D001579CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR �do �s�, nnn�v�s�T� O�ER no: 1� D(� J S 7 R • BUDGET REVISION Date: f1 -' 1 D�� O ADMITIISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor In Section 10.07.4 of the Ciry Charter and based on the request of S�perintendent of Parks and Recreafion to amend the 1997 budget of the Capital Improvement Budget fund, the Dire�tor of Financial Services is authorized to amend said hudget in the following manner: Current Budeet Financing Plan Capital Centte Plaza C97-3R040 Cultural Star Program (930-90310} Assessments 116 HRA Business Loan Fund Ecolab Inc. endin Plan pital Centre Plaza C97-3R040 Design, Engineering and Construction 350,000.00 30Q,000.00 350,000.00 -0- 1,000,000.00 1.QOO,OOO.OQ 1,000,000.00 �.��- -0- -�- -0- + 21.OQ0.00 + 21,400.00 + 21.Q00.�0 + 21,000.00 Amended Budeet 350,000.00 30Q,000.00 350,000.60 21 A00.00 1,021,000.00 1 A21.000.00 1,021,000.00 RECEiVED AU6 101998 CITY CLER1( . r. � i�i*�►i4f � � � 1 � . � � / � � i � D2te PPROVED AS TO FORM DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNpI, Parks and Recreation CONTACT PERSON AND PHONE GREEN SHEET INISIAL(DATE � �1 �D�1S7q NO. 63897 INITfA4DATE hn Wirka 266-6411 � 1 DEPARiMENTDIPEGTOR cmcounc�i NuMBEft FOR\ CfTY ATTORNEY 3 CITY C.LERK POUTIN6 MU5T BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATEI OIiDER 2 FINANCIAL SQiViCES �IR. �L FlNANCIAL SERV/ACCTG NA _MAYOR fOq ASSI5TANn 5 Parks and Recreation TOTAL $ OF SIGNATUflE PAGES � ICLP Alt �tlCAilONS FOR SIGNAiURfl AC1lON REQUESTED; Approval of Administrative Order amending Capitat Centre (Ecolab) Plaza budget. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve IA) o� Rejea (R) _PLANNING COMMISSION _CIVIlSERVICE COMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE _ A srncF DISTRICT GOUNCIL SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL 0&IECTIVEt INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNIN IWho, What, When, Where, Why): PERSONAL SEflVICE CONTNACTS MUST ANSWER iHE FOLLOWING UUESTIONS: t. Has tTis persoNFirm ever warke0 un0e� a cont�act tor Mis departmen[? YES NO 2. Has [his pareon(firtn ever been e ciry employee? YES NO 3. DoPS this person/firm possess a skAl no[ norcnally possessed by any curren[ city employeeP YES NO Eapiain ail yes answan an sepamte sheat antl attach to greBn aheat. Ecolab Inc. has requested paving of the entryway to its 6uilding to match plaza pavement and will reimburse City for the Fost of the work. ADVANTAGES IF APPqOVED: Budget amended to provide spending authority for paving work and accept reim6ursement from Ecolab Inc. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: None DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPftOVED: No spending authority to provide added paving work and receive reimbursement. �V� � � ���� C1TY CLERK TOTAL AMOUNT Oi TRANSACTION S �L �.00O.00 DINGSOUPCE Ecolab inc. FINANCIAL INFORMATbN: (EXPLAIN) DATE INf71ATED Aug 4, 7998 COST/REYENUE BUDGEfED (pRCLE ONE) YES NO ACTIVITYNUMBER C97-3R040 �DD 157 � DIVISIOI�' OF PARKS AND RECREATIOV CITY �F SAINT PAUI. 300 Ciry Hal[ Anrzex Telephorse : 612-266-6-^.00 Nonn Coleman, Ma}�or ?S West Fourth Strezr Facsimile : 612-292-7405 Sairzt Pau(, MN S.i102 February 13, 1998 Bruce A. Nettleton Director of Engineering Opetations Ecolab Center 370 North Wabasha Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102-1390 Dear Mr. Nettleton: Thank you for your February 5, 1998 letter concerning the paving to be done in the entryway to your building. . We have included this work in our contract award recommendation, and will further ensure that Ecolab, Inc. is inciuded as an additionai insured on the contractor's insurance policies. Thank you for your interest and commitment to the plaza reconstruction project. Sincerely, , , � John M. Wirka C: Robert Piram Tim Agness Brian Tourtelotte \ T:1WP\BN21398.LSR • ��C� i.� �� E�� Ecolab, )nc. • Ecolab Center Operations St. Paui, Minnesota 55102 Tel: 612/293-2578 Fax: 612l293-2406 Bruce Nettleton Director of Engi�eering February 5, 1998 �ECE(VED FEB 11 1998 DIV. O� PARKS & RECREATiO�i Mr. John Wirka City of Si. Paui Division of Parks and Recreation 300 City Hall Annex 25 West Fourth Street St. Paui, MN 55102 Dear Sir: Thank you for your letter of January 30, 1998. Ecolab does want the entry to our • building to match the paving that will be done on the plaza. We accept the contractor's bid of 521,000 for this work and will pay this amount to the City of St. Paul upon satisfactory completion of the scope thai will include the foilowing: Demolition of existing paving between the two fountains, protectian of deck drains and granite benches to remain; test existing waterproofing membrane and repair if necessary including extension of warranty to 10 years from the manufacturer of the waterproof inembrane; p{ace new pavers on sand base with sand-swept joints. This wil! match the work north of the fountain poois. Piease insure Ecoiab is listed as an additionai insured on the poficies of the contractors during the work. A right of entry document wiil not be required for the work at Ecolab's entry or the work above our buiiding that is under the plaza. f have sent an earlier letter.requesting initiatfon of the process to rename the plaza Ecolab Plaza. This letter confirms Ecolab's desire to name the plaza Ecolab Plaza. Thank you for the explanatory letter about the plaza reconstruction project. Best regards, C`�� � � � Bruce Nettieton c: Steve Christenson - ECNf3 Dennis Schneider - ECN/Plaza . 1� �,� i . i �i i I r