D001656CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR No: f l� D/ �(/f (J (o ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER • Date: � � -- ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, That the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to enter into agreements with Landmark Center and other vendors as needed to provide services to the Division of Parks and Recreation in connection with the Honored Volunteer Appreciation Dinner, Tuesday, Apri127, 1999, honoring division volunteers, at a cost not to exceed $8,000. Funding code: 325-23144 • APPROVED AS TO FORM �� � Assistant Ciry Attomey Date h�n 1/_ K� ,v��, w �-to DEPAF2iMEM/OFFICFJCOUNCIL DATEINRIATEO GREEN SHEET NO. 62604 �� Parks and Recreation y24/99 COMACTPERSONANDPHONE INRIAUDATE INRWJDATE "'wen Dixon 266�}.3� � DEPAR7MENTDIRECTOR �J CRYCAUNGL uMe�re _z_cmarrowaer 4 cmc�wc MUSTBEONCOUNCILAGENDABY(DA7E) �' 3 FINANCW.SERVICESDI Apfil 22, 1998 ANYOR(ORlSSIST 6 Parks & Recreation TOTAL# OF SIGNA7URE PAGES � (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FORSIGNANRE) ncrior, r�ouesreo: Approval of $8,000 funding for 1997 Honored Volunteer Dinner, April 27, 1999, Landmark Center RECOMMENDATIONS Approve(A)wRe�ed(R) PERSONALSERNCECONiRACTSMUSTANSWERTHEFOLLAWINGQUE5710N5: _PLANNINGGOMMISSION _CMLSERVICECOMMISSION � HasM�sperSONfumeverwukeduntleraconUaGtorMistlepartment? CIB COMMRTEE _ yES NO A S7AfF 2. Has�hispersoN6miaverbeenadtyempbYeaT DIST6ICT COUNGL 1'ES NO — — 3 Doas this pe�rm possess a swll rpt �wrtnaly possessetl by any curtant aty empbyee? SUPPORTSWHICNCOUNCILOBJECTNET 7E5 NO Explain aIl Y�%��R � sepnrate shaet antl attath W 9�n sheat WITIATWG PR09lEM. ISSUE, OPPORTUNIN (Wiw, What, Nfien, Whe�e, Why) Opportunity to recognize specific volunteers who have been selected as outstanding in recognition of their donation of time and energy to the Division of Parks and Recreation. ADVANTAGESiFAPPROVED' Volunteers wilf have a stronger sense of value of donating their time to the City of Saint Paul. .�z,, : DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED. - ��� � rt 4���� C.OStS: $$,�00 t' . " � ��,�r s 2�'>'; . , � `ri� �; . C: 6 ra �r'L :Y e. \u+'iL`�._ � a... C DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED: Volunteers may feel less inclined to donate their time if they are not recognized for their efforts. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRAN$ACTION .p S.00O C0.5TIREVENUE BUDGEiED iCIRCLE ON� YES NO . FIINDINGSOURCE 325-23144 AG7IVITYNUMBER CIAL MFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) � ��R 3 1999 ';ITY �LERK