210091OFt¢inal to City Clerlc _� Council File No. 210091- Ordinance No. 1 ; :12349 -By Bernard T. Holland - " AV R D I. An Ordinance amending Ordinance N 1 which is an amendment to 210091 `r Ordinance e No. 8446, entitled: "An administrative ordinance fixing. E NO the compensation rates of certain city positions and employments," _ , approved January 23, 1925, as amended. [7L PRESENTED BY +iis is an emergency ordinance ren -, E NO dered necessary Dior the preservation, of the public peace, health and safety. The Council of the City of Sabi, I111111 Does Ordain: An Ordinance amending C SECTION a, •-� ch is ' an amendment. to Ord]IlanI That Ordinance No. t3anuary 23 1925, as an "mod " the same is hereby fi by striking out of a ItAn, administrative 0materWlin "Group 1g the" compensation - ' sting in lieu the t[ rates. of certain city positions a*; J3,enta, approved .Januaxy 23, 1925, as. amended. This is: an emergency ordinance ' rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, - health and safety. THE. COUNCIL OF TIE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 6.446., approved .January 23, 1925, as, amended,. be and the same is hereby further, amended by striking out of Section.II the: material, in !;Group. Ett; and. by substituting in lieu thereof the From ,& after- following; May 1, 1962. From & After I From & After "Group- E January 1, 1962 I - January ],, 1963. Assistant Chief Pumping Engineer 3.79 3. 79 3.90 Ass- is.tant Pumping Engineer 3.24 3.24 3.3.5. Chief Pumping Engineer 4.29 - 4.29 A.40 Chief Refrigeration "&.Operating Engineer 3.79 3. 79 3.90 Custodian- Engi.n.ee,r (Library Buildings) 3.79 3.79 3: 90 Custodian- Engineer(Public Safety Bldg.) 3.79 3..79 3.90 Oiler 2.8.4 2.84. 2.95 Power Plant Helper . 2. 89 Z. 89 3.00 Refrigeration Engi.ne.er(Steam- Electric 3.24 3.24 3.35. Senior Pumping Engineer 3.44 3:44 3,.55 Stationary Engineer r a. 24 3. 24 3. 3.5 ' ¢ Stationary Fireman 3.09 3. 09 3.2011 T,_ tts ,e.ction} -*. t.,That s.ai.d .o.rdinance,�.'Las amended, be and the same, is, hereby'furth,er__amended by'striking out of .Section II the Jollov�ring line s: L From & After From &. After 'CL o _ January 1, ,1962 May 1, 1.962 E1e,ctrician.Foreman 4.33 4.37 O t�, Electrician, General- Foreman 4. 68 4. 7.2 General Lighting Foreman. 4. 68 4.72 Lighting Foreman 4.. 33 4. 3,7 • et i and, by'.substitutii:g- in, lieu- tl e-reof,_resp`ectivel, e_the.followi:ng­lines:- -.- -<:-_- From & After From .& After I January 1, 196.2. May 1, 19 62 Ele- ctricimi Foreman 4. 33" 4.52 Ele.ctriciali General Foreman 4.6,8 5.02 General Lighting Foreman 4.68. 5.02 r Lighting Vo.remaii 4.33 4.52 S'e- c.tion 3. This ordinance is hereby declared, to: be. an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the, preservation .of the, public peace, health and safety. 4 Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from, and after January Y, _ 19.63, tt ' OU 121962 ;r Yeas Councilmen Nays ` Passed by the until • Dalglish L H-oflmrd- 3 Loss Tn Favor Mortinson Peterson O Against } Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Approv 12 1,952 t Attest: f r } ity Clerk Mayor 1M 8-82 22 I' A At 6=04dMoot, to 0outwavilo''No#, 210001 Oquacil ruo N0.0 11007,10 for* by onondoo �y WWO.O. out Sootton, $tguou *1 and by inoorOng is Uou thet*of *o I*Uowing; -11SOctioul, ThO Oati OW14w* 4=0,44 F *0 o 2/0 0 U fur"11*1 04404 by otriking :rout 7 of waon 4, 010 f4owiq U464; Pro= 4 AlUr Vow 4 Attor l4outty Oft A"y 1p 190 ZoOrsoi4a loonotAl 00*03=64 4, 40 4.11 443 4, 0 Ode by sobstAfAiM9. Lo 1i u; thov 04 W-009'' *Cti*Oly# Ok*fO9OWit%UA*** vtom & After r-tozo 6 Aft*t W V it I 19oz 4.33 4.52 0-00,V4 Zorsoan. 4.601 -oz. S-Ao"Ag 144.s- 4� $4 Soottoul! 'Th'i* otdirAnoo I's 406by ardinoAo* vondood noo*o4ary fo the, -pvd*4tvWozk,o iluth- 04A. Aouty, 040tiod 4-- Tw* oratiomoo -ah-So tjuevimd, 1�,* in id rd 64*0 M, �ma Oto 4=00y 2n . Laid over to 3rd and app dopted� Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Dalglish ^� Dalglish Holland `oa`nd— Loss Loas Mortinson \ Mortinson �p r Peterson Peterson v Rosen �\ Rosen Mr. President Vavoulis Mr. President Vavoulis �,✓ Apo 1111