237165 . • o• Original to City Clerk . . . , � ORDINANCE 23'��65 � COUNCIL FILE NO. �D PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. An. ordinanee amending the Zon.ing Code, Ghapters 60 to 64, inclusive, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, pertaining to Use Distriets, Height Districts and Rezoning of eertain properties in the Cit�. of Saint Paul, as amended. THE COUNGIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section l. That the Zoning Gode, Chapters 60 to 64, inclu— sive, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, pertaining to Use Districts, Height Districts and Rezoning of certain properties in the City of Saint Paul, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended so as to rezone the followin.g described property on the terms and conditions expressed herein from "B" Residence District to Commercial District, to—wit: That part of Lot 2, Block 6, "Warrendale" , lying Southwesterly of a line running from a point on the Northwesterly line of said Lot 2, distant 16 2�1Q feet (arc measure) Northeasterly of the West corner of said Lot 2, to the radius point on the curve which is said Northwesterly line of Lot 2, and also all of Lot 1 in said Block 6, exeept that part thereof lyi�.g Southerly of a line from a point on the Northwesterly line of said Lot 1, distant 64 8�10 feet (are measure) Southwesterly of the North co�ner of said Lot 1 to the radius point of the curve which is the said North— westerly line of said Lot 1; situate on the southeast corner of Van Slyke and Como Avenues in the City of Saint Paul. Section 2. The property described above is subject to the following terms and conditions: 1. That, subj ect to any furQler reclassification of the hereinabove described real estate by virtue of proceedings there— for hereinafter instituted, conducted and compl�ted aceording to the applicable provisions of said Zoning Code, effective as of the date of said petition for reclassification and the applicable provisions of the statutes of the State of Min.nesota, hereby, the employment of said real estate henceforth is restricted and �.imited tp the following specified use�, to—wit: Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson Dalglish Holland In Favor Meredith Against Peterson Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) Appr d: Attest: � City Clerk or �� Form approved Corporation Counsel By ����:���8 �IfAR � 196� � . . . Or�ylnal to Cit9 Clerk � ORDINANCE 23�7165 � COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO v Commercial District for a single— family residence and for the operation therein of a one—operator beauty shop by the present fee owners, Edward A. Michaud an.d Pamela A. Michaud, subject to all applicable statutes, ordinances, rules and: regulations prescribed and promulgated by governmental agencies having cognizance; and subject further to the conditions that no signs or advertising shall be maintained on the premises and that the property herein— above described shall revert to "B" Residence District at such time as the same is no longer own.ed and occupied by the present fee owners. 2. That the owners of said real estate, within the period of 60 days next succeeding the publication of this ordinance, shall file with the City Clerk, in two (2) fully executed coun.ter— parts, said owners' written acceptance of this ordinance, incorporating, among other things, said own.ers' grant unto said City of Saint Paul of a negative easement affecting said real estate, for the imposition, maintenance and enforcement of the aforesaid conditions, restrictions and limitations upon the employment and use of the property described herein, approved as to form and exeeution by the Corporation Counsel and record— able in the office of the Register of Deeds and said negative easement and restrictive conveyance shall be drawn to exclu�.e all uses permitted in "C-1" Residence Districts, "C" Residence Districts and, except for the use herein specifically authorized, all other uses in Commercial District. 3. That, in addition to other requirements therefor, said own.ers' written acceptance and grant of negative easement shall incorporate a certified copy of this ordinance, and immediately upon the aforesaid filing of the same the City Clerk shall cause one of such counterparts thereof to be filed of reeord in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Min.ne— sota. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council �'` 196� Carlson �� Dalglish In Favor Holland j� Meredith v Against Peterson Tedesco Mr. President (Byrn �� Appr � � �96� _ st: ' _..._._ .. �-- . Ci Clerk Mayor �� Form approved Corporation Counsel By � p(�BLt�Ee `� • ` i' � - � __ ��� -- ��_ � S/� ��j - - . . - � � � I � " 2057-COntf�Ct fOr' DGed. �i dp'n43��, ry�'� �A�n��.000rH�so�, MINi�fWL �COraorailon to .lolnt Tenants. Minnemota Uniform ConveyaneinG Bianks (1931) �'-"'',, ' '`�..q. ,y �r, �* • 'l 7 t�'1 ���Y`,'�' �}ji�c�..��i4�Y��� .-�Icnlc and e�z�crcd r,�cto tli.as................................�............__.._.................................cla!/ uf �uTt: , .T9....�� , bJ and betwceiz ................................................................_......................................... ....,. ,....�:�..................................................... ..... Jadnais Construction Inc. ''". ..................... ��a�•t� of thc jirst �a��t, uncl u. Cu��,�urulio�t u�t,clE'r the lau+s of tlte State of� "' .......:::a,nn�.�n..a.................... �te _}�a.n�e A L. . t. �r � � .................T?::.:.....'...........t.......?�'?C.�....t�.,....l��t�.:�,z'�'�.�: .............................................................................................................................---.................. '.....................•••..._.................................,....................................................--•, l��tirl,���.s of llre sc��orr,rG prtrG; .......................�-........................................ �T,�L�11TTe��2tiJ, 2'lcrrG i1te. suit7, )�ct�•tr� of fhe first pa�'G, i�r, coiLSULe��uGu»a o/' tlee cuuc�c<er�,Gs u�i.cG re�rc�c- �u�cr�,fs�oj' said 7�crrGies u/' t:lr,e secn�icG ��urt, Icereir�,ttff e�• co��tcr.i�ied, herebJ seGl.s ce�ncG a,<si•e�e�s to eon,ue�/ un,tu suirl ��u.rfi��,5 r,f tlic ;;ecoacl �a.rt, r.c.ti jui��zf l��crzarct.s a�td n,nt tcs teszcrnts iii, con+,�iuore, thci.r a.ssi��r�,s, ty�r .�cci�vi.t�nr uj' s�cirl 7�urtics, und tlic ltci,r,s air.rl, «�.si��n„s of tlt,c survivnr, br� rc........ �.��'x'aT��i�...................................................Decrl, a�cnrrr,/�uiric�( bi/ uai ccbxlru.c� ciidericiri,� o'outG /it7,c i,rc ��cr-rl,J vf tli�; �na•t /,�c�•G at fhc r.lcr/�c I�e�•cof, oi� Ly «n, � ore•rr�cr•'s d:rp�icc�f-c e,e;•ti,jie�cet,c of ti.tl�e, u/�o�+. tlie �n�•o���]if craul J'irlG 7�e3•forn�a�er,e bJ suid 7�urties o�' tjie sec•orad ]�urt,, u�`' tlieir �i�ert nf this u��rc�eni'enE, the i.rr.t,et,...-•................e�' l,ernr7, !�/�n;c; a.;id b:+i.u�s iiz fF�e Cnun-ty n/' ......_�2,:�,sey.............................................__r�rad Sfufe of .:�finnesoGu., c:lesrr�bccl as fo7,7ozvs, to-�i�it: 9 �2.tit�.C?��d� � � - ,. ` ' lJar��_�.a�c;,, .�:: �`»:�uit:�a� �� �:�:c Ci�� a�l ci :�u� ni���:;.�� ��.9) o�� DlOV�� Z.GLw� ��,)y "' J' af St, Paul, according �o the r�corded pla'� thereo� on �ile �zd o° r�cord in tha o�fice of the Register of Deeds of Ramsey County, ?�inneeota, excep� that portion �hereoi described as follows: Care.��rscing a� the Nortp��.�esterly cox�er o. said Lot nine�een �Z9) � �nid Block ; �a�r (4) Warr�adale; tnenc� eas�er].y alon� the north line of Lot �ine�een (19� , b4 fee't �o a point marked with :�.r► iran s�ak�; thence southerly a distance o� ?d fee'c �o a point marked by an iron sta.ke, whic� is 48.5 feet easterly fro� th�: wast lin�'of said Lot measured at right c:n�-les to said west li.�e; thence south- we�tarly a distanc� of 41.4 fee� to a poin� �arked by an iron stake w'r.i.a is ox� thQ south li:�e of said lot nineteen (19} and 25 feet easterl;/ fro� the west Y1 1i��a ��asured at right angles thereto; tlzence south�resterly along tlae sout'� . Line o� said Lot ni.�eteen (19) to th� southwest corner thereof; �hence ;�ort;�rly 130.7 f eet alr�:��, the �.����: line �o t13e �lac� az beginnin�, aa.d except ��t part, r� of said lot �ciszstee� (19) of B1r�c1{ four (4} , l]�rrend.aley des�hence nort�easterly Beginning at the saut�s�a�terly cor�er of Lot nineteen (19) ; on the dividin3 lina betveen Lots 18 and 19, 20 feet; thence a� right a�;les to said dividing lirce northwesterly �+ feet; thence southwe�terly �+ ieet fro� and par31131 tot�ncodsoutheasterl.y on saidssoutherly oraalleylline�tosthe pl.ace of � teen ( 9} , b�ninn�na. * $ubject to and together with perpetual easersent for driveway. r � ��,; _ . . ..: - .. .., r _._ _ . . , .. , ;-.����p:, ��ate that �t�tE deed tax hei�eon• is $ I � . .t - - , _ ....__ .�-------- �""°7 T�at part o� Lot 18, BloCk 4, Warrendale, iiescri'�ed as followa: Beginning at the Northeasterly corner of said Lat 18, o t�xence Southwasterly along the dividing line between � said Lot 18 and Lot lg, a distar.ce of 57•25 fe��i thence Easterly along a straight line to a poin�; on Easterly� line of said Lot 18 which is aistant 34•95 feet m�asured along Easterly line o� said I.ot 18 Southeasterly .ct� from Northeasterly corner thereof; thence Northwe�terly along Easterly line of said Lot 18 to point of beginning. '-_d :.....�'..`....... vii �I115 CVI1��Lt'���(,'1'�..,d�U���C.11,y Jul�ii Na.Yiiicii� �v a„u..... ..., .....�.�... .....� "�a- shall be credited as a payment on this contract. It is a�reed b,y the part,y's hereto that the party of the first part shall have the rioht � to extend this mort�;�.;e,or to place a n�t� mortga;�e apon said premises in any asnoun�; not to exceed the baJ_ance due and owin� on t?�is contract and at a rate of interest no to exceed 7� ;s per annum and reourinn �a�ents no lar�er than herein stated, the expence oi said mortaage to be paid ry the party of the �irst part, paxty of the second part a7ree to sio the necsssary napers in connection with said mort�a�e or any extension or rene��ral tihereof. It is further understood that wher. the unpaid balance due and oti�r�ng on this contract 'oecomes __.__, �.. �,�_ .,_�,,;,� �..., ..r,,,, ,a.,� �,,,a ��.ri r n n., t.h� ah�ve de scribed mortaa�e. then party of �he I - rerminate; ann ait improvements maae upon the premises, ana a11 payments made hereunder shail belong to said party of the first part as liquidated damages for breach of this contract by said partiea, said notice to be in accordance with the statute in such case made and provided. Neither the extension oP the time of paYment of any sum or sums of money to be paid hereunder, nor any waiver by the party of the flrst part of its rights to declare this contract forPeited by reason of any breach thereof, shall in any manner effect the right of said party to cance] this contract because of defaults subsequently maturing, and no extension of time shall Ue valid uniess evidenced by duly signed instruments. Further, after :•crvice of notice and 4ailure to remove, w:thin the period allo�ved by law, the default tl�erein specifled said parties of the secund part h��•eby specifically agree, upon demand of said pai•ty oP the flrst part quietly and peaceably to surrender to it ��osses�ion cf sa.id prer.�ises,and every part thereoP, it being understood that until such default, said parties of the second part are to have possession of said premises. i . � � � � � � � ' � _ f � 7 , ry` ! �t t'a�' �UP`.i$�Tp ���P�I, lir/ and betu�een the pu.rties 3zeretn, t1i.a.t f-Iae timeo�' pci?/��ient s1�al,l � � bc u�i c.s�eatial. /��i�•t of th,is Co�ita•a.ct; an�G tliat all the coveiaants a�ad a�reeme3zts y�erci�z confai.rr,e�G sha.11 � a ru�a zc�itle t!» l�a�z.rl rrrr,�t birzd tl�e heirs, exeeutoTS, admin.istratnrx, •�ur,r,e.s,eor.s a��rl, ussi�i2.� uf t,l�e re.spP��tirc � # ��artic.� 3cereto. - � , �,�•, i"���, resen��E�$:a'�f���J �::Wla)�e��, 1'he sccicZ fcrst �ar•GJ has causecl t aes�e �Ig � � p ts to be executcd in its corpnrrztr. n,��m.e ln� its................................. ; �, , >, • • aecr�tar ................a�ad it,� cor ,o��rr.l,e Bl+GG f0 � T�esLderct, arid Lts..........:..................Y..._. I � be hereunto a ff i.xed, and su,id pr�,�•1 i.�'•ti n f I-h e s�concl 7�art ica ve �_�%� �j��ere�rarr,to .�e� tyt.ei.r 1ca�zd,s th.e d,�cy' nn.�l. �/erlr �i-�r•.,f alxrve �vri.tt�-rr,. � l 1�,°r.sence nj 7�,dn�.� s...Co:�.struction...Inc ............. ................. .............1;. �. �/ � � .,, .. .. .:J.. ..................... r; � �a Y��� � .. ^-� j �-� -�� �.- ..%i�j � 87�.... ..... .,y.r�'�r�.- � � � �. .� ..�����% �... � t ..`.t ...--..../........... SS. � > :. , /:�� �``���/ ........ . ....... r esi e,rL . I ' i . /� �: . ��. � � �..� 7�f'- �.......:.. .. ��r:.�".....1...J..:7.../..� _., .......... . _ _ . ., �.. ./ ..r.. ...... ......................... . � � ��t5 / /� / .. ...,...,... �.. ..:,.' .. , - . . , , .. . . � "' / v. C2Efi , , Tt.�............... �. .................................................... � \V,\ � , , ' �—._ ... t 1 � �:.�~;-L,i�.;-,,-�,.`.`;,....`�.:�..�.!"�:;:-�.�.r.:�...�,�,,,L�:�..,1-...... ` . . �$��e �� ;��I�ff������1, . SS. � COZGTI,�7� Of...............+.�.c��S°JT.................-°-••--°---..... .....°'- 2��h ------•--...., ]9..�7....._., l�e orc nrc, �c n�� lh:i,.s..............�---........----��----.........-�--�-��-�----.......d�� of...._........_......,A.;x;�l�t....---........................... . f ..............�-�--�-•�---..................�r.Q.t�r�._�u�lic......_............................-----........zcith,iri; �rri.r7, for .tirrirl ('nrtiafi/, I�cr•,snua-ll�� rr��p�m•rrl, ---�-�--��-�-��rancis...�....Husnik .............................................a,��,�7.-�---��---......---.x'�..�ctxl.d.--�-•---=�ehb°ix?---�----...........---�--......--•-----•----...... to nrc )�er�nn.rr,ll�� k�Zmmr,, 7ch.o, f�eiri�; �-��.c1a b�/ nrc duli� .e7vnrn.........................clid .snr� t,l�.af, tlec�� n,i�e re.�perlc»c(r/ �Tte-�-�--•............................�---•--•-�--.1'r�..irl�n•t �ai�,�l, t,l�e......u���:e:�?,.x';1.....:-�-�-�--�-�----........... /' J ..........n t7i.� c��r �or�ttio�i nanzccl i�c t�hc for•eS%ni.rz�s irz,ctrrw�r,cut, u��.rl, th�rt tlre senl ccfj'ixed to sa,id in,strzwn.ent is t7r.e cor7��n•�rte seal, of .sccicl corporR.- � ti,on-, cand tlrnt, .�ai.d� i��,.t/r�oiri��tzt �nrr,.s ,Si,6r�.Prl, cr,nd .sealt�d �i.rt, brJ�a,7,f pf ,�rzi�l cor/�o�•<ctinn, ln/ ni�f;h�n3�it,r� nf i1.5 Boarcl of--••-•-�-�--�ir�G�ors.............................................and said.....-•--•--.kx.1TZC.�.s...�:.....�7.u.s''17.�L............................................._._..-•---........ ,�n�_.._..._.._�ayriond__.�.R.'�ehbein „�7�,n,ozvl,ec7�ecl said instrurnen,t �o;T�e the free �eet ancl deed of said /� l�/� � �` �� CO7',1G7'CLtL07L. � /• . '1'�ii'����, �" / !� ,, ..........�.......... �7� "77/ f '..!}.��=�-,�1�.:.}�..�.�+-�+^'��.................. -...f.__...�...............�:.-:��' , Notary Pc�hl,ic................................�:�......................-�--�--.............C,ozcrat J, r�7i nn,. J{7z cmm�a-i�s.einn, e.rpirr,c..ILEi...'Oi...�ls�ery�..sauJx uc ss�wwo�. .yy 19............... ./ 3............. ...�--� � 'uu;;J •f;ttno� �Saswea. �ai�q,�d b:e;oN ' :���P:�VNHCi "l N1,1'tJVW ����e 4� ,����Q��l�, SS. r,��RV�ra L. JOHl�..ti�N�trv ��o'ary P�blic, Ramsey County, "'��,;. ,,,., Conn.t�� nf............R.a7ti����............................................... kly Commission Expires Mzrch 1Q, 1g7b - � Au�LiS:�...-•---••---......-•.............•-, If).....7._, beforc me, a On, th i.s......--�--...Z...:�b.........................•�---�--�-�--.......cla.7 0 . . - J --•-•••••................. � '� 1 _ ._... zULfT2tn 2rtC7• Or saicl Cotcnt>>, personall�� appeccre�Z � ---�--•................_.._............----..........o�a.x'�..l.:a�?�..'.c......_.............................. , f ----•-..........St��t��:�ie...�.....Lance tte.,_..unmarried--�--...-�---._.......................................�-��---�-��--------...............---�----..........._.....__......----•----�-----.... .......... .......-----�--...... ..........................�--......._........_._.......---......._........ �..................................... ..... ------ ' tn n�c 7,raorrn. f.o Lr fTrt p„�,.san..---••---dr.scri,her7 irc anr7. �vl�n cYrrrct��l, tlrc f��rr.,�n 7��� iiistirrnirnt, nni7. nrl:ri,rr7- c�76 ' ��.�'7..7 ...../'i•rr rrrf �r�r�i�,� r:7 tn��t....s.J�r.......�.irr�rtti7, lhc .c�nnr, n..s........her � � � � / ' �-/��� Y�'�.� ...........'�j%.,/.-�:.........I.Y.jr�:... .. ....�.... .'�.......� .'...�.1...�... .. .�. _a....,`-..... Notary Public........................................::.:.....................................C,or�nt,>>, .,1lirarz. ' J{7r� comm,i„s�sinn, e,.r,7�ir�.s...........................................................•--........, J.9............_.. i�J?ARVIiv �. JONr;^:N°Ef� Not;:ry Public, Ramsey County, "�:!�n. r— I . I I ^ � �� • � � w �I� ` •. J �I � ' � A I . � . . 1 I �� I\ � ll . I . .. J� i . � � N . � N I II i. . . . Cl ��II , . � , ����� .�- . . . . . , . . . .,,,,, � _ . ___.. —_sa�°"G..tl.u... -'--. - --:. --� Form No.3-M _ , �....�.'v:u..:"�"'.aw"��u'n`►. _. ,. _ r • � �r i �� T2118 I11C�Criti1TP.� Made thia--°�th----------day°/---d1+4g----------------�!g_�2__. • 6tlmetrt ____„ichael J_Walsh_and Hary_Ann b►alsh�_husband_and vife�__________ ----- ---------- L''J ' . oJ th County oJ---Ramses------------------ --and Stata of---Ninnesota----------------°--� ' . � Qertis----oJ the first part. atul__Yadnais__onstruction Inct,----------- ' " _ , ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------ � , _ ------------------ •, a tion under the tafaa oJ Lhe State oJ--Minneaota-------------------�pQrty oj the aecond part,.. � ....._, , . � ;i /�ITNESSETR, That the aaid part iSg______o/ the first part, in eonsiderntion of the aum oj ' •; ,Qgq_�Qllar_($1=00�_and other good and �alunble consideratioas - - _____n�*;�-R*,A ------- -------------------------------- '' � to--S,ttetd-----------fn hand peid by the aaid partv oJ tho aecond parl. fht receipE whereoJ ia hereby ? aeknoiocldycd,do________hert6y Crant,Barpain,SeU, and ConLey unto thc aaid party o/ the aeeond i - yart,its auceeasora and oasiyns,Forerer,all ths traet------or perecl------oJ fand lyinp and beinp in!ke � ' Comty°j---�m�SJ----------------n�td State o/Minnuota.deaen"btd ea Jollowa,!o-uit: ; �, , :' �11 of Lot nineteen (19) of Block four (4), Yarrendale, aa Addition to tbe Cit� ' ' . � � of St. Paul� according to the recorded plat thereof on file and of record in '. , , /the office of the Register of Deeda of Ramsey Couat�, Kinnesota, ezcept that i '� portion thereof deaeribed as follovs: � � Commeneing at the Northwesterl� eorner of said Lot aineteen (19) in aaid Block � _ ! four (4) Varrendale; theaee easterly along the north line of Lot aineteen (19), ` � ;j 60 feet �o a point marked with an iron stake; thence southerlT a distance of 78 t, ' ;i feet to a point marked br aa iron stake� xhich is 48.9 feet easterly from the _ rest line of said Lot measured at right angles to aaid �est liae; thence eouth- � - ���!� ve6terl� a distance of 41.4 feet to a point carked br an iron stake which is � oa the aouth line of aaid lot nineteea (19) and 25 feet easterl� from the west � - � line oeasured at right angles thereto; thence aouthvesterly along tbe south �' .- • �� line of said Lot nineteea (19) tothe southvest co:aer thereof; thence northerll __ G, „ •' �� 130.7 feet along the weat line to the place of beginning, and ezcept that part 7 � - _ - � . of aeid loE nineteea (19) of Block four (4), Marrendale, described as follow:. . � • ,I• Beginaing at the aoutheasterl� coraer of Lot nineteen (19); thenee northeasterl� on the di�iding line betveen Lots 18 and 19, ZO feet; thence at right anglee to :' � • j! aaid diriding line northwesterly 4 feet; thence southxesterly 4 feeL froa and ,; � ; � parallel to aaid di�iding line� to the southerl. or alle� line of eaid Lot niae-- '! teen (19); thence eoutheaster�j on eald souther3,T or alle� line Lo the place of ,: � ,i beginning. - ��� i �� Subject to and together rith perpetual easement tor dri�era�. !� � " , I� ' � � j i! , I, areatore state that State deed tax h9reon.ia :�l �� :� 'j TO HAVE AND TO ROLD TAE SABcfE.Topether toith nII tka hereditaments and appurtenaneu � �� - ' � tJlsreanto be2onpixp,or in anywiae appertainix9,to tha aaid party of the setond parL,ita auectasora and � i� aaaiy�++,Forever. And the taid---r�Qh�41_��K�1$b_4PSLJ'��Ci_l�Pll�►_a�13,_�xfi�e�d_�nclx��g._ �' ; �: �; , . I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' . � pn'tj,e�.---°1 the firat parl,/or_ShP.mael�sa}Sheir----keiri.executora and adminiatratora,do----- 'i - ; eovenant witA the aaid parly oJ tIu aeeond purt,{ta aueeeaaora aad aasipns, lhat�Sh�.i.4Tl---------- ;� . -- f �v�aeised in fee of tha Ianda and premiaea aforeaaid,and haig youod riQht to idl and arnvey the aatrts{n ji � menner and Jor�n njoreaafd,attd lhat ti�e aat�e ars�res�Jrom ail ineumbraneea, eaccept as afore6aid � .. � .. , . '.. �„� �Ej ��1 � `'� ��L^.� �'�a...a� C 1 � �-er� �J� � . , . . f�; OEE_TAX ` OEED TAX �t,.: l, f r ,i � �..�� tl,! ra, �-. - yJ .� -�i v � .( � � 1 � k . ..l Y"1 r ,� , �. ��� ,� '- i�..�� �� '� �. �� ( il+•'�rniti r( - �\�]F .-� 1,-.�1��t� ��'v �' � , - � � - .�.. �. . .�. . , , i . .. i �f� 1� � T'+ �3 t �� '! �\ F� � : ��h�, , s , � �„�.( :1i I ; .r ,: �I � ,� ti �I .a��\ #'� • il' ` ` �nJ t_,.,��a.�t..:�T ��r�:G.�� y; �.f%� �f..� �; ,�:ti,;;, �k��:, �'C,;/� � . . . . :� f10.00 57.00 . : . .. ._ � .� �..� - , . . . , � ��.._._.. .. -•- • ���� �\y_�`� r ���-c� � �' DEED TAX ED iAX EEO lAX '' �L'r +� . �. ' � ED 1A ' '- ,� M_ t�f _.�.r )1 `, .-...�� ��_i � � E,� t� .,.� -; . '' �.y�)L` �c: ,�:�5 ` - — .. . - _ " _ � ,`'�S p.00' ,so wo .. _ _- - 't � , - -- os , :_ - _.. ,.� _.�.... . � � ,y � �. . ..._.. _ ._. , �, �.__ '` And the aboroe baryained and praxted lands and gnmfaas,E�t fJle�ie!aad peaceabte posseasion oj the I�. �aid perty o}the aeeond part,{ta ruecasaorr and aaaiy„a,ayaisst alt persoau Ja�aJtsII y efai»iisy or to elaina iI . ths wi:oIs or any part,thereof,aubjeet to�ncumbna�esi.{I a�+Y.Asrei�sbafora�i+tio»ed.!he asid part_i�s ! . r Y �. oj ths firrt part+o�Il Wcrncnt wid DsJ�nd. • _ _ _ �' _ . - '�� IN TIsST1dd0IVY WEEREOF.Tk�said pa�l?a--°J!1Y°�E'x!part I�Ze..kereunto ie!_their�_ !� . -- N __ �°�Lhs day and yeat first obove�ot�tten. � - . i� �� . -- Is Preeexa oJ . . �,_ '' --�YJC1���4� _��_ '' � , .� w _ �_��,,� ! � � �;- - ______ . � ��►.r.��- - - `:; - : � � - - - �1 -���----- 'i ' . . . ;, � . , . 2�`'` ' > ;j '� �.�,,�,r •�� �_/_oss�.a�_�____ II ----------- `- -�--- �(--/o--(p7 - ,\;----_ -_� rAi��• - . . . .j _ . . _ ___ . . � . �; _. . . > . . :__..�_._..... __.._ ._-- .�_ .w , . _ , _ . ^ _-- - �.... -.F' .......�............... .... --- -�-- �..r,r.��� - ........,........��...�.__.r. ��..:�.�. � . ' _ . . .. . ��j� � . ... .. . � .: .� _ � - . . . .. � • �����.��> >Ir«.s ,� . I• ..��� STATE OF MINNESOTA � � P County of Ramsey se. �. ,. � CITY OF SAINT PAUL T&�1' ,",, I k „� , `� to.. x �r�. I--------------•--------....�in�ry_..�....I�9are��a1.7.�-----------•--------------•-----._.City Clerk �..� ' � of the Citq of Saint Paul, Minnesota do hereby certify that I have � . ` compared the attached copy of Council File No._...�3.?_�.�?ga..be�:�S.._.... �"`�� Ordinauce No. 138�+4, _ � as adopted by the City Council..._._....Il��b_..���t:---------------------19.�.-------.. cn ' .,'� and approved by the Mayor.................1�Qb__.��bl�....-•--------------.19_�$.--------- �` l •� with the original thereof on flle in my office. / � i � 1 , , ------------------------------------------------•---------------•-------------------- °! � � �°.0�t` ,b' c�t. t -----------------------------------------------------------------°--------•----- . � � '. � �, �. � m � � - --- _ , ,M1 .. .. �c � � 3+�i tlte �. i i , �� IN � = ------------------------------------------------------------- . --------------------- � . � �� __ . . �, - _ . � . -.I1 �. :� � - ------------------------------------------------------------ � '��' k 'i .�"'"�"���."a ' t., s ' - � a u ��. .ex . _�,., � � rk"�� ' � - � ----°'-°-°"....................'--""'•"-.._..'---"------°-°-"---^----- �� ��' �''�. I�a��. r _ '� 3 ,�.l. 9 -1 .� �. ....�........�..�.....��..����.�..���.���..�.��....��������....__....���.������.. � �� ��yy `�,•�� � �• 1 � �y���iOV�� #�... �...���.�.........���.����...�����...�......�.�.�..�..��.....�.......�..�.�.��..�. ''�. ��.r ; �`�'�R'.; w .� . �.'. ' Q�.. . �..i'O4Ci'YV41 .�/� � z :> - � �r4�ss�--<►`teati ta��-�r: ; ,. , , � � � ------•....................•----•-----•.. .-----------....----...-----------� � a,�uyarn.�c�,.�, �ee. ,�'. . ._ E . r. � - '� �, 3�`3k 8'SFla1a.�•` :: . . . , . ---------------------------°----°----------------------°-.....---------•----°- > < . = • . : - �X _, c ,. • _ x:: . f. ,t; �iT,41..#�i����� y . .: _.<.. �.. , :,_�. `-_ , t�M�►,�:a1N ---...-•---------------------------------------------•--------------------------•- , �-- t�r, :,,u ,� I further certify that said copy is a true and conect copy of ��..� � ���� ;:. ` said original and the whole thereof. �� - ,, '��� WITNESS my hand and the aeal of the City of Saint Paul, Minn.. �` . . ; � -. �. . � . ' �� this....---22nd.---•--•---..._daq of............. ..Ma:rch,•-------------•----------A. D. 19_. .. _. �� t � _... 4...-- �--��- - - •--•----...-- �, , , . . .-- - - - - " ' City Clerk. ��� �t,��d::ijµa. �.. ��,��..,: �.. ;� �•. � �.������ ,;�;���.,�, � �s ��, BOARD OF ZONING, CITY OF ST. PAUL 1010 COMMERCE BUILDING • ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55101 • PHONE: 223-4151 December 22, 1967 23�165 Mr. Harry E. Marshall, City C1erk 386 Courthouse Saint Pau1, Minnesota 55102 Dear Sir: This 'is written in response to the petition of Edwa.rd a.nd Pamela Michaud to rezone from r'B" Residence to Commercial property located at the southeast corner of Argyle Street and Van Slyke Avenue (See the attached legal description). The petitioners propose to establish a one-operator beauty shop in their single-family home. This ma.tter was considered at the December 7, 1967 Board of Zoning meeting. The staff reported tha.t the petition is sufficient with 10 of a. possible 13 (76.9%) of the tracts within the prescribed 100' radius ha�ing signed the petition. The existing zoning includes Cotrunercial to the east, "B" Residence to the west and northwest, and "A" Residence to the southarest. The Comprehensive P1an recommends �t-3 single-family residences for this area. Existing development in the area is predominantly single-family. It was the findings of the Board that if certain conditions are met, the rezoning would not be detrimental to the surrounding area. Therefore, the Board of Zoning recommends approval of the petition to rezone the property from "B" Residence to Connnercial subject to a negative easement being filed to the effect that 1) the use would be limited to a one-operator beauty shop, 2) there will be no signs or advertising on the premise, 3) the property wi11 revert to "B" Residence upon transfer of ownership of the property and 4) a11 other uses permitted in a "C-1" or "C" Residential district will not be allowed. Very truly yours, � ,, ; � r � I ? % i � ,.t...�,ey�!_.._.__..... ! i �- N.j �. eide�,� �� Secretary NRH:rc GMK ZF 6385 ,`. j ;7.. � r6: u � 4 �F /r�Y'. J �: Y� y � � Y -- — , , , , ,. - ,; � • . . � • - . , �! _ . . . , PEi'ITitllf T0�NE �� . � Aye titioa hav!� b�en fll�d retiuest- �• in�triat C�hapten d0•to 84 inclusive. St. � " - � PaW I.esislative Code, re Zonin[, etc., j' � - he ainended so as to i�ezone the 3�ollow- �; - ' ing deacribed properE to Comxnerc}al Distrlej: That part o�Lot �, Btocm 6, I� � � Warr�ndale, lying Southwesterly of a j� . line running from a point on t,he Northwe�te� line of esid Lot 2, dia-' 'n • , tant 16-2/10 eet (arc m�asure) North- m j� __ ._ .__ , ;� •. • aater�y of.the West�ot nmr of,said L4E e 2 t0 the radine po on the curve �� � - , ' .. . .which is rald NorthwesterLY�ne oi Lot • , 2, and also ell of Lot 1 in aaid Hlock 8, � � except that part ther�f lying 78outlier- . ' . , . Lv of a line ru�ine tro� a �oint pn the Northmeater 13ne o seid Lpt 1, ' . . : , , " , ' � _ ,. ;�"�u nt��e�r�l QS_�o No�a�. l • " ��yt�d: , to 11s,r inpG �� � � - Ii�ti � •. ; . r .. , r . _ r � �� R . ' � . . � . � � . . . ' ' ' _ . ��� _ . . . . . , , ' , ` " , �, •�t_- . .' .. .. �. . . .: . .�.._ � .: �• - � a • . �ald�3Ey ��#td t� _ • ; .= . . . ' : - • � � 'P�Ised e,�co���r; . � -_ . tioss 1'elative to �Ipl��p �,;; :, ... - _ ' mMd.15�ItMd Ih�€�� , , _ ° .a _ tD�o�a�Diii'�i.��.:, . , . . ----' = . -�.�- � .�._�--- ..�:.�. .._ . .. . .,_ . _ . __.� . _ �. _--° _:.��_., _ __ . __.. .-,_ • . , , -_. - 1- .. `-- � f� `�� Michaud - zoning �ile �� 6385 That paxt of Lot 2, Block 6, Waxrendale, lying � Southwesterly of a line running f�om a point on the Northwesterly line of said Lot 2, distant 16 2�10 feet (arc measure) Northeasterly of the West . _ corner of said Lot 2, to the radius point on the ;: curve which is said Northwesterly line of Lot 2, and also all of Lot 1 in said Block 6, except that • , paxt thereof lying SQUtherly of a line from a point on the Northwesterly line of said Lot 1, distant 6�+ 8�10 feet (arc measure) Southwesterly of the North : corner of said Lot 1 to the radius point of the curve . which is the said Northwesterly line of said Lot 1, , located on the Southeast corner of Van Slyke and Como ,. . . _ _ _ ._ _ Avenues, j _ . _ . �--..�._. ' ,_ _ _ _-_-. - _-- ___--- � _. ..,: , , . ` ;. •- . : . . , - _ - �� . . .. , . , . � . • � f , . . • _ � - . . k . .-. , ._�_ - ! . _ '. . _. � , { . , , • � 4 • , • �. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA 113 Court House,55102 JAMES J. DALGLISH, Commissione� LOUIS H.McKENNA, Deputy Commissioner Phone:223-4646 November 16, 1967 To the Council City of Saint Paul Gentlem�n: I have checked the attached petition of EdwBrd A. Michaud and Pamela A. Michaud, fiied in the matter of rezoaing, That part of Lot 2, Block 6, War=endale, lying South- westerly of a line running from a point on the l�orth- westerly line of said Lot 2, distant 16 2/10 feet (arc measure) Northeasterlq of the West corner of said Lot 2, to the radius point on the curve which is said North- westerly line of Lot 2, and also all of Lot 1 in said Block 6, except that part thereof lying Southerly mf s line from a point on the Northwesterly line of said Lot 1, distant 64 8/10 feet (arc measure) Southwesterly of the North corner of said Lot 1 tc the radius point of the curve �hich is the �sid Northwesterly line of said Lot 1. ,,-�The property is Iocated cm the Southeast corner of Varf Slyke and Como Avenues, (IIpon the transfer of said premises from the present owners, the property would revert to '�Er` Residence, and petitioners would execute a Negative Easement to that effect.} fram a Class "B" Residence District to a "Co�mercial" District, and find that said petition is sufficient. �vqrs very t�a1)y, ,� 1 ` i ° , ,'/ �'� `�.. , 'i��rG�:,� f�'. ��-Y�i �'�James J. ��'lglish �--J �'� �� Commissioiier of Finance Re: X-397 c.c. Mr. Ames N. R. Heiden � BOARD OF ZONING REPORT AND ACTION 12/7/67 Plat Map 30 Acting under Legislative Code Chapter 60 thru 64 File No. passed August 22, 1922 as amended to August 24, 1964 . Also 1. APPLIGaNT'S NAME � Edw. A. A4ichaud � Pamela A, Michaud 2. CLASSIFICATION • � Amendment � Appeal ❑Permit ❑ Other � 3, PURPOSE � Rezone from "B" Residence to Commercial for beauty , shop in home. 4. LOCATION � S•E. Corner Argyle and Van Slyke 5. LEGAL DESCRIPTION � See file (Miscl.) 6. PRESENT ZONING : ��B" Residence 7. PURSUANT TO Zoning Code Chapter; Section: ��.d� Paragraph: 8. STAFF INVESTIGATION & REPORT: Date; ],l/22/6? By.: ATB A. SUFFICIENCY: The Commissioner of Finance in a letter dated t'ne 16th of Nov. � 1967 declared the petition sufficient with the owners of 10 of possible 1.3 (76,92a) tracts within the nrescribed 100' radius having sianed the oetition. B. HISTORY: None. . C. PROPOSED USE: Establish a beauty shop in the home. The petitioner proposes to attach a negative easement to the rezoning st�ting that the use would be a one-operator beauty shop in�the basement without any signs or advertising on the premises. They also would reva� the property to "B" Residence upon transfer of ownership of the oroperty. D. FROPiTAGE � AREA: An irregular shaped tr�ct with a frontage of approximatel.y 80' along Argyle St. and an area of aporoximately 5�300 sq. ft. E. AR�A ZONING: Commercial to the east, "B" Residence west and Northwest "A" Residence to the south.aest. F. COtiPREEiENSIVE PLAN: The comorehensive nlan r�commends P.-3 single family for this site and the im�nediate area. To the south the reco;amendation is for R-5 one and two . fanily residences. G. SITE CONDI'tIONS: Site is developed ctith a new single family residence with double garage in basement� no off-street oarkin.p, available otherwise. H. AREA CONDITIONS: The area is adjacent to Como Park and develooed nrimarily with one and two family residences, there are two apartment buildings in the area and a church and oarochial school in the area. There is also one vacant commercial building across Van Slyke St. to the North. 9. BOARD ACTION: To Recommend � Approval ❑ Denial - Council_ Lt. Dated Moved by: Cohen Yeas • Nays X Ames Seconded by:h4cPartlin x Cot�en Date of Hearing Janes,Chmn. McPartlin Council Action Secretary's remarks: Subject to negative easement. Haarstick - Alt. Gadler Date . A4aietta ' LEGAL NOTICES ON Tt� BACK OF THIS SHEET . � � ' • . . CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 113 Court House 55102 December 15, 1967 City Clerk File %397, Page You are hereby notified that a public hearing will be held in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House in the City of St. Paul at 10:00 a.m, on December 28, 1967, on the petition of Edward A. Michau d and Pamela A. Michaud to rezone from class "B�' Residence District to Commercial District for the purpose of operating a one operator beauty shop in the basement without any signs advertising said beauty shop to be placed on the premises. Upon the transfer of said premises from the present o�mers, the property would revert to "B�� Residence, and petitioners would execute a Negative Easement to that effect. The abose to be located at I150 Argyle Street on the following property: that part of Lot 2, Block 6, t�Jarrendale, lying southwesterly of a line running from a point on the northwesterly line of said Lot 2; distant 16-2/10 feet (arc measure) northeasterly of the west corner of said Lot 2 to the radius point on the curve which is said northwesterly line of Lot 2, and also all of Lot 1 in said Block 6, except that part thereof lying southerly of a line running from a po�nt on the northwesterly line of �aid Lot l, distant 61�-8/10 feet (src measure) southwesterly of the north corner of said Lot 1 to the radius point of the curve which is the said northwegst�erl3r line of said Lot 1. The property is located on the southeast corner of Van Slyke and Como �venues. For fl�rther information contact Planning Board, Room 1010 Commerce Builcli.ng or phone 223-l�151. JAMES J. DALGLISH Commissioner of Finance O �� � , � f �^�, �� � � March 11, l�)68 (;.:i ! ; i � � �; ; I �_�_� �. Mr. Judd Mulally . `� Attorney at i,aw , �\� Degree of Honor Building � \.` St. Paul, Minnesota Deax Sir: f / Enclosed is a copy of an ordinanc� ing pArt of Lot 2, Block 6, "Warrendale", at the s�� �neas�. corn of' Van Slyke and Como Ave. , sub�ect to certain co ons et` out i the ordinance. We call your specia ttention t aragraph 2cf Section 2 which requires that you fi� a deed of gative ea.semen_t in two parts in this office within 60 day�,. • �----~—��� � ��.,._../ The Corpor' o Counsel' ce can give you further inf�rmation as to the form� P that inst ument. � , �� �. �` � � Very truly y�urs� \ � -�� \�._. �.. ----- - __ . City Clerk ng � i�ebruary 15,1968 Mr. Judd Mulally =----_��, Attorney �� Degree of Honor Bldg. \`; St. Paul� Minnesota ` / Deax Sir: � Enclosed for your information is an ce of the City Council rezoning property at the corner of V , ce an� o Aves.� whieh was intraduced at today's meetin� and wo e dule r Final Adaption on March 5th� with public�ation on Max Oth. After publication, we 1 again not you to meet the requirements of the ordinance pertainin o a negat v easement. Very truly yours, � City Clerk AO/ng �� �� 7i�� DEED OF NEGATN� �SEI�ENT AND _ ACCEPTANGE OF ORDINAATCE TI�IS I1�dIaENTURE, m�tde a�td execufi�d tl�is �.� d�y of March, 1968, by �nd betw�en Edwa�d A. Michaud and Pamela A. Miohaud, husb�snd and v�i fe, of th� County of Ra�ey, �tate of Minr►escyta, h�relriaf��r de�signated �s first parties , �nd CITX OF �.AINT PAUL, 'her�inalter cle�ig- nated a� sec.and party, Vt�I�NESS ETH; W�iE'REAS , the fir�t p�rties dm m�d for consid�rable period cf tim� n��cC p��cedir�q tMe 5th day of March, ��68, were, and ever �#nce that d�t� hav+� b�en, the owners in fee simple of r�ll af the follvwinq described real ��t�te sltumted 1n the Gity Qi` Satnt Peul, Cca�nty of Rams�y, �tate o� M inMes ota� tQ-wifi t That part of Lat �, B1A�k 6, "Warrendal�" lying Southwe�terly pf a line rurinin� fram a point on th� Atc��w��teriy l�ne of s�id Lot �, dist�►nt 1 B 2/10 feet (ar� rneasure) PTcntheasterly of the V+'est ccarner cf s�id Lot Z, to the r�diu� point o� the curve � �'^� wh�ch is �t�id Ptc�rthwesterly line of Lcrk y '' �.;� r,; ��� l 2, and also all �# Lot �. fn �ai� Bla�k 6, s° `= # k'`�� ;,�;"�'� 4�.. except th�t pa�rt fila�r+�of 1 Southerl ``." .>�`� �:`,. Y�g Y � `� ,., r., �, �f a 1lne from a p�oint �n the Northwesterly .`�M,`� ':'", ,ti�`� line of said Lat ], , d3��an�� 64 $/10 fee�E . -Y`,.� e�;�4.��• (arc mea�ur�� 5outh�ve�terly of the 1�Torkh corner of sald T.t�t � to the rsdttis point of th� curve which i� the �aid North- w��terly lin� cf �a3d I.ot 1 , VvHEREA�, sald real ��t$te c�n ��aid dete and far �a�n�id�rable period of tim+e next p�eeeding the s�tme, �nras �oned an3 classified as "13" R��id�n�e �istrict u�der and by virtu� v� Cha�at+�r 60 fia 6A inclu�i�ve, Zontnq Cvde, St. Paul Legisl�tiv� Code as Amended, �,nd pur�taa�.t t4 th� p�titic�n of tl�� fir�t ga�rti�� , the cdur�cil o� the s�cond party accc�rdin$ tQ t2�te prrn�isions of a�+id Zor�i,nq Cc�d�a as Amended, ar►d the Statute� of th� State of Minnesot� !n such aase as naade �nd p�rc�vided varith th� writt�n acqufesc�nce o#the awn+�r� of 2/'3rds of the sever�l d��cr�p+�lon� vf r�al e�tste �ituated withln lfl� �eet of ��aid �ce�1 ��t�►t�, dul� enacted City o� Salz�� Fsul G?rdinanee� N4. 13844, approv�d M��.� a, 3 968, �r►d published in �he of#ici�tl new�paper of the ��t�an+� party an the 9th dsy �f Marek�, i 9f>8, amaa�ding said Zpning Gode as �mend�d �co th�t �aid he�rein+ab�ave descrit�d real e�tate was thereb� and thereund�r r�zoned and c1a��ifted from "B" Resid�nce 171�trict to Com�raial I3is�ricE �uY��ect to the followirig terms and ccanditi�n�: 1. Tha#, subi�ct to any further xecl�ssification Qf th� �erein- above d��csrilaed re�►1 �state by virtue Q� ptoceedittqs therefor h�rein- a&er insti�u�ed, conduct�d and �ornpXet+�d sc�ording to th� appli�able provfgion� o� said �oning Ca�de, ef�ectiv� �►s +�f the date of �8ic1 petiticn for r�classli`i�aticn and the �ppliaabl� prcv3stQn� of th� �tatutes of tha 3t�t� of Minne�0ta, hereby, th� �nnplmy'�n�nt of said reax estat� ��nce forth is r�stri�#ec� and limfted to the following �,p�cified u�e�, to-wit; Comme�r�i�l Ai.st�i�t for a ffi�ngle famil� residen�� and for the vpdretion t��r�in c�� a cr�e operator b���fiy �hop b,ythe present fee owrier�, Edward A, Mii�haud an�i Pamela A, A�i�h�aud, su�r3ect to all appJ,i�able statut��, �ardin�n+�e� , ru��� and regulafiions pr�sor#b�d and promalgat�d by qovern- mental agencie� havir:q ec�gr�ise�ces and subie�t furt��r to xh� conditions that no si��► Qr adverCisi�g �hsll be rnain- tatin�d t�n fihe p�remis�+� and the p�cop�rty herein�bcv� de�ccibed s�,��.� r�a�rt ta "�•, Re�s�den�e Di�trict at such tirne �s �e �ame �,� no longer own�d and c��upi�d by the pr��ent fe� c�wner�. W�i�tF�, the first p�rties fbr themss��ve�, their he�r�, adminig- tratars, executors and as�ign� , intend her�by tt� accept seld �rdimm�ce I�'o, 1384� �nd ta �trovfde for the tmpr�eitivn, mair�t�nencr� �nd �nforcement ef - � - such sp�ci�►1 r�striatior�s upon th� ua� of �aid h+�rein�bove de�scribed real estate to run with the laa�;d �nd t�a gtant u�to the second pa�rty in further cc�mpli8nee with the c�nditlonm of said Qtdin�ne� �►TC�, 1389�� a nag�tive �a��ment there�or, NC7W T�IEREFQRE. t�� f��t p�rti�s as such owners of said h�r�- in�tbc�v� dc��crlbmd r�al estafie f+�r themffielves , �heir h�ir� , �►dmini�trators , �x��utor� and as�igns , do hereby covenant and bind them�elves , their hei�� , admini�trator�, �xec�ctor� �nd �$signs unto the second pmrty tha�t in aacordanc� with ��id �aning Cod� as Am�nded, paz�icul�rly as th�s sam� ht�� been amended by ��id UrdinFa�nce No. 13'�4�, �aid r�al estat�: hes ber�n effectively re��xict�d and limitEd 1n �espect to fts u�� and emplayment �nd �h�ll her�a�t�r be restricted and lttnited in �uch gt�r- ticulers affi f�llows , twwit: 1, Thst, �ub�ect to a�y fe�rtMer �ecl�ssific�tic�n of the her�in- above describ�d r�al �state by virtue of proce�ding� therefc�r hereinafter ins�ituted, conduct�d and completed sc�otd�g to th� applic�ble provisions of ��id Zonin� Code, ��gectiv� s� caf th� dat� of said petitfan for recl�s�- i#ic�tion snd tl�e applict►b1e porv�rlaion� of the Statut�� of 4he ��afie of T�ir�ne�svt�, her�by the employme�nt of said re�al �state henee fc�rth is restricted and limit�d ta the 1o11�a�n►ing speciiied us�: , ta-wit: �mmercia� t�istrict ic�r a sinqle� �mily r�r�id�nce and fo� the �perat�t�n t�a�_�in af � one o�rator be�uty shap by the p��s�nt f�e owners, Edwa�rd �► Michaud arid P�ms�a A. M#ch+�ud, subject to all +�ppliaable statutes, axd.inanc�s , rule� �nd regul�tioa�� prescribs� snd prom��qat�d by �s�vsrn- rn�ntal agencies having cc�ni��r�a�; �nd �ubie� iurther to th� ccm►ditl�ons �Ehat no siqns or adve�iaaing �hail be m�3n- tained on the p�ernise� and fih� property hareinabov� descrlb�� �ha11 revert to "B" Restdence I7i�triet st �uch t�tme a� tY►e �ame is �o Ionger owned and accupied by the pres�ant �ee �ers. and �he �eid first partiee for them�elves , their h�ir�s , administrator� , _ � .. exer�utQr� �►nd a��fgn� hereby grant, eonv�ey and warrant unta the s�cond party, said City r�f �aint Pau1, as such Municipal Carp¢�ration, in trust for th� benefit of the public, �t perpetuaX negative ee�etr��nt !n and to said her�inabc�v� deacribed real �atat� and sll ther�far far the impositfon maint�nance and enforcement by ths aecond party as such Muni�ipal Corparatfon of the �#or�said re�tricti�n� and limitations upQn the use and amploym�nt of �sid h�r�:inabove d�scribed real e��ate to run with the land and for qood and valuable consl+d�ratlon, the r�ceipt and suffieien�cy whereof by ttte first paar�l�� i� h�r�by ackr►owledqed. FURTFiER, th� tirst parties m�ke r�ferenc� ta �aid Z��iiriq Code as Amer�ded �nd by ref�rence incorpc�r8te the same herein as part hereot with the �ame intent purpo�e �.nd ef�e�t a� if said Zoning Code as Amended we� fully $et �orth her�in; �nd make furtl�er ref�r�nc� to asid Amendatory C3rdiMance 1�To. 13844 and to the du1� certified copy of th� �ame heretc attached and hereby incorpar�t�d herein by reference as pa�t hereot; and $aid �t patrt�es for th�ms�lves , the�r h�ira , administrators r executors and a�signs hereby accept said Amend�tory fJrdinar►�e No. 13844 �nd euery provisiQn t�rm and condltior� crf the earrie without reserv�tican o�r e���ption. IN TES�'IMQNY Vy�IERE4F, satid fi,r�t part2e� Edw�rd A. �ich�ud a�i Parn�la A. Michaud have g�t th�ir h+�nds to this instrument as nf the day �nd year tirst abave writt�n. In t PresBnce cf� �'� � �� �!� � (� �GC ,�c � �'L �' • �� �,. -�-� _ � .�� Edw rd A. Mich�ud � f� . > � . ,. r` %,�1�+,�,�'f� �,�Z. ����...,--..,�°r��-r�� - C'� �. � ^ �- ���� +Pameas A, N�icb�sud � — 4w �TATE t�F 1�SINP�'£SQTA ) ) s�. COt�Y�1TY t�F R�AAr15�Y ) Oa� this ,�r,day of h�arek�, 1968, b�fore rne, a Nc�ta�ry Fublla withir► and for eaid County, per�onmlly apgear�d �l7'W'ARL� A. MICHAUU and PAMEI.� A. MICHAUD. �usband end Tnr�f�, to m� known Lo be the person� desCribed in �nd who ea�ecut�d th� fareqaing instrument and scknow}�dged that they escecuted th� �arn� raa their frer� act and deed. � f � � � , ADProved aa to farrn an:I e,�cutton en�s _f_!_�!:.,,�,_!/_�_.s��19 e j� _ ___ _�,±`...,._ „__ __ �Curaartu>c�ia ���t.crtsc�l r g�C��D OWNER SIGNATURE LEGAL DESCRIPTION Other Property. A11 that part of Lot I , Block 6, 1 , Albert O. Unis e and E�leen � f� ���-��f����f " anendale t and of the vacated D. Unise , husband and wife �y�� �rtion of the alley in said Albert O. Unise P of a line Blko 6� lying S'ly -� , running from a point on the NW'ly ���� . , ,,�U��, line of said Lot I � distant 64.8 Eileen D. Unise feet (arc measure) SW'ly of the t�`_. TT, corner of said Lot I to the radius point of the curve which is NW'ly line of said Lot 1 , subject to an easement of record for alley turn-around. All that part of Lot 2 g Block 6, 2, Leo j. Fangel, Jr• and �, warrendaler and of the vacated Helen Eo F>angel, hus ban d r� + : �.�, � ;�:,U,c� �portion of the alley in sa i d an d w i fe B loc k 6 t l y i n g W'l y of a line Leo �. Fangel� �� � running from a point on t h e N'l y i� ..�line of said Lot 2� distant 9 0 6 Helen E. '�ang:el feet (arc measure) W'ly of the NE corner of said Lot 2 to the radius point of the curve which is said N'ly line of Lot 2; except those parts thereof lying SW'ly of a line running from a poi.nt on the NW'1Y line of said Lot 2 distant 16 a 2 feet (arc measure) NE'1y of the W, corner of s�id Lot 2 to the radius point'of ii e curve which is s aid 1WV`ly of Lot 2 f subject to alley easemento Lot 2 r Block 6 t Warrendale, 3o Frank Eo Messin and , • except that part thereof lying Norma J. Me s s in� hus band - �.� -��^-w�ly o f a line running from a and wife Frank E. es s in point on the N'ly line of s aid Lot 2 , distant 9.6 feet (arc measure) W'ly of the NE corner �,� ' ����`.�` of said Lot 2 to the radius point ,`i� ` `Norma j'� Messin to the curve which is said N'ly line of Lot 2; together with all that part of Lot 3 t in s aid Blk 6 � lyinq IWV��lY of a line running from a point on the NE'ly line of said Lot 3, d�.s�ant 57 .6 f��t (arc measure) SE'ly of the NW corner of said Lot 3 to a point on the SW'ly line of s aid Lot 3, distant 11 .22 feet (arc measure) SE'ly of the SW corner of said Lot 3, subject to alley easement e�-� -2- �' '� :� * �' � �:,.� RECORD OWNER SIGNA'T'0'RE LEGAL DESCRI�TION � , ,? ,� 8.Mildred A. Riedel 'Lot 27 , Block 6,� Warrendale Mildred A. Riedel 9. Anth�ny F. Labon and � Lot 28, Block 6� Warrendale Lucille K, Labon, husband and wife � � � '�'. , Anthon F. Labon ���F�-��C, � t�"��� d'� / Lucille K. Labon 10. George P, Forliti and � ` joanne M. Forliti � � -r �Lot I7 Block 4 Warrendale . � Georg , Forli.ti , � ,i �;r�✓,--�- �� i�'x?�J r t..i'��.?j„�lZZC�rt-- . � Joanne M. Forliti 11 . I�uise M. Peyer and Lot 18, Block 4 t Warrendale� ]`oseph Io �'�yer excepting therefrom the Louise M. Peyer following described piece beginning at the NE'ly corner of said Lot� thence SW'ly alon� the dividing line between said joseph I. Peyer Lot and Lot I9� a distance of 57.25 feet� thence E'ly along a straight line to a point on the E'ly line of said Lot 18, which is distance of 34.95 feet (meas ured along the E'ly line of s aid Lot 18 SE'ly from the NE'ly corr thereot� , thence NW'ly along the E'ly line of s aid Lot 18 to �.�� Q,v,,.,��,�� the point of beginning. 12�.rivf#�i�fs`�3 r . ��i,�,�t��tu.���'1��� part of Lot 18, Block 4 f :� �' Warrendalet described as ,�,��� , �,.,. . ; � ����fr follows� Beginning at the NE'1� corner of said Lot I 8 , thence SW'ly along the dividing line between said Lot 18 and Lot 19 ,::`:.;:.._ - a distance of 57.25 feet, thenc E'ly along a straight line to a point on E'ly line of said Lot 18 which is distant 34,95 feet (measured along E'ly line of sai Lot 18� SE'ly from NE'ly corner thereof, thence NW'ly along E'ly line of said Lot 18 to point -4- ��"� �,,�,t .'�.,..� �� �`r RECORD OWNER SIGNATURE LEGAL DESCRI�TION of beginning; and All of Lot 19, Block 4, Warrendale, except that portion thereof described as follows: Commencing at the NW'ly corner of said Lot 19 in said Block 4, Warrendale, then E'ly along the N. line of Lot 19 60 feet to a point marked with � iron stake; thence S'ly a distan of 78 feet to a point marked by iron stake, which is 48. 5 feet E'ly from the W line of said�lot measured at right angles to saic W, line; thence SW'ly a distanc of 41 .4 feet to a point marked k an iron stake which is on the S line of said Lot 19 and 25 feet E'ly from the W, line measured at right angles thereto; thence SW'ly along the S. line of said Lot 19 to the SW corner thereof; thence N'ly 130.7 feet along th� W, line of the place of beginnir and except that part of said Lot 19, described as follows: Beginning at the SE'ly corner of Lot 19, Block 4, Warrendale� thence NE'ly on the dividing lin between Lots 18 and 19, 20 feei thence at right angles to said dividing line NW'ly 4 feet; then SW'ly 4 feet from and parallel to said dividing line� to the S'1� or alley line of said Lot 19; thet SE'ly on said S'ly or alley line to the place of beginning. STATE OF MINNESOTA ) )SS COUNTY OF RAMSEY � , � ��i.e�Vu- ���:_,tr��;�.-,.,�,..,_. and �c}c-�.n,e�:� � ,��x�- eing first duly sworn, depose and state that they are the persons who circulated fihe within petition consisting of five (5) pages; that the parties described above are the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately following each name; that this petition was signed by each of said owners in the presence of these affiants, and that the signatures above are the true and correct signatures of each and all of th�/e parties o described. �i�' . :, C.:r' / ,�'.� � �. `'�Z' � �, � Subscrib� and sworn to before me this ��,Q�_.���/,l')��,���_,�� ,_�� day of Septemb , 1967. � F �� � f� c1 c� d S �v�C/��� l ��. ' ,.,. �7�7`a.r''�..e �'' f""� �P'�L�'c��, f S ,�� � � 9 0 7 �F�' •r c� � f=�7�v�o..,, �L��. �; :�,,�,' j. ,�, �� ``-�' �' � � �``�(/�� � � �1. :n.�_ RECORD OWNER SIGNA7rURE LEGAL DESCRIPTION 4. Hugo F. Rothbauer and Rosemarie � % : Lot 3, Block 6, Warrendale .'�� '�� ` R. Rothbauer� husband and wife ��--'except that �art lyin� NW'ly � H Rothbauer � of a line running from a point on the NE'ly line of said Lot � ,�t /�- 3 , distant 5 7, 6 feet (arc y�-' � "' °'G�r ,�,iYneasure� SE'ly of the NW Rosemarie -0 corner of said Lot 3 to a point Rothbauer on the SW'ly line of said Lot 3 , distant I1 . 22 feet (arc measure� SE'ly of the SW corner of said Lot 3; also that part of Lot 4� Block 6 , Warren- dale , lying NW'ly of a line running from a point on the NE'ly line of said Lot 4, distant 28,8 feet (arc measure) SE'ly of the N. corner of said Lot 4 to a point on the SW'ly line of said Lot 4, distant 5. 61 feet (arc measure}' SE'ly of the W. corner of said Lot 4; subject to alley easement, Ethel E. Karnstedt Lot 4, Block 6, Warrendale� except that part thereof lying �`thel E. Karnstedt NW'ly of a line running from a point on the NE'ly line of said Lot 4, distant 28. 8 feet (arc measure� SE of the N, corner of s aid Lot 4 to a point on the SW ly line of said Lot 4, distant 5. 61 feet SE of the W, corner of s aid Lot 4. Frank E. Messin and ,�;0 Norma jean Messin! � � ���i' ,� �,,.�t 5, B1ock 6� Warrendale, hu s band and wife and Frank E. M�e. s in Anna S. Adams , a widow , � `,vt9�' ' � � ,?: .'L1,� orma jea Messi ' ;C����... ,��: ��-,,.,r Anna S. Adams Gerald V. Annerl and janet r /��f �ot 6, Block 6, Warrendale, D. Annerl� hus band and wife �`�l,�,y��x , ,(j L.���•�Z Gerald V. Annerl � l � �.� Ja et D. Annerl �� TO THE HONORP,BLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL `� �j" c/o the City Clerk, Room 386, City Hall �� City of Saint Paul,� Minnesota ; l ^ . � Pursuant to Section 64.06 of the Legislative Code, we, the undersi ned �I g L� owners of two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of the real estate qffected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of 50% or more of the frontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to rezone the following descrfbed property: That part of Lot 2, Block 6, Warrendale, lying' SW'ly of a line running from a point on the NW'ly line of said Lot 2�, distant 16 2/10 feet (arc measure) NE'ly of the W. corner of said Lot 2 to the radius point on the curve which is said NW'ly line of Lot 2� and also all of Lot 1 in said Block 6, except that part thereof lying S'ly of a line running from a point on the NW'ly line of said Lot 1, distant 64 8/10 feet (arc measure� SW'ly of the N. corner of said Lot 1 to the radius point of the curver which is the said NW'ly line of said Lot l. 1150 Argyle, St. Paul, Minnesota from "B" residence to "Commercial District" for the sole purpose of operating a one operator beauty shop in the basement without any signs advertising said beauty shop to be placed on the premises. Upon the transfer of said premises from the present owners, the property would revert to "B" residence, and petitioners would execute a Negative Easement to that effect. RECORD OWNER SIGNATURE LEGAL DESCRIPTION Subject Property: Edward A. Michaud and Pamela �� �r �,� T�t part of Lot 2 , Blk�. 6, A. Michaud husband and wife � .!,J r��tc �� f,t,��,�: rrendale, lying SW ly of a Edward A. M�ichaud line running from a point on the NW'ly line of said Lot 2, ,--��"�� distant 16 2/10 feet (arc ,R}���.,-,�✓l���a sure) NE'ly of the W corner Pamela A. Michaud of said Lot 2 to the radius point on the curve which is said Ni/V'ly line of Lot 2, and also all of Lot 1 in said Block 6, except that part thereof lying S'ly of a line running from a point on the NW'ly line of said Lot 1 , distant 64 8/10 feet (arc measure) SW'ly of the N. corner of said Lot 1 to the radius� � point of the curve which is the said NW'ly line of said Lot 1 . _ �- . ; I W _ ,� � , . :.�:�. � � i t � - � � , , , , . , ., .. i ti � , ::r:��:;;•':t .-�-• •-,T- 1�---+----t-r. .,�.Y. , �" '(�, �� r,^ � ; ..' � . _. ,� j�� �. . r . � i i �;�'�` .. . . . „�ii `..1;��, �..� � - �^ � y � �b �-- �i.�. S3 � .! i t OC ; '�',�,'� ' �' 0 4� �- � fi'��'�� �"�, ` i_ � �oI T E- �`` t� � c �. , � ,� � � � � � � , , _ � . , , . � . . , _ , - ' � ; ; � � , � ;. 'G _ , , , : _._ ' - t..:; . `'_ - . 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