D001333Original� Ciry Cledc �:opies- Fin. 8 Mgmt Services Public Works Accountin Engineer Corrtractor • No.: D lJl / I �J �� 9 Date: � � �� ` - I / CITY OF SAIIVT PAUL - OFFICE OF THE � �� ��� /.�' MAYOR /;; � ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER � '' cco 1y9� for , CONTRACT CHANGE AGREEMENT NO. 1,`� _ S:._: �. _.-_.. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Whereas, additans which proved to be necessary to the ImproKemer� described as=��� C95-2T628-0784-29219 known as acx'rvity ra. 29219 , Ciry Project No. 95-5-8103 & 95-P-8087 Brown & Cris, Inc. Contractor, is composed of the folbwing: Fixed Unit Price Items Reck E�cavar�n f 3� SeS'J°S T�'L^ Biruminons wa11c 2" Insularion Miscellaneous F7rtras (See Attached) C�. V�. Sq. Ft. Sq. Yd. � a.4� s�s.e� W�,e_v zs 78.00 $1.50 $117.00 41.52 $20.00 $830.40 $11.AA4.53 TOTAL $13,842.18 '• ORDERED, That the City of Saint Paul, through its Mayor, approves the foregoing addiCwns made in aarordance with the spec'rfications in the sum of $ 13.842.18 , said amount to be added to the lump sum consideration named on the contract, know� as Activity No. 29219 , and wfiich amount is to be financed from: CSSP $12,808.42 Water Utility IDR $ 1,033.76 APPROVED AS TO FORM BROW�V 8� GRI� �IC. Assistant Ciry torney is— �✓ 9 � �s Engineer �ision Ma �er � 9 %I /�/,�.., l l � � 19 Dire r, epary e t of Public Works 1 co�t� o� ����,� j�� �,, , Gf� F !"1� Dir r e rtmen f Finance and Management Servicesql'/ � ��� )��.� _.� q����'7 � m istrative Ass' tant to the Mayor � iHrtu o W V F 3�� Public Works Consuvcaon 9/17/97 GREEN SHEET N 91 corJr�craEasa�aPranE w � wRUw� LarryH.Iueth 266-6083 �. M- IL�° AiRM@IfqNBCiOR O cm�u�e Mn�e �wc pcm�rroa�r � cmc�auc YUSTBEONCOUNC4.AOElD/1BYlDA7E) � ❑S BW6EfDW6CfOR� �p FNaMOT.8EpV10ESp0. ❑7 WYOR(OflA9S4RT Oj �y�yey� !�'/7 TAL! OF SICNATURE PAGB 2 �ar �w. Wc��aNS wn a�cx�TU�I a o��wTUQrt Q 3e�orW(3R _ Q ACiION REOUESiED Approval of Administrarive Order for Contract Change Ageement EUSTLS-DESNOYIIt SEWIIt SEPARATION; City Project No. 95-5-8103, 95-P-8087 Contractor: Brown & Cris, Inc. �ENDn7qNS9�w�a'e lN a NNea lW PEHSO�iAL SERVICE COMTflACf3 YUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING OUESTIONS: _PL�NNPIGCOMNISSION_CNLSERYICECOMYISSION �. wasncspersonn'rmeverwo�ceaunderaaono-aarormisdepanrner,r! cie caeurt� _ vES rao A STAFF 2 . ��P���e�adtyemplOyee9 — — YES NO _ D�STRICiCOUNCIL _ 3. Daea tliia D��Nfirm poseeas a sld9 rot normalN Poseeased by any wrtent eitY empbyea9 SUPPOqTSWHICHCWNCIL08JEC7NE1 VES NO � Sewer Separation �"'° y"'"'""° °" "P"'b'b"�'"d'°'d' b p"'"'h"� INRI/�TING PHOBLEM. ISSUE.OPPORTUNRY (W{p. WHAT. WHEN. WHERE, WHh: Extta work not anticipated in the original contract was required to complete the project. ADVANTAGESIFAPPHOVED: Authorize payment to the Contractor for wor performed at the direcrion of the Fngineer. DISADVANTAGES IF APPHOVEO: None RECEIVED SEP 2 41997 C(TY CLERK DISADVANTAGE3IF TAPPqOVED: Difficulty/delay in final contract payment to the Contractor. � v ALAMOUNTOFTHANSACTIONS 573�_7$ f�OSTlHEVENUEBUDGEfED(GpCLEONE) ES Iq NDINGSOUHCE CSSPR,Wat riNility ACTIVm'NUMBER C95-2T628-078429219 FINANCIAL MIFORMATION: (D(PLAUJ) U � �oo i333 • CHANGE ORDER NO.1 EUSTIS/DESNOYER CSSP 95-5-8103/95-P-8087 CPTI' OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA CHANGE ORDER DESCRIPTION: A. Lower Sanitary Service - 477 Curfew *$1,288.76 B. Repair Sanitary Service at 586 Otis *$231.64 C. Lower Sa.-utary Service - 574 Otis *$730.88 D. Rebuild Existing Manhole $693.43 E. Lower, Replace Service - 625 Desnoyer $3,082.97 F. Remove and Replace Sewer Service ** $258.73 G. Repair Sewer Service - 367 Pelham ** $210.20 H. Install Cleanout $633.23 I. Repair Sanitary Service $480.31 J. Repair Sanitary Service - 531 Raymond ** $250.73 K. Repau Sanitary Service - 537 Rayinond ** $314.10 • L. Reconnect Sanitary Service - 611 Frontenac $1,076.47 M. Reconnect 8" Drain $796.73 N. Replace 12" Sewer * $786.34 O. Insta114" Subsurface Drain 1 O50 Oi Total $11,884.53 Eligible $3,037.62 Ineligible $8,846.91 Eligible ** St. Paul Water Utility Related $1,033.76 • t�(33� � T KDA TOLTZ. K1N�, DUYALL, ANDEASOfi AN� ASSOCIATES,INCORPORATE� ENGINEERS • ARCHITECTS • PLANNERS i5W �PEF7�A�RAYPLPZA ua cmaa sraeer SP1M PAUL, MINNESOTA551012140 PHONES122B2d400 FAXB12292-0083 MEM4RANDUM • To: Record Reference: Eustis/Desnoyer CSSP Copies To: Larry Lueth. 95-5-8103/95-P-8087 Michael H. DeVine _ City of St. Paul. MN From: John Powell /1r'rf/ Change Order No. 1 Date: February 14. 1996 Commission No. 10577-02 A number of work items outside the scope of the original contract were required to be perfornied by the contractor. This work was completed on a force account basis in accordance with MnDOT Spec�cation 1904. The following is a summary of the work items completed together witli supporting documentation evaluating xequests for compensation submitted by the contractor, Brown and Cris, Inc. All attached docuinentation was reviewed by the field representative and revisions were made, if necessary, to reflect actual figures. Labor and equipment rates were included in this review and agree with current wage rate decisions and approved equipment rates. A. L.ower Sanitary Service - 477 Curfew (Exhibit A) While laying the stomi sewer on Otis Avenue, the service for 477 Curfew had to be offset to allow storm sewer to pass by. Ductile u�on pipe was used. B. Repair Sanitary Service - 586 Otis (Exhibit B) The service was damaged when excavating for catchbasins 709 and 710 on Curfew. The service was :egaired wit�i ductile u�on pipe and the catciibasin was placed nearby. C. Lower Sanitary Service - 574 Otis (F�hiUit C) Wl�ile laying the storm sewer on Otis Avenue, the service for 574 Otis was offset with ductile iron pipe to avoid conflict with the stomi sewer. D. Rebuild Existing Manhole (Exhibit D) The top slab for existing manhole 129 on Desnoyer was crumbling and the steel reinforcement was rusted through in places. The top slab and the top 3' +/- of die manhole was rebuilt. E. Lower and Replace Service - 625 Desnoyer (E�ibit E) • The service was in conflict widi the storm sewer grade on Desnoyer. It was also discovered that the service wye at the sewer main was broken. The service was offset lower and the wye was replaced using ductile iron pipe. M Equal OpPortvnity Emp/oyer r � Memorandum Page 2 February 14, 1996 � ( �3� F. Remove and Replace Sewer Seivice - 597 Clifford (Exhibit F� To allow access to the water service for its replacement, a portion of the sewer service had to be removed because it was located above the water service. It was dien replaced with ductile iron pipe. G. Repair Sewer Service - 367 Pelham (Exhibit G) While digging for the water service replacement, the sewer service was broken because it was close to the water service. The sewer service was repaued with ductile u�on pipe. H. Instali Cleanout (Exhibit E�) Inside Manhole 269 in Desnoyer at Pelham, a 4" cast iron within a 15" clay was connected to a 6" cast iron. The connection was replaced with a 4" x 6" Femco adaptor and a 6" ductile iron cleanout was uistalled because of the change n� pipe sizes. I. Repair Sanitary Service (E�ubit J) A sa�iitary service on Raymond was discovered to be partially collapsed. This was found during the storm sewer installation. It was repaired using 6" ductile iron pipe. • J. Repair Sanitary Service - 531 Raymond (Exhibit K) The sewer service was found direcUy above the water service, and was broken while escavating for the water service replacement. The necessary length of service was removed and replaced with ductile iron pipe. K. Repair Sanitary Service - 537 Rayxnond (Exlubit L) The sewer service was located direcdy on top of the water service, and had to be removed for water service repiacement. It was repaired with ductile iron pipe. L. Reconnect Saziitary Service - 611 Frontenac (Exhibit M) A third sewer service to 611 Frontenac was discovered after it backed up into the building. It was rnissed and not reconne�ted when the new sewer was installed and was not shown as a reconnection on the plans. A service tee was cut into the 12" PVC sewer and the reconnection was made with 8" DIP. M. Reconnect 8" Drain (ExhiUit N) While installing the sanitary sewer on Glendale, an 8" clay line with trickle flow was found connected to the existing sewer. It comes from the east behind 2379 Beverly and was too deep to connect into the storm sewer. Recomiected it to the saiutary sewer. Origin unknown. . ti: . . t C� • Memorandum Page 3 February 14, 1996 � i3`�3 N. Repiace 12" Sewer (Exhibit O) The 36" RCP stoixn sewer between Manhole 511 and 512 on Desnoyer crossed within inches of the 12" clay sanitary sewer. t1s a precaution the 12" ciay pipe in that span was replaced with 12" ductile iron pipe for added�strength. An insulation "cushion" was installed between the 12" and the 36" pipes. O. Install4" Subsurface Drain (Exhibit P) A 4" subsucface drain was installed in the subcut on both sides of Eustis Street from the north side of Mississippi River Boulevazd, approximately Station 6+00, to 7+20 (near the alley). This is where groundwater was present ui the botto�n of the subcut. The draais were recommended by American Engineering TestLig along with the clean granulaz sand backfill in the subcut. 7MP/xnha � �0 �33� � CHANGE ORDER NO.1 EUSTIS/DESNOYER CSSP 45-5-8103/95-P-8087 CITY OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA CHANGE ORDER DESCRIPTION: A. L.ower Sanitary Service - 477 Curfew *$1,288.76 B. Repair Sanitary Service at 586 Otis *$231.64 C. Lower Sanitary Service - 574 Otis *$730.88 D. Rebuild Ezisting Manhole $693.43 E. Lower, Replace Service - 625 Desnoyer $3,082.97 F. Remove and Replace Sewer Service ** $258.73 G. Repair Sewer Service - 367 Pelham ** $210.20 H. Install Cleanout $633.23 I. Repair Sanitary Service $48031 J. Repair Sanitary Service - 531 Raymond ** $250.73 K. Repair Sanitary Service - 537 Rayinond ** $314.10 L. Reconnect Sanitary Service - 611 Frontenac $1,076.47 • M. Recomiect 8" Drain $796.73 N. Replace 12" Sewer * $786.34 O. Install 4" Subsurface Drain 1 O50 Ol Total $11,884.53 EligiUle $3,037.62 Ineligible $8,846.91 Eligible ** St. Paul Water Utility Related $1,033.76 • r ��JJ� T KDA TOLTZ, KINO, DUVALL, ANDERSON • AND ASSOCIATES,INCORPORATED ENGINEERS • ARCHITECTS • PLANNERS i500PIPERJAFFFiAVPUZA saa cEOaa s�Er SP1M PAUL, MINNESOTA55101@140 PHONEY122924400 FAXffi1Z292-0oB3 MEMORANDUM • To: Record Reference:_ Eustls/Desnover CSSP Copies To:_ Larrv Lueth. 95-5-8103/95-P-8087 Michaei H. DeVine CitXof St. Paul. MN From• John Powell �_ Chan�e Order No 1 Date: Februazv 14. 1996 Commission No. 10577-02 A mimber of work items outside the scope of the original contract were required to be perfonned by the contractor. This work was completed on a force account basis in accor<iance with MnDOT Spec�cation 1904. The following is a summary of the work items completed together with supporting documentation evaluating requests for compensation submitted by the contractor, Brown and Cris, Inc. All attachecl ciocumentation was reviewed by the fielcl representative and revisions were made, if necessary, to reflect actual figures. Labor and eqnipment rates were included in this review and agree tivith current wage rate decisions and approved equipment rates. A. Lower Sanitary Service - 477 C�rfew (Exhibit A) While laying the storm sewer on Otis Avenue, the service for 477 Curfew had to be offset to allow storm sewer to pass by. Ductile u�on pipe was used. B. Repair Sanitary Service - 586 Otis (Exhibit B) The service was damaged when excavating for catchbasins 709 and 710 on Curfew. The service was repaired widi ductile u•on pipe and the catchbasin was placed nearby. C. Lower Sanitary Service - 574 Otis (Exhibit C) Wl�ile laying the storm sewer on Otis Avenue, the service for 574 Otis was offset with ductile iron pipe to avoid conflict with the storm sewer. D. Kebuild Existing Manhole (Exhibit D) The top slab for existing manhole 129 on Desnoyer was crumbling and the steel reuiforcement was msted through in places. The top slab and the top 3' +/- of die manhole was rebuilt. E. Lower and Repiace Service - 625 Desnoyer (Exhibit E) • The seivice was in conflict widi the stonn sewer grade on Desnoyer. It was also discovered that the service wye at the sewer main was broken. The service was offset lower and the wye was replaced using ductile iron pipe. An Equa/ Opportunity Employar Memorandum • Page 2 February 14,1996 � 4✓✓� F. Remove 2nd Replace Sewer Service - 597 Clifford (Exhibit F) To allow access to the water service for its replacement, a portion of the sewer service had to be removed because it was located above the water service. It was dien replaced with ductile iron pipe. G. Repair Sewer Service - 367 Pelham (Exlubit G) While digging for the water service replacement, the sewer service was broken because it was close to the water service. The sewer service was repaired with ductile iron pipe. H. Install Cleanout (Exhibit H) Inside Manhole 269 in Desnoyer at Pelham, a 4" cast iron within a 15" clay was connected to a 6" cast iron. The connection was replaced with 14" x 6" Femco adaptor and a 6" ductile iron cleanout was uistalled because of the change ui pipe sizes. I. Repair Sanitary Service (Exhibit 7) A saziitary service on Raymond was discovered to be partially collapsed. This was found during the stoim sewer uistallation. It was repaired usuig 6" ductIle 'uon pipe. • J. Repair Sanitary Service - S31 Raymond (Exhibit K) The sewer service was found directly above the water service, and was broken while excavating for ihe water service replacement. The necessary length of service was removed and replaced with ductile iron pipe. K. Repair Sanitary Service - 537 Raymond (Exlubit L) The sewer service was located direcfly on top of flie water service, and had to be removed for water service replacement. It was repaired with ductile iron pipe. L. Reconnect Sanitary Service - 611 Frontenac (Exhibit M) A third sewer service to 611 Frontenac was discovered after it backed ug into the buflding. It was inissed and not reconnected when the new sewer was installed and was not shown as a reconnection on the plans. A service tee was cut into the 12" PVC sewer and the reconnection was made with 8" DIP. M. Reconnect 8" Drain (Exhibit N) While u�stalling the sanitary sewer on Glendale, an 8" clay line with trickle flow was found connected to the existing sewer. It coines from the east behind 2379 Beverly and was too deep to connect into flie storm sewer. Reconnected it to the saziitary sewer. Origin unknown. • , ' . , Memorandum Page 3 Febroary 14, 1996 �I�OI 333 • N. Replace 12" Sewer (Exhibit O) The 36" RCP storm sewer between Ma��hole 51 I and 512 on Desnoyer crossed within inches of the 12" clay sanitary sewer. As a precaution the 12" clay pipe in that span was replaced with 12" ductile iron pipe for added�strength. An insulation "cushioci' was installed between the 12" azid the 36" pipes. O. Insta114" Subsurface Drain (Exhibit P) A 4" subsurface drain was installed in the subcut on both sides of Eustis Street from the north side of Mississippi River Bonlevazd, approximately Station 6+00, to 7+20 (near the alley). This is where groundwater was present ui the bottom of the subcut. The drains were recommended by American Engineering Testmg along with the clean granular sand backfill in the subcut. JMP/mha � • �. Qi3�.� • CHANGE ORDER NO.1 EUSTIS(DESNOYER CSSP 95-5-8103/95-P-8087 CITX OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA CHANGE ORDER DESCRIPTION: A. I.ower Sanitary Service - 477 Curfew *$1,288.76 B. Repair Sanitary Service at 586 Otis *$23i.64 C. Lower Sanitary Service - 574 Otis *$730.88 D. Rebuild Existing Manhole $693.43 E. Lower, Replace Service - 625 Desnoyer $3,082.97 F. Remove and Replace Sewer Service *�` g25g,�3 G. Repair Sewer Service - 367 Pelham ** $210.20 H. Install Cleanout $633.23 I. Repair Sanitary Service $480.31 J. Repair Sanitary Service - 531 Rayinond ** $250.73 K. Repair Sanitary Service - 537 Raymond ** $314.10 L. Recomiect Sanitary Service - 611 Frontenac $1,076.47 • M. Reconnect 8" Drain $796.73 N. Replace 12" Sewer * $786.34 O. Instatl4 Subsurface Drain $1 O50 Ol Total $11,884.53 EligiUle $3,037.62 Ineligible $8,846.91 Eligible ** St. Paul Water Utility Related $1,033.76 • �.. i333 T KDA TOLTZ. KiNO, DUVALL, ANDERSON • ANO ASSOCIATES,INCORPORATED ENGINEERS � ARCHITECTS • PLANNEFiS 1500%PERJhFFMYAUIZA +aa ceona sraeer SAIM PAUL, MINNESOTASSi0iQ140 PHONE'6122G2-6400 FAX917202-0OB3 MEMORANDUM � To• Record Copies To:_ Larrv Lueth. Michael H. DeVine From: John Powell ,f7/�"!I� Date: _ Februarv 14. 1996 Reference: Eustis/Desno�r CSSP 95-5-8103/95-P-8087 Citv of St. Paul. MN Change Order No. 1 Commission No. 10577-02 A number of work items outside the scope of the original contract were required to be perfonned by the contractor. This work was completed on a force account basis in accor<iance with MnDOT Spec�cation 1904. The following is a smYUnary of the work items completed together with supporting documentation evaluating requests for compensation submitted by the contractor, Brown and Cris, Inc. All attached documentation was reviewed by the fielcl representative and revisions were made, if necessary, to reflect actual figures. Labor and equiptnent rates were included in this review and agree with current wage rate decisions and approved equipmentrates. A. Lower Sanitary Service - 477 C�rfew (Exhibit A) While laying the storm sewer on Otis Avenue, the service for 477 Curfew had to be offset to allow storm sewer to pass by. Ductile uon pipe was used. B. Repair Sanitary Service - 586 Otis (Exhibit B) The service was damaged when excavating for catchbasins 709 and 710 on Curfew. The service was repaired with ductile iron pipe and die catchbasin was placed neazby. C. Lower Sanitary Service - 574 Otis (ExhiUit C) While laying the storm sewer on Otis Avenue, the service for 574 Otis was offset with ductile iron pipe to avoid conflict with the storm sewer. D. Rebuild Existing Manhole (Exhibit D) The top slab for existing manhole 129 on Desnoyer was crumbling and the steel reinfotcement was rusted through in piaces. The top slab and the top 3' -Fj- of the manhole was rebuilt. E. Lower and Replace Service - 625 Desnoyer (Exhibit E) • The service was in conflict wifli the stomi sewer grade on Desnoyer. It was also discovered that the service wye at the sewer main was broken. The service was offset lower and the wye was replaced using ductile iron pipe. An Equa/ Opportunlry Emptoyar Memorandum �� Page 2 Febniary 14,1996 � ���J� F. Remove and Replace Sewer Service - 597 Clifford (Exhibit F� To allow access to the water service for its replacement, a portion of the sewer service had to be removed because it was located above the water service. It was then replaced with ductile iron pipe. G. Repair Sewer Service - 367 Pelhazn (Exhibit Cs) While digging for the water service replacement, the sewer service was broken because it was close to the water service. The sewer service was repaired widi ductile iron pipe. H. Install Cleanout (Exhibit F�) Inside Manhole 269 in Desnoyer at Pelham, a 4" cast iron within a 15" clay was connected to a 6" cast izon. The connection was replaced with 14" x 6" Femco adaptor and a 6" ductile iron cleanout was uistalled because of the change u� pipe sizes. I. Repau Sanitary Service (Exhibit 7) A sviitary service on Raymond was discovered to be partially collapsed. This was found during the stoim sewer installation. It was repaixed usnig 6" ductile uon pipe. • J. Repair Sanitary Service - 531 Raymond (Exhibit K) 'I'he sewer service was found directly above the water service, and was hroken while excavating for the water service replacement. Tl�e necessary length of service was removed and replaced with ductile iron pipe. K. Repair Sanitary Service - 537 Raymond (Exlubit L) The sewer service was located direcfly on top of die water service, and had to be removed for water service replacement. It was repaired with ductile 'uon pipe. L. Reconnect Sanitary Service - 61 l Frontenac (Exhibit M) A third sewer service to 611 Frontenac was discovered afrer it backed up into the building. It was inissed an<t not reconnected when the new sewer was installed and was not shown as a reconnection on the plans. A service tee was cut into the 12" PVC sewer and the reconnection was made with 8" DIP. M. Reconnect 8" Drain (ExhiUit N) WhIle 'vistalling the sanitary sewer on Glendate, an 8" clay line with trickle flow was found connected to the existing sewer. It comes from the east behind 2379 Beverly aud was too deep to connect into die stonn sewer. Recomiected it to the sazutary sewer. Origin unkuown. • • � Memorandum Page 3 February 14, 1996 !�t_.V L��� N. Replace 12" Sewer (Exhihit O) The 36" RCP storm sewer hetween Maz�hole 511 and 512 on Desnoyer crossed within inches of the 12" clay sanitary sewer. As a precaudon the 12" clay pipe in that span was replaced with 12" ductile iron pipe for added�strength. An insulation "cushion" was installed between the 12" azid the 36" pipes. O. Insta114" Subsurface Drain (Exhibit P) A 4" subsurface drain was installed in the subcut on both sides of Eustis Street from the north side of Mississippi River Boulevazd, approximately Station 6+00, to 7+20 (near the alley). This is where groundwatet was present ui the bottom of the subcut. The drains were recommended by American Engineering Testuig along with the clean granular sand backfill in the subcut. JMP/mha ��