218137l OrizinaL to City Clerk PRESENTED BY d ORDINANCE COUNCIL- FILE NO. •� ­M' ORDINANCE NO. / An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 6446, entitled: "An administrative ordinance fixing the compensation rates of certain city, positions and employments, 11 approved January 23, 192"5, as amended. 'Fkfs- �e= teinegeaey- ed�nane� �ex�c�e�e�aeaeesal�y- fo�fi�ese��s .�fea- e���e- �tzb•13e -peace; �ak�re.� •s•�fe�y, THE. COUNCIL, OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1, That Ordinance No-. 6446, approved January 23, 1925, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out of Section V the following titles 'where they appear in Grade 60: City Clerk Deputy Commissioner Deputy Comptroller Secretary to the Mayor Section 2. That said ordinance, as amended, he and the same is hereby further amended by inserting immediately after the - material in. Grade -[? in said Section V the following: Councll File No. 21813'x= Ordinance No.� r r� � 12778 —By James J.1,13 igllsh— Bernard T. Holland— An ordinance arrending Ordinande 1' GRAD E -6* 62 No. 8446, entitled: f City Clerk airy r ,Y _.... sag C{3Y. � Deputy Commissioner Deputy Comptroller Secretary to the Mayor " fieetien- 3r - -'f' iris- erdinaixc�• ia- h�ax�r�- cfcelared- t��air�rgency- �\ erei3raaaxrc�e- readerec}- �reti- eaaary- fer- l�Se- preaexvai•iorroi -tlr� rbli•�p �- \ hea3lk- and- aafetyr t5eetfon -4; -- r£hia- erdinarre�•shaH- tack e- effe�ta=•be-in-farce-on-tire fri3�• �• Fla��of- t�e�i3+�s�ga��- ge�e�- €oi�g -3i� Pa,ssa�or- aPPro� -ate pci.4.iea6oz},- Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval, and publication, FOR APPROVED sst• Corp ration ounsel Yeas Councilmen Nays .-D&Ighsh- Holland / Loss ����,,P�iGa�L �'1 (U 11�6iti11S'd7!' I Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Attest: City Cl 1D4 8-82 22 Form approved Corporation Counsel By AUG 2 5 1964 Passed by the Council 6 Tn Favor 6 --Against Approv 4AUG 25 lim Mayor CITY CLVPX - 421-8 A* ordtaia400 *z6&*0* OvAtwm4o No., 64", *jjUdj4z "An 494Mf*t#ttaftV* ovdhaikdo i%lq tho tomp"*'attoo: vaus, -of 4#04d*'Ofty psisiblao "dolupwytai "t"ky MOO '1*19 CO C14 6F' 'AM It Or 9AINT PAUL OOVS OaDAWt bk- Uviiissisut. ot C S-4orotivy t* s"Oft ail. "it *91A 04WO00j, A* tAW**dNd# �* #Af! #A* SU4* 1 10 ando'60", 4w Saw $tomldo followu* 10 OVAID2 4* 62 s"VOUly to ths W OWUM 3• %As .00lome obsU take efrioct arA bo in as UArty 4w its V"W'o agwWrao WA pubes 6 OFFICE OF SAINT PAUL (2 JOSEPH J. MITCHELL CITY COMPTROLLER May 28, 1964 To the Mayor and Members of the City Council Gentlemen: )MPTROLLER MINNESOTA JOSEPH P. LA NASA DEPUTY CITY COMPTROLLER Receritly` the Civil Service Bureau submitted for your con- sideration both the salary data,and salary trends which occurred dur- ing the past two years. After consideration by the Council members acting as the Personnel Committee you recommended that an ordinance be presented to the Council to effectuate a 6% increase in salary for the professional classes and 3% for all other graded employees. This can be accomplished in either of two ways. The Council's salary Ordinance No. 6446 could be amended, or you could request us to amend Ordinance No. 3250 by upgrading the positions in such a way as to effectuate the salary increases intended. It is agreed that the simpler of the two methods would be to regrade the positions. Since this latter method must be initiated by the Civil Service Commissioner, I respectfully request that you ask me in writing to do this. I feel this is right and proper because thesalary fixing power is exclusively a power of your Body and I do not wish to initiate any- thing which might appear to impinge on the prerogative of the Council. JJM /dn X22 Respectfully yours, JOSEPH XK=CHELL Civil Service Commissioner i 1 "May 28, 1964 Mr. Chairman and Members of the City Council: It is axiomatic that when one has all the facts, it is relatively easy to arrive at the correct solution of a problem, or make the correct decisions. We believe that it is generally accepted that city employees be paid wages generally comparable to that paid in private industry. The Chamber of Commerce is putting a big push behind a current effort to get all necessary figures and facts so that intelligent action can be taken -on any necessary adjust- ments of the,wages and salaries of city employees. We are most disappointed that, even while we are making this effort to gather all pertinent facts, there is a rush to intro- duce and adopt a salary increase ordnance, before the findings of the several committees working on this subject become avail- able. We believe that steady progress is being made in the meetings between officials of the Civil Service Bureau and personnel administrators from private industry, and that recommendations will be forthcoming shortly. We are meeting twice a week in the form of sub - committees, studying wages, salaries, and fringe benefits in three separate groupings - -- mechanical trades, gen- eral salaried employees, and the professionals - -- and are con- fident that this continuing effort will result in an agreement on the pertinent facts which will permit the adoption of a pro- gram acceptable to all. We therefore again request that you defer action on these wage and salary ordinances until the current salary, wage and fringe benefit study is completed. Thank you. William Z. West, Chairman Wage and Salary Study Committee • t An. amendment to Council File No. 218137, which is an ordinance amending Ordinance No. 6446, entitled: "An administrative ordinance fixing the compensation rates of certain City positions and employments," approved January 23, 1925, as amended. Council File No. 218137 is hereby amended by striking out of Section 2 the grade number 116111, and by substituting in lieu thereof the grade number 1162 ". 11 An amendime#t to Council File Xo. 218137. which, *6 an ordinance 4mending Ordino-hoo No,. 6446 '''An adn-Aftis-iftflyd Qrdinanoelixjng the-coin sensation, rates of certain City poeitionfs and, or apl6yv"nts, approvod.$andAry amended. Council F-iie'No'! AI8-0iis'beretI3yamended by striking out of Section 2 the grade number' 116111', by substituttng in 6402ereot the grade, number 11620, AA aMandineut, to,"-COWtil File No. Z16 3yi Which uO ordinance. amendt"' Ordinance xq.. 60 Ou#1104$ ItAu achy In Orch n=, Cd -fting 'Ompenswou TateS Of Cortaro i0fty pv0iti�at�a Sad 1prAp! .Oy3j approved JAnuary Z34 "1996 tooncil F46 No., 21031 -jb hbroUy tm*u4ed by Otriking out of Sectton Z the grade -nunibet 1161", 'a#4 by subtAtItUting in- UOU *Orsof the Grades uWabor 116jalliAl I I I An *,mon4ione it to CoUnaU FljoWo. Zl$.131, *410h J#.04 +�Vdioance omenOing, OrdWAtwo No, -6446i eutitloft t*AU Adwiaistrattvo -or a*O* 4ixing componsaUou. coma il rat Not MIST is Ueroby 4meaded by stri" O'lo of S*dtjori Z** gt-44* nowlOarlt '444 try a the gr44w armor -116211 CITY CLERK An *=0124mpat to cauaou VU16 Nm- 001,377 VA110h 40. Orvamce *Mftdtng OsOuftco No.- 6"k ontltli** OAn 44=1atstrisuvo OwdlnAuce- glaws *0 Im"s of 00tuta ciw 0001tions Audempoyment,00 ZS,, OAS# 4%0 atutodad. Camall File No. 218011 isUeroby omor4ad by, atri" o4t of Seaton 4 tho traft -aOt*'b*r and iv, sabotoutus in ulau tharsot -tho Or*dO -numbov, 062"* „ s —T 1st _ l 4v 2nd i7 Laid over to 3rd and app. J 2 'S/-A4Zdot)ted -Y as Nays Yeas �) 1 Noys Dalglish \ �BalJfish- Holland Holland `lass. � Loss Mortinson \Martinson 6 \Peterson Peterson 'Resep. \ Rosen A4. ulis Mr. President Vavoulis PjLML1S-IIED 6 ' y'