P O R T A U T H O R I T Y OF T H E C I T Y OF S A I N T P A U L 6 0 E A S T F O U R H S T R E E T SAINT PAUL I, MINNESOTA - 224 -5686 September 7, 1962 Mrs. Agnes O'Connell City Clerk City of Saint Paul City Hall and Court House Saint Paul 2, Minnesota Dear Mrs. O'Connell: There is sent you herewith a certified copy of Reso No. 186 adopted by the Port Authority on September and dealing with the request for authorization by t Council for the issuance of additional general impr bonds in the amount of $5,000,000. 1962 e City It is requested that this matter be presented to the City Council at their meeting on Wednesday, September 121 1962. It is desired that the matter not be presented to t Council prior to that date as additional documents same subject are under preparation by "the Corporati Very truly yours, Frank D. Marzitelli Executive Vice President FWF: j s cc: Mr. Louis Sheahan Director of Laws Corporation Counsel City of Saint Paul Mr. Arthur B. Whitney, Jr. Bond Attorney Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul City the Counsel. FRANK D. MARZITELLI EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT LYLE E. KINVIG GENERAL MANAGER FRANK E. CLAWSON DIRECTOR INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT DALE D. BRADDOCK CHIEF ENGINEER PHILIP W. FITZPATRICK CONSULTANT COMMISSIONERS PHILIP H. NASON PRESIDENT RICHARD C. RADMAN VICE PRESIDENT ROBERT W. JOHNSON SECRETARY NEIL H. GRIEBENOW TREASURER ALBERT J BRAND BERNARD T HOLLAND ROBERT F. PETERSON LEGISUTIFE ADFISORS H W. SCHULTZ STATE SENATOR D. D. WOZNIAK STATE REPRESENTATIVE ,,�- &'? �, I,-) � � P O R T AU T H O R {I T Y OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL \61 EAST F O U R T HI S T R E E T SAINT PAUL I, MINNESOTA - 224 -5686 September 19, 1962 i Mrs. Agnes H. O'Connell City Clerk City of Saint Paul City Hall and Court House Saint Paul 2, Minnesota Dear Mrs. O'Connell: Responding to your recent request, there is attached'hereto a certified copy of Port Authority Resolution No. 186 adopted September 5, 1962 and which resolution serves as the!basis for the proposed Ordinance covered by Council File No. 209046 and which deals with the granting of authorization for the Port ,Authority to issue General Improvement Bonds in the par value amount of $5,000,000. PWF:js Encl. 1 Very truly yours, P. W. FEZ Consultant a PORT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL CERTIFICATION It is hereby certified that the document attached and affixed hereto is a full and true copy of Resolution No. 186 unanimously adopted by the Port Authority of the City of :Saint Paul at their meeting on September 5, 1962, and is as it appears in the pertinent minutes of that meeting of the said Authority. • Date: September 6, 1962. • r ' (SEAL) r • bert W Jo-Inrson Secre ary • '1 Res. No. PORT AUTHORITY OF HE CXTY OF SAIRT PAULO ®LUTZ0N WHEREAS, The Fort Authority of the City of Saint Paul has Undertaken, under and pursuant to A9innesota Statutes 1961, Chapter 459, a p gram of port and industrial development as described In its Resolution Do. 159, dated January 23, 1962, and TIMMS 9 The initial costs of this program have been paid with fiords derived from the sale of $2,500,000 General Improvement B Inds, Series A, dated September 1, 1961, issued ag authorized by Ord na3nce Noe 11913 of the Council of the City of Saint Paul, dated February 3, 1961, and WHEREAS, Said Council by O dinance No. 12166, dated Harch 13, 1962, authorized the issuanee of addit onal bonds in the aggregate annru t of $5,000,000, of which $2,500,000 General Rmprcovement Bonds, Series B, slated April 1, 1962, have been Issued and sold and the re-mainder are to be issued and sold in the near future for the payment of additio al costs of the program under contracts heretofore shade and to be awarded in the wear future, and WHEREM, Contracts now advertised for bads will require the commit- ment of additional funds of substantial amount in addition to th se estimated in Resolution No. 0 159 , and it is now estimated that t;h further development of the program will noire additional conm itiments be evade for tjhich a further authorization of borrowing inz the aggragrate arum of $5,000,600 should be s a ur ed, NOW, THEREFORE, ICE ZT RESMED, That the Port Authority of he City of Saint Paul does hereby na4ke application to the Council 0� the -1- 0 n 0 �.j 0 City of Saint Paul for author zation by ordinance, pursuant t Minnesota Statutes 1961, Section 458019 , of the issuance and sale by t e Fort Authority of its General Imp vement Bonds in the aggregate 7unt of $5,000,000 over and above the bonds authorized by said Ordinances No. 11.913 and Igo 0 12166, to be is ued and sold in one or rove addiltional series, when and as found nee ssary by the Authority, for the urpose of providing funds to pay costs, of the port and industrial prog ant for t!aich the outstanding bonds hav been authorized, and the pledg of the full faith, credit and resources of the City for the payment of sue bonds and interest thereon, said bon to be issued in compliance wi h all applicable requirements of sue ordinance, and of Minnesota St Lutes 1961, Chapters 458 and 475, and all Cher applicable lags, and bear g interest: at such rate or rates as the C=ell shall approve,, BE IT FURTHER k0E$®LVED 9 T}}at the Secretary of the Port Authority be and he is hereby directed to present: a certified copy of this reso- lution to the Council of the City of Saint Paul, as and for such application. Adopted: A Robert Vet. a searatary President of thI Port Authority of the (City of Saint Paul, r - - Sept. 12, -1962. - Mr. Frank D. Marzitelli," ` - - ' txac. Vice- President Port Authority. .. 6o Be Fourth St. i St. Paul,. Minn. - _ Dear M_ r. Marzits7li - ' Louis P. Sheahan, • Dire.cior of Law, suggested t the enclosed 'copy- ,of,the Port Authority Resolution N : ! e,certified d returned to thia,,office... He suggested . a form tant as follows: "Th®' - foregoing is hereby certified ' as a ,and t copy of Resolution =" No. -186 adopted by�the Port Author of the y of Saint Paul on 'J Septeinber $, 1962, `aa - it appears in pe �\ ent minutes of a meeting of the said Authority ".' ' • - I - _ . We therefore su such a certification ' affixed•to the Resolutio nd ret he _e to this office. . _ . Very truly yours, City Clerk .. Res. No PORT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL RESOLUTION WHEREAS, The Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul has uhdertaken, under and pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 1961, Chapter 456, a p7gram of port and industrial development as described in its Resolution N. 159, dated January 23, 1962, and WHEREAS. The Initial costs of this program have been paid w*th funds derived from the sale of $2,500,000 General Improvement Bonds, Series A, dated September 1, 1961, issued aS cwthorized by Ordinance No. 11913 of the Council of the City of Saint Paul, dated February 3� 1961, and WHETS, Said Council by Ordinance No. 12156, dated March 1�, 1962, authorized the.lasuance of additional bonds in the aggregate amouait of $5,000,000, of which $2,500,000 General Improvement Bonds, Series E, dated April 1, 1962, have been issued and sold and the rcemainderlare to be issued and sold in the near future for the payment of additional costs of the program under contracts heretofore made and to be awarded n the near future, and iHEREAS, Contracts now advertised for bids will require the 6osmit- went of additional funds of substantial amount in addition to tno4e estimated in Resolution No. 159, acrd it is now estimated that the further development of the program will require additional commitments to be made for which a further authorization of borrowing in the aggmg to amount of $5,000,000 should be secured, NOWO THEREFORE, BE TT R SOLVED, That the Port Authority of City. of Saint Paul does hereby make application to the Council of -1- t Res. No PORT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL RESOLUTION WHEREAS, The Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul has uhdertaken, under and pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 1961, Chapter 456, a p7gram of port and industrial development as described in its Resolution N. 159, dated January 23, 1962, and WHEREAS. The Initial costs of this program have been paid w*th funds derived from the sale of $2,500,000 General Improvement Bonds, Series A, dated September 1, 1961, issued aS cwthorized by Ordinance No. 11913 of the Council of the City of Saint Paul, dated February 3� 1961, and WHETS, Said Council by Ordinance No. 12156, dated March 1�, 1962, authorized the.lasuance of additional bonds in the aggregate amouait of $5,000,000, of which $2,500,000 General Improvement Bonds, Series E, dated April 1, 1962, have been issued and sold and the rcemainderlare to be issued and sold in the near future for the payment of additional costs of the program under contracts heretofore made and to be awarded n the near future, and iHEREAS, Contracts now advertised for bids will require the 6osmit- went of additional funds of substantial amount in addition to tno4e estimated in Resolution No. 159, acrd it is now estimated that the further development of the program will require additional commitments to be made for which a further authorization of borrowing in the aggmg to amount of $5,000,000 should be secured, NOWO THEREFORE, BE TT R SOLVED, That the Port Authority of City. of Saint Paul does hereby make application to the Council of -1- . r. City of Saint Paul for authorization by ordinance, pursuant to Statutes 1961, Section 458.193, of the issuance and sale by the Authority of its General. Improver*nt Bonds in the aggregate am $5,000,000 over and above the bonds authorized by said Ordinano 11913 and No. 12166, to be issued and sold in one or more addit aeries, when and as found necessary by the Authority, for the P. of providing funds to pay costs of the port and industrial progrc etich the outstanding boards have been authorized, and the pledge faith, credit and resources of the City for the payment of such and interest thereon, said bonds to be issued in compliance wilt applicable requirwents of such ordinance, and of Minnesota Sta Chapters 458 and V5, and all other applicable laws, and bearin at such rate or rates as the Council shall approve, BE IT FURTHER RF4OLVED s That the Secretary of the Port be and he is hereby directed to present a certified copy of lution to the Council of the City of Saint Paul, as and for Adopted: September 5. 1962. Attest° Robert W Johnson Sec ary (SEAL) n President of Port Authority of Saint Paulo is of No° nal pose for f the full onds all ,ices 1961, interest ,city ri eso- application° City of n FRANK D. MARZITELLI EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT LYLE E. KIN to GENERAL MANAGER FRANK E. CLAWSON DIRECTOR INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT DALE D. BRADDOCK CHIEF ENGINEER PHILIP W. FITZPATRICK CONSULTANT COMMISSIONERS PHILIP H. NASON PRESIDENT RICHARD C. RADMAN VICE PRESIDENT ROBERT W. JOHNSON SECRETARY NEIL H. ORIESENOW TREASURER ALBERT J. BRAND BERNARD T. HOLLAND ROBERT F. PETERSON LEGISLATIVE dDFISORS H. W. SCHULTZ STATE SENATOR D. D. WOZNIAK STATE REPRESENTATIVE POINT AUTH0RITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL 6 0 E A S T F O U R T H iS T R E E T SAINT PAUL I, MINNESOTA, - 224 -5686 September 27 1962 ' p �� Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Saint Paul, Minnesota Re: Bond Ordinance - City Council File No. 209046 Gentlemen: In support of our request for additional bonding authority so as to give 'proper continuity to our industrial parks and recreational area program, attached are -the following three schedules: 1. Report on Status of Bond Income,and Capital Expenditures as of September 1, 1962. 2. Status Report on Land Acquisition by Parcel as of September 1, 1962. 3. Estimated Acquisition and Construction Costs as of September S, 1962. If requested, an oral report will also be made at the Council meeting on the Ordinance File now before you. Yours very truly, f dm /c encl. Executive Vi k ' Y J Memo: Does not include lands ye to be acquired or improvement contracts yet to be let. REPORT ON STATUS OF BOND INCOME AND CAPITAL EXPENDITURES AS OF 9 -1 -62 I N D U S R Riverview North ort Southi3ort LAE PARK BOND ISSUES: Authorized 7,500',000 Unissued 2,500,000. Bonds Sold --��0 EXPENDITURES:` Land, 2,241,247 22,032. 36,455. 88,510. 4 Total 2,3880242 'Floodwall 1809000 Dockwall 3509766 371,791. Material Removal, Filling & Grading 1230986 Storm Sewer, Sanitary Sewers & Lift Station 2069234 • Tree Planting Engineering 5,912. 136 618 ---m',606. 313. 20 742. Total 3920534. , 1 . 11396,365.j ACTUAL EXPENDITURES 3,784,607 Funds on Hand 9-1-(2 1,2159393 OUTSTANDING COMMITMEN S ON CONTRACTS LET: Sewers 19,897 Filling $ Grading 390,888 2219529. Demolition 280111 Dockwall 193p421. Total , , 853 846 BOND FUNDS AVAILABLE -1 -62 36.10547 Memo: Does not include lands ye to be acquired or improvement contracts yet to be let. ' STATUS REPORTCN.LAND ACQUISITION BY PARCEL AS OF SEPTEMBER 1, 1962 4 I N D U S T R I A L P A R K S CROSBY j 'Southport LAKE TOTAL Riverview Northport AREA I otal Parcels 434 24 37 5 S00 Number Taken by Direct Purchase 241 4 14 1 260 • 5 Percentage 55.5 16.7 37.8 20. 52. To Be Taken by" . • • , Condemnation 193 20 23 4 , 240 _ Percentage 44.5 83.3 62.2 80. 48; 9 a l a C } SUMMARY - RIVE RVIEW INDUSTRI- L PARK Project Area 1 -A 1 -B { Total Parcels 185 249 • Number Taken by - 3 Direct Purchase 108 133 Percentage 58.4 53.4 } : .k To Be Taken by Condemantion 77 116 Percentage 41.6 46.6 �` 4 w • A S FDM a 9 -5 -62 J _r 7 ESTIMATED ACQUISITION AND CONSTRUCTION COSTS AS OF SEPTEMBER 5, 1962 I I N D U S T R LAKE TOTAL Riverview Northport Southport AREA .I LAND: Damages to be Paid 500889923. 135,936. Legal, Appraisals and Condemnation Service 186,620.1 10.320. Total Estimated Land : Cost' 59275,543. 1469256. CLEARANCE: Demolition $ Clearing 205,000. 109000. 100,636. ,2949500. 5,619,995 159730. 2,33). 215p000 1169366. 296,830. 5,834,995 35,000 " }250,000.11 Total Project Cost 112,681,543.1 156,256.1 4,3360366.1 3020742. 1171476,907.11 I J I I l i i I DM Floodwall 1800000. 1809000. Dockwall 396,935. 1,4209000. 1,816,935. Material'Removal, •. ,• Filling and Grading 1,3059375. 896,500. 292019875. Storm Sewers, Sanitary Sewers and. Lift Stations 2,8089545. 243,175. 390519720. Water Mains 575,000. 206,325. 781,325. Streets 3809882. 567,430. 948 312. Railroad Trackage 225,000. 949500. 319,500. Tree Planting 50912. 5,912. Preliminary - Final Design and Construc- tion Engineering 364,000. 207,775. 571,775. Contingencies - 15% 965 263. 549t295. 1 514 558. • 7 406 000 10 000 4 220 000 5 912 11 641 912 Total Project Cost 112,681,543.1 156,256.1 4,3360366.1 3020742. 1171476,907.11 I J I I l i i I DM FRANK D. MARZITELLI EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT LYLE E. KIN VIG GENERAL MANAGER FRANK E. CLAWSON DIRECTOR INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT DALE D. BRADDOCK CHIEF ENGINEER PHILIP W. FITZPATRICK CONSULTANT COMMISSIONERS PHILIP H. NASON PRESIDENT RICHARD C. RADMAN VICE PRESIDENT ROBERT W. JOHNSON SECRETARY NEIL H. GRIEBENOW TREASURER ALBERT J. BRAND BERNARD T. HOLLAND ROBERT, F. PETERSON LECISLATIFE ADFISORS H. W. SCHULTZ STATE SENATOR D. D. WOZNIAK STATE REPRESENTATIVE i OF THE C I T Y OF S A I N T P A U L \60 E A S T F O U R ,T H S TREE T SAINT PAUL I. MINNESOTA - 224 -5686 October 5, 1962 Port Authority Commissioners Legislative Advisors Re: Bond Ordinance No. 12287 City Council File No. 209046 Gentlemen: Enclosed is a copy-of our letter of transmi tal dated September 27, 1962, addressed to the Mayor and the City Council concerning the above Ordinance. Also enclosed is a copy of the transcript of remarks made at the Council meeting on that date. ` These were prepared as I felt that an appropriate record of the presentation made t6 "the Council should be had and also that you should' have copies. for your information and record. . Yours very truly, ran lc D. Marzi �eY i Executive Vice�P , esident I fdm /c encls. cc: Mayor G. J.Vavoulis Commissioner M. Rosen Commissioner S.•Mortinson Commissioner F. Loss Commissioner J. Dalglish City Clerk U • ' ' "' - '- E �,I _ I � l• OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL \-60 EAST FO U RTH JSTRE ET i{ ' I SAINT PAUL 1, MINNESOTA - 224.5686 I September 27, 1962,' t FRANK D. MARZITELLI fix ECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT i LYLE E. KINVIG GENERAL MANAGER FRANK E. CLAWSON l DIRECTOR DEVELOPMENT 'Honorable Mayor and ' INDUSTRIAL Members of the City Council DALE D. BRADDOCK CHIEF ENGINEE Saint Paul, Minnesota R . - r i PHILIP W. FITZPATRICK Re: Bond Ordinance ' -• City Council CONSULTANT I File No. 209046 coslanssloNSRS Gentlemen: PHILIP H. NASON PRESIDENT - In support'of our request for additional bonding RICHARD C.RAD authority so as to give proper continuity to our , VICE PRESIDENT NT � JOHNSON - industrial parks and recreational area program, ROBERT W. �. attached are the following three schedules: SECRETARY h ^HWGR ^EE^ENOW 1. Report on Status of Bond Income ; and Capital Expenditures as of ALGERT .I., BRAND September 1, 1962. l BERNARD T. HOLLAND 2•. Status Report on Land Acquisition by ; ROBERT F. PETERSOH , • Parcel as of September 1, 1962. LEGISL.ITIYE 4DYISORS - 3. Estimated Acquisition and Construction Costs as of September 5, 1962. H. W. SCHULTZ STATE SENATOR - 1 D. D. WOZNIAK If requested, an oral report will also be made at STATE R[PRESENTATIV[ the Council meeting on the Ordinance File now before you. Yours very truly, s Frank . arzi e i Executive Vice r side,nt . f dm /c REPORT ON STATUS-OF BOND INCOME AND CAPITAL EXPENDITURES AS OF 9 -1 =62 I N D -US I R I A K �3 Riverview North ort Southport PARK Memo: Does not include lands ye. to be C acquired or improvement c ntracts yet to be let. a t 4 BOND ISSUES! Authorized Unissued i 795000000 Bonds Sold f 2 500 000 D , EXPENDITURES: Land Total 29241024.7 2.2,032., 36,453. 88,510. '203880242 . Floodwall 1800000 Dockwall 350,766 3711,7910 Material Removal, Filling 8 Grading 123,986 Storm Sewer, 4 Sanitary Sewers & Lift Station 206,234 Tree Planting 5,912. Engineering 136.6'18 313. 20,742. a Total 9979606. 13. ,5 s0912. _11396,36501 ACTUAL EXPENDITURES 3,784,607 Funds on Hand 9-1-(2- 102159393 OUTSTANDING COMMITMEN S ON CONTRACTS LET: , Sewers 19,897 Filling $ Grading 3909888 221,529. Demolition 28,111 ' Dockwall 193p421. i Total 43 ,8 , 5 . 853 846.' f BOND FUNDS AVAILABLE 1-1-62 . 36.10547�I Memo: Does not include lands ye. to be C acquired or improvement c ntracts yet to be let. a t 4 TDF T -62 STATUS REPORTCN.LAND ACQUISITION BY-PARCEL AS OF SEPTEMBER 1, 1962 I N D U S T R I A L P A R K S CROSBY Riverview North or • South ort LAKE' AREA TOTAL otal Parcels 434 24 37 5 Soo Number Taken by Direct Purchase 241 4 14 1 260 Percentage •, 55.5' 16.7 37.8 20. 52. • To Be Taken by ; Condemnation 193 20 23- 4 240 Percentage 44.5. 83.3 62.2 80. 48. ; s �- SUMMARY - RIVE RVIEW INDUSTRI L PARK Project Area A 1 -B s Total Parcels 185 249 i Number Taken by Direct Purchase 108 133 Percentage 58.4 53.4 To Be Taken by 5 Condemantion 77 116 Percentage 41.6 46,6 , TDF T -62 r ESTIMATED ACQUISITION AND CONSTRUCTION COSTS AS OF SEPTEMBER 5, 1962 ,k LAND: ,,Damages to be Paid Legal, Appraisals and Condemnation Service Total Estimated Land Cost CLEARANCE: LAKE I I TOTAL verview Northport Southport AREA 5,0880923, 1L,620. 135,936, 10,320. 10;09636. 15 730. •2940500. 2,330. 506190995. 21S,000., 50275,543. 146,256. 1169366. 296,830. 5,8340995. Demolition $ Clearing 2050000. 100000. 350000. :;250,000. IMPROVEMENTS: Floodwall 180,000. 1801000. Dockwall 3960935. 10420,0000 :1,8169935. Material'Removal', Filling and Grading 1,3059375. 896,500.•. 202019875. Storm Sewers, Sanitary Sewers and Lift Stations •2,8089545. 2439175. 3,0519720. Water Mains 575,000. 2069325'. 781,325. Streets 3809882. 5679430. 948,312. Railroad Trackage 22.50000. 949500. 3199500. Tree Planting 50912. 59912. Preliminary - Final Design and Construc- tion Engineering 3640000. 207,775. 5710.775. Contingencies - 15%', 965 263. 549P295. 1,514,558. ' 7,406,000. 10,000. 402209000. 50912. I 1196419912. Total Project Cost 12,6810543. • 1569256. 49336,366. 30207421. I 1704760907. � f . DM 9-5 -62 i FRANK D. MARZITELLI EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT LYLE E. KIN VIO GENERAL MANAGER FRANK E. CLAWSON DIRfiCTOfl INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT DALE D. BRADDOCK CHIEF ENGINEER PORT AUTHO'R11T1( EAST FO'U RTH STR EET OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL 6.0 , SAINT PAUL I, MINNESO; A - 224 -5686 REMARt <S MADE BY THE MAYOR, MEMBERS OF THE SAINT PAUL CITY COUNCIL AND FRANK D. MARZITELLI, EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT OF THE PORT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL CONCERNING BOND ORDINANCE NO. 12287, COUNCIL FILE NO. 209046, ADOPTED THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1962 CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL'AND COURT HOUSE 1 PHILIP W. FITZPATRIGK City Clerk Harold Riordan: Final reading'on adoption of CONSULTANT Ordinance submitted by Commissioners 'Peterson and Holland. COMMISSIONERS Mr., Riordan read Mr. Marzitellits letter of transmittal PHILIP H. NASON dated September 27, 1962, covering the three schedules: PRESIDENT RICHARD C. RADMAN 1. Reports on Status of Bond Income and Capital VICE PRESIDENT Expenditures as of September 1, 1962. ROBERT W. JOHNSON SECRETARY 2. Status Report on Land Acquisition by Parcel NEIL H. GRIEBENOW as of September 1, 1962. TREASURER ALBERT J. BRAND 3. Estimated Acquisition and' Construction Cost's as of September 5, 1962. BERNARD T. HOLLAND ROBERT F. PETERSON Mayor Vavoulis: Is there any-discussion? LEGISLATIVE ADVISORS H. W. SCHULTZ STATE SSNATOR D. D. WOZNIAK STATE REPRESENTATIVE Commissioner. Mortinson: When this matter of the Port Authority was up for discussion a couple of years ago, I felt the Housing and Redevelopment Authority should acquire these properties. Mr. Philip Fitzpatrick, representing the Port Authority Commission, appeared before the Council and said the total cost would not be over $5 million. Later, the Port Authority came back to the City Council with a'request for an additional amount and the total cost was then put at $12 million. Now it is $17 million. That is triple the original amount asked for. Ile are getting ourselves into a real serious position on bond indebtedness in this City. We are in a position where the City is in debt about $150 million and anotheri$5 million here and $5 million there, and in another two or three years we will have a terrific tax burden, not because of operational costs of the City but because of bond indebted- ness. Somewhere along the line we must 'start looking these things over before authorizing the floating of bonds. When the taxpayer gets his tax bill and it is increa$ed not 2 or 3 mills but 50 or 610 - we are getting/ into a real serious situa ion. Mayor Vavoulis: What do you suggest we do? Commissioner Martinson: I thinle notice should be served on the Port Authority informing•them:that this is the last ordinance we will pass granting them additional bonding authority. I Mayor Vavoulis: I question serving notice on the Port Authority as bond requests are based on need. The Port Authority has made factual studies. We have two of our councilmen serving on the Board. Mr. Marzitelli is here and can report further.on� this. Mr. Marzitelli: Your Honor, Mayor Vavoulis, and,Memberslof the City Council. In support of-the Bond Ordinance, Council lFile No. 209046, now before you, I thought that probably before I explained in greater detail the financial statements attached to my letter of transmittal dated this morning, you may want to see the development plans for the Southport and Northport Indus- trial Development areas. I did not bring any development plans for Riverview Industrial Park because you are more familiar with ! Riverview Industrial Park area boundaries than with the bloundaries of the other two industrial development areas, i First, Southport. The area is bounded on the'Test by the Mi.ssissippie River,,on the South by the Saint Paul city limits, on the East by the Chicago Great Western Railway and on the � North by properties presently belonging to Metropolitan Airports Commission. We will acquire all told approximately 122 acres of land. The development plan, as outlined on the map ink color, shows the stages of development. As you know, it is a barge channel. Contracts have already been let for -the piling and dredging for the first stage. The first stage of development will provide approximately 1,300 feet of dock viall, and nine parcels of land which will measure about 200 feet wide and 500 feet deep, or slightly over 20 acres. Our Director of Industrial Development has had inquiry and is negotiating with various industries representatives who are anxious to enter into lease agreements utilizing this,facility. Northport consists of approximately 36 acres and lies between the Saint Paul Downtown Airport, the Mississippi River andithe newly constructed f loodwall. It includes also the area presently used as a marina for aircraft tising pontoons and which is owned and operated by the Metropolitan Airports Commission. Our'indus- trial Development Director is currently negotiating with represent- atives of the Twin City Barge C Towing Company for the use ,of -this land. We are presently acquiring.this land and as rapidly as same is acquired, it is being cleared and we expect to have all these lands acquired and cleared'and a lease agreement entered into within a reasonably short period-of time, -2- When we encountered soil problems in the Riverview and Southport Industrial areas, it was my opinion -that, in addition to calling these subsoil conditions.to - the attention of -the Port Authority Commission 'and the City Council, a statement showing the revised land acquisition'and improvement costs should also be submitted as it concerns our total expanded program. As you will note on the schedule entitled "Report on Status of Bond Income and Expenditures as of September 1, 1962 ", which schedule shows our current bonding situation, expenditures made to date and outstanding commitments for construction contracts let, leaves us with bond funds available in the amount of about $361,000. 1 It is also to be noted that in February, 1961, the Saint Paul City Council did give to-us bonding authority in the amount of $2,500,000, and in March, 1962, gave additional bonding authority in the amount of $55000,000, which brings our bonding authority to $75500,000. Bonds in the amount of $2,500,000 were sold in September of 1961 and an additional amount of $255005000 was sold in April of 1962, which gave us current working capital of $5,000,000 and unissued bonding authority of $2,500,000. As to commitments or•e'stimates made prior to my coming to the Port Authority, I can say with all frankness that while some members of the City Council may have had the impression or may have understood that $7,500,000 would be sufficient to acquire these lands and make capital improvements necessary so that-these lands may be made available for industrial use,. I don't see how that could possibly be. Forrest & Cotton report made available to the Port Authority in May of 1961, as it relates to Riverview Industrial Park, estimated construction costs based'on April, 1961 price' levels at $3,370,000. It is to be noted that these estimated construction costs were made without benefit of soil borings !and tests, and L believe you will agree with me that if soil problems are encountered an increase in these estimated construction costs would be in order. Forrest & Cotton also reported to the Port Authority under date of January 6, 1962, concerning the development of the Southport area. They proposed three plans of development for Southport: Development Plan No. 1, in the amount of $3,582,000; Plan No.12 in the amount of $4,488,000; and Plan No. 3, t,7hich is a limited plan, in the amount of $1,063,000. Plan No. 1 was adopted and modified by the Port Authority. As our schedule shows, construction work is now in process in Southport. Contracts'have been let!for the construction of the dockwall, dredging, filling and grading. lIt is estimated that the total construction cost of this project will be in the neighborhood of $4,220,000. The above cost estimates do not include the cost of land acquisition. These are merely the con- struction improvement costs. You can readily see that it would be impossible for the Port Authority to carry out the entire program -3- currently underway for $7,500,000, as the estimated cost'of con- structing these improvements-is equal -to, or slightly in! excess of, the amount or our current bonding-authority. Again it is1to be noted that this leaves little or no money for the acquisition of land. I i i As this schedule shows, for Riverview Industrial Park we have already expended $2,241,000 for the acquisition of land and have expended $997,000 for the floo'dwall, dockwall, filling and grading, sewers and engineering, and have outstanding commitments in the amount of $4385000 for work yet to be done on contracts let on sewers, filling and grading and demolition. For Northport, as our reports will show, we do not intend to make any capital improvements. Gde merely intend to acquire and clear the land. The amount already expended is $22,345. l For Southport, we have already paid out $46,453 for the acquisition of land; $392,534 on capital improvements completed and ow $414,950 on work yet to be performed on capital improvement contracts let. Moneys expended for the•,acquisi.tion of land and tree planting in Crosby Lake Park amount ito $94,422. It is to be noted from the schedule that the amounts expended for the acquisition of land as of September 1, 1962, is $2.,3881242; capital improvements paid for $1,396,365,,or a -total pay -out of $3,784,607, leaving cash on hand as of September 1, 1962 in the amount of $1,215,393, against which we have outstanding commitments on contracts let in the amount of $853,846 leaving bond funds available for other work in the.amount of $361,5477, I Now, granted we have an additional $2,500,000 of bonding authority we have not yet exercised, and we expect to be selling these bonds within two to three months. It is our desire to gear the sale of these bonds with the sales to be made by the City of Saint Paul and other governmental agencies so that we may obtain the lowest interest rate possible. In the interim, we will probably make short term loans from the banks, loan in anticipation of the bond sale. I. I would also like to call to your attention that land is being acquired based on appraisals made for us- by independent feel appraisers and that the above expenditures do not-include cost of land acquired prior to our September 1961 bond issue. IN Secondly is a schedule entitled "Status Report on Lnnd Acquisition. by Parcel as of'September 1, 1962". Again this is a recap and shows the approximate number of parcels in each of the industrial develop- ment areas and the Crosby Lake Park area. They are as follows: , n Riverview Industrial Park 434 parcels Northport 44 parcels Southport 37 parcels Crosby Lake Park 5 parcels It is -to be noted that we acquired by direct purchase, that is�the land owner accepted the offer made by the Port Authority, which offers were based upon appraisals made for the Port Authority by independent fee appraisers, the following: Riverview Industrial Park 55.5 °a Northport 16.7% Southport 37,8% Crosby Lake Park 20,0% The remaining parcels will be taken either by direct purchase or condemnation. Based upon our experience to date, we have reason to believe most of the remaining parcels will be taken by condem- nation procedures and will be settled either through Court Comm- ission awards or by verdicts•rendered by District Court juries. However, we are hopeful that very few, if any, of these matters will be appealed for jury trial. The schedule does-not include parcels of land presently owned by Metropolitan Airports Commission, the City of Saint Paul and alfew privately held properties. Now, the third schedule entitled "Estimated Acquisition and Construction Costs as of September 5, 1962T1 is the schedule to which Commissioner Mortinson makes reference and asks complete information in order that our money needs may be better understood. It is to be noted that this schedule shows the estimated acqu- isiti.on'and construction costs for the development of Riverview Industrial Park, Northport and Southport Industrial Development areas and the Crosby Lake Park area. In this estimate we have included all the costs which we feel will be encoun- tered, including recoverable expenditures., These revisions were made necessary because of our expanded program and also because of the soil conditions encountered. I You will note that damages to be paid for properties taken in the Riverview Industrial Park area'are estimated at $5,088,923. This figure was arrived at - - you will recall the Status Report onithe Number of Parcels shows we have already acquired 55% of the land in this area; therefore, we know exactly what we paid for those properties. The remaining parcels have all been appraised for'the Port Authority by outside fee appraisers with the exception of those properties still belonging to the Metropolitan Airports Commissioft, the City of Saint Paul and a few parcels of industrial or commercial -5- properties for which we have not yet received appraisals, but�for which we have made estimates. There is also a contingency factor included in the amount of damages we expect to pay for properties -taken. The contingency factor is provided to cover the cost of any adjustments made f by Court Commission awards or those cases which may be appealed to the District Court for jury trial. Those amounts shown as damages to be paid for Riverview Industrial Park, Northport and Southport Industrial Development areas and the Crosby Lake Park area have all been estimated on the same' basis, and we have estimated -that the awards paid for the taking of these properties will be in the -total amount of $5,619,995'. Legal, appraisals and condemnation service costs as shown are based upon our actual experience to date and estimated for the parcels yet to -be taken. Demolition and olearincr costs-are also based upon our .experience -to date and estimated -For the work }yet to be done. I would also like -to call your attention to the fact -that all demolition contracts are let -t-hrough the City Architect's office and the City Purchasing Department. •Construetion.cos&Ls of- improvements for Riverview Industrial Park are estimated to be slightly over $7 million and for the Southport Industrial Developrent area about $4,200,000. As has been stated earlier, contracts for some of this construction, as relates both -to Riverview Indus- trial Park and Southport, have already been let. I I would also like to call your particular attention to the fact that we do have a 15% contingency in the amount .of $1,514,558 for con- struction improvements and engineering. We have placed this amount in our budget because of the uncertainty with which we are still faced, mostly because of tine soil conditions encountered; and until such time as these additional soil -tests are taken and complelted, and construction has begun, it would be more prudent to make pro- vision for the situation in -t-he event that - -the area required exten- sive piling. If these additional soil tests prove that the soil condition is such -that extensive piling as determined by ourl engineer is not required, we may be able to save most, if not all, of the 15% contingency, which we have estimated in the amount of $1,514,000. I also. want to call to your attention that our estimated acquisition and construction costs also include recoverable expenditures., For instance, we are acquiring lands which will be needed by the 'r?innesota• Highway Department for rights -of -way for the locating and constructing of Trunk Highway 56, the Lafayette Street Bridge project. The Highway. Department has agreed to acquire said necessary rights-of-way-and to reimburse us on the basis of the -Fair market value of thelland taken. We have also included an amount of $319,500 -For'railroad trackage. lVe will be contacting the railroad companies and will be requesting of them that they pay the cost of or reimburse us for the cost o� said railroad trackage. We also expect -to make substantial savings if these addltionall soil tests prove that piling is,not required or required in a lesser amount than we have estimated to date in the construction of our sewers, water mains and engineering costs. ,a Too, we can also expect to make some savings in the cost of filling and grading . Gle are hopeful that filling material can be obtained From the Minnesota Highway Department at a cast less than estirated for hauling and placing of said fill material, which material will be available as a result of the freeway.construction program.'. It is my opinion that the members of the City Council and the citizens of the City of Saint Paul want to be informed as to what the total estimated cost of the projects will be including recover- able expenditures so that when bonding authority is given, bonds are sold and -the program is in the process of being carried out, all can look forward with a greater measure-o'" assurance to what will be the cost of -these developments and the investment required on the part of the citizens. I It is to be noted -t-hen that this brings the cost of land acquisition and improvements for Riverview Industrial Park to- $12,681,S43.� This means that we will be acquiring 12,003,115 square feet of land, of which 7,914,472 square feet will be saleable.. Northport. - Our Industrial Development Director is currently nego- tiating with the representatives of the Twin City,Barge and Tgwing Company for the sale or leasing of this industrial area. We expect to be able to acquire'these properties for $156,000. No construction improvements on the part of the Port Authority are being considered. As rapidly as we are able to acquire these.properties, -the sane will be cleared and will be made available for industrial use! Southport ­We have estimated that the cost of acquiring land!and the construction of improvements thereon will be $4,336,366. This amount also includes -recoverable expenditures, or savings that may be made possible if soil conditions do not demand extensive piling. Our Industrial Development Director is currently meeting withlrepre- Ou sentatives of a number of firms who have indicated a real interest in acquiring barge channel river frontage. Crosby Lake Park Area is estimated to cost $302,000. I want to call -to your attention, however, that no provision is made for any capital improvements = -n the Crosby Lake Area such as buildings, utilities, including sewer and water, or streets. Our program merely provides for the acquisition of these lands, and malcing� them available for recreation, as they presently exist. It is to be noted that the total project cost for the three industrial development areas and the recreation area is estimated to be $17,476,907. -7- Today we are asking for bonding authority in the amount of $52000,000. That, together with.the'bonding authority we have ' previously been given, will amount of•$12,500,000. We are not asking for bonding authority in the full amount of $17,476 000. To do so, we believe, would be premature especially in the light of the soil conditions encountered. We are hopeful that as a result of the soil tests currently being made' different ' methods of construction may be used which will bring aboutla substantial reduction in our estimated construction costs. We are e preparing. for the sale of land in 1962 and feel reasonably sure that some of this land will be disposed of in 1963. If this becomes so, we can expect revenues from cash sales as well as lease' agreements that may be entered into. These moneys, together with the potential savings in construction costs, may be in sufficient amounts so as to make unnecessapy our having to return to the City Council for additional bonding authority to complete these projects: If the sales or savings are not in sufficient amounts, and'it is necessary to request additional bonding authority, it will b!,e sub -' } stantially less than that indicated in our Estimated Acquisition and Construction Cost schedule. I believe the City Councix agrees that there is a need for a continuance of this program to make 1"Lnds,available for industrial use; that there is an increase in public understanding concerning f the public interest and needs for development of industrial parks ' and, as Commissioner Mortinson has indicated, these investments C in our industrial park program should result in an increase in our tax base, an increase in taxes presently collected from the district and will create employment opportunities, jobs, more payroll and purchasing power, which I believe you will agree serves the best interests of the citizens, of Saint Paul.- 1 While tentative plans are being developed for the utilizationlof • Pig's Eye area, it is to be noted that the matter before you contains no-request for funds for the development of this area It is our opinion that maximum effort should be made on the part of our staff, to develop the industrial areas now under way. Commissioner Rosen: On the basis of the figures you have here, you will have-to come back for another $5 million. As of now it is $12,500,000. Mr. Marzitelli: If the City Cou ncil concurs, it will be $12,5 If the estimates do not hold or the savings which we feel can are not realized - yes, we will'be back for additional bonding authority. I am satisfied, however, that there are recoveraYil expenditures'whitin this budget. i 0,000, e made r� t t Commissioner Loss: Railroad trackage? "Mr. Marzitelli: If we contribute the land, the railroad companies should pay for" the facilities. Also, the Minnesota Highway Department will be acquiring rights -of -way for Trunk Highway 56 and'have already agreed that they will reimburse us based upoh the fair market value of the land at the time of the taking. Also, I hope that�Drs. Arthur and Leo Casagrande,-professors at Harvard University, can1come up with a recommendation which will permit us to construct utilities without our having to do the amount of.piling our local consultant and Port Authority engineers have shown in their final plans. If soil conditions prove out better than what our engineers have anticipated to date, those contingency factors could be eliminated or substantially reduced. There could be a subtanital saving just in that one construction item alone. It is the soil condition that isiincreasing construction costs more so than any one item. Commissioner Dalglish: When did you first start making soil investigations and how much has been spent'on this? i II 1 Mr. Marzitelli:' Forrest & Cotton's May 1961 report shows construction cost estimates were made without benefit of,soil investigations. There may have been some soil borings made, but very few. Of course, when the project was let to a consulting engineer for design, then soil borings and tests were mandatory in order that the consulting engineering firm would know what design criteria would be needed for this facility. When the final design was in process it revealed that the poor subsoil conditions existed. There is a strata of clay which lies in a horizontal position, which weaves through the area and is variable in thickness and in its composition. Also, the State Street dump is noticompletely' decomposed and is very poor material as it relates to the construction of this utility. In my opinion, soil tests actually were not made until such final design engineering contracts had been let, Commissioner Dalglish: I take it you*are going to push for all information you can get on the soil condition. I Mr. Marzitelli: I have asked Dr. Leo Casagrande to include in his erport on the soil conditions for the Riverview Industrial Park area, some comments on how much time and the cost that would be required to make a soil analysis of the Southport Industrial area. If we could get this soil information during the fainter months.- in January, February and March - that would be in sufficient time to permit the consulting engineering firm employed for final design on streets and utilities to prepare plans and specifications to proceed, an we could let construction contracts immediately following the co pletion of the fill contract now under way. We are pushing for all of the.soll information we can possibly get our hands on and feel that we have one of the best engineering teams in the Country, Drs. Arthur and Leo Casagrande, conducting this study. W`13 r; A Commissioner Rosen: Couldn't this be done by local men? Mr. Marzitelli:; Commissioner, as you know we have a former engineer of the Department of Public Works, in whom we have a lot of confidence, as our Chief Engineer. He and the firm of Toltz,. King, DuvallF Anderson and Associates who do work for the Minneapolis -Saint Paul Sanitary Sewer District, using soil information .supplied to them by the Soil Exploration Company (Twin City Testing'Laboratory)� have come to the conclusion that due to the soil conditions in Riverview Industrial Park piling is necessary to support the utility. There was disagreement between members of the staff to the effect that while piling may be the best, it is the most costly and, therefore, it was felt an outside expert should be brought in to review the plans for the purpose of determining if a different method of construction, which would result in a lower cost, is possible. I Mayor Vavoulis: Let's have roll call on-the Ordinan City Clerk Harold Riordan called roll and Ordinance adopted by a vote of six in favor and none against. Commissioners present: Dalglish Loss l Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President ( Vavoulis; Commissioner Holland was absent. J_ c 9/27/62 is ^ 2nd_ Laid over to 9 3rd and apvLl Yeas \ Nava ,/---- Yeas Dalglish Dalglish Holland Loss Mortinson ortins n Peterson' tars Rosen osen Mr. President Vavonlis a pL1gI.IS��:ii 209046