D001410• _ - City Clerk _- Finance Dept. _ - Dept. Accounting (Civic Center) _ - Engineer (HGA) _ - Contractor _ - Project Manager (CPMI) . !1 i �. �� — ■ � CITY OF SAINT PAUL - OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER for CONTRACT CHANGE AGREEMENT NO. CP422-01 ADMIAIISTRATIVE ORDER Whereas, additions which proved to be necessary to the [mprovement described . as Saint Paul Civic Center Exoansion CP4-AV Audio Visual known as Contract L- Project No.016062 Impulse Group, is composed of the following: 1. Provide Heazing Assistance System por Contractor Proposal #1 $17,768,59 Reason: Required by ADA. 2. Delete Sennheiser Hearing Impaired Infra Red Transmitter System 0.00 and provide system per Item 1 above. Provide Altemate #6 Upper Leve! Pagin�fBackground Music System instead. Reason: Altemate #6 will allow paging on Ballroom Level. Total $17,768.59 ORDERED, That the City of Saint Paul, through its Mayor, approves the foregoing additions made in accordance with the specifications in the sum of $ 17.768.59 , said amount to be added to the lump sum consideration named in the contract, known as contract L- 930-90300-0898-00000 Civic Center Expansion Fund. AS TO . Assistant Director of Architec[ Committee and which amount is to be financed from: fZ-f7 i9� 19 ��/ �9 $7 'ld�N1�d ,92 [mnulse Groun Contractor By 71a�ww�i„`� ��ti� �GY He�a m t of Finance Administrative Assistant to the Mayor N° 51535 OEPARTMENTIOFFICEICOUNCII � DATE I TIpT � q�p ��� C� �" CGA �� �-���� � GREEN SHEET u�✓ CON�ACS PEHSON 8 PM INITIAVDATE INITIAUDATE (,,�/�/ DEPARTMENTDIRECTOR OCITYCOUNGL (�SQ� dN�S ��S�S��( ��BERFOR C�N0.TTORNEV �GTYCLEfYK BE ON CpUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) ROUTING a BUOGET DIRECTOR ��—�----�— � FlN. 8 MGT SERVICES DIR. OR�ER � MAYOR (pp p5S15LUJ�� � (�RmT TQTAL # OF SICaNATURE PAGES (CIIP ALL 40CATIONS FOR SIGNATUR£} 6' � � pCTqN RE�UESTEO: C,�U�►^�,{ a t�r � � � m� t�lse G ca� qECAMMENDA710NS� Approva (A) or Reject (B) PENSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWEA TNE FOlLOW1NG �UESSiONS: _ PuNNUaG GOMMISSiON 7 � CIViI SERVICE C �� Has this person/firm ever worketl untler a contrad for this department? _ CIB COMMfTTEE C� GXOQM l�N1TC • YES NO _ S7AFG Ti�--�— 2. Has this personHirm ever been a crty employee? — YES NO _ oiS7A�C7 COUF7 _ 3. Does this persontti�m possgss a skill not normall > y possessed by any curreM city emD�oyee. SUPPoRTS WHICH COVNpL OBJECTNE? VES NO Expleln elt yes answe�s on separate aheet and attach to green aheet INIT�ATING PHOBLEM. ISSUE.OPPORTUN1iY (Who. W1re1, When. Whara. Wfiy)' � ��� ��� �� ' TAGESIFAPPROVEO: .. I1�4G4 6g4..f.F �E� 2 4 1997 c��°� c���� DISApVANTAGE$1FAPPROVED' {{ , �� 69�� 0�� 1 B �99� �������� , �iA`�Q�S iSfF ��� QEC } 6 1997 DISAOVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED: 7pTALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTiON S "�r��� s �� COST/pEVENUEBUDGETED(CIRCLEONE) VES NO `-'� FUNDIHG SOURCE�� �� �� ��'�-'�`�' "^"°� ACT141TY NUMBEB � _ � � ( ��� l � °" JD ��� FINANCIAL MFOflMATION; (EXPWN) ��o, � �o GONTRACT STATUS • PROJECT: Saint Paul Civic Center Expansion Project Saint Paui, Minnesota CONTRACTOR Impulse Group 3225 East He�nepin Avenue Minneapolis, MN 55413 Original Contract Amount: PO # 015119 $791,406.00 CO No. CP.22-01 Subtotal Deduct 00 Add 17,768.59 $17 768.59 DATE ISSUED: CONTRACT NO.: CONTRACT TITLE: DATE: 17 November 1997 - CP4-AV Audio Visual 28 May 1997 Net Amount of Contract including tfiis Chang Order: $809,174.59 • • -���� �o :a.ni.r.aa�:�r.o:a�s wao��o: �J • oate: Ucco ConzreCt No A change in the scope of 2he work ;s requestad as indicatetl below: Group Iac. L It is r�squssted ths compietion date Ce ($ extended, i) decreaSEC, i) unchangad by six days calen�iar days. The adjusted completion date wilf be 2. ReSC�tpiion Of LhE che�g0: {ROfEt t0 GfeWinQB, specificac�ens, acidenda, it applicabte). Refen3nce HPP No.:, : FO NO.: 3. 9asis of payment: (Check onel �2y Firm price for performing this Change Adequate supporting deta�fs and inform+ musi bs sttached to aliow Owner to ev� ( 1 Tine and matsrial per convact, 6ut r ( � Actual cost at completion of work , ..ncl�tlVED e� 1 '997 � a 4 �ss� I �/�I � (DBtluCt) 14, 1997 Co9ic�ctor —• '"„ � y �,J.�.,� - �,�-� ContractCr SigR8tur6 _ s FOR CPMt USE � Submitted Actioa Recommend6d; {CheCk one) () Change will not 6a made. Explain: �PtooBed on th6 following l��si8: (� As indicated a6ove� change and basis of payment is accept { � Cha�ge is acceptaqie, bas�s of payment +s not acceptabie. f 1 essis of payment shail b� 8 • �The fo��owi�g modification is recommended: (� Chan9e in campletion date is accepted. {) Change is accaptahie with no changs in price, �Change is ecceptabie witfi no change in compleUOn , ( ) Otfier 2, AeeSnn for Change: i 1 Design Change '�C�lient RequeSt t 1 Fisid ConCition {} Suggested by Con�actor 4ct Ossign Omissian or Othsr {Bxpia�n) / ` 3. s thi�; a pact of the O�iginai cOntrect scope? O YES �d-t NO 4, Is Contractor's Estimate attached? ES � 1 NO 5. AIE tonsulted. �ES ( i NO � / � Prepared 6y:. CPMIi Approved by IHGA) Approv�d by, ��/��'L�-�� 40wne�1 Approvad by: �' CPMi 1no.,�a :fa�nt Ps�.i cc: Chris Hansen b'd �Ytike Petlerson Dick Zehring PAGE 5-5 SA1NT PAUL CIY1C CENTER EXPANSiO� CPMI Job No.; 3225 R EN ED NOV 0 4 1997 ��- ���,,�- oate: 1 /�l� Oaie: /l Date: Dace 3225• 2l3QN3�110�-QSl dflOZ49 3Sl(1dWI WdOc:�.O C.6r t/� �10N � � �1�{0 6REAKDOWN SN�Ff CONTRACTOR"S PROP05AL SA{N7 PAUL CIVIC CENTEA EXPAN510N ;.q8QR. MAtER�Ai. & �QL'IPMENT DIAECT EMPLOYES LABOEi y 3,933.00 g10,670.20 314,603.20 g 2,190.48 MATEf�IALS & EtSUIPMENT INCQRPOflAT$� `�TAL LA8 & �V1AT:RIAI & EQ�IFMENT 15 ;b FEe TO7A� 4P.80R. MA?;RIAL, ECUIP., & F2E SU&GONTR,4CTORS 5% FEE TDTAL SL'BCONTRACTCRS & =cE • OTHEfi CO:+TS • MA"'ERIALS & EQUtPM�N' NOT INCORPORATED R�NTALS TA}:ES PERMITS & LICENSE F:ES UT1;.iT185, PUEL, FAG�L�}tES AT SI+E 9045� & VNSURANCE PROVtSi�NB TpTAI, Q;�'HER COSTS TOTAL OF CHANGEPROPOSA� � � PAGE 5-S SPINT aAt1L CIYIC CENTER EXPANS�ON S S S $ 746.91 S 5 � 2as.ao g�16,793.b8 5 3 97�1 g 17,76� 8-?9 S'd 213QN3��OJ-Q51 dI10219 3S�f1dWI WdS2:�0 G6� GJ �OFI � � � gEARII�'G ASSISTANCE SYSTEM Qty M fr. ( W'illiams 60 W'illiams 6 W illiams 60 VVilliams 6 W illiam ,q/R W eat Fenn 6 B�.onder Tangue 25 Slvitchcraft 9'd Descr 6-Channel TranBmitter 6-Channel Receivers Co-axial Aatenna Single Earbud Cases Cabte Distribution Amps XLR Conneotors !�1'-110 �3QN3��0� df40ti� 3S WdSZ-EO L6� D0 AON C � � �� �7�ti0 HEARING ASSi3TQNCE SYSTEM . POR7'ASLE SYSTEiVt(S) Man�facturer Descrintiop Cost Each Williazns Sound 6-Channel Transmitter PpA-T20 $ 488.96 4�Tiliiazns Sound 6-Channel Receivers PPA-R7-6ATA S 105.41 V�''�iliazns Sound Single Earbud S 9.87 Williacns Sound Co-axia! Antenna $ 28•5'1 Wil�iams Sound Carrying Case $ 108.13 West Penn Cable 77293 $ 93.00 Switchccaft XLR Consiectors $ 4.34 Labor per Room $ 179,69 The abaVe wiil comprise a portable system with one receiver for use in any meeting roam or ballroom. (Amount of receivers required should be determined through ADA guidetines.) EXHIDI'I' HALL c t �i�nufacturer 2 Williems Sound A/R Witliams Sound A/R 'JJilliams Sound A/R 'YVilliams Sound 2 ��Vest Penn 2 . � • Z'd Descrintio�r 6-Channet Transmitter PPA�T20 6-Chazuiel Receivers PPA-R7-6NA Single Earbud Carrying Gase Cabte 77293 Labor per Room Large Area Antenaa Cost Each � 488.96 $ 105.41 � 9.87 $ 108.13 $ 93 00 $ 179.69 g ??? ?4 ?J3IIN3�10�-QSl df40249 3S"1f1dWI Wd72:E� G6� b� �OtJ ��u�o • The number of receivers you wish to purchase must be matchad to the number of _ oarbuds. You wiIl need to determine the quanrity of receivers and eazbuds reyuired bv using the ADA raquirements that we provided you earlier today. The ncmber of carrying cases sequired will be deiermined by the number of receivers you choose�. The case will hold up to 12 raceiver6. However, we recommend one for each portab.;a system that you choose, s0 it can house the uansmitter, antenna and receivere availahie £or that roam. Tha sU: channel transmitters and receivers were ehosen ao that the receivers could be used with eF;ch and any of the systems. The receivers have a selector switch so they can be tuned ta any of those six frequencies. • i £'d b3QN3��07 df10J9 3Sif1dWI Wd7Z:EH Lb� bP, nON 1�Wl0 CONTRACl'OR'S PROPOSAI • • . � '� (-s T,.;e Ul ,e Da,e: �c��:,�� :. � Ccrtrc:cr ?rcposal 1vo.: �._ r ,., ��i::t �❑1 ('ivic Ceater �s�=nsie:� Centraci No.: Ct �� F: , a ,�._ar.ca :n � ;e sccpe oi .ce ��:erk is ;eques:ed 2s irCic2ted be!o�v: ��n/7 � /r� .; is reques:ed :� ° comF�eticn d zte be l 1 ex:enCed, O d�creased, f) unchar.ced by cz:er,dac d�ys. Tne adjusted cerr�pletion date •.�i!i be LESCIID`u'0�1 Oi che cnsrge: tFc�er LO u2'.:�if:GS, SCcC7iiCci:Gi�S� adde^.�a, ti o�:.�i�i�,cv�8�. ;;�`erence RFP �\'o.: : FO NO.: 3. �2ss of paymeri: iCheck ene) (-1 Firm pric° �or G2rfor,�rir,g .his cF.ar.c2 is �c :�c�te suppecung de;ails ar.d in!orm2tion rest'oe a�t�cteu :o al!ova Ov.ner to ev�Iuate. ;� Time ar.d rrate:i2l per conv2ct, bet net to exceed ;; actusl ccst �t comp�eticn cf work c_�.,,,�:�� bY: L-.-ul=e Grcu� Iac. $ :� i C !Inc:ezsed) (Ceducil S S D-ote: �' cteber 1�_ 19P7 Co�"ac:cr � --1��-�-�—����'� Con,rac:or S�enature --- -- EOR CPtvil USE 8 2 ,-,,;ion neco;r,r:er (Cneck one) f; Change �.°:�'.{ not oe made. Exp!ain: CPMf Job No.: 3225 �`�rroceed on :�.e foP.owing basis: ( � As irc:cated cDOVB cnange znd 'oas,s er ra }'�'�2�1T IS c'CCE�:c O Cf;ar�ce is zcceptzb(e, oasis of payment ,s r,ot acceptab!e. �) 8asis of payment shail be S O Tce fcllowing modi`.ic2tion is recommend`cd: l 1 Chanoe in cor date is accepted. ( y ChcngB iS ccceptab+e with no ch.anse in price. O C}l is 2CCE(Jicbi? P:li}l f0 Ci cGC° li1 COmC�EifO� CcS2. ( ) Cther = 2son for Chznge: �L�esign Chance � ��,ient Request ( } Fie;d Ccndition / ( ) $UC92Sied 'oy COnStccior ( ) Design Omission or Giher (expizin) 3 �s this a part o4 .he originzl contrzct sccpe? ( j YES ��� ^_ Is Contrcctcr's Estimate attzc^ed? S O NO �. �.lE consuited. /�� S l 1 NO l(`�%G/,�� 'IE�GICU v��'. ;-�prc:e� b�_ IHCA] ^-�pro�;2d bY .///L�/X !_O�:�r.er) � Dzte: --� Dzte: _— Oate: ��'% S' Gaaro�.�=d Gy IO�:c=r) Date: -- ��•: 1:rr.. Uc Sain. ?z:_I r.� c Centgr. 4 A. •J Stac;`.rc=_5� P{aza, ia3 :.. : Focnh Srcei. �i n: Pzul. NN SS i 02�1 <S9 ,.. C.`�ris N2nsen W�,ke'r<r<rgcn GSr_;c Ze`.ring 3225- P�1GE 5-5 sair�T ?l,Ul Ci'•nC CE^�7ER EXP.:rdSiOrd t�001� l0 • Delete Proposal: Senn� eiser Hear;r� Impaired Infra Red T*�nsmitter s}�stem and emitter panels from L-�hibit Ha11 bsse bid. These units �i�ill ,^.ot be required it contractor's proposed FA1 �� ireless hezring assi��znce system is accepted. _�dditien Proposal: Regarding upper le��cl psgin�f b2ckground music s} stem, per bid alternate package 6. Cor:tractor's proposes to supply sevent}�-feur (74) 4' speaker assen;blies, twelve (12) S" cgea.l assemblies, four (4} channels of po�eer a:;,pliiication and four (4) pre amps and reush in for \G'illizms hezring assistance. Tl�is «iil altow the customer four (4) zones of paaing on the 4th floor. Etectrical Requirements: {pro�'ided 6y GephaR}—T��o (2) 110 V�C Outlets u . lMPULSE GROUP INC. �t�ro • y integrated audio video systems October 21, 1997 St. Paul Civic Center Expansion Contract No. CP 4AV Contractor Proposal No. One CPMI Job No.: 3225 Delete the following equipment: 1. Two (2) Sennheiser Infra Red Transmitter System 2. Eleven(11)SennheiserEmitterPanels ($16,557.00) 5IXTEEN THOUSAND �'IVE HUNARED FIFTY-SEVEN DOLLARS • Add the following equipment: 1. Seventy-Four (74) 4" Speaker Assemblies Z. Twelve (12) 8" Speaker Assemblies 3. Two (2) Crest VS450 Amplifiers 4. Four (4) Radio Design Lab Line Amplifiers 5. Four (4) Radio Design Equalizers $17,103.09 SEVENTEEN THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED THREE DOLLARS THIS WILL BE A NO-CHARGE CHANGE ORDER � 3225 East Hennepin Avenue Minneapolis, Minnesota 55413 • 612-623-3380 fax: 612-623-106&