218810Orlain.1 to city clerk ORDINANCE 218810 COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. An ordinance amending Chapter 126 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, pertaining to one -way streets. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Section 126.02, Saint Paul Legislative Code, is hereby amended by deleting therefrom the following: DIRECTION STREET ONE -WAY FROM TO Victoria St. South Marshall Ave. Dayton Ave. Section 2. That Section 126.02, Saint Paul Legislative Code, is hereby amended by adding thereto the following: Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force upon its passage, approval and publication. Section 5. This ordinance is to be in effect upon erection of proper signing and traffic control measures. Yeas Councilmen Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Meredith Peterson Rosen Mr.President (Vavoulis) Attest City Clerk 11K e-ez Form approved Corporation Counsel By Passed by the Council Approved: Mayor Tn Favor A— I t DIRECTION STREET ONE -WAY FROM TO Milton St. South Marshall Ave. Dayton Ave. `Dayton Ave. East Milton St. Victoria St. Section 3. This ordinance is' hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force upon its passage, approval and publication. Section 5. This ordinance is to be in effect upon erection of proper signing and traffic control measures. Yeas Councilmen Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Meredith Peterson Rosen Mr.President (Vavoulis) Attest City Clerk 11K e-ez Form approved Corporation Counsel By Passed by the Council Approved: Mayor Tn Favor A— I t I? TRIPU"TZ TO THX COMPTROU" • 2-188-10 ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. An ordtnan" as"ding Chapter 116 of the Saint owl, #."Islotivo codio, poetatni -my a$ to a" streets This It an omergeacy ordln"ce sary for the preservation of the public posts. hoolth and randorod noces pr safety, Tip CWKIL V 74 41-TY Of SAINT PAUL NO GUAM That Section 1264020 "sol"tPoul Legislative Codoo It hereby a*6rdkd by deleting tMeafrow the fol-jowingt Vittorio Ste DIUCTION I&SAIX , South 9+.1 H4r*h41 I Arne. DT Dayton Avs, That Section 12 .6-02t Saint Owl Loglslotiv* Code* is hereby AmAndod by adding theteto the followingt DMICTION MW to, Hilton St. South HarAal I Ave. Dayton Ave. On Hilton St. Amt lga l. it Dayton Ave. Victor lo St. This ordlnonqo It hereby declared to be an worgenty ordinance, rondorod necessary for 4the proseevation of Ow pubi la poscoo health and safety. This ordla"to shell take offedt WW bo in force upon Its passaps. -M*rov*1 and pubi Itattoni. W.16n 5. This Ordinance Is to be in affect Upon erection of Pr6jWr 419"Ing ond traff It control w0sures. Yeas Councilmen Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Meredith Peterson Rosen Mr.President (Vavoulis) Attest: City Clerk thl "2 Form approved Corporation Counsel By Pawed by the Council Approved: Mayor In Favor Agaimt OUADRUrLICATC To DEPARTMLNT ORDINANCE 2188 -10 COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO - An 4W41fflrA* 000ndirso OWPOW 116 of 00 Saint . ftmi L"1016tive codoe . $ww"Was to wsrwy stems. ` kls it an omwv" 4wdlas w a1sr 0040awy few t1w pr*004stlrnt of th* pobtio parr. *010 sa.0- "fty. Tw "IMM 4w, Tw My or "tiff M1. l Milt Vift motion 1 *6. =„ ulot "W t"lsl+tlw codej, 1s lwro4y► ww"dei !by +olutlno. tw0*040 #br fisllowl"01 V14t6rio St. r * Miromi 1 .. foyt" AN446 '1W Soatlow 126.0, Solo t 1 Losis1,60we ilk# i* bw'SbY ONW&W by 104 Owsw t it fol lax 131 III It" 0. a HN1*41 t A". ftyt" Awe. S+ryrt,* fir. 1"t 1I11t" $t. 10 ~14 #t. J%I* +a"In&** it *woby 4%slomW to be on swor Y wilnss" Irlowwod 0o10a*" for tw w%*tlon of tow *1145 ~,, i010 ono srftlrty. 4_ '1*1t i "0I ts* offset OW bo In fsroo, its 000sw.. aw-owel OW 0*110atien. wt ON)"*** 1s to 66 In offset 1144 of Proper 41"i"s and tmfflt ral 000V rva. Yeas Councilmen Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Meredith Peterson Rosen Mr.President (Vavoulis) Attest: City Clerk 'H "2 Form approved Corporation Counsel By Passed by the Council Approved: Mayor TT► Favor A MdWt THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL Y , INTER - OFFICE COMMUNICATION TO: Eugene V. Avery FROM: Robert G. Peterson DATE: June 12, 1964 -10 RECEIVED JUN 16 1964 DEPT. OF I)WuC WORKS CHIEF ENGINEER There has been considerable discussion about revising the traffic pattern for changing from two -way operation on Marshall to the one -way pair of Marshall and Dayton in the vicinity of Victoria. We have agreed that the best plan appears to be relocating the changeover to Milton St. between Marshall and Dayton. Victoria would revert to two -way operation which is desirable because of the bridge location over Interstate 94. No other vehicular access points occur between Lexington and Dale across Interstate 94. Traffic volumes are increasing on Victoria and already require stop sign control. In connection with the proposed plan the repaving of Milton from Marshall to Dayton would be desirable. Currently it is a 30 ft. oiled street. Repaving to 36 ft. would permit parking on the east side. Park- ing would be banned on the west side and also the north side of Dayton between Milton and Victoria under the new plan. Corner cutbacks would be included in the paving plan. If the over all plan is approved, it would be desirable to pave Milton prior to the traffic changeover period which is not critical but desirable on a long range basis. If a paving project is approved, it would seem that assessments should be eliminated. Also there is a question of this being a new state highway, and perhaps they would pay for the project. At this point the Highway Department has not been contacted regarding this plan. Perhaps you would wish to do this before scheduling a Council hearing on this matter. r� RGP:bjh V ff 0 V1070,>i,4 51 NORM DIRCCFION OF rRA17 -10 FLOW /ai�OAO�.fD IWIL710W 07." 4 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL \ INTRA- DEPARTMENTAL COMMUNICATION TO: Commissioner Dalglish FROM: J. William Donovan DATE: July 15, 1964 SUBJECT: The proposal to reroute the one -way traffic now in effect on Victoria Street between Dayton and Marshall to Milton Street between Dayton and Marshall. Hearing - July 15, 1964 As per your request I have made a field check of the area and following are my comments in connection with any possible financing that might be involved. 1. The existing subject Milton Street is very adequate for its present residential use and in good surface. It is an oiled street and appears to be well maintained. 2. In the event it is necessary to pave this one block of Milton as a direct result of the traffic rerouting, it would be my opinion that any benefits resulting therefrom would be to the general public and not to the abutting properties. In this particular case the amount that could be raised from assess- ment is very minor in nature and would not materially aid the financing of the improvement. I would, therefore, recommend that, if it is necessary to pave Milton Street because of the traffic rerouting, that the costs involved in the construction not be assessed against the abutting properties. r July 15, Mr. Robert Ot Petersont ''raffia Engineer.. Dear .Sir :The couneia. ba the 3c Ca�nittee for : ' ther . study an Ordinance C.. F.,' 10 'Chapter 126 of -the Legislative Code pertaining to treets$ concerning Victoria Street$ M iton Stree and Da Avepue. Ye truly- yours, City .Clerx AO/bp - - ' -' 14 19 W Gent einen:,j­j.l S, -my empl6yin t ifi ti, ncrease Dayton -n The­ a -be tshell and tr danger the many, an 'b -h e di6bus,sed this with me -1 o IB rewer B. WARNER SHIPPEE Executive Direc r v� �r �119 _2PP0 HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL RECEIVE SAINT PIn MAYOAM JUL r At �71 #i M014A 11tgl11910 Honorable Mayor -and Cit Council amity Hall and Court House Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 July 9, 1964 Re: Marshall Avenue 55 EAST FIFTH STREET SAINT PAUL 1, MINN. CApital 7 -7523 HAROLD J. MORIARTY Chairman CARL CUMMINS, JR. PATRICK J. TOWLE JOHN W. GREENMAN EUGENE R. LAMBERT Gentlemen: We have reviewed the proposal of the Department of Public Works to make Marshall Avenue one -way for an additional block west of Victoria Street and favor the proposed change. Sincerely yours, ftk'j!6?t B. WARNER SHIP E Executive Director r, - +( 1, •.l `,J.r� < q4P CGEORGE M.SHEPARD �"^"'� ,STREET AND HIGHWAY ENGINEERING COORDINATOR � a CITY 7p _ ae �• a� R S A.-,I N T RA.0 crax-�tr�r _— � ILTO.�ROSR, a, fin ,Com ;I! ' s� WAM P. BEHRENS r r r r Dsputyx ommissiomll August 4, 1 Honorable George Vavoulis, Ma and Members of the St. City Council IE V. AVERY ENGINEER ESTER INTENDENT -OF SANITATION I .. a �.1 i RECEIVED SHIN -r PAUL, MINN. In MAYOR'S OFFICE - AUG 5 1964 P M 7101 VA41 *111!1414I ais Gentlemen: At their regular meeting on August 3, 1964 the Traffic Committee discussed the proposed one -way changes on Milton, Dayton and Victoria as requested by the City Council following the public hearing on July 15, 1964. The proposed ordinance changes are listed under Council File No. 218810. Since any physical changes were not contemplated until the 1965 construction season,,the Committee recommended to restudy the traffic patterns on Marshall and Dayton and Victoria following the opening of Interstate Highway 94 from Snelling to temporary connections near the downtown area in November of this year. RGP:bjh Yours very truly, Robert G. Peterson City Traffic Engineer Secy. of Traffic Committee r � I fapi I ��C �Cn fa �dIIn ■C7lC IC�WOIisKS o - __- asei■T.51 -zilia � crax-�tr�r _— � ILTO.�ROSR, a, fin ,Com ;I! ' s� WAM P. BEHRENS r r r r Dsputyx ommissiomll August 4, 1 Honorable George Vavoulis, Ma and Members of the St. City Council IE V. AVERY ENGINEER ESTER INTENDENT -OF SANITATION I .. a �.1 i RECEIVED SHIN -r PAUL, MINN. In MAYOR'S OFFICE - AUG 5 1964 P M 7101 VA41 *111!1414I ais Gentlemen: At their regular meeting on August 3, 1964 the Traffic Committee discussed the proposed one -way changes on Milton, Dayton and Victoria as requested by the City Council following the public hearing on July 15, 1964. The proposed ordinance changes are listed under Council File No. 218810. Since any physical changes were not contemplated until the 1965 construction season,,the Committee recommended to restudy the traffic patterns on Marshall and Dayton and Victoria following the opening of Interstate Highway 94 from Snelling to temporary connections near the downtown area in November of this year. RGP:bjh Yours very truly, Robert G. Peterson City Traffic Engineer Secy. of Traffic Committee r � I Is 2nd Laid over to 3rd and app I` _Adopted__ Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Dalglish Dalglish Holland Holland Loss Loss :- 810 Meredith Meredith Peterson Peterson Rosen,A Rosen Mr. President Vavoulis Mr. President Vavoulis t :Arthur A. Brewer 901 Dayton Avenue St. Paul, Minnesota 55104 11 JUL �Q . Ig6A, City Council, City of St. Paul Court House St. Paul, Minnesota 55102