D001434CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR No: � }f � �� ADNIINISTRATIVE ORDER ^� p • Date: � � L� � D ADMINTSTRATNE ORDER, That the proper City officials are hereby authori�ed and directed to enter into an agreement with Earle Brown Center, University of Minnesota, 1890 Buford Avenue, St. Paul, to pay expenses arising from annual conference for 300 full-time Division of Parks and Recieation employees on Mazch 5, 1998, not to exceed $7,000. FUNDING CODE; � U Parks Administration - 03100 PROVED AS TO FORM � � AssuNent City Aftomey � Dep nt Head DATEfN1T1ATED � GREEN SHEET Parks and Recreation 1 /12l98 PERSONAL SERVICE CONiRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: CONTACf PFPSON AND PHDNE INffiAUDATE INfS1AllDATE dy Barr 266'6400 � DEPARTMENTDIPECiOR 4 CT'COUNCIL ASSIGN NUMBEF f-0H �Cf(Y ATTORNEF' S CfiY CLF.RK MVST 8E ON COIINCIL AGEN�A BY (OATEI RaUnNG orroER �_r�wnruciai secv�cES �iR. 6 PARKS & RECREATION March 1 � � 99H _MAYOR (OR ASSI5TANT7 _ TOTAL S OF SIGNA"tURE PAGE$ �(CIIP ALL LOCATIONS FOp SIGNAIURE) AC710N REQUESTED: Approval of funding tor Division of Parks and Recreation Conference, March 5, 1998, at Earle Brown Center, not to exceed $7,000. RECOMMEN�ATIONS: Apprave (A) oi fteject (R) _PLANNfNG COMM5510N _GVIL SEftViCE COMMISSION _CIB COMMITiEE _ � STAFF _ _DISTRICT COUNqL _ SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCII OBJECTIVE'+ INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What When, Where, Why7: t. Ha5 this personJfirm ever work¢d mWw a contraci for th�s departmen6 YES NQ 2. Has this persoNfirm ever been a ciCY empioyee� YES NO 3. DOes [�is pe�son/frzm poss¢ss a skdl noi normally possessetl by any cmrent city employee'+ VES ND Ezplain all yes answers on separate sheet antl attach ro green shest. to provide training for Division's 300 full time employees. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Training for all employees provided at one time in one location, saving time and money DISADVANLqGES IF APPROVED: ��� ����� ���� ,�c� 4 �� . e,.� � U� ��� JAN 2 0 3998 :�t�?"Y Cf��R�o SADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVEO: laLAMOUNT�FTRANSACTION Y JINGSOURCE Parks Administration 03100 �������,��� _';�, F, !.� ry ^ M1J�V �+ �k3 � L � � Id ✓z'3 9'�yLl���� GOSTlREVENUE 6UDGETEU (CUtCLE ONEI AClNITY NUMBER YFS / NO VCIAL MFORMATION: (EXPLAIW � �