239092 i - Ottgin��o City Clerk ��y.� �. ° . . . . . .. - r ORDINANCE 2����� �� COUNCIL FILE NO � �RESENTED dY - ORDINANCE NO � '��:� , , , An ordinance granting per— mission to Graham F. Boyd, 1150 Transit Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota, to grade and surface that portion of the alley in Block l, Kieffer Park, from Clarence Street 240 feet westerly. This is an emergency ordin.ance rendered necessary for the pre— servation of the . public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That permi�ssion is hereby granted to Graham F. Bo�'d to grade and surface that portion of the alley in Block 1, �z. Kieffer Park, from Clarence Street 240 feet westerly. u;� Section 2. That the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to issue a permit to Graham F. Boyd for the grading and surfacing of said portion of alley upon and subject to the following provisions, terms and conditions: a. That said permittee shall grade and surface said portion of alley entirely at his own. expense, under the supervision and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Works, and in accordance with the plans and specifications prepared by him; ' � b. That said permittee shall furnish the - � . necessary slope releases to the City, shall pay the cost of engineering and inspection of all said work and shall pay for the publication of this ordinance; c. That said permittee shall properly . protect all egcavations made in the alley both G,�' day and night so as to avoid all damage or � injury to persons .or� property; shall properly fill and ta.mp such alley to avoid settling, and shall restore such alley to its original condition; I Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Coun 'l Carlson ' r . _ __ _ V _ _ Dalglish � n Favor 1Vleredith � Peterson A gainst � Sprafka s Tedesco �" ' Mr. President (Byrne) .,,. �Approved• Attest: � City Clerk M r �O "� ` Form approved Corporation Counael By .,=f � . . ,' ' . 2����� Page 2. d. That said permittee, after the incep- . tion of said work, shall prosecute the same continuously, with diligence, and fully complete said work to the satisfaction and approval of • said Commissioner on or before November 15, 1968; e. That said permittee expressly agrees and undertakes to fully indemnify and hold harmless the City of Saint Paul, its agents , officers and employees , from any and all damages, claims, losses , judgments, suits or expenses arising out of or oecasioned by the performance of the work contemplated by this permission and �' authority; . . • � � ;, � � - - - � -. ., . .... , � f. That said permittee shall furnish a bond ;_�o the City of Saint Paul in the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars (�10,000) , conditioned to comply with all the terms of this ordinance • • and to indemnify and save harmless said City of all liability, loss , judgments, suits, , costs, charges and egpense that may accrue to persons or property occasioned by the making of the improvement or arising out of the same; g. That said permittee shall not proceed to grade and sur�ace said portion of alley un.less and' until said permittee shall have fully complied with the provisions regarding insurance and indemn.ification contained in the City of Saint Paul , Department of Public Works Specifications for Street and Sewer Construction dated April 1 , 195g, Section numbered 1. 44, of said Specifi.cations, as amended, applicable to contractors. For the purposes of this ordi- nance, the aforesaid section of said specifications , numbered 1.44, as amended, shall be read as though the word "permittee" was substituted for the word "contractor" wherever the same appears in the aforesaid �� Section 1. 44, as amended. Said Section 1.44, � � / i Odgin�to Cfty Clerk • . � . �-��� . � � �� � � ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO 2��0�2 PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO — Page 3. as amended, of the Specifications for Street and Sewer Construction in the City of Saint Paul i�s hereby incorporated herein by reference as fully and as completely as if set forth herein verbatim. Proof of com— pliance with provisions of the aforesaid sec— tion shall be in such form as the Corporation Coun.sel of the City of Saint Paul may direct, and the documents required by the aforesaid Section 1.44 shall, after submission to the Corporation Counsel, be filed in the office of the Comptroller of the City of Saint Paul; h. That said permittee shall submit .., said bond and insurance documents to the Office Engineer of the Department of Public Works. The Qffice Engineer shall request approval of said documents by the Corporation Coun.sel and upon approval shall file said documents with the office of the Comptroller of the City of Saint Paul; i. That' the said permittee shall, within thirty (30) days after the passage of this ordinance, file a written acaeptance with the City Clerk. . _. -- - -- - . _ ,>�. , •- - - - __ _ -- _ - - - --- � � , � !`�` Section 3. This is an emergency ordinance rendered �� � necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. � - Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force upon its passage, approval and publication. JUL � 1�6�' Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the ouncil Dalglish n Favor Meredith Peterson � � Against Sprafka Tedesco J U L �" ���� Mr. President (Byrne) . Appr d: Attes t , C' Clerk ayor �O ' vForm approved Corporation Counsel By � " � PIiBLI HE� JUL 13 1968 Dapliu�to Printer � � . � � � �� � �� ORDINANCE 2��0�2 COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO � An oxdinanQe granting per� misafon to Graham F. Boyd, 1i5o Tran�it Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota, to grade and eurfaQe that portion oY tY�e a�.ley in Blook 1, Kief�er Park� from ClarenQe Street 240 feet westerly. Thi� i� an emergenoy ardinanoe rendered neoessary for the pre— eervation o� the publio peaoe, health and sa�ety. THE COIINCIL OF THE CITY OF SASNT PAIIL DOES OftDAIN� 3eotion 1. That permiseion is hereby granted to araha� F. Bo�d to grade and surfaae that portion of the alley in Blovk �, gie��er Park, �ron� Clarenoe Street 240 ieet Keaterly. Seotion 2. That the Co�nmiesioner ot Public Worka ia herebq authorized to is�ue a p�rmit to Graham F. Boyd �or the grading and eurtaQing ot said portion of a11e�* upon and eub�ect to the fo�.iowing provi�ions, tern� and Qonditionss a. That said perniittee shall grade and surtaoe said partion o� alley entirely at his own expense� under the gupervieion and to the satisiaation o� the Co�isa�ioner of Publio Works, and in a000rdan.oe with the plans and epeQi�iQati�ns prepared by him; b. That said permittee ahall furnish the neceesary a�ope releasea to the City, e�hal.l pay the ooat o� engfneering and inapeotion ot all said work and shall pay for the pubYiaation of this ordinanee; a. That said permittee ehsll properly � protect all ezQavations m,ade fn the alley both day and night 8o a$ to avoid all damage or in3ury to pereons or property; sha17, properly iill and tamp sueh alley tb avoid �ettling, an.d ehall re�tore euah alley to its original oondition; Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson Dalglish Tn Favor Meredith Peterson Sprafka A gainst Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor - �O Form approved Corporation Counsel By Doylicasp to Printer � � � �� - � �� � � ORDiNANCE 2��09� COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO � �� Page 3. ae amend�d� o� the SpeQifioatione Yor Street and Sexer Cons�ruotion in the City of Saint Paul is hereby inoorporated herein by re�erenoe as �ully and a� comp�etely as i� set �orth herein verbatim. Proo3 0� Qom- plianae with provieion� of the a=oresaid aeQ� tion �hall be in suoh torm as the Corporation Couneel oi the City o� Saint Paul �ay direot, a.n.d the dooumente required by the a�oresaid Seotion 1.44 eha11, after eubmieeion to the Corporation Coun.ael i be �3.led in the o�fioe o� the Comptroller o� the City o� Saint Paul; h. That eaid permittee �hall submit eaid bond and insuranae dofluments to the Offiae Engineer of the Department o� Publia Works. The O�ioe Engineer shall request approval of eaid daQUment� by the Corporation Counael and upon approval shall �ile said doouments with the o��iae o� the Comptroller of the City oi Saint Paul; - i. That the eai.d pernittee ehall, ' within thirtq (30) day8 after the pae�age o� this ordinanve, iile a written soceptanee with the City Clerk. SeQtion 3. This is an emergenoy ordina.nae rendered neoessary tor the pre�ervation o� the publio peaoe, health and � sa�ety. Sec�tion 4. This ordina.nae ehall take e��eQt and be in �orQe upon ite pa�sage, approval and publioation. �UL 9196�' Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson Dalglish • Tn Favor Meredith Peterson A gainst Sprafka Tedesco �u L � 1�I�� Mr. President (Byrne) Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor °�� Form approved Coxporation Counsel By i � - . .- - , � � 23�0�2 � ; � June 5, 1968 , Honorable Commiss�.oner Public� Works 1 . • � � City oP St . Paul i � ; Oourt House � - , � St . Paul, vinnesota � 3 • ! Dear Commiasioner, , � I'his letter is written for tbe purpose oP develQping an alley I i Prom Clarence St . to 240' west so that oPf streat parking for� an � apnartment bu3lding may be aonstruoted acoording to parking permit � � . • } f � 6�26 on file. ' ; � j This ordinanoe i'm asking to be introauced will be Qonstructet3 � i : � at mq cost & expen$e, agreeing to pay engineering & inspection costs . � ' incurrer3 by the aity of St . Paul. � ,� . • ! , A bond shall be furnished if neede� ana all necessary publia � . • � ! liability & other insuranoe as oalled for in section 1.44 pagea 1-13 � ; through 1-17 oP speaifioationa for atreet & sewer con�truc�lon , •� � oity of St . Paul -. Publio Works Dept : ° � ' All work will •bs performe� in acaordanae with plans &. s�eoifio-' � j ' .�' f � � ations & once commenaed , the work will be dilligently completea . � ; Slope easemonts oY abuttin g propQrty owners are eno2ose� . � � No �work w411 be, QOmmenoed until Lhe approval for such work shall _ ' j , , be obtained Yrom Lhe construction engineer of the Publi� Works Dept . � � . , ' � , St . Paul, Minnesota. �� - - �- � � • � • , � � �� � � • �•• � . � • � : �Tery truly y oure, � ; - . � , � - { . . _ _ , ., � , � . . . : I � ' - � ; i � , • _ • E. ; • , + , • . . . ; � � � • � . �� � t • • . . � , . � , . . . . . . • t�. � • ! . � � � � �� � � 23�09� � � . . • Whereas, proceedings have been or are about to be taken by the C ity of Saint Paul for the grading •of ' ��i�� '• from ����h �C. ��' . � to �y d � (�/C�j 4 and it is essential to such street � irr�rovement that' said ity a�auire perpetual easements for the purpose of the construction of slopes within the lines of privately owned real estate � abutting the said iinprovement, and x �'hereas� the undersigned is the owner of real estate as is hereinafter described, and desires that such slopes be constructeii upon • the real estate owned by the undersigned, to-wit : � �p�f v�01— d�.�� i'" o��� � � �" oZ'�� �/OG�' �/ f � � • /��� ���- ����: � - � � � � � � Novr, therefore, in consideration of the p remises and of the . sum of One Dollar (':>1.00) to me in h�nd paid� by •the City of Saint Paul, . � � , receipt whereof is hereby acknoti�rledged, I, the undersigned owner of the � . herein�bove described real estate, have granted and conveyed, and do here- � by grant and convey unto said City of Saint Paul a municipal corporation �. � ' in the County of R�msey, State of a7innesota, a perpetual easement �,n and . ; � upon said real Qstate to the extent necessary in the determination of the ' " , CommissionFr of Public �+orks of the said City, for the purpose of construc- �� {; tint� such slopes in and upon said premises as said Commissioner of Public ' + � �lorks shall determine are req,uired for and in connection with the herein- above described public improvemer.t, to-wit, the grading of. � � �.1.���- , V � j � from ��d Y•Jn c e. ' to v2 y U �-' !.�/�,f ' . � � � and the right and authority to m��ke all excsvationG, embznkr�ents, cuts and t fills requisite to the construction of said slopes in and upon said premises, •� and tha undersigned does hereby further forever relaase said City of Saint Paul from all claims or demands which the undersigned may have or hereafter acouire a�ainst said C#.ty by re4son or on account of any injury sustained to said re�l esta�e or improvements thereon, of any n�ture v�hatsoever, �n ( 2ccount of the construction of s2id slopes. � ' In pres nce of s • . E � . , � . ' - . ' - ��1 '(sF.a7.� . , , , , �, F-31�� . � l . , - . � • t . � � - � . . . �...�_ ---.�-,--.-r—.- . _ -� _ , . . __ . � - � _' ` , c� � �����F� • S�'nereas, proceedings have been or are about to be taken by i the C ity of Saint Paul for the grading of � ' � from �/�v e n�-�t. �L • i , to pZ �O�- O '� Ga/C.f� and it is essential to such street irr�rovement that said ity acquire perpetual easements for the purpose of I tr.e construction of slopes within the lines of privateltiy owned real estate j abutting the said improvement� and � . . , � fir'hereas, the undersigned is the owner of real estate as �s hereinafter described, and desires that such slopes be constructed upon � � the real estate owned by the undersi,gned, to-wit : ' �o� '�i ��o�k �/ dY } . 1��� ��r � � r . . � . , � . , , . 1 i � I � � Now, therefore, in consideration of the p remises and of the � i sum of One Do11ar (•':;1.00) to me in hana paid by the Cit,y of Saint Paul, �,Y j receipt vrhereof is hereby acknotivledged, T, the undersigned owner of the � hereinebove described real estate, have granted and conveyed, and do here- by grant and convey unto said City of Saint Paul a municipal corporation • � . i.n the County of Ramsey, State of r2innesota, a perpetual easement �,n and upon said real estate to the extent necessary in the determination of the � • CommissionFr of Public �+orks of the said City, for the purpose of construc- � tin� such slopes in and upon said premises as said Commissioner of Public Works shall determine are required for and in connection with the herein- � , above described'public improvemer.t, to wit, the gr�ding of .����y ' . � , � from ���►��� ��, ��/• to � �Z�f O�� L✓e.l� . and the right and authority to m�ke all excavations, emb2nkments, cuts and � . � fills requisite to the construction of said slopes in and upon said premises, and the undersigned c3oes hereby further foreaer rel�ase said City of Saint � � Paul from all claims or demands which the undersi�ned may have or hereafter acouire aa�inst' s�id C�.ty by reason or on account of any injury sustained � � to said re�� esta�e or improvements thereon� of any nature whatsoever, on • ; account of the cons�ruc`tion of said slopeso . In presence of : ' ,✓ 7 � •- i � � � �' 6 �sF.�r,� .. . -� � 'o� , � . r � F-34 � � . � . � � ' . � - - .' ` , . ' • � � . 23�0�2 , VPnereas, proceedings have been or are about to be taken by � �he C ity of Saint Paul for the grading of . ' �, /� � ��� � ��L�@� ' from C�vc�.� c c. �• • , .i• to o? y0 �O y t�✓c Jt and it is essential to such street � irr�rovement that' said City acauire perpetual easements £or the purpose of the construction of slopes within the lines of privately owned real estate abutting the said improvement� and ' ; '�h'hereas, the unGersigned is the owner of real estate as is � , hereinafter described, and desires that such slopes be constructed upon the real estate owned by the undersigned, to wit : , ' .0 a�'` � 2 ,�l o c rc �/ ��c �,�� ���� � � � � , � Nov�, therefore, in consideration of the premises and of the � sum of One Dollar (;1.00) to me in hPnd p�id by •the City of S�int Paul, receipt whereof is Y:ereby acknob��ledge�, I, the undersigned owner of the • herein�bove described re�l estate, have granted and conveyed, and do here- by grant and convey unto said City of Saint Paul a municipal corporation in the County of R�msey, State of t��innesota, a perpetual easement i.n and upon said real estate to the extPnt necessary in the determination of the CommissionFr of i'ublic 7+orks of the said City, for the purpose of construc- • tint� such slopes in and upon said premises as said Commissioner of Public 1�lorks shall determine are required for and in connection with the herein- above described public improvemer.t, to-wit, the gr�ding of ,�//Y �/ �S%'—o '' �•�' � from_� Y�n c��� to G�/Gf , and the right anct authority to m��ke all excavat3on�, emb2nkr�ents, cuts and • fills requisite to the construction of sPid slopes in and upon said premises, ' and the undersigned does hereby further forever relzase said City of Saint . � Paul from all claims or demands which the undersi�ned may have or hereafter acouire a��inst said C�.ty by reason or on account of any injury sus��ined to said re�l esta�e or itrq�rovements thereon� of any nPture wha�soever, on i account of the construction of s�+id slopes. . � In presence of ; . � i � � � ,j 1 :�. , _ . , � . _ � . (�F.Ar.) � � � . - � . . . :, F-34 � .� ' � ' , i ' � . .. •• � . � � � � 2����� M�Cod�f12 ' our o,, MUL J. K91Y 22i�6121 ,��� °�� THOM/15 J.STEARNS � • o ,x, JON R, DUCKSTAO '�o �= n° . JE OME M S�N � � THOMAS M. MOONEY ROIEItT E.O'CONHELL , JAMES W. KENNEY R'�"''�'�' CITY OF SAINT PAUL KENNETH J. fITZPATRICK 6ERALD H.SWANSQN CANIEL A.KLAS GORDON C. MOOSSRU6GER sp.eul Aate.ot L86AL DE�ARTMENT PAUL F.McCL05KEY,d�. 31� Clty Hall, St. Paal. Ml�s�sota 6b102 JOS/�H !. SUIrIMERS � CuporaHon Camsd , �: ���� ' QATE: '� ��� �?� � Your letter of ��� ��� ��' . _ _ , concerning .�!�� '.q�' �.� �� � ��± �� '! � ��t��- .. ��� ,'����� �.� �� �k �' :��� �� �+��'�"#� �`� .�� ����±� � ;,��=�. �� i����l?':�: has been received. Mr. `���� ��" ��� of this office has been assigned to th� matter, and yau may direct £uture inquixes concerning the same directly to him. • JOSEPH p. SUM.MERS Corporation Caunsel . "��,'�� � ' . '�� ' • , , , , . . _, - . . - � � . ,, . •y. _ _ . ` , . ^ .. ' s � j ' -, , . - _ ' •�- ' _ `1 ' � * '- • • _ ` •' ' - �_ .. `. � . . ` ' ` . 1 ` � ' ' ' � • ~ � f � . � ^ � "•. . h� ` ' • � �' r - .. ' � ., � t ^� � ` • _ . _ • i _ ' .- - ' . • . _ ` . � . . �. ' ' . � . . - .t _ , .. . ,`K� . ' ' . , , , � . ' ` n ,• ., - - . - ' r^ " ." . ' ' . _ � " � , _ • ' - J . : ' , � - � . .. . - - - - .. , � : ' _ . � J ; � , " ``Tul.y 17s �1968+ - - _ __ ; . _ , _ : � t :` _ ' ` , • . • .. . _ l . _ ' .. • -f .,. . ,• � - , y- ' '" , ' ' _ ' � � • .., . . ' ' �% ' ' . � . ' _ �� • 4 ' _ - � . Mr. Graham.F. Boyd, " . • " . -. . = , - .' 115o Transit st., ' � . � '., � '. - _. . � - _ " ,f � . y St: Paul., Minn. � ' _ Y _ ; ; •� �- - - . - , : - _ -• - Dear 3ir:. � . ' , ..� - - � � - � - . . . , ' - We enclose a copy of Or nce No 932, granting you � . . � _ _ - � � permis�sion'to grade and surface tha� rt of the a11ey in Block 1, • '--_ + -- ", Kief�'er Pnrk, from Claxence St. 2�+0 _ terly; also bill in, the', � � • . 4 ' . - -`� stffi of $28.80� to cover. th _c � pub �tion of this ��ordinance. - '- , , . ' . . - _ � . � � � - ' - � , � , - - Y�e call- your s cial �.tten on to ragra.phs f and g of � _ . � - � Section 2 which require t e f iling o bo�d in the amount_specified > - ` _. and irisurance. . We also 11 your at Qntion to Pa.ragraph�3 of Section ' °` .. � 2 w�.ch requires the fiY �of, an c�ptance of the .terma o� thia - � - . . , � ordinance whic�k��e fi #r��s office, Room 386, City Hall,�-� " ,` "_ � - � � within'30 d s. If not ao fi e ,..the ordinarice becomes-void. . � _ - ' � � , � .- - - .� , - . Very truly yours,�` . - ' � � _ - .. � . , , __ : , . - ' — � L � - City Clerk • _ . � - , . . � . _ , •�� �, - . ' ' � - - - _ , � ,�- � � � _ 4 � - . - ' �` '- 4 _ ' -� ' _' . . . 4 . - - . , � ' ' ' _ .� ' ` - • .1 . 1� „ � i _ � ' ` � R . _` . c . ' ' . . s . . ' ' ` . • � . . ~ ' ' � � ' - , ' , . � ' � . � ' , �, •�, � , ` • •� � � 1 . _ . � � � j ' . . • ._ .. ` . .- � �' '� � " ' _ 1 - w . � � " "' � ,. . ' 1 • � � , ' 1 _ .. ' - . , _ � . ' • . ' . , , . � ' - . _. . . , . _- t . . 7w`_ ' , - . ` . ' . . ' ' ' • • -' ♦ ', ` ' .' ' , ' ' r. " _ -. , ' Saint Pa.u1, Minnesota, July 17, 1968 To the Honorable, the City Council, Saint Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned, do hereby accept and agree to abide by all the terms and conditions of Council File No. 239og2, being Ordinance 1Vo. 13932, adopted by the Council on July 9, 1968. GRAHAM F. BOYD /. . ������ � •Pa�e 2. ; d• That said permftte:e, �Yter the incep— tion o� eaid wark, sha.11 pro:a�crute �he same , c.ontinuously, w�.'�h d�Iig�en�e, �nd �u11y oomplete �.aid �o�k ta the s.$tis�a�t�.ori snd approva� o� , said Cummias3oner on or be�ore Novembe� 15� �,�6g; . e. Thst� said p�rmit.t�e e$press�y agrees and undertakeg tri �u�ly indemni�'y aad holc� barr�le�e the C3ty o� Saint Paul� its ag�n��� affiaera and e�ap:�oyesa, from �ug and al2 damages, alaims, losses� ,jud�mentg, suits ar e�pens.og arlsing ou� p.� or aQaas�;oned �iy th.e perfQrm�noe o� th�. �work oant.e�xpl at ed �y �h.,�.� pe�mi s s�ou an�l authorit�; f+ T$at �aid perm9.�tee ehall furu�.sh �, bond ��.�;o th�. City o� Sa#,�� P��1 in the si� o.� �'en Thousand Dollars �(�1.U30p0� , c.ondition��d tQ' com�lg �vi�� �Il tho t�rmer �� �his o�dinan�e and to in8emn�.�� Qn�i ,�a�re har�p�,e�� �aid Ci�y p� �.11 1iab;tl�t3'� I4�.s, ��tdgme�`ts,, Bui��a aosts, char��� a�zd g�pens� th�t may aooxue tC� pex��on� or p�opert�► oQeasion,ed by the maging of t.rie 3.mpro�v�m�nt or ari sing out of the �amr�; �. T}�at said pe.rax��t�e .�th��1 not proceed to grade a�d st�r'faQe sai,d' p.ar�io� �of a].Iey unless and IIll�j.� �a�:d permfttee �hall have fuI];g oomplied wit�h �the ��ovisions r�gard'�.ag 3ns�ra�no�e �►nd indemn�.�i,cat�on c.Qn.t,a3.nec� �n tI�e Ci�y p� Sain� Pauly. Depa��ment o3 Ptibl�:4 �v�k� �pee��:��ioatfons . �o�r ��tr�et �nd Se�te� ��ns��ruet�.on dated April • �� Z��'9, SeQt;$on nnmt�e�e�d 1,4�4� n� �.a�.d �p�o�faloa�3.pns, as ams�udedy �pp��,oabl,� �o co�i�ra�tor�.. ' F'4� �h� pu�p4s�� �o�� t�i.s orfli� na�e�., the a�axe.s:�id aeataton: o�� sa3d sp.eoi�ic��ib�t�:� �t�mber�c� �,4t�, .a� sm�nded, �1i�11 b� .re.a� :as� th±D�g�I 'the. �wrt>�'t3 np.e�'mi�t�e" wa� ��.�►8'Cit�t'�d; fQ� the wdr,d h..ca��raa�tor'� wher�ve�r �he- �,am� .a�p-e$rs �z� �he� a�'ores�aid SQ.ati�n ]...44�r a� amended. �a3�c1 Sea��on, �..,4�, , , � � i };�-� _ : .. .. _ _ , . . ... , . - � . . . . ,.,� �._.. _._. — -,.—�-�- � �- -, ! • 1 �~ � ' ' � ' � { � ' ' � . � �� � , � , , � � � � � ; r • . � ; � ,�!l '`��,�i,�i� � � 3 � ? � �r� ; ,�. q - � <'= ___...��__�..�_._ � � • � ((r� :'� � . , � ; ; ; '�= :a �,�, �; �,: ; � ; , A . . ; • , - -I � ' - ' t [ �, .� � ,a i � � t � �'"� '�j �1 ` � �� E _ " , � (`�'� � � 1 � .'� � � ( � � . # ` . , • . , : � f� �ti � �'r , ' � ;`� i o'� � j � ` �' � , y� '\ f� \ � � M • • ' 11 :1' `t'�� 1 . � f ^�w''�'F� f � . �h �, , � + � ; �� ,' � i - , � { �+� � - � j z i'`'�, ' � i '' i F i t i i • ? 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Laid over +o / 3rd and app b dopted Yeas Nays Yeas � q Nays �Carlson �jtlsoa—� _ �rBatglish--- Dalglish eredith Meredith � ,P-0#eFSe+►-- �����3�� Peterson �Sprafka � Sprafka �esee— Tedesco �;:;��;e��iiii�;�:pi�s�3�e;erFa:�',jii;li�,;;,,�S Mr. President Byrne Nfr.Vice�President� e��