216425No. 218425 — Ordinance No. Original to-City Clark x, ltd j. aG,, ,{ go t.y Frank L. Liss— Robert F. tu N A N`C r`•.f - _ Q .� M?;t,�n Poi COU Cl. FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ,L. o S S . AIIICE O. 1 An .ordinance amendi:hg Ordinance No. 3,250, entitled: "An admini s trativ} ordinance relating to the Civil Service Bureau of the City-.of Saint Paul, approving and adopting rules and regulations therefor, " approved August 20, 1914, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 3250, approved August. 20, 1914, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by inserting before the. heading "HOLIDAYS": in Section 9, the letter "C". Section .2. That said ordinance, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out of Section 9 the subsection designations A, B, C, D, anal E; and by substituting in lieu, thereof, Ir_espectively, the numbers. 1, 2, 3., 4, and 5. Section, 3. That said ordinance, as amended, be and the same is. hereby further amended by inserting after the words. "Section 911, the following: "A HOURS OF EMPLOYMENT-- Except, for the uniformed employees in the Bureau, of Fire Protection, the normal work day and work week shall be. 8. hours and 40 .hours, respectively. B OVERTIME- 1. Work in excess of 8 hours. a day or 40 hours. a week or on a. Sunday or a holiday (11holidayl► shall mean those days for which employees, are granted a day off with pay in accordance with Section- 9 of the Rules), unless that Sunday or holiday is part of the. employee's regular work shift, shall be 11overtime" work, and shall be done only buy order of the head of the department. 2. Any employee holding a position in Grade 60 or higher, or any employee holding a position in Section 7 of the Rules whose hourly rate times 1.73 113 is equivalent to• or more than the maximum rate for Grade 6;0, shall in no case. be paid for overtime work. If such an employee is directed to work, overtime. in order to preserve the public, peace, health, or safety, he shall, be granted compensatory time on an hour for- hour or- day for day basis. Yeas Councilmen Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Attest: .- -1- Passed by the Council Tn Favor i� original to City Clerk �._:. &'fiDINANCE 216425 COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. 3. Any-employee, other than those. mentioAd in B2 above., directed to work, overtime' shall be granted compensatory time at the rate of 1 1%2 hours. for each hour of overtime work; or, in the dis- cretion of the .heard of the: department he may be paid for such work. at. the rate of 1 112 times the employee=s regular rate of pay for each hour of overtime worked. 4. Employees covered by a union contract calling for a rate more than time and one -half for work done on a. Sunday or holiday, except those employees mentioned in B2 above, shall be paid in accordance with the terms of such contract.- 5. When an employee has worked overtime, suchr fact shall he rep., ported to the Council by the head of the department, on forms, provided by the Civil Service Bureau, and a copy of such report shall be sent to. the Civil. Service Bureau at the same time that regular- time for the: day-when overtime was worked is. reported. 6. Compensatory time must. be granted not later than twelve calendar months. from the time when, it. was earned. If in the judgment of the, head of the: department it has, been found im- practicable to grant such compensatory time within the twelve- month period, the employee shall be paid for the, overtime work. When compensatory time is granted this shall be shown on the payroll and shall be -reported to: the Civil Service Bureau on a general report form. it Section 4. This ordinance. shall take effect on the firs.t day of the first payroll period following thirty days, after its, passage, approval, and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Dalglish Holland Loss D Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Attest: City Clerk 1M 8-82 X 2 2 Approved: i" Servic. o ss.i r er FEB 1$1964 Passed by the Council Tn Favor _Against Approved : y "Z Mayor c 1 yq - '''' •Y' u r� �3:F� ",J.':' ...'� -. r:.ra.`1,4.,= . 7! . , _ hY 'r _ "r:•*4 �� r ".. i Honorable Mayoi and V r-:ici-s of ILh_ City Council. FehYtt_Lry 1 1, 1964 YOU 1JavL a.,k. d uL, Lu t� it lia ,... lain opl,u-�i Lion to Llic ptul u:.. d ov.: tiir. , otdinanct . Thi , ordinanc.� provichs t hnt i bl, City i 1 L 11ay t ilr- a11d one-hail Lo e!mhloyeca iti GradL i9 and n. lu.+ whL, a,mk uvrt i hour- l' . day or 40 hour~ p: r .Wck. Wo will coi,imt�at un Lh(- spvci f is ui din.mce .gel ow, For m:uy years we hay. _(' ked that the CiLy d telwine rh.= .ictua, cost - in- cents -pt r- huut of its hayrull cult:,, uuth in terms of wZ,ry and ;rivigcs, as most of indusLty dons. W feel t1vit Lh, CiLy's w.' viand friti6vr UI-.. higher than industry pays toi comi.ar -ifdu jobs. Fot instance: The City gj ants 11 holidays per yt aj - indust i y g�neinti y grants 7 or 8. Tht City grants 3 weeks vaCaLton after five years - industry -ants J weeks alter appro_.tmat ei y 12 year-... '1'hr' City grants 1' daj . sick leave pti year seen mu1 at ive to '00 days, Induatxy L•, nu::ho re neat. as liberal as this. We understand OWL the Civil Service Dopartm, nt. h.,s been instructed ju .i - edict ly tV dtterminu all, of Hiese costs. Until th.it i; duttr, we du nuL tlifn'c _,ny urdinancL• which will I,o. ;jUjly L1tc1-rasr City payroll cust�, should b. Wv not th,1L Lhi� o -dinancc prov t ides th.it tir. and onr -half will bt_ lj.iid to all kI plttyr,s earning $9,1UU or It -s: in h.is., .:a;�_.. Th Fed, r.TI Wa";r :l111-1 1luut rat. du. 1101 'CLlui r.e ovUrLim( for onyom, carnliig rto+e than $b, -J00 pc, year. In indu -L,-y I :{L.cutivc) ad;iinist raLive and prufe,sional r :ployrL , art= i,L�nc —ally not p<<id uvLiLim—. Yet, it .ipp,ar, that Lhi, ordinanec would p.ty uv(ttii. Lo many such t_mploycps in City gt1veimn. =rt-. This urdmanct• al ;,o gtant . tirr of t to 111 (11ploy( n . of GLadv 60 and aI ovt if they wutk uvcrtiva^ on any day or kit c,k. This is dirvctly cutiLiaiy to indu.;Lty wlivre such rmployocs are x1.1rcLed to .rork as, v-13iy hours an m,ccbsaty to ;et t i),.ii juh dulie. Final Ly, wr would l iki, t u know A.it the City vstin -atL ; c-n in the pair rind what they hall, hL i►i LhL fAutt h.ivc al ready rrachr -1 Lh, sh,•nLHnf; limit. al lo--d by tht .at• il,ivE thL� answr i.. to th �r yur st Lnns, uv do not l.•rl to the proposed ovO!'I inf ofdinaaCc, even though 4v kno, CO LAuu ht acL Lcc in pi iv.iLL indo •t ly. Wi.LI i.tm I . Wt--;L, Chairman W.-i1;r and ;alary Study Con-:ai t t-vv Saint Paid Area Chaiabe r u (.Um: L- rcc its uv, , t i :L eo5L have Wt nuL thLtt ( ity t i. .idit,urx- City Clla I tL i • l l:us, until can ,: i Lhura.j uur oppos i t ion that uvorLimu is a fairly 9/01 /1� 411,_ February 11, 1964 Honorable mayor and Members o� the City Council: I You have asked us to withdraw our opposition to the proposed overtime ordinance. This ordinance provides that he City will pay time and one -half to employees in Grade 59 and below who work Jer 8 hours per day or 40 hours per week. We will comment on the specific ordinance below. For many years we have asked that the City determine the actual cost-in- cents -per- hour of its payroll costs, both in terms of wages and fringes, as most of industry does. We feel that the City's wagesand fringes are higher than industry pays for comparable jobs. For instance: The City grants 11 holidays per year - industry generally grants 7 or 8. The City grants 3 weeks vacation after five years - industry grants 3 weeks after approximately 12 years. The City grants 15 days s�ck leave per year accumulative to 300 days. Industry is nowhere near as liberal as this. We understand that the Civil Service Department has been instructed just recently to determine all of these cost . Until that is done, we do not think any ordinance which will possibly increase City payroll costs should be passed. We note that this ordinance provides that time and one -half will be paid to all employees earning $9,100 or less in base wages. The Federal Wage and Hour law does not require overtime for anyone earning more than $6,500 per year. In industry executive, administraIive and professional employees are,generally not paid ovcrtine. Yet, it appears that this ordinance would pay overtime to many such employees in City government. This ordinance also grants time off to all employees of Grade 60 and above if they work overtime on any day or week. This is directly contrary to industry where such employees are expected to work as many hours as necessary to get their job done. Finally, we would like to know what the City estimates its, overtime costs have been in the past and what they rill be in the future. We note that City expenditures have already reached the spending limit allowed by the City Charter. Thus, until we have the answers to these questions, we do not feel we can withdraw our opposition to the proposed overtime ordina ce, even though we know that overtime is a fairly co=on practice in private indu try. J 1 William L. West, Chairman Wage and Salary Study Committee' Saint Paul Area Chamber of C rce 1s ! G ff v ' l Laid over to 3rd and app _ Yeas Nay's \Dalglish Holland \ Loss \�Iortinson �- eterson �P _ Rosen r. President Vavoulis 21bvzj 2n kdl pted {.leas Nays °s � Dalglish `Holland `Loss \Mortinson \ `Peterson '�J1 \ Rosen President Vavoulis -G pUBLIsfIED