D001326No . D Vt 1.0 � J�� Date: � � � t� �� 1 • CITY OF SAINT PAIIL - OFFICS OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER for CONTRACT CI3ANGE AGRS�NT NO. 2 ADM2N25TRATIVE ORDER, Whereas, additions whicri proved to be necessary to the Improvement described as: Eoatwell Construction at Harriet Island Reqional Park known as Contract 16171 , City ProjeCt No. L96-03-38 , L& S Industrial & Marine , Contractor, is composed of the following: Increase length of proposed facility from 81 ft. to 91 ft. ADD $5,000.00 ORDERED, That the City of Saint Paul, through its Mayor, approves the foregoing additions made in accordance with the specifications in the sum of $5.000.00, said amount to be added to the lump sum consideration named in the contract, known as Contract 16171 , and which amount is to be financed from: • C95-3CO35-0882-34148 - $2,000.00 325-23123-0882-33066 - $3,000.00 Original Contract Sum $256,000.00 Change Orders to Date (56,710.00) Amount this Change 5.000.00 New Contract Sum $204,290.00 Chief Engineer Director of cc: City Clerk • Finance Department Department Accounting Project Manager Contractor Inspector Office Copy Contract File Copy 9/g �9� _��19� ecreation 19_ L & S Industrial & Marine Contractor By letter dated Se,�tember 2 1997 � ��2 Q��7 Dire tor of Financial Services ��� n" �--e��.-�Q �' (`�' / �- Admi ' trative Assistant to the Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM . '11!!(1 �'2 n ! ` / y UJ.J 1 JoCK.� DEPAflTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL �ATEINRIATED GREEN SHEET � I 9/5l97 NO. 37253 Parks and Recreation COMACT PEfiSON AND PHONE INITIAVDATE INRIAVDATF ian Tourtelotte 66414 � F' 1 OEPNilIMEOI� OiREG�OR cm couna ASSIGN NIIM6EHFOR Z CRYATTOFNEY 4 CT'CIERK MU5T BE ON COUNCR AGENDA BV (DATEI pqpEq 3 FlNANCIAL SERVICES DIR. �J PARKS & RECREAiION nJ/� MAYOR (OR ASSISTANn _ TOTAL C OF SIGNATURE PAGES 7 (COP ALL LOCATONS FOR SIGNANPEI ACT10N FEQUESTED: Approve Contract Change Agreement " Proyect: Boatwell Construction at Harriet 1sland Regional Park RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or R¢ject (F) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTAACTS MUSTANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _PLANNING COMMISSION _CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �. Has thiS person/firm ever worked untler a conhact for this depar[men[? CIB COMMITTEE _ YES NO A$TAFF _ 2. Has this person/tirm ever been a ciry employ¢e? DIS7RICT COUNCIL YES NO 3. Does [his Oerson/firtn posse55 a skill no[ normally possessetl by any current ci[y employee' SUPPORTS WHICH COUNQL OBJECTIVEt YES NO ExDlain all yes answets on separate shae[ antl attech to green sheet. INITIATING PR09lEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNffY (Who, Wna[, When, Where. Why�: Facility lessee requested additional length to match existing boat length. ADVANTAGES �F APPROVED: � Facility operation will accommodate existing boat sizes. ���/��� CC s �� � �9� DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: „�CLIVED ��� � " °°e SEP 151997 � .,i I Y CLERK DISADVANTqGES IF NOT APPROV ED: Some boaters at facility unable to remain at Harriet Island Marina. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S�J.00O.00 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO DINGSOURCE Met. Council Grant SG 95-65 and ACTIVITYNUMBER C953CO35-0882-34148 - 52.000.00 Special Services Fund 325-23123-0882-33066 - $3,000.00 FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPL41N1 t �� 16�28 Forest Bivd. No. P.O. Box 375 Hugo, Minnesota 55038 Phone: 612/426-1380 FAX: 612/426-0044 ���� "� l� (g�- September 2, 1997 B^an Te��elotte Ciiy ofi St. Paul Parks & Recreation 300 City Hali Annex 25 W. Fourth Street St. Paul, Mn 55102 Re: Harriet Island Boatwell Dear Brian, � { �� � .. � � L & S Industrial and Mari�e, Inc. Equal Opportunity Employer � To confirm, the boatwell runways will extend from 81' (modification #1) to 91' and wili extend the pile spacing from 15'-4" to 17'-4". One #9 both top and bottom will be added. L& S quotes an increase to the contract amount of $5,000.00 to include the additional, concrete, reinforcing steel and the 6x4x112 angle, including embeds. Sincerely t r'` � Jam Van Noven Project Manager C� MINNESOTA '. �►/�,VF SKILL RESPONSIBILITY INTEGRITY