238189 Odginal to City Cletk � O�RDINANCE 238189 COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ���(/L `�� ORDINANCE NO " An ordinance amending the Zoning Code, Chapters 60 to 64, inclusive, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, , pertaining to Use Districts, Height Districts and Rezoning of certain pro- perties in the City of Saint Paul, as amended. • THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAzN: Section l. That the Zoning Code, Chapters 60 to 64, inclusive, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, pertaining to Use Districts, Height Districts and Rezoning of certain properties in the City of Saint Paul, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended so as �o rezone the following described property from "A" Residence District to "C" Residence Distxict, to-wit: Lots 14 and 15, Block 86, Dayton & Irvine' s Addition to Saint Paul; situate on property located between Irvine Avenue and future Inter- state Freeway 35E and southwest of existing Children' s Hospital in the City of Saint Paul. - ---.__.__ ` ' Section 2. This ordinance shall _take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. PETITION TO RE ONE A perition having been 81ed request- , ing that Chapters 60 to 64 inclusive, St. Paul Legisiative Code, re Zoning, etc. be amended sd as to rezone Lots 14 anc� ' 15,Block 88, Dayton and Irvine's.Addi- — -- --- - - - ' • - .. ••• � tion to St. Paul, located on the south - � side of Irvine St.and North of Iiighway #�0, to Class "C" Residence District, the Council of the City of Saint Paul has 8xed the ilth day of April, 19G8, at , ten o'clock in the forenoon in the Council Chamber of the City Iiall op said City, and at said 'time and place, the Council will hear all persons and alY objections and recommendations relative to said proposed amendment. Dated March 28, 1968. HARRY E. MA'E;SH•iLI,, City Clerk. (March 30, 1968) �flAY 71�6� Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson � � Dalglish ^ Tn Favor Holland U Meredith � Against .�-etersuir� ���;'������:�9���on� pp �Y 7196� �;, � Mr. •lce P=e�d� �( ) A ro _ Att . - � , l�ly.� - - Ci erk ; j,�Mayor �� Form approved Corporation Counsel By � � PHBLIS�iE� MAY 11 196� Daplicate to Printer � ORDINANCE �� COUNCIL FILE NO �189 PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. ✓ �� � An ordinanoe amending the �oning Code� Chapters 60 to 64, inalusive, o� the S�int Paul Legiel�tive Code, pe�tairtixtg to U�� Di�trlc3t�i He3ght Distriqt� and Rezoning o� oerta�.n pra= perties i�: t�e City of Saint Paul, as atnended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CTT'Y OF $AI�TT PAUI, DOES OftDAINs Seotion �. That the Zoning Cad�, Chapters 60 to 64� inoYus�.ve� o� ths Saint Paul Legislative Code, pertaining to Uae Di�trivts, �e�.ght Diet_riotg .and Rezon�ng o�' oerta�;n propert�.es in the City �3 Saint Paul.� a� a�ended� be an.$ the s8me i.s hereb� further a�ended so as to rezone the fol�owing deaor�.b�d property from '�A" Residenoe Distr3ct to "C" Re$idenae Distria�, to-wit= Lota 14 and �.�, Bl+ook 86, Dayton & Irvin�' a Addition tn Sa�.nt Paul; si�uate on property looated betw�en Irvine Avenue and �uture Inter= �tate Freeway 35E and sauthwest o� ez�.st�.ng Childrent� s Hoapital in the City of Saint Paui. SeQtion 2. Thia ordinano� shall take effect and be fn forQe thirty (30) day� �rom and after it� paseage, approval and publioation. -- _•- �,,Y 7 1g6� Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson Dalglish �_ Tn Favor Holland Meredith � A gainst �-w�Y � `�� ..�.,,....... �� 7 �g�� E��':�'..'�.�:g.�i��`:���?1,����:��� APProved: Attest' �' �ice Preaideat (Peteraon) City Clerk Mayor �� Form approved Corporation Counsel By • A ° `�� ' �� , � 1 � ! t• "'� ��" L , ~ " � CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � r �, x , / � `' PETITION TO AMEND CHAP'rERS 60 thru 64 OF THE LEGISLATIVE (ZONING) CODE fl , Note: The� signer should appraise himself of the uses permitted under the new clas ' fication before signing this petition. For further information about the rezotting of property, calY the Board of Zoning Office at 223-4151. (Please t' � � I ype or•print) • - Date; - TO THE HONOR,ABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL • c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall � City of Saint. Paul, Minnesota . Pursuant to Section 64.06 of the Legislative Code, we, the undersigned owners of two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of the real. estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of 50q'o or more of the f rontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to rezone the follow- ing described property; (legal description and street ad ress) � c����-F � � ` 3 � d r �--- �D� r.� `�a�- �4�` � �.� �f � . from A Residential District to C Residential District, for the purpose of installing, constructing and/or operating the following: (describe briefly the proposed facility) employees' parking � • RECOR.D OWNER SIGNATURE LOT BLOCK ADDITION Subject Property; ' .�he�2 lots to be re-classi ied from A Residential to Resi ential are Lot 14 - 15 , � Childrens Hos ital Inc. 14-15 86 Dayton Irvine addition , • 34-40 86 " " " � , ` � 16-17- 8 86 " " " , y . � 9-10-1 ��,- - 6 ,� ✓ . - 'tion Mr. Gerald H. Geheren, Sp c al Assistant Attorney G neral, Depart ent of Highways voices no dis roval for a ve action. ' State of Minnesota ( � , County of Ramsey � ss �� , ._ ,. � - ' -• •- -__ _ . - -— - - - �. -: - --- ���2�2��,��y �, ,����f/ being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the person who circulated the within petition consisting of f pages• , that the parties described above are the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately following each name; that this petition was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above� are the true and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so described. Subscri.bed and, sworn to before me -this /�, -�day of � � � � � ,�, � :� �' -� j Address; �l/�..� �`Q� �, � � , Telephorie No. �'XT� Notary Pu ic,'rRamsey County inn. . �� �����J - My coinmission expires ' Approved as to form 1/4/65 - - ' ' E�.�E�LY 3. BAfLEY � !'`�°`� , FGI 1/5/65 s'�iSPy Y:�°'ic, Rams�y County. Mlnn, 's�= �e-E��-perra-��.-on--�otr�se� i;�y Ca�rr;n'sssicm F�cpires Nov.9 1968. � � ' - � ������ � ��5��� _�i�� r ; � 1 1 .s.,•� t v• g' - � +, � _ M • e BOARD OF ZONING, CITY OF ST. PAUL 1010 COMMERCE BUILDING • ST. PAUL,MINNESOTA 55101 • PHONE: 223-4151� ���� . - April 9, 1968 �� + . - - Mr. Harry E. Marshall , City Clerk � ' � • - 386 City Hall � Dear Sir: This is in regards to the petition of Children's Hospital (Mr. Charles T. MauLik) to rezone from "A" Residence to "C" Residence,property located between Irvine Avenue and future Interstate Freeway 35E and southwest of existing Children's Hospital. This property is described as Lots 14 and 15, •Block 86, Dayton and Irvine's` Addition. .,The petitioner proposes to utilize this property for employee parking. However, at the present time they will develop only Lot 15 or the southwesterly 1/2 of the site. This matter was considered by.the Board of Zoning at a public hearing held on March 21, 196'8. The staff reported that the petition had been declared sufficient with the owners of 6 of a possible 9 (66 2/3$) tracts within the prescribed 100' having signed the petition. "C" Residence zoning is required for a use which is accessory to a hospital. Existing area zoni.ng consists of "A" Residence to the north and west, Commercial to the south, and "A" and "C" Residence to the east. Existing area development consists of single family homes to the west, vacant future highway right- of-way to the. south, a single family home directly to the east'and Children's Hospital further to the east, and the rear lots of. large residential structures facing Summit Avenue to the north.. Presently the property in question is developed with a single family residence on the easterly 1/2 and vacant on the westerly 1/2. The Comprehensive Plan indicates that the best use for this property is semi-public use. Mr. Richard Weimar, the son of the occupant of the home directly east of the property in question, appeared at the public hearing and expressed concern over�rany possiaile,,detrimental �e�fects. of,a parking lot,next .to his mother's home. M,r. .Maulik, representing Children's Hos�ital, stated that at the present time the existing home on the property in question would remain and therefore the parking lot would not be adjacent to the Weimar residence. Mr. Weimar , asked that he be notified when the hospital does apply for a parking lot permit for the remaining portion of the site in question. It was the findings of the Board that the proposed �ezoning would not be detrimental to the area and. the. hospital's off-street. parking needs will be great in the near future. Therefore, the Board of Zoning recommsads app�oval of the petition to rezone the property in question from "A" Residence to "C" Residence. Very;:truly yours, ' " � G'. � ' •�l�Yt/ ���.. , . � � � � George G. McPartlin � . G�:cv . Se�cretary � � � �cls. - Z.F.# 6435 e ' • . r�'`�',: . . . ' -{' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA I 13 Court House, 55102 JAMES J. DALGLISH, Commissioner LOUIS H.McKENNA, Depufy Commissioner Phone:223-4646 February 8, 1968 To the Council City of Saint Paul Gentlemen: ` - I have rechecked the attached petition of Charles T. Maulik, filed in the matter of rezoning, Lot 14 and 15, Block 86, Dayton and Irvine's Addition to St. Paul. The property is located on the south side of Irvine. Street and No�th of Highway �390, from a Class r"A`� Residence District to a Class «C" Residence District, and,find that said petition is sufficient. , o sverytr , /z� v� ames J. D glish Commissioner of Finance Re: X-437 c.c. Mr. Ames N. R. Heiden � � �� ���� � � � ry ��` ��'���� -� n ��� —�--- !: � �� , � . � ' ,�,..v�- _ .. � , . 1"`"• � � � _' " DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE v CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA , I 13 Court House,55102 JAMES J. DALGLISH, Commissioner LOUIS H. MeKENNA, Deputy Commissioner Phone:223-4646 D�cember 28� 1967 � To the Cauncil City of Sa3n-� Paul Gentlemen: I have checked the attached petition of Charles T. Maulik� filed in the matter of rezoning� Lots 14 and 15� &lock 86� Day-ton and Irvine's Addition to St. Paul. The properl,y is located on the south side of Irvine Street and north of Eighway 390. from a Class "A" Residence District to a Class "C" Residence District� and f'ind that sa.id petition is insufficient. s very , - - '(/f . ,�/ ' ames J. D lish !�`� .. Commissio r of Fin ce x�: x-437 c.c. Mr.�Ames I6.R. Heiden . �.���n� �� � . . • \. � � J 1 4 • • BOARD OF ZONING REPORT 1�.ND ACTION t�iar:,h 21, 1968 Plat Map �6 Acting under Legislative Code Chapter 60 thru 64 File No. 6435 passed August 22, 1922 as amended to August 24, 1964 Also 1. APPLICANT'S NA�1�� = Children's Hospital ' � (Charles T. t4aulik) 2. CLASSIFICATION • � Amendment � Appeal �Eermit ❑ Other � w 3. PURPOSE = Rezone to "C" Residence 4. LOCATION � So. side of Irvine Street and No. of Hwy. #390 5. LEGAL DESCRIPTION = Lots 14 � 15, Block 86 Dayton � Irvinets Add. 6. PRESENT ZONIHG . "A" Residence 7. PURSUANT TO Zoning Code Chapter: 64.06 Section: Paragraph: 8. STAFF INVESTIGATION & REPORT: Date: 3/15/68 gy; ATB �(�/fI/k A. SUFFICIENCY: The Commissioner of Finance in a letter dated February 8, 1968 declared the petition sufficient with the owners of 6 of possible 9 (66 2/3$) tracts within th� prescribed 100' having signed the petition. B. HISTORY: None for this proparty. The hospital has an existing parking lot fronting on Pleasant Avenue. Part of this lot will be taken for highway , purposes. One lot on Pleasant Avenue is leased from the Highway Department on a temporary basis. C. PROPOSED USE: Develop the site as a hospital parking facility D. AREA � FRONTAGE: 80' along Irvine Street with a depth of 146' and an area of 17,120 square feet. E. AREA ZONING: Across Irvine Street - "A" Residence; south, Commercial; west, "A" Residence and east, "A" � "C" Residence. F. COP4PREHENSIVE PLAtd: Indicates the best use is for park and semi-public use. G. SITE CONDITIONS: East half of site is developed with a residence and west half is used for parking. Site slopes down slightly from Irvine Street for 1/2 � its depth then drops abruptly to an ungraded alley at the rear. H. AREA CONDITIONS: The topography along Irvine Street is approximately the same as for the site. There are a few residences on the north side of Irvine Street. Children's Hospital is to th� east and a nursing home to the west with a few residences. The frontage along Pleasant Avenu� has been cleare� for � highway purposes. . . 9. BOARD ACTION: To Recommend Q Approval � Denial Council Lt. Dated Moved by: Mr,. McPartli.n Yeas Nays x Ames Seconded by: Mr. Maietta Cohen Date of Hearing #at�l�iC Jancs,Chmn. x McPartlin Council Action Secretary's remarks; Haarstick - Alt. x Gadler Date x Maietta � X Gauger LEGAL NOTICES ON THE BACK OF THIS SHEET :` e . 5 5 � s`` � , Jan. 2, 196$. Mr. Charles T. Maulik, , 311 Plea.sant Ave. , . � St. Paul, I�3inn, 55102. Deax Sir: - _ The Commisaioner of Fina e t eported to the Council ' that your petition to rezone •Lote 1�+ n , Block 86, Dayton and Irvine!s Addn. to Saint Pa , ed o he south side of Irvine Street and north of Hi� 90., "C" dence District, is insuf- ficient. For this reas the Coun i ca t act f�rther in this ma.tter. � Very truly yours, . eity Cle�k hp ' � i ..a'�"C-�.�. t:r..d _t�^ Y"' ' ,�. ;2 T :;yy•;i�.r�5 ' 'Y �� �} ,�-� _s+._ �•n`�S•.1 :?'�. :`�'a(T•t,?l±'.L'� �i� - •.R -.1 '- .�.' .R.ti.r �=:�:,t - o� 'R�..iY ' �'I.� :i'.. f���� '!I'i��� f)• .�t' " .�."� ,Yl.,� -f. .�. .'}. - .°d. a�. 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