D001535Original- City Cierk � .�-,opies Fin. & Mgmt Services Pubiic Works Accourrting Engineer CoMracxor CITY OF SHIIVT PAUL - OFFICE OF TSE • MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER for CONTRACT CHANGE AGREEMENT NO. No.: D QO(535 Date: I � �LJ �� ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Whereas, additions which proved to be necessary to the improvemer� described as wasASxA-fnr�o�r-coNCOxD css-ZCO2ao�s4-2soss known as act'nirty ra. 26056 , City Project No. 96-P-1142, 96-P-1143 & 96-P-1144 Danner, Inc. Corrtractor, is composed of the foibwing: 2 � /2�� n �J.�. Cor_�vit L:r. Ft. ?° @ �16.50 = Change 2 1/�" RS.C. to 2 1/2" P.V.C. Each 1� $220.00 = Dig up 2 1/2" R.S.C. Each 2� $132.00 = 1 1/2" P.V.C.1Yench and Sod Lin. Ft. 236 � $4.95 = Abandon Areaway - 428 Wabasha Lamp Sum 1@ $8,099.22 = �_1��� • �.,'79.� $220.00 $264.00 $1,168,20 22 $10,130.92 ORDERED, That the City of Saint Paul, through its Mayor, approves the foregoing additions made in accordance wfth the spec'+ticatans in the sum ot $$10,130.92 , said amouM to be added to the lump sum consideration named on the contract, known as ActivRy No. 26056 , and which amount is to be financed from: MSA, CIB, PED, Assessments, Water Utility APPROVED AS TO ��l!/ir� � ` 7•�i� 19 �'�l ��g 9� � / 19 � � .��.�, � �.�.� y � ! � �� Director, Depa ment of Public Works � Confr r BY OEPAHTMENGDFFKK�/COUNCIL Dan Haak 266-6084 � ., r:'�a.] _ �R'��`'. Fi7! 51 TOTAL/OFSIGMATWiEPAGE3 2 ir. � r.�r,. "a o�� wrta�o 4/I7/98 SHEET��� No5 3s�s� � o�ume+fanecion� cnrcouNCa � �� M� CT'ATTOflNEY CffYCLERK �� ❑ FW�NCIAL 3ENVICES DI0. � FN. SEIiVICEE Ola9t � WYOH (Oq ASSISTMfT) � DN19oN MA LJ ID WARN 1� 1 WlYIA7PERC (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUREI Provide compensation for extra work petformed by the Coniractor at the request of the FhYgineer. WABASHA/HUMBOLDTjCONCORD City Project No. 96-Y-1142, 96-P-1143, & 96-P-1144 Contractor: Danner Inc. A PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE 7lONS:Apprcve(A)or�(R) FOLLOW{NG QUESTIONS: PLANNMfG CAMMISSIOt�! �' Has this persoNfirm ever worked under a contraet fw this department? CIB COMMRTEE YES NO CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION 2• Has ihis persoNfirm ever been a city empbyee? YES NO STAFF 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? YES NO Explain all yes answers on saparate sheet and attach to green sheet INRWTING PROBLEM. ISSUE.OPPORTUNfTV (WFiO. WHAT, WHEN, WHEFE. WHV): Contractor was directed to perform extra work not included in the original contract. RECEIVE42 �� . ��, i �;fTY GLERK ADVANTAGESIFAPPHOVEp: The Contractor will be compensated for eama work performed at the direcrion of the Engnieer. RECEIVE� DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: None APR 2 3 i998 �?`�' ' ma x°'':� --°`�°_,,,�<:, p s i'1 i, a .! F'6 z E J"_.::1 t�":4y�?'� ��f#CE �iPR � 2 t99R DISADVIWTAGES IFNOTAPPNOVED: �_.,_ Ttie additionai street ]ighting repair work could not have been completed. ���`i� �� ;_�,`'�. `i":��� z.� �a . a. � v.'��_ r'-..� TOTALAMWMOFTRANSACTIONS SIO ,130.92 CAST/flEVENUEBUDGESED(CIRCIEONE) r� � MSA CIB Assessments WaterUtili A����NBER t9 C96-2CO20-0784-25056 PID FINANCIpL MFORMATION: (E7�Lqlt� 0 U V�