D001440wn+te — Ci2y Cle�k Pink — Finance Dept. Canery— �epi. GITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFIGE OF THE MAYOR No: ��L) �"'{ `St� Date: � � ^� � ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER F� Y ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Fayment of one hundred dollars, $100.00 each to Ron Rrank o£ KKE Architects and to Rich McLaughlin of the New Town Planning Collaborative is hereby authorized. Mr. Krank and Mr. McLaughlin will be making presentaCions to ehe Midway Development Collaborative at its February 3, 1998 meeting. The presentations will focus on archieectural design concepts for University Avenue. J ?PROVED AS TO FORM � ���s� bP> ?�'�,� Assistant City At[omey �: ���t� Plannin� & Economic Development e Franchett 0 98 GREEN m DEPARTMEM DIPEC7 �CITYATTORNEY � FOR O 8U0(iETDIREGTOR _ (� MAYOR (OR ASSISTAN TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) �«�o 36°�0 CITY COUNCit pTY GLERK FIN. & MGT. SEfiY10ES INRIALNATE Execution of Administrative Order to provide $100.00 oayments to two architects makinq presentations for Midway Area planning meeting on Fe6ruary 3. o� _ PLANNING COMMISSION __ CIVII SERVICE _ CIB COMMI1l'EE _ _ STAFF _ _ DISiRICT CpURT , _ SUPPOliTS WHICH COUNGL O&IECTIVEI PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWEH THE fOLLOWIN6 QUESTIONS: 7, Has t�is person/Firm ever worked under a contracc for this department? VES NO 2. Has this personlfirm ever Oee� a cily employee? YES NO 3. Does this personflirm possess a skill not normally possessed Dy any current ciry employee? YES NO Expla{n all yea answers on separate sheat antl attach to green shaet INIIIAnNG PR08LEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, WheQ WhgO, Where. Whyp The Midway Collaborative & PED are workinq on deve1opment nrincinles for University Avenue. Ron Krank, of Korsunsky Krank & Erickson, will make a presentation on desiqn for retail and mixed use. Rich P1cLaughlin will make a oresentation on New Urbanism desiqn. SerVices of architects are beinq rendered at far below cost. � None RECEIVE� �AY�3R°& C��F�� FE� 31998 `:lTX CLERK In¢ormation from arch.ltect won't be made available. {{�iJ���L�J �AN 29 i99� �9AY(l4`S €�F�EC� �,.� -_ � � � v,�l� � u �j�� � �, �, � , f a u� N�. a 4 w=. �_ M:, �Y� � Q �TAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $+'200. OO COS7lREVENUE BUDGETEp (CIRCLE QNE) YES NO 1NOIfeG50URCE fIF ncriwrrr�urnsee 140-36455-�256-64715 IANpAL INFORMATION. (EXPLAIN) j � �3