2181361 Original to City Clerk- _ ;Council File No. 218136— Ordinance No. in. . i 12789 —By Frank L. Loss — y# An ordinance amending Ordinance ORDIN No. 6446, entitled: "An administrative ordinance fixing the compensation rates of certain city positions and employm,6!j, ," • • O. / � / �� - i approved January 20 9: .;3 amended r TheC ^prSil eORDI ,�inx,'" 11 X PRESENTED BY Rocs -s�. w. ' . sr �. t.s Y O An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 6446, entitled: "An administrative ordinance fixing the com- pensation rates of certain city positions and employments," approved January 23, 1925, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 6446, approved January 23, 1925, - as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out of Section II all of the material in Groups A, C, and D; and by substituting in lieu thereof, respectively, the following: "Group A Assistant General Foreman (Schools) $4.78 Boilermaker 4.05 Bricklayer 4.10 Carpenter 3.. 77 Carpenter Foreman - -Fire Department 4.27 Cement Finisher 3.78 Electrician 4.28 _ Electrician Foreman 4.78 Electrician General Foreman 5.28 General Blacksmith 4.05 General Foreman (School Maintenance) J 5.28 General Lighting Foreman 5.28 Glazier 3.64 Heating Equipment Serviceman 4.10 Iron Worker (Erecting) 3.88 Iron Worker (Reinforcement) L 3.88 Iron Worker Foreman 4.23 Kettle Tender - Roofer 3.41 Lather 3.90 Lighting Foreman 4.78 Lighting Repairman 4.28 Lighting Repairman Helper r First year of employment Z. 96 Second year of employment 3.20 Third year of employment and thereafter 3.45 Painter (Brush) 3.56 Painter Foreman _ 3.81 Painter Foreman- -Fire Department 3.81 Yeas Councilmen Nays 1 ' Passed by the Council Dalglish Holland Loss Tn Favor Mortinson ` Against Peterson Rosen - L Mr. President (Vavoulis) Attest: City Clerk 11.1 6-62 22 Form approved Corporation Counsel By \' i�s AMEND c=D) " \,kl to C1* Clerk' ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. 1 ^ PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. �( Section 2. That said ordinance, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out of Section II in Group E the following lines: "Assistant Pumping Engineer Senior Pumping Engineer 3.45 3.65 " and, by substituting in lieu thereof, respectively, the following lines: "Pumping Engineer I Pumping Engineer Il 3.45 3.65". Section 3. That said ordinance, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by inserting in Section H in Group F the line "Auto Mechanic -Body Repairman 3. 62 ". Section 4. That said ordinance, as amended, be' and the same is_ hereby further amended by striking out of Section III D the title "Janitor- Engineer", and by substituting in lieu thereof the title "Custodian- Engineer I ". Section 5. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval, and publication. 1 ME P 1 S� Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council lla Ho ✓ Hollann d � ✓ Loss 7n Favor Peterson A gainst Rosen j/ Mr. President (Vavoulis) SEP I9 _ k Approved: Attest: I 7_�A — City C tpproved Ma or IM 6-62 X22 Form Corporation Counsel 4�0� 1 - r Original to City Cleric' ORDINA a; Y4aa � i� • - - NCE COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. 144— Plasterer Duplicate to Printer ; J., ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 6446, entitled: "An administrative ordinance £icing the com- pensation rates of certain city positions and employments.11 approved January 23, 1925, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 6446, approved January 23, 1925, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out of Section II all of the material in Groups A, C, and D; and by substituting in lieu thereof, respectively, the following: "Group A Assistant General Foreman (Schools) $4.78 Boilermaker _ _ 4.05 Bricklayer 4.10 Carpenter 3.77 Carpenter Foreman- -Fire Department 4. 27 Cement Finisher 3.78 Electrician 4. 28 Electrician Foreman 4,78 Electrician General Foreman 5.28 General Blacksmith 4.05 General Foreman (School Maintenance) 5.28 General Lighting Foreman 5.28 Glazier 3.64 Heating Equipment Serviceman 4.10 Iron Worker (Erecting) 3.88 Iron Worker (Reinforcement) 3,88 Iron Worker Foreman 44.23 Kettle Tender - Roofer 3.41 Lather 3.90 Lighting Foreman 4,78 Lighting Repairman 4.28 Lighting Repairman Helper First year of employment 2, 96 Second year of employment 3,20 Third year of employment and thereafter 3.45 Painter (Brush) 3.56 Painter Foreman 3.81 Painter Foreman --Fire Department 3.81 Yeas Councilmen Nays `1 ` Passed by the Council 1 Dalglish Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Attest: City Clerk IM 6-62 zz Form approved Corporation Counsel By Approved: Mayor In Favor Aga. t Original to city 0 RrDI A N C E ' ZDINANCE CIL FILE NO.-' NO. An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 6446, entitled: "An administrative ordinance Mixing the core pensation rates, of certain. city, positions and employments., 11 approved January 23, 1925, aa amended. ft rPn,aP, -Pri „PCPs , fer, the�ress a Af the Viblie , alt3x aura THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT• PAUL, DOE'S ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 6446, approved January 23, 1925, as amended, be'and the game is. hereby further- amended by striking out of Section II all of the material in Group. A .and in Group D.; and by substituting in. lieu thereof, respectively, the following: "Group. A Assi�nt General Forman (Schools,) $4.84 Boilermaker 4.05 Bricklayer 4. 16 Carpenter 3.85 Carpenter Foreman- -Fire Departxnent. 4.35 Cement Finisher 3. 87' Electrician 4.34 Electrician Foreman 4.84 Electrician .General Foreman 5.34 ;�,eneral Blacksmith 4.05 General Foreman (School Maintenance) 5.34 General Lighting Foreman, 5.34 Glazier 3.54 Heating Equipment Serviceman 4. 1,6 Iron Worker (Erecting) 3,.96. .Iron Worker (Reinforcement) 3.96 Iron Worker Foreman 4.31 Kettle Tender - Roofer 3.45 Lather' 3.90 Lighting Foreman, 4.87 -1- Yeas Councilmen Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Attest: Passed by the Council In Favor Aroainst Approved: City Clerk ayor Inz s sz zz Form approved Corporation Counsel By OrlrinaJ to CIty CL'rk- ti I ORDINANCE 21 -81,6 COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY / ORDINANCE NO • Lighting Repairman Lighting Repairman helper First year of employment F Second year of employment Third year of employment and thereafter Painter, (Brush) Painter Foreman Painter Foreman- -Fire Department. Plasterer Plastererts Tender Plumber Police .and Fire Alarm Lineman Roofer Roofer Foreman Shade Repairman Sheet Metal Worker Steamfitter Stone Ma.s.on Welder-Blacksmith 4.34 3.00 3,, 24 3.4.9 3.60 3.85 3.85 1.96, 3.96 3.37 4. 16. 4. 3.4 3.76. 3.91 3. a5. 4.-Q4,4.15 4. 16. 4. 16: 3.62 Temporary and emergency-'employees employed under any of the titles in this. Group. A shall be paid the gross rate (base rate plus. cost of fringe benefits) provided in the appropriate union -- Ass.ociated General Contractorst' contract. 1' a. 21A ;X�If��Sf.. l7 j1 _;r riyz . �t'1r' } kA r � ` '/],� -' Y'!.' ... ..y •��.}:- .'..i:�R -•..� _i � = i11 -`'] �iJi,' :�r�iT.:•' �fl' it • 4 ZI ± f _ L ilxJ t7 ;7y M• _ - s �it�` �y .kfr')`6:t�t�r.�'l: ;ir ;p •Tt,s A, Ij • a �i - 7 TV Section 2: This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage,, approval and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Dalglish Holland Loss In Favor Mortinson Peterson Against Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor IM s-sz c4z4o22 � -• Form approved Corporation Counsel By TripHeate to the ComfftoUer r, ORDINANCE t COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. An ordiu=ce amenftg Ordinance 14o. 6446, enutlod- I lAn ;Wiministrativ 'he 0 orgunanco axino t - compmoation, fttofs of tertaft city posittous aud. employmentoo approve4lanuaty 2-3t IM, *8 4=04ded. THE COUNCM Or THE CITIr OF SAINT PAUL DOW ORDAM: Soction-L T-tat Ordtx amce X40, 644,6,, .Janu>ar 23* 19 r': at amended.. to and the sarne is bereby- furthers xmanded by,str0dag out of Sbetion U OU, of the Matorilil In Gro►P A end d in Group D; and by Obstituting In 11ou thereof e. ros -pect*Voly-0 the follo*Ing, ''Group A Axiiistiat Omeery, Foromm (84h9olis) $4. " Qrner, 4,,05 Glazier 4,14 carpentov 3, 85 v- ca entor Nloromaxo*-Fire Department 4,35 Camont FWsher 3.81 Electritian 4., 34 Electriefta. Forovan, 44:04 V-4adtiftba Govotat Fdrazoan 5A4 Milatlas ror an 4, 0.4 Gene val Foromanischool, maintenance) Geo4pral Lighting roronl= 5.34 Glazier Self Heating: zqqlpment servico=ew 4.16- Ir. ba-Work -or (Ertetfng) 3.96 Iron, Workor Moworcamellt) 3.96 Iron warltev ForibPa4b 46 31 Kattlo, TonderoRoofer 3.45 X►thOi 10 �0 Milatlas ror an 4687 TrIpUc4te to the ComOtroUei ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO.- PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO Lighting a *tr Lighting Repairman., Holper Pivot year of ou%jP1Qy=6At See,ond Y04T of amploymolit Thir4 1rear, of employment 44d thatWtbr Vaintek, (Stasu) I r4later Foreman - Vire 'Fustator, 1*140torfirlb Plumber Volita,and Fire AUvsn Lineumm Rooter Sh*do Itepairwan Sheet Metal, worlw- stone Mason, 4,34 3,00 31,24 3,49 $, 60 3-S5 3. 05 3-4& 3.96 S.37 4a, $6 4.34 x,- 76 51.91 3185 4-44 .4.15 4. 16 30 0 'Temporary and emerganoy employees omrOyed uAdertwy of t6 titles in this Group A 'ahaU be Wd the gross _ftfo (bum erate plum coot of ftiagobenelits) provided in the appropr4to union -- Assoolated. General CfttrA0tors;# contract. It 'Group- 0 i� 4 ripixig a4ddkil butnot Instioir-tar 4* 21, CO. 'Flaxtero, TP41*1ctot 4,01 PlunibinglAspoctor 4T_ 0 8, wor-Tvrater Vidpartmont ltefr#go al on, p C Sk Sheet M*taj lar'p* . CtOZ C-51 -supervisor of sc. �_ 901 Hes 4: ig SoO064 9,;, Tlw saWbrdinauo% as wnen4edi' be ZkU4 the Aaxn'6. ip fiev4by iqttiar Amendad by strWag-,da ot Seatwu U iii,.G roop Z th,6 "Assiat.-i-M, Pumpfus Ensineor 3,46; Soolor Vt#npfnj Exiginter 3., %9, tv and-, by 4ubstitutIn eu idl '86': Pomping r g @er .3,, 66 t%, Soidt4on I, c '4weA04i .1* latia tho A# * to hereby iurthlo tm.64404 byinxatt$A#. in -8660oa 11 in, QeQ#p V t1ho Una I 'if.4uto' mechatic, -Body Rep44ma* Section 4: 4=64ded by tottiking -out- of Section W,0 .the ,d tie '$anjtQr4, Zngi see x"-, and by subot►tutit W­Engioeisr " I gin Hou thettot tho t4t�e flOd d! $60.004 5: 416 Q**ftanco 9W1 t4W dto.at 4*4 be in forte thirty dayo &ftot, its PzLslpage. approval, and publiratton., Z�e W64 1hopecto:r Goa: 8rrsescator 4. 01" 4ndrlpiog tno0octov C 61 i� 4 ripixig a4ddkil butnot Instioir-tar 4* 21, CO. 'Flaxtero, TP41*1ctot 4,01 PlunibinglAspoctor 4T_ 0 8, wor-Tvrater Vidpartmont ltefr#go al on, p C Sk Sheet M*taj lar'p* . CtOZ C-51 -supervisor of sc. �_ 901 Hes 4: ig SoO064 9,;, Tlw saWbrdinauo% as wnen4edi' be ZkU4 the Aaxn'6. ip fiev4by iqttiar Amendad by strWag-,da ot Seatwu U iii,.G roop Z th,6 "Assiat.-i-M, Pumpfus Ensineor 3,46; Soolor Vt#npfnj Exiginter 3., %9, tv and-, by 4ubstitutIn eu idl '86': Pomping r g @er .3,, 66 t%, Soidt4on I, c '4weA04i .1* latia tho A# * to hereby iurthlo tm.64404 byinxatt$A#. in -8660oa 11 in, QeQ#p V t1ho Una I 'if.4uto' mechatic, -Body Rep44ma* Section 4: 4=64ded by tottiking -out- of Section W,0 .the ,d tie '$anjtQr4, Zngi see x"-, and by subot►tutit W­Engioeisr " I gin Hou thettot tho t4t�e flOd d! $60.004 5: 416 Q**ftanco 9W1 t4W dto.at 4*4 be in forte thirty dayo &ftot, its PzLslpage. approval, and publiratton., X/"61TY CLERK Au Otaluz*co " An' *WWO"Ovo 0'* to Astag Ok000m" 'Mooku= "tots Of**3,"fA Ow powsoull, 4=4 'two"d AAw"T 04 Ogst ** wmcrAccl". "t 'COMCM OP THO MTT 00'OAXNT PAM DOSS ORDAWt $400 an Ir. That 07414twaft U64, "460 OPP Ov"MIAnuari Ot 190*1 as to **or 4=**4*4,by whonS, out Ot sgotfau U gilt -of tho =0044 In Groupok A* -c'O 444. 01 Ana by substl I tuftS in Ito% the mospooWdyv *0 followjugi Oor'OUPA Aottstmt Ofto"d -$4.* -18 soilormaor 44. OS svlgWY*T 4,10 Mmftwk, gWpwc4t trait leotker 4.V troa wotkar 3.78 Irba'Workor 4,t 20, KOM*, Teudolt-IR00for 3.41 Wher 3,--90 Gaueral 4.0 isch*01 wMatomime) &128 004,47al 14'shtlog rore=u S.Za Glulor Mmftwk, gWpwc4t trait leotker troa wotkar Irba'Workor KOM*, Teudolt-IR00for 3.41 Wher 3,--90 Voreman 41010 lZekht, IS Re"UMMU 40 ZOO not-Airman "Olvor viro.. t volt *f Ow to 2, 96 61=044 yor, Otomploysoant 3"20 Thfrd ,yeu *1 employm ciao and thavciftor 3.4% 1241stow- (Sruib) 3W$6 pAtoter wares"A I A Plaotoloar Sti-I 00 Pustotalo's Tondim 3., 3.1 PUmbow 4&1 $0 VOW;* -Ond At* Ahtm LUMMAM, ,� 4Z$ Sto-ummow 4i 10 04140-r-Aulcksollb 3'6'z Vary *4d, morgtoor "loyeet Ompla V44cr any of*,* t1do OrOUP A Oulu borpii& the ova#* TAt.0 0 tato P140 1 40tt *t $ttogo tottogtol providod to *It* aptaptAto unto. Aocoftt*4 Otmom "OVOUP 0 Sullfts. Inspetor $4,40 4.40 -Ox,, Suftot loototat -4.40 flowtj aA'd NO" lasoctor 4.40, uo#ft*- PlVft Ond CA* -sunlit U40*0tor 4 4 M%*OA*y TaSP9,40t 4. � 4-0 SftoormatA wokor 4., ro Stouftfittat. .41k Sto-ummow 4i 10 04140-r-Aulcksollb 3'6'z Vary *4d, morgtoor "loyeet Ompla V44cr any of*,* t1do OrOUP A Oulu borpii& the ova#* TAt.0 0 tato P140 1 40tt *t $ttogo tottogtol providod to *It* aptaptAto unto. Aocoftt*4 Otmom "OVOUP 0 Sullfts. Inspetor $4,40 4.40 -Ox,, Suftot loototat -4.40 flowtj aA'd NO" lasoctor 4.40, uo#ft*- PlVft Ond CA* -sunlit U40*0tor 4 4 M%*OA*y TaSP9,40t 4. � 4-0 Sul"Vor UOPO.ator, 4* 40 Plowbing brigootov 4,40 Dbo-Otmont 440 custo4ion-VOSUAo1y' OGVOU I V 10 Aostfbnt SUV*"Itor a$ CUS04hus: $301$ C"taft-44EUVAS*r 1 3413 custaftwmb&oest U Custodian - -Eftlacov, Itt custadlaw*V031400't IV 3i, $0 custo4ion-VOSUAo1y' riest Y04LV Of .*IbVl= t Sotand yoweOf P14ment TWO year of O=W la ment 42ka, thomftor 3,7-3 ZA6 SOPOrd-tor of, C 0 3.99 SUVO*'Vt* Or of MO*Od* *Ad UrAtOrlat 3,, IS supervisor -01 of 8 **1441 4i, 10 �1 $4CU M go Um 004 ordWuco# ** 4amdadt ba **a tho *a= Is h4raby (Or4or *Mon-W lbv ot*� Out of saalan U la Orcap V WO. (Olio-w4g, litest UA001stant S.1451 is* 6s " v I)r sOzOsalwe, in Uett thoraoto res'"to"Iy* tho: taltowing lla*v tog Et , ginoor I vanvb* V04444or V Saelloa 3.; Thwt *%14 ot4W%toq,� *# amoudzdjo Iw -4ad tbo $saw . is: heweiby by AA*ordqg ft Udim A ja Group r ** Uno All Autol l3wift dye 4 .11 - A - + at, S*id Ordiftlaco, *0 twoOdOt bo 444 *a, OAMOU kor"Y fartt 6MAAW ty alvikiqs out at' SOOOM M 0 *6 * .010 11,104tor,* vtlsluomvvfl� *Ad by aubtMotIA4 I* Ueu thexod, ** I "'. $4,4044 if Thtt OVOU"00 *"U U ftwou+ ko Off"t OAd bo 14 f4roo, tufty AAY$ aiuk ift fixtievot, -ApprovAtm *W- O s V AL 1%* STY *s*- An amon4woat to COMM Vito No. Z18136 wach. so aA; ouonanog ordt"noo No,, 644.1'000tlea; OVAW4440. Oxfft tho 0- omps oolatfft omat 01065U�14' city P01010,00il ond omplaymo onto- 4ppro-oomd jimuavy"Olt COU40UP46 No- zjsw is hotov *m*4404 bir 40wft but of % o 14S lfttov cuv�odfws asinoor I. Z3 3-o 50 $y oubstitotlAg id, licit* *oraofk tosparOvolys" tho "O-�Piiax UU66.1 1104StC41kaA-z*U&*Qr M t000tit FfI6 Wo. � 11.36 10weaby tiw*araavoa4�4 by otvlMag out Seedoil & *A4 by ou"b outuans 14 Atou tb or"I tue 4ouawk0s Wiriby Iftthol- AmOA44 6V stetting out Socoon U in Ao"qp Z the foltowlog Uno st. 0AW-0aut VOM v bg 9".140401 s on - ,,or ratrkplog ngtnoox 31.4s 3,60 4U4,,, * 40004008 ft U6400*04, :VO*p*dUV81V, 1,44 IOUOW$40. 110019-. Opum-plag vast000r - t wiping Eagl000v U. $4,10 3� 0 sedtioo'% It A'MA OvIiAmico..' a* omoni(64* . *U4 the sarao to hoveby further *rNMOdd by Inserting in &rdooll !A opt F the, Uno OAtxto bAveh=W-Sody Soa 4: Oat sill oiMbmntoi� b-b and tho oma to .hoteby Itiothar amoule-4 Eby Ortkiog 011t Of Sootion W. 0 tho t$tlo Mqaol tor. WU Oatfloo 5, This ordinaimoo obill 6*o- tfloat tmdlbolti foroo thlrtv U* plist4go, o1pprovaL Roa vabOdatiog. 11 0 /CITY CLERK ,An men4mcat to Call Vito NO'. 21606, wMel to an ovdicaurm wz=Mog Ordhmneo Noi, 64A *40tiodt x4tow off' Oar taiO C44Y P010010 OU4. amol =Oit000 Counon Me No. 218136 to hordby *mot did by otrWag, out of satato $ tho toll6wing 1140x: $10,38 si is $0 Z3 30 SO 11 44 UOU thtraofo, *0000000114 the f4dwiug UA041 $4,36 11113 C.uA*dtm-Vftio**r IV W4 Ocu4tillPile No. 219136 Is Uoraby furth6vo- 4msadod osvlktag aut So6don Zo au4 by in U6% *Otoa thefoUawlON: 4 soctlou. -.. lut **0 -ordWan000 as ox ta4ak 6* *ad ** jpx=6 to Nora W farther *men4ogl'by OrIkIng out i*f Stctlo:A, 9 W Ormsp-VOto soltowinT lumm #$A*-OW--Ot Powpttgl Zb3 m Soutar, pmplvi magiucov 3AS 34, 6S w aud., by vdl !A(Wlng in llou thorcoft wetpoo"vely* *0 tollowsus 1100st $w A% to 65 sootion, la. 7-Ut aa% arditiAnce, os aatop4od Us *nd *%* samo to bort* AMb*v arm bY invertIng to 00010s U to OPOUPP ths Uft "Auto Uv-6h=W-U*dr AaFilvarAn 30.62 Scotto: 4, T-Ut tald ovAWnaoo an 4moded, 'fir *U4 tho icame to WOW &Vthor Owtufta W striking out of $action M, 0 06 uoo ltsanitov* ZV&o*Vl* 444 by OUbOWWAng 14 1140 thereof Ifie'006 "Custad4nolcogineor I It, 664tton'si, Thlo Otatawo OUU, t 6l at &YO aftoi -It* 0,12*3goo: oporovilt All& W460 ,n. 10 CITY CLERK odumil rue 140. Z18136wWobliven "An COMPOO64,004- otoo -09'' core a% I* Approvied so4uary As* cooftat Pao NO. 218136 Is 'horoby amoad*d byovUdos out of oottim A, tht Unof "�4stof:vbr sates it ►,sit Misua Worts ono by jusorting, Ow. lieu theroolp vespoott"Iyt, the or sad 111tshoat Mod warkor $4.9s !t 4,0101 $11-96 -0 4. IS 0i; wA sold. CoMnCA gloo to futthwr amended by *=60444=004%ftlf ,t �fiow ' oyoos omployod um%&*, &UV'of tbb Otles y y rospe -owo in thts Orftp 4 ahoUts, paid, tbs,ovoso Uto 0488, Wo -P140 4044f oo,toop'o sod igg'Juspector, $4.61 Morltrli4 loopector 41o'sl MOVA10ib"'Pictor 4.S1 Oat 4.i:$l nowns oud P10148 toosipsoof 4.41 soatwgo " v4piug 444 Gaw' 'Bu sfor U(SP600jr, 4. M Masoury uspoctor 4* 51 plastoror 14"Notor 4-,S1 Mwoblog:14opwtar CU Flumb$ug X" . ov--wator X%Vortwout , Roe 4.61 4. st shoot Mota Inspoctor 4. $1 t -� I ?),3 �, I. COMPARISON OF CITY MECHANICAL TRADES RATES AND FRINGE BENEFITS WITH PRIVATE INDUSTRY A. BUILDING TRADES The rates for building trades employees in the City's mechanical trades are currently computed by taking 901/o of the outside Associated General Contractors' hourly rates plus the outside fringes. For example, as of May 1, 1964, the AGC carpenter's contract has an hourly rate of $3. 88, and fringe genefits of 15� per hour Health and 71elfare, 15� per hour Vacation, and IOC per hour Pension. The total package amounts to $4. 28. In determining the City rate, the Civil Service Bureau takes 9010 of this $4. 28 total, arriving at an hourly rate for City carpenters of $3. 85, as shown in the current proposed ordinance. The value of the 4 :k City fringe benefits -- Vacation, Holidays, Sick Leave, and Health and ' 7'elfare -- is approximately 15. 67o of base rate. (The other 4 benefits -- workmen's compensation, unemployment compensa- tion, severance pay, and PERA (retirement)- -are omitted from this evalua- tion, either because of their minor value, or because they are p #yments required by law of nearly every employer, including the AGC. ) From this, the total AGC package - -wages plus fringes -- should be 115. 6% of the City base rate. The application of this is explained below. As a result of this evaluation, it was recommended that the City adopt an 85% formula for this group. However, in the final stages of mathematically verifying the application of this formula, the private industry participants have found that the formula should be 86. 5% of the total AGC package. The manner in which this formula is applied is as follows: 1. AGC base rate plus AGC fringe benefits = 10016, City fringe benefits = 15. 676 TOTAL = 115. 6% 2. To find City base rate, divide total AGC package (base plus fringes) by 115. 6% Example: AGC carpenter contract -- total package $4. 28 $4. 28 - 1. 156 = $3. 70 City base rate 3. To convert the City base rate into a percentage of the total AGC package: $3. 70 = $4. 28 = 86. 50/6 4. To verify that the 15. 6% fringe value should result in a , formula of 86. 576 of the total AGC package.: $3. 70 x . 156 = . 58 $3. 70 + . 58 = $4. 28 Page 2 The formula may be stated as follows: x = City base rate y = AGC base plus fringes X = y or x = (y) (. 865) 1.156 B. OPERATING ENGINEERS The rates for this group of the mechanical trades are currently determined by the average increase granted in union contracts with selected firms. In the case of high - pressure engineers, an average of the increases for comparable positions is taken in the following forms: Pfeiffer, Hamm's, Brown & Bigelow, Crescent Creamery, Sanitary F-rm Dairies, Saint Paul Milk, Minnesota Milk, 3M Company, Waldorf Paper Products, and American Hoist Derrick. For low- pressure engineers, these firms are used: McGill Graphic Arts, American Bakeries, General Dynamics, R3yette, Minnesota Chemical, and Saint Paul Arcade Company. The City has assumed that their total fringe benefit package is basically of the same value as the average of the firms surveyed. C. AUTO MECHANICS The City rate for auto mechanics was determined by the Jacobs Survey and the increases since that time have been based on the outside contracts negotiated for over - the -road truck mechanics. The fringe benefits of these outside contracts are not a part of the computation. II. RECOMMENDATIONS A. BUILDING TRADES M`GyAN'`R/ %re.,j'' S0 It is the recommendation of this committee that the City adopt a policy of paying the building trades employees no more than 86, 5% of the outside AGC - hourly- rate -plus -AGC -fringe - '.-oenefits. To illustrate this method of computation: As of May 1, 1964, the AGC carpenter contract totals $4. 28 per hour -- $3. 88 hourly rate plus 40� total hourly fringes. To determine the City's hourly rate the formula of 86. 57o is applied to the AGC total package of $4. 28; the result of this computation is a City's carpenter rate of $3. 70 per hour. In computing the base rates for the other City building trades, this same method is applicable. In the year 1964, in instances where the hourly rate based on the 86. 5% formula is lower than the present hourly rate, a wage cut is not recommended. f;t�hkHowever, it is recommended that an increase of 50% of the AGC negotiated base rate increase be granted to trades in this category. For succeeding years, effective January 1 of each year, it is recommended that 50% of the AGC base rate increase be granted until such time as City hourly rate is equated to 86. 5% of the total AGC package for each trade. Page 3 B. OPERATING ENGINEERS In regard to the rates for operating engineers, the recommendations of the Mechanical Trades Sub - committee are three -fold: 1. That the base of comparison be broadened, for it is their opinion that more firms will give a better over -all picture of outside industry rates. 2. That the actual rates paid in these firms, and their fringe benefits, be surveyed every three years, and the average of the total wage- plus-fringe package be applied in determining City rates. 3. That the rates during the annual period between these surveys be determined by the average cents - per -hour contract increases in the aa^ze firms surveyed. C. AUTO MECHANICS The type of work done by the City's auto mechanics is the same type as that done by heavy highway equipment mechanics, whose rates are also among the AGC contracts; this was found to be more comparable than the present system of comparing with over - the -road truck mechanics; it is recommended that the City's auto mechanic rate be determined on the basis of 86. 5% of the total AGC heavy highway equipment mechanic package. The current AGC heavy highway equipment mechanic package rate (wage and fringe benefits) is $4. 08 per hour; it is recommended that the City auto mechanics hourly rate be 86. 5% of this outside total, or $3. 52 per hour. Although this rate is 10� per hour less than his present rate of $3. 62 per hour, it is recommended that this hourly rate not be cut; however, the Committee does recommend that in the year 1564 an increase of 50% of the AGC base rate increase be granted to trades in this category. For succeeding years, effective January 1 of each year, it is recommended that 5076 of the AGC base rate increase be granted until such time as the City hourly rate is equated to 86. 5% of the total AGC package for this trade. M h �Q A ►O•! riot o i� ID O µad M r 01 (D w r7 rr o � � N N m ri d M to 0 00 '[7 ie tD o ID aaW K W M O M t•• R Er R ID ga� n� r� K r o w a m A r R rt 1-t r Ir a�h: K wg M m C d m M r~ tD ptyp M IM+ !D A o�° M �d �r w O rt W lo- K p r c'1 r� � r+ rr r M to M ID n w R f+. K (DD p P En pe `" a cc M m 0. 1b 0 j x' 0 R R R iii 7d R q[9 E R 1 r o r r� v d d m v w� A I0mrh9i w w rn•.� w� r+10 w w�s w w �4 4 O 4 %4 c7 E7 n rp C7 rt c! 44 %4 k 1.4 •10i K � K pt b to b �+ b o .p ec ve � m �- m �• m w m .-• i t m� m OW m m ►�� m► Date m m m o ca p�p�� 0 gyp, }mph � m q�� ao q�� m � K rr � K A n K+ R rt t wr 4>•4- Ww wW wW WP W ww r0 � V W N O �� M N V Fr O • • �O V - V •N - N N V N . Q� pppp f Base Bate 0 0 0o -4 OD, N N W Ln N w y r rr r ► '� i..• r+ r w r+ r Health be •�� 0 i0 ��" n �� 90 -a -a Welfare N W A N w o N +-+ N N A A NN ►•+ N N jN� N N r N N A fWi A A •A {wj Vacation Natlr Elec. Benefit Putic Promotion (Industry) r ►-+ --j O r ► + r O ►-+ V o-+ 6A %J � OD a% A Pena On 4'S i? iY A A �! •A f? A {1 i? •c i A i> «r A rr A ,y.•� ~ �j o` x• � � V� . Rol idays •A A s� (� pprent CQ Training `d Credit cy Union r N r� r l.3 r N h+ � C *� Leave A n n rr r r r ,� , . , , everance 0 0 o A A fl A pay OD OD to 1n %4 %o �o .� w 0% %o co %j ► M u+ CO v r Un v. P. 0 co r w TOTAL A A A A t? A A A .00 o A o FRINGES . v, P- TOTAL BABE r OD OD co W �n I W r ►-+ %O 00 . . 00 w r N oo a� PLUS FRINGE A O to 0o V+ O W O W N w � Q R 1i R k a �f+r� 04 Lq o M Adopted by the Council 196— Yeas Nays HOLL �OSS \BIEREDITH Z \PETEIVS,QN �8OSEN\ " �R. PRESIDENT (VAVOULIS) �% P cslznoAVA> zNaalsaaa •xlr� Nasou �saasaa HllaaHaW*- sso� >- Vlqaox I'IJ'I�a SSBN 8 a)L —961 pounoa aq3 Sq pajdopV (SIZlIOAVA) LNa(IlSaUd '2I uasox sua�a HII(laHa SSOZ 'PIOIi SI'I J'I Q sxsH ssaA —96T liaunoO aqj 6q paldopV Aft 4L=encUneut tqC- gUncit rile )40. 21$1$6 which. jil an 'Ordi4aact 4msndlog Ordinewes, X60 6446* entitled: ."An %_dmivdstrativ6:*r4faauto fixing the -icompenglatton rates of owrtain Ofty.pos -amp chtsp itiono And joy= Approved J04uOy 00, IMp. as souended., COUACII F$Iq Ner. 448136 JoUVOIby *ra,6446d: by striking out of Section I theli-now 3.99 4nd "Shoo MOUI Worker 440 and by lasortiqg in Ueu th 3.96 rt and t.tShoet Metal Wotkqr 4. 15 04d M&Ad CoU4411 Me is further ascended by 'U'Sortin $Mmecuately 0-Tewporavy,aud omergeac'y, employees employed uaderany of the titles In'this'ar-04P A sheU be,j*idtha ito.so rata (Usevate pius coat of Ir Inge )MA011ts) in the. AIP]P;!OPtJAtO union A64010ated Ofteral c9atrattors! COO tract.', the following.* j ' AMOAdMout to iO4 l# VU& No. 21$'1$6 Oh Is 'sty, . ��d�e��e: a��►d��g; ��db��ce:.�e. b�► es��td� approved $"uxty 93 19351. se, .&n±adecl.. y oiauc dl I—Palo, .140- 4806 l" ho*O r 4=6nded by sti-a cut of section 1 the unto MMA 'Shoot Mow wotkeir 4.01 Sri and by iuserting 14, lieu tho afa ssspeOivoly. Oke l ea. Sna '# taet Metal. Wotkar 4. IS . p *44 said o=cU 014v lit further omoa&d by: Cato rki .l pd toly ..• r �srb tii� ;fd��t�� rF wF{i44iM!i� OTempo � �etmex egcyr amplay4o ►' amployed ua4ov of �a # a,� Jm a dr,oup s gaid,t a garnet rata jbiw6 rsto plus, cooi of frogs b000lits) pa" �d ta'. #he. +�lr�►s�pa*s�� r�� x Aeeoojztt�d ar sl An.ame-mbneut. to 4�oOwcij' F-ijeNo. 248'136 vhich. is an, ordinanop amending Ordinance ,Np. 6446-, entitled: the OompfengatIOU rates oftertaw C . 9 pity positions an d enip toyment s - apprbved January 23; 19250, 46 amended. Gunnell Plilo-,'No; 218116 la hereby aineilded by striking o4t of Bastion � 'ttie lines 30'95'" and 10%opt'Metal wokl and by inse:rting An lieu *Ptepte, V'Iesoelotivoly; the 'lines and O%eet-Metal Wotlter and. said., CO!14pil Vilia ieil- f0tb.,eit amended by bweerting ImiriediOPly- after' the ,following .statement nemppr&ry, and Omergezidy- employees ernployed under Any of the dt.16o hi this Grbqp A OWI bO paid'thO gross' rate (base tate" pluck Lost' of fridge 4eaeffto) Pt.OVjdedL 'in .th-o appropriate uid6h Aabocldt$d 06netal thij i win , - 6 ji 'o J An, amendment to: Council File .No. 218136. which is, an ordinance amending Ordinance No -. 6446, entitled: "An administrative ordinance fixing the compensation rates of certain City positions and employments.," approved January 23, 1925, a.s amended. Council File No. 2181,36 is. hereby amended, by striking out of Section 1 the lines ItPlaste.rer 3.95_ ++ and '►Shee.t Metal. Worker 4. 01 and. by inserting in- lieu thereof, respectively, the lines, "Plasterer 3.96. 11 and "Sheet Metal Worker 4. 15 +'; and said Council File. is, further amended by inserting immediately- after the following statement "Temporary and .emergency employees: employed under, any of the titles in .this, Group. A phall be paid the: gross. rate (base rate plus cost- of fringe, benefits:) provided, in the: appropriate. union - Associated .General Contractorall contract. It the following: An amefidm - ent, to Council File No. 2- 8136 which� is an ordinance amending Qrdinanoi No. 6446. entitled: ,"An adminiotr4tive ordinanOe fixing the Compensation rates of certain 'City posit Onto. 4ons 4�nd enriployma appt9vedIanoary 23 1925, ao amended. Council File No. 218136 is hereby. amoArlod by 'striking out of Section I, the folio-wing lines: CudtodiAw-Endixieer -janitor -,Eug''ineer, Junior Custo'dian -Engineer Senior Custodian- Engineer 3.13 3'. 23, and-'by substituting in lieu ffiereof, kosjpe4#v-ely# the following line$', ,lCustoclia - Engineer —M Guatodittn-,Zzigineer Ir. Custodian - Engineer IV 3.39 3.1-3 3.23 .3..,S$ Said' Coundil File No. 218136 iii.,hereby further am.eudod by striking .oxjt Soction 2, and by substituting in lieu thereof the following:. i An 4fuendraent to,C U11611 pile, T406 218136 *Woh to an *ate$ of r-ottain City poottlon 8 4nd, bll plOymenxe, ZSi 102so ao 4mcua6d. approved mar $guy - ooduoil ViteNo. 218136 to hereb-t tmpluddd by $tt!k;h%9 Out of septiV4 I the followlog l4ie*'. $.38 .3,i Z3 Sputor C,4ejtodt=A!-Eu9lxkOdi* jug in thetoofir raopeeOvtl)n, the fdUOwing litle4"- jfc.iailtod!&u;-Engineer M - cuotodi4w-E'*uc'or I IV 3,3$ 3- 1.3 1. U 1 Said j OOUntjj Filer No, ?,18136 is "b4zebY f4tthktV =6uOed by Ot out S-64tiot 2* atxa by oubiotitUtiAo in lieu, thO;rtOf the fo3lowiugt. s. 2nd Laid over to 3rd and app. dopted Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Dalglish ?Hollan a h Holland -fuss— oss� Martinson - M'ortinsom `Peterson v "'Koss 3- assn is >r. dent Vavoulis 2181-36 PUBLISHED_ — S '� (Ito-YAP C Suad -- �ug , glectrica 4.51 G,v,%t►r. isa a to 4.51 Heowgw psolux god Gas Suftor UOSPOOor .4-61 uo**�ry uspootor 41% Plasterer toopootor 415I Plumbing maps r' 4. U Plumbi ' t��octov--Watqr DepartmIoUt 40 Si e at 4. $Aj It" L, h $a 46 $1 tt;