D001463• APGroved Capies to: - cny cie�c foris�n�� F' pe ' A �rti D' ' ' C I T Y � F S A I N T P A U L OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADNIDVISTRATIVE ORDER: B[IDGET REVISION - mance pts ccou ng ms�on j�� t -RequestingDept No: �{ Date:� ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City ChaRer and based on the request of the DirecWr of the Financial Services Office to amend the 1997 budget of the General Fund, the Director of the Department of Finance and Management Services is authorized to amend said budget in the foliowing manner: • DEPARTMENT & DIVISION: Generel Government Accounts FUND AND ACTIViTY• FROM: GL - 001 - 09055 - 0299 GL - 001 - 09070 - 0512 GL - 001 - 09081 - 0511 GL - QOt - 09126 - 0255 Gl - 001 - 09130 - 0216 GL - 001 - 09170 - 0287 TO: GL - 001 - 09052 - 0542 GL - 001 - 09073 - 0218 GL - 001 - 09263 - �299 TOTAL CHANGE Other - Miscellaneous Judgements Settlements Dues Fees - Accoanting Space Use Charge Public Improvement Fees - Attorney Other - Miscellaneous // �� �I � � -�-� � �eepared by: ctivity Nlanager Date GURRENT BUDGET $50,000 $54,377 $220,000 $82,700 $210,229 $965,820 $259,791 $164,666 $317,600 APPROVED CHANGES ($5,000) ($19,000) ($17,350) ($5,OQ0) ($60,000) ($25,000) $50 $125,000 $6,3�0 $0 AMENDED BUDGET $45,000 $35,371 $202,650 $77,T00 $150,229 $960,820 $259,841 $289,666 $323,900 ,�►� v 3-y-9� APP ed by: Mayor Date Requested by: Oepartment Director Date t�ao � ��3 Fiaancial Services Office �r� ON(ACTPFRSpNgPHONE O DFPAR9MEN(DVtECIO2 T� �,�� 266-8897 �� o �A�� IUSfHEONWUN(9.A(ra1DAHY�A9'E) � � FBIANQALSf1LN�SDDt O MpYOR(ORASSI.SlTM) fOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCAT F OR S rnoeix�pueslm Adminishative approval of 1997 budget revisions to General Govecnment accounts RECEIVE� MAR ' `� �998 CITY CLERK _euNNU+ccOMiwsStoN I. Has this person/Gm everwodced wder a couirac[ for tltis depaziment? _cmcoeuer[� YES NO _Clva SERtnCE Cot.4.nS9oN 2. Has this person/fvm eva bew a city employee? _srae� YES NO _ 3. Dces tYis pusodficm possess asldl! not normaIly possessed by any cuttent ciry employez? YES NO _ 4. Is ihis person / fum a targeted vrndm? YES NO IITTAtINGPROBLEM, I55(IE, OPPoRTIMITY(lVho. Wba[, 0.2m. Whac. Whv). Balance 199� expenditures for General Govetmeat accounts. General Govemment accounts will be in balance for 1997. None General Govemment accounts not wiU be in balance for 1997. � FIN.SFRVICESOF£/ACCCG (� y �� r. QcSv'v:Yu�`.�'.�i:.)"vC:i'�i� .. , e: �9�P � w.3�� :v ��� R^"!f ��`-','1 CASTIREVENUEBIIDGE'f£L(CQtCLEO[iL� O NO ativ �eot�unoa:�.n¢+� funds in some Generel Govemment accounts wili be used to cover shortfalls in other General Govemment accounts.