217555r br%inal to City Clerk PRESENTED BY J ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO Council File No. 217555 -- Ordinance No.' t 12716 —By Robert F. Peterson — An ordinance providing for regula -1: Zion of the procurement, possession,1 barter, exchange, delivery an F AlTv of barbiturates lZr et or �ttb3 90 bfac3 vw# r1 W- .,� RDINANCE NO.— /,7 7 / h 'An ordinance providing for regulation of the procure - ment,-possession, sale, barter, exchange, delivery and dis- tribution'of barbiturates and other harmful drugs. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preserva- tion of the public peace,,-health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. Definitions: (1) As used herein the term "drug" means: (a) Barbital and any derivative thereof; diethylbar- bituric acid; any alkyl, aryl, metallic or halogenated derivative of barbiturie acid; veronal (barbitone); proponal, ipral,-dial; neonal (soneryl); sandoptal; amytal, phenobarbital (luminal); phandorn; noctal, allonal (which contains allylisopropylbarbituric acid in combination with amidopyrine), medinal; any preparation, mixture•or other substance containing any of the foregoing sub- stances. (b) Any drug consisting of amphetamine, desoxyephed- rine (methamphetamine), mephentermine, pipradol, phenmetrazine, methylphenidate or any salt, mixture or optical isomer thereof which drug, salt, mixture or optical-isomer has a stimulating effect on the-central nervous system, except preparations for use in the nose and unfit for internal use. (2) The term "delivery" means sale, dispensing, giving away, or supplying in any other manner. (3) The term " patient means, as the case may be, (a) the individual for whom a barbiturate or stimulant is prescribed or to whom a barbiturate*or stimulant is administered, or (b) the - owner or the agent of the owner of the animal for which a barbit- urate or stimulant is_ prescribed or to which a barbiturate or stimulant is administered. (4)- The term "person" includes individual, corporation, partnership, and association. (5) The term "practitioner" means a person licensed by law to prescribe and administer barbiturates or stimulants. (6) The term "pharmacist" means a person duly registered ., with the State Board'of Pharmacy as a compounder, dispenser, and supplier of drugs upon prescription. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Dalglish Holland Loss In Favor Mortinson Peterson Against Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Approved: Attest: t' i City Clerk Mayor 1M 6-02 22 Form approved Corporation Counsel By � I r original to City Clerk ORDINANCE PRESENTED BY COUNCIL FILE NO. ORDINANCE NO. the time of the next revision of said Legislative Code. Section q.' This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health, and safety. Section 10. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force upon its passage, approval and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Mortinson O Peterson Rosen Mr. President (V voulis) Attest: ! City Clerk IM �z zz Form approved Corporation Counsel By 0 MAY 11964 Passed by the Council Favor i a Against as nV 1 1964 1 I (7) The term "prescription" means a written or oral order by a practitioner to a.pharmacist for a barbiturate or stimul for a' particular patient, which specifies-the date of its issue, ant the name" -and 'address of such practitioner, the name 'and address of the patient (and, -if such barbiturate or stimulant is prescribed for an animal, the species of such animal)., the name and quantity' of the barbiturate or stimulant prescribed, the directions for use of such drug, and'in the case of a written order the signature of,- such practitioner. An oral -order by a practitioner for a barbitu- rate or stimulant must be promptly reduced to writing by the phar- macist. ' (8 The term "manufacturer" means ) persons "other than i pharmacists who manufacture barbiturates or stimulants, and includes persons who prepare, such drugs in dosage forms by' mixing, compound- ing, encapsulating, entableting, or other process. (9) The term "wholesaler" means persons engaged in the business of'distributing barbiturates or stimulants to persons in4 cluded in any of the classes named in Section 3. (10) The term "warehouseman" means persons who store bar- biturates or stimulants for others and who /have no control over the -- disposition of such barbiturates or stimulants except for the purpose of such storage. Section 2. -It is unlawful for ar'�p person,-firm or corpora- tion to have in his .,,or its possession, or to sell, give away, - -- barter, exchange, deliver, or distribute any of the drugs speci- fied in Section 1 hereof, except on a written or oral prescription by a practitioner lawfully authorized to practice his profession. ing: Section 3. This ordinance shall not apply to the follow- (e; C d e, ) (g) Practitioners. Pharmacists when duly licensed by the State of Minnesota. ; Manufacturers. Pharmacists as manufacturers. Common carriers or warehousemen engaged in law- fully transporting or storing such harmful drugs. Public officers or employees in the performance" of official duties"requiring possession or con- trol of such drugs, or persons aiding such officers or employees in the performance of such duties. _( Any patient in accordance with the'terms of a pre- scription and prescribed treatment. 2. (h) Persons who procure such drugs for the purpose _ of lawful-research, teaching or testing, and not for sale. (i) Lawfully licensed and registered hospitals or bonafide institutions wherein sick or injured - persons are cared for and treated or by a bona - fied hospital for the treatment of animals. Section 4. "Any•such drugs in the possession of any person l convicted of a violation of this ordinance shall be confiscated •- 1 and forfeited to the Chief of Police who shall make proper disposi- tion thereof. + Section 5: It is unlawful for any person to procure, possess or have in his control or possession, or attempt the sale of a pro - j hibited drug,, (a) by fraud, deceit, misrepresentation or subterfuge, or (b) by the forgery or alteration of a prescription, or • c by the concealment of a-material fact, or d by the use of a false name or the giving of a false address., or (e) by making "a false statement in any prescription, order report, or record referred to in this chapter, or (f) by falsely assuming the title of.-or falsely repre- ;- _ sentirig any person to be, a manufacturer,'wholesaler, pharmacist, or practitioner for the purpose of ob- taining a, prohibited drug, or- (g) by making, issuing or uttering any false or forged prescription. ' Section 6. No person shall have in his possession any of ,' the drugs mentioned in Section 1 hereof except by lawful-prescription of a practitioner, and while iii such person's possession, same shall be kept in the original container in which purchased. Section 7. Any person violating the terms of this ordinance shall, upon conviction therefor, be punished by a fine of -not more than $100.00 or by imprisonment for not more than 90 days Section'8. This ordinance shall City of Sairit 'Paul Legislative Code and and given an appropriate chapter number 3. be deemed a part of the shall be incorporated therein and /or section number at I i 71 1st 11, � � ., - ' ., a 2nd Laid over to I Ir 3rd and app. 1 `1 Adopted ✓� / h Yeas Nays Yeas Nays \Dalglish Dalglish �olland - Holland \Loss Mortinson �eterson \Rosen Mr. President Vavoulis Loss Martinson %1 Peterson . V Rosen �- Mr. President VavouI* � F - PUBLISHED J