D001597CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF'CHE MAYOR ADNIINI5TRATIVE ORDER n ►�J [: \� l� i I� I�.` Y Y: 7_ r I Y iI �T� T: i�T � I . � � � i �� r. - � WHEREAS, the Division of Parks and Recreation and its consultants have developed Prelinvnary Designs for the Harriet Island Regional Pazk Improvement Project, and WHEREAS, the Divislon and its consukants, with assistance from the Saint Paul Riverfront Corporation, prepared and conducted a public presentation of said designs on July 30, 1998, and WHEREAS, the Riverfront Corporation incurred certain project-related expenses for photography and presentation materials in the amount of $2,4$2.32 in conjuncfion with the July 30, 1998 presentation THEREFORE, it is ordered that the proper City officials aze hereby authorized and directed to pay the Saint Paul Riverfront Corporafion, 745 Norwest Tower, 55 Fifth Street E, Saint Paul, Minnesota, 55101, the amount of $2,482.32 for photography and presentation materials. • C98-3R055-0883-34131 APPROVED AS TO FORM �/�l � c�c� , Assistant Ci[p Attornep �ate � ` Department Head � � Z Admiuistrative Aeaistant [o Mapot `� �� SAINT PAUL RIVERFRQNT CORPORATION WORKtNG O�i BEHaLF OF TNE GRE�T RIVER PARK • so,�xn D�cz A.uan�c Auoxew Bosz A.��Bxu�'o Grrtu Coi.e.uu M1QAN COfENYV JAY GOWlFS V�croau Dn.�s Pzmicx Dono�ad �ttae Gxtviu, jz. Susav H,aux /LC:uw Hn.uson DEU¢e Hnsats Mtaue. Hpax�s Curzr]owuson GEOBGE LiPNEi Doucus LsamEx�nte DAVIO LLLY TIMORiT MAR% Jonn Muaenr RAFAEL ORiEW CHRIS PARR FarA Peaez AIL�N $CXJMAN VIRGIxIA STHINGER ]ON TNEOBAID StE'�E TawaiE CIy�V�NG BILLIE YoUNc TO: John Wirka � 1 � V FROM: Chris Oshikata 293.6866 , �� J D� � �.r. L`\� August 25, 1998 Harriet Island Project Expenses ���E1V�D AUG 2 6 199$ DIV. OF PARKS €� RECREATION F,NAN�E The Saint Paul Riverfront Corporation incurred the following project A° a�`�s eapenses for the design unveiling. We appreciate your understanding and Jnr cow[E. P.�<�m�ov.N cooperation with tlus reimbursement. MAWCE NAVER � HN MURPHY IIIP ORDWAT �K ��w��� For the future, we understand that if an e�ense is a project expense, then the service or product must be ordered by Parks and paid by Farks. There are five invoices enclosed that total $2482.32. ProColor#436168 $ 1,143.29 ProColor #436487 $ 479.89 ProColor #438997 $ 360.70 ProColor #442976 $ 4"3.44 Peter Lee Photography $ 455.00 � Thank you for your assistance and patience. cc: P. Seeb C. Mehlhop 745 NORWEST CENTER TOWER P�ovE: 651-293-6860 55 EAST FIFIN STREET SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA SSIQl Fnx:651-293-656& ��"-� DEPARTMENTfOFFICE1COlJNCN. Parks and Recreation DATEIN(TIATEb � GREEN SHEET Sept 15, 1998 � �7 � 7 NO. bOt 45 ` CONTACT PEft50N AN� PHONE MRIALNATE WRIALNATE John Wirka 266-6411 A � OEPAftiMENTOIRECTOR — CRYCOUNGL NUMBEft FO Z CtiY ATTOqNEY 4 cm c�ewc � U5f BE ON COUNdL AGENDA BY IDATE) ��NG OppER 3 FINANCIALSERVICESDIFi. FINANGIALSERV/ACCTG NA MAYOR(ORA551STANT7 5 Parks and Recreatio� ToTAL fl OF SIGNATURE PA6ES � (p.� ALL LOCA7N1N5 FOR SIGNANIF7 ACTION FEQVESTED: Approval of Administrative Order Harriet Isfand Preliminary Design Presentation HECOMMENOATIDNS: ApProw (AI ar Reject (Po _PLANNING COMMtSSi�N _CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION CIBCOMMITiEE _ A STAFF OISTRICT COUNC0. SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE> INIiIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, WhaC. When. Whem, Whyl: PEFSONAL SERYICE CONiRACTS MUST ANSWEN THE FOLLAWPl6 QUESTWNS: t. Has this pe�soNfirm ever worked ander a mn[ract for [his tlepartmenV YES NO 2. Has thia peesonffnm evtt been a cdy employee? YES N� 3. �oes th�x persoNfvm possecs a sk�ll rwt rormally passessetl by any wrrent crty employee? VES NO Eq�lain all yea answers on sepazate sheet a� attach te green aheet. The Saint Paul Riverfront Corporation incurred project related costs for photography and presentation materials for the July 30, 1998 community presentation of the Harriet Island Preliminary Design. AOVANTAGES IF APPROVEO: The City will pay the Corporation for its costs. OISADVANiAGES IF APPROVED: None ���=�„� � ����������� ISADVAN7AGES if NOT APPROVED: brporation cannot be reim6ursed. s�� i � �sss �� +� `S �� • � �� ,�=�_ t�, __��:._� a fAl, AMOUNT �F TRANSACTION S 2,482.32 ortuo sourtce NCIAL INFOftMATION: (EXPLAINI CASTINEVENIIE BUUGETED (CIRQE ONEI VES NO �� unnem G98-3R055 866t £ Z d3S , .