D001552White �ink :,anary Blue Green . - Ciry Clerk - Finance Dept. - Dept. Accounting - Engineer - Contractor No. D l!��5��. Date 5 - a� -Q� CITY OF SAINT PAUL - OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER for CONTRACT CHANGE AGREEMENT NO. 1 ADMINISTRATIYE QRDER, Whereas, additions which proved to be necessary to the Improvement described as rgplacine built-up roof inembrane at Front Recreation Center. 485 StinsonStreet Saint Paul Minnesota. known as Contract 016270 , Ciry Project No. 9� , Central Roofin�Comoany , Contractor, is composed of the following: Replacment of 460 SF rotted wood decking per unit price of $7.25lsf C� $3,335.00 ORDERED, That the City of Saint Paul, through its Mayor, approves the foregoing additions made in accordance with the specifications in the sum of $ 3 335.00 ; said amount to be added or deducted to the lump sum consideration named in the contract, known as contract 16270 , and which amount ta be fina�ced from: • � �:•.. 1� umm Contract Amount . . . This Change Order. . TOTAL APPROVED AS TO Ciry of -2319�'� . 20_�Q .G�(� 19� 1 ���z�,9 i'� ...$ 57,770.00 . . $ 3,�35.00 61,105.00 Central Roofine Com�any Contractor sy �� (See Attach� , H of Department of Financ e � R w� V�..�_�f�/K Adm trative Assistant to the Mayor �/ N? 50122 � c ' I �. — - - .— r-.,. �.a (� l � � [ � JoL. IOFFlCEICOUNCIL • DATE INITIATED TMS-Real Estate 4/20/98 GREEN SHEE CONTACT PEHS+ON b PHOn1E iNfTlAItDATE fNST1AtN0.TE DFPAR7MEMDIRE�GTOR�_ OC(fYCOUNCII Barbara Morin - 266-8850 �sswx CT'ATTDRNEY � GITYCLER% xuneex wa BE ON COUNCI� AGENDA BY (DATE) p0�� � BUDGEf DIRECTOfl FlN 8 MGT. SERVICE$ �IR. ONDEN O�Y���A���,� [6] Barb Morin 140 H TOTAL # OP SIGNATURE PAGES ( (CIIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) AGf10N FlEWESTED: Required signatures for Change Order /61 for Front Recreation Center, Saint Paul, MN RECOMMErvOAT1oNS: Approve (A) or Rejen (R) pEft$ONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE POILOWING �UESTIONS: _ PLpNNING COMMISSION � CNIL SERVICE CAMMiSSiON �� Has this person/firm ever worked under a conhaCt fof this Oepartment? CIB CqMMITfEE YES NO ���� - 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employae? VES NO _ o15TRIC7 COUR7 _ 3. Does this personflirm pOSSess a skill twl nurtnalty possas5etl by afly current city employee? SUPPORT$ WHICH COUNCIL O&IECTIVE+ YES NO Explaln eli yes answero on aeparata aheet antl attach to green s�eet INff7ATING PROBLEM. ISSUE.OPPOfiTUNRV (Who. Wliet, When. VJhara. Why)' Existing wood decking was found to be deterioring and(or rotted under built-up roof inembrane and insulation. MAGES IFAPPROVED: New wood decking will be installed. Further deterioration will be prevented. Wood decking will be replaced under unit price taken with bid for roof replacement project. ' DISADVANTAGES IF APppOVEO. ?i"> = \ '��1a.xk.� . :..,_ None. :�.r'R � � 1""�' 'Z V JJ � y r ."a�'.^,� i;-r'z�. L � l �.Y`vt �_ � �.�� L _ , . _ , DISADVANTACaES IF NOT APPROVED: . � Moisture would remain in existing decking causing further rot in wood. Roof deck would become structurally unstable. TOTAL AMOUNT OF THANSACTION $ 3 335. 00 COSTlREVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE), YES NO � FUNDIWGSOURCE ACTIVITYNUMBEH C97-9T027-0898-93003 FINANCIAL INFORFfAT10N (EXPLAIN) p � L , CHANGE ORD�R CONSTRUCT[O�v MANAGEMENT EDtT[ON A;r� DOCU,�,4E,4T G7C1;'CM i P RO; ECT: iname, add:ess) TO tContracior): FRONT RECREATION CTR 485 STINSON STREET ST.PAiIL, NII�i- CEI�RAL ROOFING COMPAN�' 4550 Main St NE Mp1s, MN. 55421 Dist:ibution ro: n pWNER � ARCHITECT COtiSTRUG!Oti v!A�AG`R � CONTRACTOft J F1ELD p o���Q CHANGE ORDER i�UMoER �,y�71ATiON DATE: 4/18/98 ARCHITECT'S PROJECt NO: CONSTRUCTION MAt�AGER'S pROJECT NO: CONTRACT FOR: Reroofing CON7RACT DA7Ec You a:e direc#ed to'make the following changes in this Contract: Deck replacement as needed: �(�f5�� lx6 400 square feet 2x6 420 square feet lx6 (Cedar) 560 Squax'e feet 1,380 square feet total lwnber needed for three layer deck replacement Converts to approximately 460 square feet of actual deck replacement --, � r SF 460 square feet.@.ui?it price of $7.25 pe -- -- $3,335.00 �ot vaiid unii! signed by the Ovmer, the Architect xod che ConstruEticn Mxnagec. �--- -- .. ... Signzture ot the Contractor indicates agreement herewi[h, induding any adlustment in the Con;ract Sam cr the Contra<t Tlme. ........ 5 The originzl (Contract Sum) {Guaranteed Maximum Cost) was .. • . • • • • • • • • � • :: ; :: � Net chznge by previously authorized Chznge Order f o" o this Chan e Order was ••,••••••� 7he (Contratt Sum) (Cuaranteed Maximum Cost; p' 8 7he iContratt Sumi (Guaranteed Maximum Cori} wilt be (increasedl �€4�X��' ��'�� 5 oy tnis Change Order.....,...... .'......'....... '..... 'the new (Contract Sumi ;Gaaran hfaximum Costl including this Chznge Order will be .•. 5 The CentradTime Will be Gr.creased) (deueased) ;unchanged) by 7he Date oi Substan;ial Completion as or t`�e date of this Change Order therefore is Recommended: i CON57RUCTION MANAGER nDDRE�$ _.. DAT: hgrzed To: CENTRAI, ROOFING_C�� conrR e � 55421 8 Main S NE Mpls. • 4/18/98 gY � D,4iE 57,770.0 • .00 ; 3,335.00 61,105.00 � ; ) Days. Approved; ARCHITECT Authorized: ADDRE55 AIA DONMEN7 G:O11CM •{HA\G� C'nDER • CO�SiftGCilO� M.4CACF.ME4T EDITIU� •)�'+E 15fi0 EOITIC\ • ��^¢ Gi01/CM —�980 '$ 1%7 • iNF A.4,ERiCAK l�STi?V�= Oi ARCF+Ii?Q5. ]i35 N�IY YCRK AVE�.:. V K. Y;A54WGiON. D.C. 2�Cib