208367• Clerk .._a ORDINANCE --� COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. 208367 An'ordinance repealing Chapter 125 of the Saint -Paul Legislative Code and enacting a new chapter to be known as Chapter 125, Saint Paul Legislative Code, defining terms, establishing routes, establishing standards and prohibitions, regulating deliveries, traffic in alleys and passing from route to route, for trucks, tractors,'and tractor - trailer combinations within the City of Saint Paul, and also an ordi- nance granting certain temporary permit powers to the Commissioner of Public Safety,-exempting emergency vehicles from truck regulations and Tregulating loading and unloading of trucks in the downtown area. This orrddinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 is an emergs3q health and safety. That Chapter 125 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and the same is hereby repealed, and the following is hereby substituted in lieu thereof to be known as Chapter 125. _ Section 2 125. TRUCK ROUTES 125.01. Definitions. The following words and phrases, when used in this Chapter, shall, for_the purpose of this Chapter, have the mean- ing respectively ascribed to them herein: (1) Comrmercial vehicle. Every self- propelled motor vehicle other than a passenger vehicle or a vehicle used for the purpose of transport- ing passengers for hire, and shall include any truck, truck tractor or road tractor or combination of truck or road tractor and trailer or semi- trailer designed primarily for carrying commodities_other'than people, . whether laden or unladen. - `;, (2) Passenger automobile. 'Passenger automobile means any motor vehicle.designed and used for the carrying of not more than eight per- sons, including vehicles known as station wagons, but excluding motor cycles. - (3) Gross weight and gross vehicle weight shall mean the actual unloaded weight of the vehicle,- either a single unit truck or tractor - trailer combination, plus the weight of the maximum load for which,-such vehicle has been rated whether or not the - vehicle or combination of vehi- cles is actually or fully loaded. Any commercial vehicle operated or driven In the City of Saint Paul on streets other than state trunk high- ways or truck routes designated at 125.03 shall have stenciled in a con - spicuous place on each side of the cab of the truck the gross weight of the vehicle or combined vehicles as herein defined. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council IN S&W Da 19 11 sh Holland Loss • Tn Favor Mortinson Peterson Against Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Approved Attest: City Clerk 5. - Mayor 1M 11-61 22 - • r v 4 _ _, or►¢ln.l t. city clerk PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO ORDINANCE NO 208367 page 2 125.02. Routes established: For the purpose of defining, regulat- ing, and restraining the movement of commercial vehicles and trucks throughout the City of Saint Paul, and the regulating and restricting of the use of the streets, public thoroughfares, highways, and places by such vehicles, the Council does hereby lay out and d ®fine certain districts and routes in which and over which all commercial vehicles may use said streets and routes and prohibiting or restricting the use of other streets by trucks and commercial vehicles. 125.03. Prohibition. Hereafter no person shall operate a con"r- cial vehicle of over 10,000 pounds gross weight -on or over any streets., public thoroughfares, highways, and places'in the City of Saint Paul ex- cepting in the districts or a er the truck routes described as follows: (1) The districts which are zoned for light or heavy industry under the provisions of the Zoning Code (Chapters 60 through 64 hereof) except on or over those streets designated at Chapter 124.02. (2) All streets in the Central Business District bounded by and in- cluding- Pleasant Avenue, Sixth Street, Smith Avenue, College Avenue, Rice Street, Robert Street, Eighth Street, Jackson Street, Kellogg Boule- vard,_W. Seventh Street, and Ramsey Street. (3) The following truck - routes: Acker Street from Jackson Street to Mississippi Street (but no comlmer- clal vehicles.of over 30,000 pounds gross weight). Annapolis Street (that part of Annapolis Street that lies within the City of Saint Paul) from S. Robert Street to Sibley Memorial High- way. _ Arcade Street from the North City Limits to E. Seventh Street. Broadway from Kellogg Boulevard to Mississippi Street. Chestnut Street from Shepard Road to W. Seventh Street. Cleveland Avenue from St. Anthony Avenue to Ford Parkway (but no commer- clat vehicles of over 30,000 pounds gross weight). Como Avenue from Park Street to Dale Street. Coax Avenue from Snelling Avenue to the West City Limits. Concord,Street from S. Wabasha Street to the South City Limits. Dale .Street from Grand Avenue to the'North City Limits. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council BgQwmy Dalglish Holland Loss In Favor " Mortinson Peterson Against Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) ` Approved: Attest: \` City Clerk Mayor IM 11-61 zz N • jorig4i3 to City Clerk ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. Me 3 208367 Dodd Road from Stryker Avenue to the South City Limits. Earl Street from Hudson Road to Maryland Avenue (but no commercial vehi- cles of over•30,000 pounds gross we•Ight). _ I Eustis Street Connector (T.H. No. 2$0) from University Avenue to the North City Limits. Exchange Street from Sherman Street to the Central Business District. Ford Parkway from the West City Limits to-Snelling Avenue. Franklin Avenue from the West City Limits to University Avenue. Front Avenue from Lexington Parkway to Dale Street, George Street from Smith Avenue to Ohio Street. Grand Avenue from Cleveland Avenue to Dale Street (but no commercial vehicles of over 30,000 pounds gross weight)._ Grand Avenue from Dale Street to Oakland Avenue. Hazel Street from E. Seventh Street north to the St. Paul, Minneapolis 8 Omaha Railway. Hudson Road from Mounds Boulevard to the East City Limits. Jackson Street from Sycamore Street to Acker Street (but no commercial vehicles of-over 30,000 pounds•gross weight). _ Jackson Street frow ;University Avenue to Shepard,Road. Kellogg Boulevard from Summit Avenue to Pleasant Avenue. Kellogg Boulevard,from the Central Business District to Mounds Boulevard. Larpenteur Avenue from the West City Limits to Payne Avenue. Lexington Parkway from W. Seventh Street to Front Avenue (but no comimer- clal vehicles of over 30,000 pounds gross weight). Maria Avenue from E. Seventh Street to Hudson Road. Marshall Avenue from the West City Limits to Snelling Avenue. Maryland Avenue from White Bear Avenue to Dale Street. McKnight Road from Hudson Road to Minnehaha Avenue. Minnehahe Avenue from Pierce Butler Route to Coma Avenue. Yeas Councilmen Nays - Passed by the Council ANYA*Xr Dalgl ish Holland Loss Tn Favor Mortinson Against Peterson S Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor ins 11-61 2 2 Oriri a to City Clerk ORDINARCE COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO Page 4 Mississippi Street from Broadway to the North City Limits. Montreal Avenue from Snelling Avenue to W. Seventh Street. Mounds Boulevard from E. Seventh Street to Hudson Road. Oakland Avenue from Grand Avenue to Ramsey Street. Ohio Street from George Street to Winifred Street, Otto Avenue from Shepard -Road to W. Seventh Street. Park Street from University Avenue to Corso Avenue. Payne Avenue from the North City Limits to E. Seventh Street. Pelham Boulevard from University Avenue to St. Anthony Avenue. Pierce Butler Route from Prior Avenue to Minnehaha Avenue. Point Douglas Road (T.H. No. 01) from Hudson Road to the South City Limits. _ Prior Avenue from St. Anthony Avenue to Pierce Butler Route. 4 Ramsey Street from Oakland Avenue to Sherman Street. 208367 Randolph Avenue from W. Seventh Street to Cleveland Avenue (but no com- mercial vehicles-of over 30,000 pounds gross weight). - Randolph Avenue from W. Seventh Street to Shepard Road. Raymond Avenue from University Avenue to Corso, Avenue. Rice Street fio m the Central Business District to the North City Limits. S. Robert Street from the Central Business District to the South City Limits. Rondo Avenue from Griggs Street to Rice Street. St. Anthony Avenue from Pelham Boulevard to Griggs Street. St. Clair Avenue from W. Seventh Street to Cleveland Avenue (but no com- mercial vehicles of over 30,000 pounds gross weight). Selby Avenue from Snelling Avenue to Summit Avenue. Yeas Councilmen Nays 299MydyX Da 19 11 sh Holland 4 Loss - - . Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Attest: City Clerk 1M 11 -61 22 Passed by the Council Approved: Mayor Favor Aroainst t a Orl¢lnal to City Clerk ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO, PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. page 5. W. Seventh Street from the Southwest City Limits to Wabasha Street. E. Seventh Street from Wabasha Street to Hazel Street. Shepard Road from Sibley Street to Otto Avenue. �s :Sherman Street from Ramsey Street to Exchange Street. Smith Avenue from Annapolis Street to George Street. Snelling Avenue from the North City Limits to Montreal Avenue. Stillwater Avenue from White Bear Avenue to the East City Limits. Stryker Avenue from Winifred Street to Dodd Road, Summit Avenue from Selby Avenue to Rice Street. Sycamore Street from Rice Street to Jackson Street (but no commercial vehicles of over 30,000 pounds gross weight). Third Street from:-Mounds Boulevard to Maria Avenue. 208367 University Avenue from the West City Limits to Mississippi Street. N S. Wabasha Street from the Central Business District to Winifred Street. Warner Road from Sibley Street to Point Douglas Road.(T.H. No. 61). ° White Bear Avenue from Hudson Road to the North City Limits. Winifred Street from Ohio Street to Wabasha Street. 125.04. Exception for Deliveries. When necessary in entering or leaving a` truck terminal or for the purpose of making a delivery or pick- . up, a coamercial,vehicle of over 10,000 pounds gross weight may travel upon ,--any street where such delivery or pickup is to be made, or where such truck terminal is „located,'but shall reach or leave such location on said street by traveling over the shortest route from the nearest designated truck route or district as provided in 125.03, or over the shortest route from the point where a previous pick -up or delivery has been made. 125.05. Restricted in Alleys. No vehicle having a width of vehicle or load thereon of eight feet or more, or a height of vehicle or load thereon of twelve feet six inches or more, or an over all length of thirty feet or more, shall enter any of the alleys in that part of the central business district described in 125.03 (1) except by special permit issued by the Department of Public Safety. . Yeas Councilmen . � Datlish Rolland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Attest: City Clerk 1M i1-n-, X22 Passed by the Council Approved: Mayor Tn Favor Against Ori¢ir%A1 to City Clerk ORDINANCE PRESENTED BY MORN COUNCIL FILE NO ORDINANCE NO. page 6 125.06. Passing from Route to Route. A commercial vehicle of over 10,000 pounds gross weight upon arriving at the and of any truck route designated herein, if such truck route end is not connected at said point with another truck route, may be driven over the most direct course to the nearest truck route which extends in the same general direction. 125.07. Commissioner's Powers. The Commissioner of Public Safety shall have authority, for cause or upon request, to designate temporary routes in addition to the routes specifically provided in 125.03; to isssue temporary permits for commercial vehicles of over 10,000 pounds gross weight to operate over routes not established in 125.03; or to otherwise deviate from the provisions of this chapter. Such action of the Commissioner of Public Safety shall be subject to review and modifica- tion.or cancellation by the Council. 125.08. Emergency Vehicles. The provisions of this chapter shall not apply to emergency vehicles of the Police Department, Fire Department, or Health Department, nor to any public utility vehicle where actually engaged in-the performance of emergency duties necessary to be performed by said public departments or public utilities, nor to any vehicle owned by or performing work for the United States of America, the Commonwealth of Minnesota, or the City of Saint Paul. 125.09. Restricted in Downtown-Area. Ali truck - trailer and tractor trailer combinations are prohibited from loading or unloading on any street or alley in the area bounded by and including Kellogg Boulevard on the south, Sibley Street on the east, Seventh Street on the north and St. Peter Street on the west between 6:00'A.M. and 9:00:P.M., Monday through Saturday. 125.10. Map. Appendix H of this Code is a map which shows, among other things, the Truck Routes established by this Chapter, but in case of any conflict or ambiguity, the provisions of this Chapter shall control over the map. Setion 3. That the above enacted Chapter is hereby made a part of the Saint aul Legislative Code to be inserted in the bound volume thereof at such olume's next revision. Section 4. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered ecessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 5. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force upon its passage, pproval and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays WAXXXXW Da 1 g 1 i sh Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Attest: City Clerk Passed by the Council Approved: Mayor Favor A gainst i]K 11-61 X22 j Triplleace to the Comptroller / "ORDINANCE PRESENTED BY COUNCIL FILE NO. ORDINANCE NO. 20836' An ordinance oWdoiitrgi Chapter 125 of the Wnt Paul Legislative Code and :ona+ct 1 ng a nW chapter to bo known as Chapter 125, Saint, Paul Leglslatly* Cods., dafiol" testa, esU61 tilling routes, establishing standar4s and prohibitions.! ragulating deliverles, tr *0Ic In 4loys and passing from rotate: tQ route., for trucks,, tractorst', acrd tractor - tra6lar comb'.inat1wm within: the, City of Stint Paul s, *4 also on ardl;- nalnde granting cartatn atliporary permit ,powers to the Coeraissioner of Nbl,1,q Seafoty, ex" ting a +tr a y 'Vehlcl" from truck regulations and 0.aulatfng� loadt and unloading of trucks in the dt owYe. are*,, This or finance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, THE 90WOt„ O 110t CITY SAINT PAt1t,► DKS MAIN: 'Section 1 is an emergent health and safety. t Zhapfisr 125 of the Saint Paul Logisiatiws Coda be and then *am 'Is here y reysereldd I anti ihrt' fallowing is boreby substituted in l iiu tlw"' f to bo knosm as iwhapter 1254 125.w TKU WTI$ 125•gi.r Refinitions. The following words and phrasos; when used '10 this Chapter, shall* for the purpose of tine ChaptOO, !rave the asiaen- 'Ing.:respactivoly ascribed -to theme hsroint l . Coemerclat vs tci.e. !!very self - propelled notAr vehiclo other thalf -a passeioger vehicle or a vehicle used for the purpose of transport- log pa nger.s for h ra, and shat t Include any truckc , truck tractor or road tractor, or caobination of trucic or foxed, tractor and -trail for or semt- trollor design d !pr.imartly for caerrytng commodities other thate pot*l.e: whether' ladon or unladen, W Passenjer autaawbtto, possenger automobile, means any notor vabicle daslgnW'Bind use=d for the carrying of not mars than eight parr* sons, including - 4oh1Cles kaawn_ a$ statlon wegms1, but excluding motor O gross weight and gross: vr«h#cle! weight shall mean the waunI unloaded weight of the vehicle$, o thor a single emit truck or tractor • tta1ler-gombtnatjda,' plus the Weight of the maximum' load for which such rrahl'ole has been 0eted whether or not the vehicle or coe+bination of vwehl- 101" is actually 'or `fully loadod.. Any coaererelal vohlOo opeerared ,ors driven`ia' fire Ctty of Saint Paul on streets other than state trunk high- we y$ or truck routes- designated at 125.03 shal l haver stenct lead In a can - ssppiGu6us place co each slole of the cob of the truce the., gross weight of t6 vehloie'or l need vehicles as heroin deflned.. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council = 6'al'gtIsh Holland Loss In Favor Mortinson Peterson Against Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor 1M 11 -61 22 TrIpHente to the Comptroller PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE page 2 COUNCIL FILE NO ORDINANCE NO 208367 125,421. A0Ut0S *St*bt lshaj.'L for th4 porpo$* 'of defining rosKlat• Ing* ond restraining t he "Ovwmt Of e mwolof vehicles " trucks throughout the City of Saint Paul,, and the regulating and restricting!, of the use of the strootsq, Pubi is tWough-farest- highways, and places by such vehicles,, th* CWnclt,does hereby lay out and def thit certain districts and routes In which and over which aj. 1 coOkercto I Vehicle$ may use said streets and routes and prohibiting or r*strictin -9 the u4► of other streets by -trucks and comieerc'lat vehicles, 125,01. 'Prohibition. Hereafter no -v per, m *hall operate a Cow*r* 'Clot volcle of over 10#00 pounds gross, weight an or Over thy street*, pubi to thoroughfares,, highways# and places In the City of Saint Paul ex- cApttag In the districts or serer' the truck routes described` 4s followst: '(1) The, districts which are toned for light or hoovy lodustry under the provisions of the Zoning Cod* (ChVrtors 60 through 64 hereof) except on or, over thOSOStreets designated at Chapter, 124.02* 42) All streets in the Central Saslooss District bounded by and In- 'cluding- P164imot Av►nu**. Sixth, Strostt Smith Avow*#. Cot In* Avenuoi, Rico Street., JtobertStraot,, igighth $treat,, Jackson Street,, goliqV Soule- vard, W., Seventh Street., aid Amway Street-.- (3) The foljowing truck routes;,, Acker Street from, Jackson Street to $Ississipp'i Street (but no comikW- clot vehicles of over MOW pounds gross weight)., Awnpot-Is Street (that part of Annapol Is Street that, I los, within, the C1tY of ;faint Paul), from t.,- Robert Street to Sibley . Hawriat Nigh- way*., Arc de Street from the !forth City Limits to 0i. Seventh strootq" $rO*dw*Y from K911099 SoulevOrd to Mississippi Street., Chostnut Street from Shepard Rono to W..Sovonth Street.• Cleveland Avenue from St. Anthony Avwwo to Ford Parkway (but no capier- clot vehicles of over 30.*000 pounds gross. wetghi),, Co= Avenuo'free; Park. street to,0410 Strout. OW AV4W* from Snelling Avenue to ,the West City tlmlts.: concord street from 6, W*68sha Street to the South Cjty. Limits,. Wo 1-troot from, Grand Avenuw to the North City L units. Yeas Councilmen Nays Db-W Ho 5 Dalgitsh &a Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Attest: City Clerk 1M 11-61 X22 Passed by the Council Approved: Mayor Favor Against Triplicate to the Comptroller ORDINANCE 208367 PRESENTED BY pft* 3. COUNCIL FILE NO, ORDINANCE NO P&W Road from Stryker Avow* to the South City Limits. Sari : Str*it'from Hudson RoW -to HarYland Avwwo "(but no g000rc.161 vaht- clet of over 30,000,0ounds, gross Volght).. Eustis Street, Connoctor (ToRo Vo-. 280) -from -Unirve ty Aus t 0 the n . I ve North city Limits. f,xcb"g* Streat from shormAn. $treat to the Control tusimnt 91*010t. ford Part from the Wpst City -LImits to Snal I Jpg Avenug, Franklin Avenue; froo the West CTty,'Cjmjts to t"Ilvorsity -Avomp- Front Avows froin Lexington Farkmy 'w We Street.• Georgo,Straot from $,n1th Avenue to Ohio Street. Qrond Avenues from V&veland Avon" to gal'oStraot abut vehicles• of over 30,E pounds gross weight) n rcial o como, Or*W Avows from Dale Street to Oakland Avows. Hay .01 Street frost t'e Seventh Street north to the St.. Paul 141'raw"lls ameba Roliway. *8150n -14044 f"m Hwn& 80ulevard to the test City Limits. jackson, West frm- $yomwo Street to Acker •Street (but no comorcial Vehicles of over "'Wo Pounds gross Weight). ,*cksw Street fro* University Avow* to Shepard Road. Kellogg SoulsvbrO from Sumit Avenuo to Pleasant Avenue. 'gellogg Boulevard from the control sustnoss Vistrict to founds Boulwmrd. Larpenteur Avenue, from the West City UnIts to Payne Avenue. LogIngton, Parkway from V. Seventh •treat to front Avenue; (but no comer-, clot, vehicles Of over 30,pODO pounds gross taight'). Hariat Avwxw frome. Seventh tte"t to Wilson Aoad. Marshall Avenuo fro* the West City Units to SnellIng Avows.. ftrylond Avenue from Whit* lear -4ftwwo to bale Street. *Knight go*d from Hudson -Rood to HinnebOw Avows,, Minmehaho Av4m* frCa jjj$ftG fttler ruts to toft Yeas Councilmen ,,..Nays Passed by the Council Holland Loss Tn Favor Mortinson Peterson A in t Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Approved: Attest: City Clerk 1M 11-61 -0&0, 22 Mayor Tripli'eau toath. Comptroller ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. r !{ �stAslppl Street from aroadiaay to the 'Borth City Llwlts-. Fkxitre l Xv�neiei roil :Sne1 ing .Avwwuee to W.. Slnveettth Strieat. Aowids souleyprei from .E: Seventh ;Street to Hudson Road, gak�ind Avnrepee fione brand '" Avow to l ey Street. lAto Strut fiom 400► gee ttreiet to Wip" Fred :$trd`et. !Otto Avow,* f Poe Shepard Road to WW.. , Seventh Sit reseet." bark Streit from University Avesttw to Como Aveenue. Oayni A%ewws frc��` the '!%r, th City Limits -to is, Seventh Street. `moth" Yv�1 "s d fr 1 1• w a 1 I i T all a Q!� Universitywi�we to Ste ,Antsy Avenue. P Brice Sutler .Route from :Prior .Aveauee to Minnehshae Avenue: Point gouQlas Road' .(T.". NO. 0) from Hudson, Road to the South City Limits. ; - 208367 !for Avenue from St. Anthony Avenue to pierce Sutler ?-out*. Ramsey Street. from Oakland Avenue to shermw Street. Randolph Avenue, from 1i. Seventh Street to Clevelond Avow* (but no com- plol vehlcles of over 3.0jW0 ,pounces gross weight) -Randolph Avenue from W. Seventh Street to -Shepard Road. Royeond Avwuee from University Avenue to Coao,a Avenue. dice Streiet feom the Control 'Bus inos* District to they North City Limits. S. lkobart Street from the Cantrat Misiness District -to the South City Rondo Avenuo from Griggs Strout to Rice 'Street~. St. Anthony Avenue from .Pelham boulevard to Griggs Street. St. Clair Avernuo frees W. Seventh Street to Cleveland Avenue (but no com- marciai +Wilelsv of over 30,000 pounds Dross welgbi ). Selby Avenue from Snelling Avenue to Summit Avenue. Yeas Councilmen Nays > 6DO F Daiglish Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Attest: City Clerk 1M 11 -61 22 Passed by the Council Approved: Mayor Tn Favor Against Trlplieate to the Comptroller ORDINANCE PRESENTED BY PIKJS 544 COUNCIL FILE NO. ORDINANCE NO. Wi' sevsnth Utmost f 04'swthwst t 4 tit timf is t o m"he st:'r'eet+ ,i wnth St t fro V wuoho. St'reet� i - � tirEet ; Showd Rood ftom 'stblr!iy. ' trw to Otto Avetru i. she Str"t from Rwn$ey WWI to Exchange vt t,M SMI,th Ayerae ' fraM AWWO11S $tMt to OW90 $tfl`dt snolting kenum from tho Horth Utl y tl'mits to ftntftol nus� S011t titer 'A+rsrri fiva Whits ileac Aver m -to the pmt .city kisrtts. i $tryUr• Ave" frm ttirrifred St"et to godd losdo i twit Aveme from Selby Avow* to itice gtmta Sy t Stmot frm 1KICS stmet to jeclalarr. stfetet (but nog oorrno rcial vehic'tes� of over. JO. pojnds ross7weighiy* TWO Strast tr**:', ioun6 -' wlevArd to %W118 Avenue.l 20836 __- unWorsity ,06me from t1w wost City Wmits to Hississippi stmate, 5.: 1a IShs $treat from tha centred SusiriOss irlstr)ct La t��'r� #fired St' 01 "r Rood from $1bley S.tret WPoint .tkWg)' Ro tid.'(t 'Vhlt$4 Sear AVOMW from HAW 40e4 to th' North MY ;Ltmlt$,, Vin— if 'Street froo phlo street to 'Wob"ho 'Stroou* 125.4 Exceptton for 004voriet. Won Ososssm -7 -in ontsring' br, !'6wing a0 truck terminal or for the purpose of m*ing a delivery of picime upr' a coma*ralst Vehicle of ovor -100'w pouno goons weight: moy tara ") upon stmt: whore, 'such - dotlyory o , .lckup is to, be , or ' rre such t h �terrmtritt Is Idcat"* lout stee 1. Breech or !sue such, imuton on sold strrot. :by tfey*tirrg ovor 'tha sar "St rout► fmm they nearest derstgcrerted truck roamer .dr, dl.tirtrrict .46. prax►idad in 125.03, Or -ovelr ft shor- tsst route fray+ tha polo Wboft .ae PMV,10US p.i4jk4. p orr de))Very h8l b080 Medea 125.05, iKastirictod in Allrys, W Vhtcte having a -*14th Of Vshicis or 'load theroon of eight Pest~ or more, or a height of vrahici* or, load th1►reM of 3� Ift ftit six #r►chss orr mOM,,, tar' an t ei11, Length of thirty foot or wro , shat # enter of they alloys to that part of the Control buaitwss+ dfstr'ict: dsac#'tb :tn 125.03 1 ommpt by spa+ lof permit lss and by the VoWtment of ftbtic $ofety, Yeas Councilmen Nays Hi4�;gl i s o and Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Attest: City Clerk Ins 11-61 2 2 Passed by the Council Approved: Mayor Favor Aroainst Trivlfcace to the ComptroUer ORDINANCE PRESENTED BY page 6 COUNCIL FILE NO. ORDINANCE NO. 208367 125.06, Passing from, Routo, to,ftoute. A emmorcUT vehIcle, of over 10,000 pounds gross weight upon arriving at the send o€ any truck route, designated here l", It such truck rwto end Is not connected of said point with another truck route* may be:drtvon over the most 4diftot course to the moarost trick route, whieb extonO In the same generat direction. Pow The tomissloner of public Safety 'Shbtl hms -authority. for eause of upon, re"Stj, to deolpato. tOmporary route* to addition to the rotes specifically provided in 125*0�; to tsssoo tevorarypoOtt's, fo)r cmier0st vohicl-es of over 10,0DQ pounds gross, wolght to q*44 over, routes; not establ'tshed In 12$.03t. ori to otherwIso 4evIiite: #J'rom'Itt* prowtolam of this chapter,*. $uch action of the 'comfosioner of Pubf it Safety shall be siubj'"t to review &A rat or civ"114tion by the touncili I 125*686, guargency Vohlclest, Thep provisions of this chapter shall not apply to wergency vehicles of thy: Police Depsrtment# 'Fire DeWtmont#, or Health 0"rtn*nto nor to &► public utility vehicle wiwrw actually engaged In the- performance, of ~gpney duties nor #ssary to be performed by said pubtit. departments: of public tsttlltle-si nor to any. vehiclo. wood by or peffo►fnq work for the United States. of AM0081 the -coma mealth of MInhoota*. or the City of Saint. ftul. -125.0% Restricted in Owntown Amite- Alt trock4troffer and tractor- tral.teo combl'natlons *r.o prohWited from Ioajjnq or unto N9 on y me t t ed cw *I Jay Ift the area bounded' by and Including Kel to" Souleviard on the toutht Sibley Street on the. e0t*, Seventh Strast on the, north and S Peter ter Street on the west between 6s00 and Monday through Saturday. 125i,,10, Hap.. Appendix 14 of this code Is # mo which shows, among other things, the Truck RouteS-0*tAbitshed by thitChaptor, but in om of *,ny- conflict or obloultro the PrOVIVons, of thl* thotet shalt: control mor tho vispo. figlign 30 That the above enacted 04ptor IS hereby made 8 Wt of the Saint Paul L491stAtive Code to be troatted In the bound. -voluft thoPeof at such volume,,* next ftVision.- ThIS sotdlnance Is hereby declared to be, on wargenoy ordtaorce v*ndor*d -necessary for the preservation of the public peace, ho4th ondsofttyi, lgrctWa k-11 Thlo ordinance shalt t#Ao oftet aW be In foro upm ft6pass"* opprovot and, publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays ?Man' *819"Sh Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Attest: City Clerk IM 11-61 2 2 Passed by the Council Approved: Mayor Favor Aroa. t - 2 - To: Members of City Council St. Paul, Minnesota 7. It is an injustice to citizens who build or purchase homes in a residential area. A citizen building or purchasing a home on a highway or truck route or commercial area would expect to have trucks using the thoroughfare. — - --- --- SYMBOLS VNION DL =DaY Letter �g p SERVICE NL -Night Letter C R, T''� �' easr menage TELEGRAM SF -1201 (4 fi0) LTsL tier Tel tut • ttnku to ddetred char' Letter Telegram ww is litdkatcd by ptoD� aytttboL W. P. MARSHALL. •t+n1oar+t • 'I he filing time shown in the date line on domestic telegrams is LOCAL TII`tE at point of origin. Time of receipt is LOCAL 11ME at point of desrinadon 659A CDT AUG 8 62 M0006 M SPA023 PD ST PAUL MINN 8 655A CDT COUNCILMAN JAMES J DALGL I SH • COURT HOUSE ST PAUL -MILAN t ' '' "' • t •' " '� E�F''�SEtJ TO ANY HEA�l1f TRUCKS RUNNING ON CLEVELAND AVE WE ARE MR AND MRS FRANK LINK RJR- 2049 TWPLE COURT ST PAUL MINN,* MIA1 r 1 CENERA� SUMMIT MANOR INSURANCE AGENCY r LESTER W. FREITAG 1097 Lincoln St. Paul 5, Minn. i GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA SAFECO ®INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA LIFECO ®INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA HQM QE iG& -&&A N RECEIV SAINT PAUL. MINN.' In MAYOR'S OFFI - AUG 8 - 1962 p m i►$���4ia�6 27 Aw mvf-1-% y WILLIAM F. WOODS PATENT LAWYER 105 S. LEXINGTON PARKWAY ST. PAUL 5. MINN. CAPITAL 5 -4450 Im MA Yo • MtN I9 #iii! Members of the City Council and Mayor Vavoulis St. Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: t 7, 1962 I would like to respectfully present my views concerning increasing thelload limit on Lexington Parkway from 10,000 to 30,000 pounds gross. I feel that the pro- posed changes in the load limit are ill advised and ask that'you resist their adoption for the following reasons: 1. If St. Paul is to maintain its fine reputation as a city of beautiful streets, parks, churches and schools, its council and mayor must be constantly alert to ward off any attempts to erode the physical foundation upon which such a reputation is built. Once an entering wedge is inserted into'such a foundation, an entire collapse re- sults. This is precisely what will happen if, in the name of traffic convenience and necessity, the parkways of St. Paul are downgraded by the lifting of existing load limits. I urge you to consider the problem in its broadest community context and not only in the narrow sphere of traffic engineering. Qw 2. The corner of Summit and Lexington is a typical example - of- church architecture at its finest. To permit 6 �__ Members of the City Council and Mayor Vavoulis - 2 - August 7, 1962 a virtually solid wall of trucks to violate this scene is to concede everything to commercial interests, an action that certainly cannot be warranted under present circumz stances. In addition, there is an abundance of schools at or near'Lexington that will be adversely affected by such a ruling. St. Lukes, for example, and Central High School are teeming with students many of whom cross Lex- ington ?kikway during the day. And Summit School on Goodrich is only a block west of Lexington while Linwood Park School lies a mere two blocks east of Lexington on Osceola. The cross traffic of students in these areas should be carefully considered before a decision is reached. The homes that have been built up along Lex- ington Parkway speak in the clearest of terms for the perpetuation of the parkway as a Parkway. Turning Lexington into a truck route can only result in its deterioration; and the logical extension of such pre- cipitous action would be to open up Summit Avenue, Miss- issippi Boulevard, Edgecumbe Boulevard and similar ave- nues of grace and beauty to the trucking interests. I strongly believe that such a trend should be stopped before it has a chance to get started. 3. As for enforcing the current limit of 10,000 pounds, I would suggest that larger signs be posted at the entrances to Lexington and other parkways to make sure that the regulation is observed. The present signs are too small and are not located as effectively as they might be. I would therefore earnestly ask that the pre- sent load limit of 10,000 pounds be continued with en- forcement measures being strengthened by providing Members of the City Council and Mayor Vavoulis - 3 - August 7, 1962 larger and easier to read signs appropriately located for maximum effectiveness. Respectfully submitted, William F. Woods me August 8, 1962. _ Mr. - Robert G . ^ Petersonp Secretary a' Traffic Committee."= i Dear'- Sir: Th6 City, 'CSuncil todejr adopted a motion by Cammi per Rosen permitting .him to withd -Awi - the attached 0 C. F. 248j and referring the ordin$nce back to the firaf C _ tee for i?urther_con�.....- sideration: t . - At't0ie hearing head` today a ge_ er of residents were ` 'preseni-apparently in opposition to any 1 to establi.sh.tiuck routes on Cleveland , Lexington :and, Fir _ W o ose` lh - tendance- were _undoubtedly interested in .other ,pbases ' o , - nce -One -woaan objected to trucks l on Front Street.- Comnie -and Coimissioner,,Severin_.. _ A. Wrtinson- called a.ttent. n tq object ns= of,residents•on Randolph Avenue " -`- :, _ of heavy trucks, on that: ro e. _ ery -truly - yours,, Y _ City - Clerk- �• 1096 Earl Street St. Paul 6, Minnesota Members of the City Council City of St. Paul City Hall b Court House St. Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: I am writing this letter in protest of any action by the City Council or members thereof to make Earl Street a truck street. I am a resident of St. Paul and reside on Earl Street. In talking with my neighbors and other residents several blocks in each direction, I find that they too are very much opposed to any such action. At the same time, none of us can conceive that you would even consider such a proposal for the following reasons: 1. Earl Street is a 95% residential street. 2. Earl Streetbegins or ends at the entrance to Mounds Park and begins or ends at the main entrance to Phalen Park, two of the cities finest parks. 3. Hundreds of children use this street, particularly during the summer months enroute to the Parks and to and from Phalen Beach. 4. Many parents use this street in transporting their children to the beach and parks because of the convenience in entering the parks. 5. Large numbers of scp(ool children must cross Earl Street daily during the school year to- attend such schools as Harrison, St. Casimirs, Harding, St. John's, Sacred Heart, Sibley and for recreational purposes at the Margaret St. Playground. Many senior citizens must also cross the street for activities at the Margaret Street Playground, 6. Earl Street is already a very heavily traveled residential street. It is not wide enough to accommodate trucks and the hills increase the hazards. Pdittrian hazards are already increased over the past two years because of the expansion of Minnesota Mining and the fact that Forest Street was closed for such a long period of time during the paving. Detween thehours of 7 to 8 AM and 4:30 to 6 PM weekdays, there is frequently a five to ten minute wait in many areas before it is'safe to cross the street. I am cognizant of this, situation since) must cross the street each morning -ana evening myself in going to and from work. r TO: THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER - OFFICE COMMUNICATION Eugene V. Avery Chief Engineer FROM: Robert G. Peterson Traffic Engineer -'-O (St?6 � PECEIVE®- JUL 27 1962 DEPT. OF PUSL!C WORKS CHIEF ENGINEER July 26, 1962 Attached is the revised ordinance on truck routes which has been approved as to form by the Corporation Counsel. You may recall that this ordinance was originally transmitted to the City Attorney with your approval in a letter dated July 3, 1962. It was the intention of Commissioner Peterson and the Traffic Com- mittee that a.public hearing be held in connection with this ordinance. Perhaps you could convey this message to Commissioner Rosen. All the commissioners as well as yourself have copies of the truck route report, which covers the reasons for the proposed changes. Three other minor additions not covered in the report have also been added. They are a regular truck route through the stadium area via DeCourcy Drive, Rosen Road, Flynn Street and Schroeder Drive and the official designation as t-euck routes oa Larpenteur, Westminster to Payne and on McKnight from Hudson Road to Minnehaha. The latter two streets ha%e always been truck routes as,far as the county is concerned but since the county maintains the streets they have never been included.in our ordinance. RGP: j h attached f 0 �� � � ,�:e�, � � � ��.��� �� i. �� / v w • J /f /1 OFFICE �I , s in . 62 p Am is - i - - i ; �.�• -�� ��+������ �/� •> i _• BUREAU OF RECORDS ;386 City Hall and Court House St. Paul 2, Minnesota Mr. Robert G. Peterson Secy., Traffic Committee 274 City Fall Dear Sir; -;zp 93 6 7 MRS. AGNES H. O'CONNELL City Clerk HAROLD J. RIORDAN Council Recorder RECEIVED SEP 'r; 9 DRPT. OF PUBLIC WORKS TRAFFIC BUREAU Sept. 25, 1962 The City Council referred to you and to the Traffic Committee the attached letters of Horace Mann P.T.A. and Robert R. Doody opposing the establishment of a truck route on Cleveland Ave., as more fully set out in the letters. We will appreciate your returning these letters and any others which may be also referred to you on the subject to us with any report that you or the Traffic Committee may make to the City Council,so that they will be available at any public hearing which the Council may conduct on the subject. Very truly yours, / W PZ�, City Clerk a CITY OF SAINT PAUL - MINNESOTA 8 a September 20, 1962 St. Paul City Council City Hall & Court House St. Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: The St. Paul Dispatch reports that it has again been proposed that Cleveland Avenue be designated as a truck route. It is also repo ed that the Chamber of Commerce is behind this proposal and is fur- ther supported by the Midway Civic Club. During the past couple years the citizens who live on or near this street (which is 98% residential) have been repeatedly threatened by such proposals. Only last month the council, temporarily at least, killed a similar proposal. The Council acted wisely in this respect. It appears that those who are sincerely interested in providing ad- equate truck traffic circulation have neglected to consider an important point. The opening of the new "Shortline Expressway" will provide a north -south route with termini at West 7th Street and (effectively) University Avenue, with connections to nearly all of the existing East -West truck routes. That portion of Cleveland Avenue affected by this truck route pro- posal lies entirely within the 44th Legislative District and I am greatly distressed over the consequences of the suggested ordinance on a fine residential area. I know that members of the City Council share my conviction that the stability of a neighborhood and the improvement of property values is, in great part, affected by the ability of property own- ers to plan their future with confidence. So long as this threat is repeatedly dangled over their heads this confidence cannot exist. I appeal to the Council to give these residents a favorable, quick and durable response to this truck route proposal. Respectfully, ( e Robert R. Dood 1994 Laurel Avenue HORACE .MANN PARENT - TEACHER ASSOCIATION SAINT PAUL 16. MINNESOTA St. Paul City Council City Hall and Court House St. Paul 2, Minnesota Gentlemen:, September 20, 1962 It has come to our attention that consideration is being given to making Cleveland Avenue a truck route. The Executive Board of the Horace Mann Parent- Teacher Association wishes to go on record to protest against any such traffic change. We feel that the street now is very difficult and dangerous for children to cross and the importance of this fact is emphasized by the number of elementary schools located within a block of Cleveland Avenue. When this matter agatin comes up for discussion, it is our hope that you will give thorough consideration to the dangers involved for our school children if traffic is greatly increased on this already busy street. cc Mr. Milton Rosen Traffic Committee St. Paul Chamber of Commerce Sincerely, Horace Mann Parent - Teacher Association By �� C%CoespotdiMnig D. athews Secretary 00 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS X386 City Hall and Court House St. Paul 2, Minnesota RECEIVED NOV 24 1962 DEPT. TRAFFIC PUBLIC WORKS BUREAU Mr. Robert G. Peterson Traffic Engineer & Secy., Traffic Committee 274 City Hall Dear Sir: MRS. AGNES H. O'CONNELL City Clerk HAROLD J. RIORDAN Council Recorder November 20, 1962 The City Council referred to the Traffic Committee for consideration the attached letter of Mrs. Edward Drake and the petition thereto attached opposing the establishment of a truck route on Seventh St. between White Bear and Hazel Aves. Very truly yours City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL - MINNESOTA 8 In Al SAWT y PA 'L n�1N FE Nov2 0 162�� St. Paul, Minnesota, November 20, 1962. The Honorable Mayor and Members of The City Council, City of St, Paul, City Hall & Court House, St. Paul 2, Minnesota. Gentlemen: Enclosed please find a petition with the signatures of. the owners of forty two (42) out of a possible sixty (60) pieces of property on East Seventh Street between White Bear Ave. and Hazel Street in the City of St. Paul. Each and every one is very much opposed to th-e placing of this part of Seventh Street on as a Truck Route. We are enjoying the peace and quite which a residential area has a right to expect and although we do not oppose the light delivery trucks in making deliverys to our homes and storekeepers we do not want this part of Seventh Street to become a highway for freight trains. You Gentlemen a re elected by a majority vote on democratic principles and as we are very much in the majority against placing this part of Seventh Street on the Truck Route, we certainly should-expect the same consideration from you. Respectfully submitted, I' Date L ADDITION ADDITION i� `���AFAR Ml 0 IN US RE IN MARK ALLIAkE • Across • � / IN I Rea / / ■ EN ®®® IN Ml MENNIMEMEN IN IN MINE -- ■ El ■ El NN ■ ■ MEN �E ■ MIN MEN i� OF�;FICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 City Hall and Court House St. Paul 2, Minnesota Oct. 19, 1962. F1 Mr. Robert G. Peterson, Secretary - Traffic Committee. Dear Sir: MRS. AGNES H. O'CONNELL Ci +y Clerk HAROLD J. RIORDAN Council Recorder RECEIVED OCT 19 1962 DEPT. OF PUBLIC WORK$ TRAFFIC BUREAU The City Council referred to the Traffic Committee for consideration the attached petition opposing the use of E. Minnehaha from Seventh to White Bear as a heavy truck route. I Very truly yours, ��� , V, City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL- MINNESOTA 8 p We the-unde --maigned home -mnerq- And' voters do hereby_ voice _QUr-prQt*st-gn the issue of East Minnehaha frm 7th Street to White Bear Avenue bein 9 used as _a heavy duty truck route. It WwA-ff --C -7 67 -fat jo, do bomby,voica our prowat va tho b4mW Vie' Mum bs und s. & — -fty -tmk -,ftuU O 00 VIA SPECIAL DELIVERY Qt ii --1 _ �° V -Gm p.3c" - — lum ar Y#st Amdomw -i 7th ame to ft Bur jk - teuwvsw air .a— -- -- - - ---Yle the - undersigned - rental - residents and 'voters -do- hereby - voice-our- protest -an -the - - Street -to White Bear Avenue beiri_gused -as a —­ heavy- duty-truck -route -- - - - -- - - / -gym �- � , G����� - -_- A. 1. (4- YAN, President A. B. (BUD) RYAN, Vice President R. P. (BOB) WENZEL, Secretary-Treasurer RYAN'S LANDSCAPE SUPPLY 1446 RICE STREET :: ST. PAUL 17, MINN. SOIL SUPPLIERS Humboldt 8.2596 LANDSCAPE GRADING CONTRACTING: SODDING, SEEDING COMMERCIAL SHRUBBERY PLANTING AND DRY STONE WALLS RESIDENTIAL September 12, 1962 Traffic Division Department of Public Works St. Paul 1, Minnesota Honorable Commissioner Rosen Sir:. 4 The following request represents a petition to extend the traffic usage on Jackson Street from Maryland Av. to Sycamore Street, to a service truck route, in order to facilitate the delivery of material to the downtown and associated areas. This extension would relieve the congestion on Rice Street and instigate better service to the community. The following signatures are in accordance with this: request. Any effort in our behalf would be appreciated. A. J. (ART) RYAN, President A. B. (BUD) RYAN, Vice President R. F. (BOB) WENZEL, Secretary-Treasurer "q RYAN'S LANDSCAPE SUPPLY „7,64 4foe" ao."4 u„ 1446 RICE STREET :: ST. PAUL 17, MINN. SOIL SUPPLIERS HUmboldt 8.2596 LANDSCAPE GRADING CONTRACTING: SODDING, SEEDING ® COMMERCIAL SHRUBBERY PLANTING AND DRY STONE WALLS RESIDENTIAL ' Septetpbar' 12 4. ' 1962 Traffic Division Department - of ,Public Uorks St,e Paul 14 Minnesota. Honorable Commissioner Rosen, Sir: The following.-request represents: a petition to extend the ' traffic usage..on Jackson Street from Maryland Avg' _ to. Sycamore, $itreet.r, , to a. service. truck route- in order'' 'to- facilitate the delivery of material to the downtown and-associated areas,, This. extension would relieve the congestion on fti:ce Street, arid, instigate better service to the con unityf „The, 'folloi4_ng ..bignaturee are In accotdance with thi6' reques t p;, Any, effort- -in out behalf would be- appreciated,e Namest z�• 4 Addresses a 0 FICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 City Hall and Court House St. Paul 2, Minnesota Mr. Robert G. Peterson, Secretary - Traffic Committee. Dear Sir: MRS. AGNES H. O'CONNELL City Clerk HAROLD J. RIORDAN Council Recorder REC WCU OCT 19 1962 DEPT. � OF PUBLIC WORKS TRAFFIC BUREAU Oct. 19, 1962. The City Council referred to the Traffic Committee for consideration the attached petition of Lexington Avenue residents objecting to the truck traffic thereon. r Very truly yours, City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL- MINNESOTA yr.•. It Attention: Mayor Vavoulis and councilmen; -A _,1962 We,the undersigned residents of Lexington Parkway,do hereby object to the truck traffic on said Parkway. "1 �� �!� =Pit/ � � v �o • ��✓(� r/ 4�1� :121- - 1 r ra v 2n I Laid over to 3rd and app A d'opted Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Dalglish Dalglish Holland Holland ' Loss Loss _ - Mortinson Mortinson Peterson Peterson Rosen Rosen Mr. President Vavoulis Mr. President Vavoulis 20836'8