236762 � •QriQinal to City Clerk� ' •, . � ' _ . • . � � ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO 23���� PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. ,�,�`�� An ordinance amending the Zoning Code, Chapters 60 to 64, incl�a.sive, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, pertaining to Use Districts, Height Districts and Rezoning of certain properties in the City of Saint Paul, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the Zoning Code, Chapters 60 to 64, inclu- sive, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, pertaining to Use Districts, Height Districts and Rezoning of certain properties in the City of Saint Paul, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended so as to rezone the following described property on the terms and conditions expressed herein from "A" Residence District to Commercial District, to-wit: "Lot 1, Block l, except the West 125 � feet, Lexington Park Plat 4" ; situate on the south side of Nettleton Avenue and east of Lexing- ton Parkway in the City of Saint Paul. Section 2. The property described above is subject to the following terms and conditions: 1. That, subject to any further reclassification of the hereila.above described real estate by virtue of proceedings there- for hereinafter instituted, eonducted and completed according to the applicable provisions of said Zoning Code, effective as of the date of said petition for reclassification and the applicable provisions of the statutes of the State of Min.nesota, hereby, the employment of said real estate henceforth is restricted and limited to the following specified uses, to-wit: Commercial District only for the storage of building materials by the present fee owner, Henry W. Cook, Jr. , subject to all -�,pplicable statutes, ordinanees, rules , and regulations prescribed and promulgated by governmental agencies having cognizance; and subject further to the condition that said fee owner shall erect and maintain adequate opaque fencing around the storage area and shall provide such landscaping as will conform to and maintain the residen- tial appearance of the area; and provided further that the property hereinabove described shall revert to "A" Residence Yeas Councilmen ''� `Nays` � � Passed b� th�` C�ouxlcil Carlson Dalglish Holland In Favor ;;� Meredith � '- Peterson A gainst Tedesco Mr. Preaident (Byrne) Approved: _ Attest: City Clerk ,, yor �� Form approved Corporation Counsel �OriQinal to City Clerk � � � ' y . • . � � � ORDINANCE 2�����? COUNCIL FILE NO � PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO District at such time as the same is no longer occupied by the present fee own.er. 2. That the owner of said real estate, within the period of 60 days next succeeding the publication of this ordinance, shall file with the City Clerk, in two (2) fully executed counter- parts, said owner' s written acceptance of this ordinance, incorporating, among other things, said owner' s grant unto said City of Saint Paul of a negative easement affecting said real estate, for the imposition, maintenance and en.forcement of the aforesaid conditions, restrictions and limitation.s upon the employment and use of the property described herein, approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel and recordable in the office of the Register of Deeds and said n�gative easement and restrictive conveyance shall be drawn. to exclude all uses permitted in "B" Residence Districts, "C" Residence Districts and "C-1" Residence Distric.ts. 3. That, in addition to other requirements therefor, said owner' s written acceptance and grant of negative easement shall incorporate a certified copy of this ordinance, and immediatelyr upon the aforesaid filin.g of the same the City Clerk shall cause one of such counterparts thereof to be filed of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minne- sota. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. rs�riox ra ss�coxe apetiraon na�-�an�n.auaec- 1ng that Chapters 60 to 84 inclu��ve, 3t• Pen1 Leg�slative Code, re Zoning, �etc., be amended so as to rezone Lot 1,1 Brodc i,except f,ne w�t ias€eet, x.ex_ �[�n Park Rlat '!. otherwiee de-� s�ribed aa 528 So. I.�xinBton ParkwaY. to Carntnercial District, the Council of� the City of 9ai:it Paui has flxed the �� cia� of Dccember, 1967, at ten o'clock ttt the forenoon in the Council Cha�dber fii the Gitq Hall of said GitY, and�8t said time and place,the Councll w411 hear ag persons and aA ob�ectlone !and recommendat[ons re]etive to �aid P�Dosed ainendmeat. Dated Dectmber 14, 1a67. HARRY E. MA]tBHALI,, (December lA,��C�erk. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council ��� � 196g . Carlson � � Dalglish r, Holland � In Favor Meredith � Against F�etersoll.. y� Tedeacsso��y !Yi ��� � 196� i�.'vL���T'-', �PNY�1kR ' Approv ' �" — st: � Vice Y si�:�:r ..i ni � ity Clerk ���� Mayor �� Form approved Corporation Counsel By P�BLiSH�E� ��� 10 196� f � � < � ' _ ' „ CITI.' OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �� � � b � PETITION TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thru 64 OF THE LEGISLATIVE (ZONING) COD � Note: The signer should appraise himself of the uses permitted under the new classi fication before signing this petition. For further information about the � rezoning of property, call the Board of Zoning Office at 223-4151. � 2 . �, (Please type or print) " �ate; October 10, 1967 TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR A�TD CITY COUNCIL c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Purs.uant to Section 64.06 of the Legislative Code, we, the undersigned owners of two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of the real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of 50%a or more of the frontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to rezone the follow- ing described property; (legal description and street address) Leac. Park, Plat 4, Lot 1, Block 1, except the we�t 125 feet, otherwise d�scribed as 528 So. Lexington Parkway from Residential A nistrict to Commercial nistrict, for the purpose of installing, constructing and/or operating the following: (describe briefly the proposed facility) Open-air storage of building materia,ls under certain conditions. See attached affidavit. RECORD OWNER SIGNATURE LOT BLOCK ADDITION Subject Property; �lontcalm Est�tes -^ � • l�✓drde/�•S E�;t.oy, �o�- � ' a�fer �� �� ����-��� 2 I,ex. Pk. Pl t 10 R t � � � �'ult n' s Subd. �° �`'�d-�e. � Eler�nor Connolly 2 1 Lex. Pk. , Plat 4 Charles V. Wheaton (`j 3 1 Lex. Pk. , Plat 4 Ste�hen J. Foley 4 1 Lex. Pk. , Plat 4 �4 � re in �E���y� �. -� �ric A. 9 2 Howard Gresne 2d Add. Frank Traxler �r� � �� � � �� 8 2 Howard Greene 2d Add. (/y>-s• �-�'//,:c-�,) � i s- ,,�' �� ����"�L�'- �� , 2d Add. � LeDlfay MdYy��/�'� - 7 2 Howard Green� �� Add. �` '$ D f ,N; ;� s�';, , •�,_ :�. .�+ ...... ... '� ' " "'ri.:l.�' .Ju..��. .�: .�. . .....g ,.. .:. . ^..� � �t' '?" �t �w ,::ryy�,��-: �' i�eY'bez't ','T. COOI� Jr. being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the person who circulated the within petition consisting of tW0 pages; that the parties described above are�the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately following each name; that this petition was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and corr t signatures of each and all of the parties so des ribed. Subscr" ed and swo to before me j this h da f Octo er lyb7 G'" Address: �z8 So. I,exinUton Parkv�ay � Telephorie No.� �t. �'"ul, i1T131ri. 5�102 Nota Pub ic, Ramsey County, Minn. 698-330 3 My commission expires Approved as to form 1/4/65 "' Office of the Corporation Counsel FGI 1/5/65 " ,,... � ,. -. � ,•,.�,,,,rernr►� o,'�g72. 1 of 2 .+- � - . CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA PETITION TO AMEND CHAPTER� 60 thru 64 OF THE LEGISLATIVE (ZONING) CODE Note: The signer should appraise himself of the uses permitted under the new classi- fication before signing this petition. FOr further information about the rezoning of property, call the Board of Zoning Office at 223-4151. ' (Please type or print) " Date: October 10, 1967 TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Pursuant to Section 64.06 of the Legislative Code, we, the undersigned owners of two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of the real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of 50qo or more of the frontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to rezone the follow- ing described property; (legal description and street address) I,e�. Park, Plat 4, Zot 1, Block l, except the west 125 feet, otherwise described as 528 I,exin�ton Farkway from Residential A nistrict to �o�ercial nistrict, for the purpose of installing, constructing and/or operating the following: (describe briefly the proposed facility) Open-air storage of builciing materials under certain conditions. 5ee attached affidavit. RECORD OWNER SIGNATURE LOT BLOCK ADDITION Subject Property: Charles V. Cameron � 8 2 oward Greene 23 Add. _ ___. _ ___ . ___:__.. __._.___,._ Herbert "v�, Cook, Jr. y✓ � ;' Exce t that part lyin� Ely of a e N lin� ` of I, t 1, distant 220 ft . E o� the • run Sly ' to a point on the S. line of Zot 5 f the SVG cor f sd ot 5 & there terminat- Lexin on Par Plat �: State of Minnesota ( County of Kamsey � ss I�erb rt 1�. Cooka Jr. being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the person who circulated the within petition consisting of t;ry8 pages; that the parties described above are the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately following each name; that this petition was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so es ribed. Subscribed and sworn to efore me this ay of �Z��r /��� Address; 528 SO. I,exin�ton P aT.� Telephorie No. 698-3303 Not y public, �amsey County, Minn. My coxnmission expires Approved as to form 1/4/65 ' Office of the Corporation Counsel FGI 1/5/65 f`�, , _ _ °:.,,;. ,M�?Can1,s;: � u:; ;.��:;, 1,�y� -1� .Of 2- _ . �� _ _ " . . , . ; ., _ Cbuncil File IQo. 2387E�—Oidfhance PIO. 13824--BY VYctox' J. Tedeoao--.,.;�, Aa ordinance amenclln$ ttu '?�ie8 u,ed`Sa�,t�` W �i�tIsUoe'co��er= taining W ab Dist�ricts, Hei�;ht is- tricts and Rezonin8 of certait��3roper- ties in., ihe CitY ot Sai�r►t :E�ul, as a�e�a�rt: . �ae.c�a��ot#�e c�tr ot se�►t paui, STATE OF MINNESOTA no�s a . . •. :�� � County of Ramsey ss. ' � t�1Zaiinit�Code, dsa�tte pa� CITY OF SAINT PAUL r.e6� �, ��� to Uee Distri �,�t D Ynd Rezon- 1nB trf ' P�rtiell' � the City oi sa�,t>r.�8 � � a�, ,be ana I Harry E. Marshall, ._City Clerk theAsa1f reby �'.atk►ended r-----------------------•-----°-----------......-------...-----._......._.....•--._.._....---.._..._._ so aa t�Y �the i��4ecribed esPTe�. �o�m �' Residence ��t, . ,�,�crt�,�-�ft: of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota do hereby certify that I have "Lot ^ i;'�hec�pt. West - z� � °� ����4•; compared the attached copy of Council File No._._._..236762_____________________ aitu9te�oa` tb si¢t a��`Nettleton .Avenue anc� af I,exii�on Pa�- way �n tt►e c ; s�snt Pa�I. Feb. 7, • � ox�r s. ` as adopted by the City Council_...__-------------------------------------------------19..._68------- ,��� ` . �e ri�e�e�s sub- a�i ong: . _ ana oon- and approved by the Mayor._..--•---------------Feb.--7�----•------------•--...19_.._68------- 1. Tn�t. ,n to �rtk�r =e- claasiticati �e M �uaDobe de-, ���a �,�, ny��e °i pr°- with the ori inal thereof on flle in m o$ice. cee3�nss . s�,� �e�ter ��- g y tuted, i t�ilriDleted ac- cording to' b11! brovlsions of aaid Z elfeCtiva as::SiR the date ° tik-. , �i&ca- ..------°---------°...............•---------------...-°-------------------------•----------------- ------•--.....--°--°------------- tion �ble'p 1�ions,.of the sta tate ai���lnnesota, here�tF.� real ----------------------------------•-------••--------- eata�: +�, � d '�+d --------------•--------°----._._._.._.__....__....---------°---•----------------- limi �cifled dsea, to-wi� , �' �.,.- atorapt. � �i�fb�.he --------°--•-------°-----------------------------------------------°-----------------------.._._._.....-----------------°---•------- preee�!: FIe�y W. Coo1c, Jr.; appllCabie stat- ----------------------------^--°----°-------°--•--------°-------------------•-•---°--...------------...------°-•-•-•-------°--- tlotsA -�Si�SaSed bY gp teit�Ekaving cog- �.ther tb the tua�dit#� . ex sHall ------------------°-----...------------•----------------------°--°•--------......-----•---..._.._...----------•-----.__..------•----- erect a�{1d . opaque fencin(�`. e "1�a and ehaII' '�;� s Che ...-•-----°--------------------°----°-------------------------------°°-----------....-----------------.....--•--°----------°---•- ti�ill �, resi . ' _ area; and p t e prop- ertYd��ribed RHall ..............................................°----°--•°----°------------°--------------------...--•----....--°---------• revert tb °A� ce D�steicx at -----•--- such titt�a i� 3s no 1PnBer occupied y �nt fee o�Y►ner. 2. Th4t , :' Aoi`�1d real cs- ^°°--------------------------•--------°----°-----...._...---•---------------------°•-----------°------ .............•--•------•--• tate. withln. tld`;90 daya next succeedlttQ fhe tfon of this ordi- nance, ehaU filer.�vith the'"CitY Cietk. °-°-.....-°----------------------°-----•-°--------------°----------------------°----...-----•-------------------°-------•-•----- in two 9�),��eC►/Led:s�unterya ts, said�s n►ritten acc�ptaacc of� ordinaacq, in �t�. 1An►u�u°�ia �A ��t�: ----------------•-------•-------------------------•-------..._.....------------ �e ------------•-...-----•-----•------------------•--------- ment r '�i�ti 1�tor�the 9mp01M tibnll�ca`�fNi�l,+la�elOtQe- ���t�� +���e I further certify that said copy is a true and conect copy of d� fNe�i, .aut�d �s"toa, � ,� , said original and the whole thereof. Cozuia d 4 t�0 �+of yhe FG�.` . �aiQ i�ege- tive.e� +�naey- WITNESS m hand and the seal of the Ci of Saint Paul Minn., ance. s1if�12� �e, to 1q«htQ�a all �' � + � permftted �sider►tce bia- .. .� c a �c°' n��rtri�t� �'a this-------29th:.............daq of-------------- .......Ma,rchl-----•--- ------ . D. 19_�._._. 9. T �i�►• t�►'_ � ' �Ml���. r�nlnita e writYen� � acce tantlr! t. tive sl�ie- ,men shah� , � d ' 1 0 --- -----•�--- - L �L�► s o � ; �,�'��g1Y 1 �M - ................... ............. .. •------- ' City Cler . � the�afo � S f i� o!sucY►e, C � count arta ther�oi' to be Rled of� � the �iee ot the ReB�' of; ��d for RgmseY'4b�►ty.'11�R` ��� E t: � SffiC1ZOit�T 3_ ; � •� , ''�`liis'oidinattce ��,�lf� gnd 1a farce.thirtv ( !ro aad �eati� p�Ye. a�xrtv4! end:pub- 1 P�ssed by tYie Couacfl lebxuary 4, 7(iPaa--Couaci�nsn CarLen. Dsl�lish. 'xeuana. Aserecuth. Taa.ecw. 1�ar. vice PE�eifdgnt (Peterew�)---8. Naqs--U. �pPtoved F'ebruatq 7,'19a8. <R�` . . � 9,�>Ptr �'� � ��� egor.. • ---,T -; s�.:. CounefE�!'!le No.•298�ce No.' �. � , 13824—BY Victo�7���l�co— � An ordinanct a�etitlia8 t2►e'2k#�3ng Cpde, Ct�t�e� zb e0-to 64, ixialusiVe, of {}� ga�x�t�+au1 �,e�is1�tive Code. pe r- _ � tRining to Use Distticts. Height Die- � ` tricts and Rqbnln� of ce�Laixs DrnPer- 1� � ties ia tkue„�t9 ot S�iat 'Paul', as �.� affiended. i The Cou:►Cil o�'the GY�Y ot 3aiat Paul� Tw , � ��� �`° , STATE OF MINNESOTA c"� � �O�1 Coun of Ramse se. • Tt�at the zun�a�c ooae,.�av�e�'• Bo tY 3' to 64. t�v�� d ?�e<�aint Paut CITY OF SAINT PAUL � 81$lative-, xtaln�Y to Vse� �...� �c�q:. D�ricfs a�pa xeae�►- $ �g op Dro�rtiea in '�e �ity � ot Saint � iA�l � ba 8nd tne sam¢ ��aer:�+����►ded Harry E. Marshall, � �t 8o a6 to �e�_�e �i�a I�--------------------------------------------------------•---...-•-------•-••------------•-----........._Ci Clerk � property on the' an cond�tians exps�ed irom "AP' Reeidence � � ��,�:k���'�'�at�'�c' �-"'it` of the Ci of Saint Paul, Minnesota do hereb certif that I have i.at �, +me��,t m� tv�t tY 3' Y i�i fe�1E.`�k���oa.�'ark l�ltt 4•; � ; 5������ � �(�+�i� � ton 236762 a�nue �,a ��t������k- compared the attached copy of Council File No........................................... . iyay in the Cii9-;tit£�lint •� �ox� �. ' � ,. Feb. 7, ��'p; ���d � �sub- as adopted by the City Council-----------------•-------------•-----------------------19----68------ �ect.to 1��ftsrdu�g ter��aitd tron- ditions: " ' - � 1. �t. ,�u��eEt to a?�v �rcn�r re- and approved by the Mayor-----------------------Feb...7�--------•--------------19-•--68------ classi8catioa of � hltdeinAboVe'de- scrfbed re�l estat,e bp vir�tte'of PFO- �'"�,-��°r' �,¢�cer 'I'$ti, with the original thereof on flle in my o�ice. tutea. c e �1��ea a�- conlini' to t��tt �b2e`brovisiona of d�aite o#�@aid ti•effective aa ot�ae t1oa..a� ihs�1�b�"f���ns of -------------°----------•----------------------------------._....----------•---------------°-------------------- Lhr ytatutes ad the 3Eate of Minnesota, ------•--------------- hereby, th Ibytp�t,�aaid real esUite is_• cted and limitedtd'` �v1n� a�i86d uees,' •---°-----------------•----------------•------•-------------------•---------....-•-°----------•------°•---°---°-----°--------•---- tp-Wit; Cbmmq..• ', Tict���by the pereaen��4Iiem'Y W. Cook, -----•------°-•°----------------------•------------------------•------....--------....._...------•--...--------------•- . ----•---------- dr,�, ,s4}p �c �,tll apPUcabk stat- y: . d r , uons .. . �naf� •----•---------------•------•----•--•----------°---•-----°----°°--....._....-------.......--------------------°-•-••----------••--- , en pr�. 8, coB- ;.���� �er. tp.the condi�ion t�ea ,-,• •prW�er�_shell erect and ma date uPaQUe ...-°-------°--°-....-•---------------------•----------------...._..--•----.........-°--•-------------------•-•-••---•- --°•-------• fen�i�►8 +u'QUn �erea and es_�uaA.'��� - ae ,� the . s .i�lE� siGB� -------------------^-----------°-^---._...°•--°------^°----°---------......_...._....----------...---..._...---------°----°--- g ertY• he ab6Ve: ed pshall revertto .�A�� „ j�ietsi9t at .......-•-------------°°---------•---...---------°---•----•-°-._....----------------------°°---°-----....._.....---°--•--------- auch time aa tYs�; no`lon8er occupied DY the� "�ee owner. .._. y ��q�+ real es- tate, w! e daYa next ------^---^----------° aucceedin8�e Pu of this ordi- ----------------°--------------------°------•------------...--------•-----------•-----°--------°----- nance. shall 81e witli t#1s 4'�Y C1erk, 1n twq (9)_Yu118�,��nterparts, R�r' � ---°-°-----------------°----•-------------•-•------^-----...-•-----....._....._.....---...----------------------------------------.. a writ ce of t �x►ance; incorDpT A_taong other aaic� Vv�+ner•��%unto said ts,a ;o1.s,,g . five;ease- , ;tfor the -------°---°---------------°--------•-----°.._...-----°-•----------------------------------•----...--•----._.....-----•----------° e�#torce- ltuts, re- �„��ie'� n the I further certif th�t said co is a true and correct co �� � property Y PY PY of •to form o;Ation o#ri��, said original and the whole thereof. �" d,,nega- ,e �conyeY- de all ' ,�..s �- WITNESS my hand and the seal of the City of Saint Paul, Minn., !'C --.. ; ' 1�OT�te and . ° , `.t: .� , , �„ ' rcquire- 29th. M ch, me�y�q� ; wr�tten this------------••----•-------------dsq of-----•-----------.....----•--•-- ------••--••--•--- . D. 19.-•----- me�nt shiS� tc;� e ease- � a-eopr oi � � : eQlatelY ss �" °.. .............•------ •- � ........ ...........°- - '�e O ,�,L Q �City Cler .� counterparts therebi to be '6Lld of� / �reaorci 1n.the oSice oi the 8ej adt } . ��"�nd Zor Rsmary'C'�KUa��- 'P �neeota. t �''. � SECTI�T S � �« ' This.Pt'd#nance eha11.#at� �yes�t;ead ,: ; . bii,°�t�erce thYrtv (3�"d�'s;'&o�a aad �alO�tr ita passa8e. a�'and� B�� t �y�tt �,` � licatic►n. Paeeed t►Y the Counb9l Pebruarq 7, iess. Yeas—Couneilnaen Carlsost, Dal�lish. HolTaiid, b[eiedith, 1"edepc3. Mr. V1ce ,.<,. Pa+esidBnt (Peiertoai)-6 NaYS--0. Apyroved FeBruary ?, 1988. RtJ$EB,T.1�'. P�ON� l►Ct��I�IIyOr. Attest: �Y�lE. �r�v�3.�*-. Ci�,p 't�t1c.. .. (!l11� 1A:,�6�. < �cARD OF LONING R.EPORT"AND A�TION 12/�69 Plat Map 8 Acting under Legislative Code Cha�ter 60 tliru 64 , File No. passed August 22, 1922 as amended to August 24, 1964 6392 � Also 1. APPLICANT'S NAME � Herbert [•�. Cook Jr. 2. CLASSIFICATION • �X Amendment � Appeal �Permit ❑ Other I 3, PURPOSE � R�zone from "A" Residence to Commercial. � 4. LOCATION � 6;Test Side 35E at Nettleton 5. LEGAL DESCRIPTION � Lot 1� Block 1 ex�, the 5�1. 125 Ft. Lexington Park P1,at 4 Ex. that part taken for Hiway purposes (35E) 6. PRESENT ZONING : ��An 7. PURSUANT TO Zoning Code Chapter: Section: �N a�a Paragraph: 8. STAFF INVESTIGATION & REPORT: Date: 12/8/67 By: AT$ A. SUFFICIENCY: The Cor�missioner of Finance in a letter dated Nov. 22, 1967 declared the petition sufficient with the owners of 6 of a possible 7 (85.70) tracts, within the required 100' radius having signed the petition. • B. HISTORY: None. C. PROPOSED USE: Open air storage of building materials. The petitioner also proposes that the rezoning to commercial. terminate uoon his death or unon sale by. him� whichever occurs first, and that the prooerty reva��to its original status. A1so, he agrees to erect and maintain adequate privacy fencing about the area and agrees to l.andscape the area as necessary to conform with the appearance of the area. D. FRONTAGE � AREA: An irregularly shaped tract with a frontage of 90 feet along Nettleton Ave. and a depth of .60 feet and an area of 6„OOO sq. ft. E� AREA ZONI^1G: Eas� of Int. Hiway 35E the zoning is predominant].y "B" residence, Plorth� South and Southwest is zoned "A" residence. There is a large area zoned "C" residence at the southwest corner of P.andolnh and Lexington Parkway. � F. COP1PREiiENSIVE PLAN: Lexin�;ton Parkway is to remain a parkway and function as an arteria], street. This property is recornmended for the R-4 classification and the area to the north be developed under the R-6 classification• G. SITE CONDITIONS: The west 1/2 of the site is level and slightly above:,grade of unim- proved Nettleton Avenue. East 1/2 of site dro�s acaay abruptiy to ravine approxi- mately 40' below. The ie��i area is us�d for storage� of building materials and construction equipment (presently illega].). H. AREA COAIDITIONS: The residence of the applicant is directly west. Plorth and south (continued- � over) 9. BOARD ACTION: To Recommend � Approval � Denial Council Lt. Dated Moved by: rqcPartlin Yeas Nays X Ames • Seconded by: Cohen X Cohen Date of Hearing x Janes,Chmn. x McPartlin Council Action Secretary`s remarks: Subject to negative Haarstick - Alt. easement that the commercial zoning be x Gadler Date � for this specific use only and revert to Maietta . "A" Residence if the applicant ceases to oc�cupy the property - LEGAL NOTICES ON TfiE BACK OF TIIIS SF�ET CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA � DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE • 113 Court Nouse 55102 December 15� 1967 City Clerk File Xl�Ol�, Page You are hereby notified that a public hearing will be held in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House in the City of St. Paul at 10:00 a.m. on December 28, 1967, on the petition of He:rbert T+i. Cook Jr. to rezone from ��A�� Residential District to Commercia�: District for the purpose of operating open-air storage of building materials, on the following property: Lot 1, Block 1, except the west 125 feet Lexington Park Plat 4, otherwise described as 528 South Lexington Parkway. The property iG located south of Nettleton Avenue and approxima.tely 125 feet east of Lexington Park- Wd�T. For fU rther information contact Planning Board� Room 1010 Commerce Building or phone 223-Lt151. JAP�S J. DALGLISH Cammissioner of Finance O .. . � ., � , � ,, . ,,, , , • � � . � - Y � � � , As an adxition to the petition, the petitioner states: ' l. TYiat he is a brick contractor engaged in a small brick and stone layin� bu9iness in partnership ;r�ith his brother. 2 . That the lot, upon which is situated his home and residence, is sixty (60) feet ��vi3e; that the north �ide oP the lot is 220 - 1tis� • feet long an3 is adjacent to Ne,ttleton Avenue, 3 dead-end and unimproved stree� used only for access purposes; that the south side of his lot is 250 feet long. Z3a 3 . That the area involved in the storage of building materials is situated �vholly behind his garage and ;vill not exceea 1635 - '��O° square feet, or more than 25� of the total area re�uested to be rezoned Commercial pursuant to Leg. Code, section 60.05(b) . 4 . That the remaining �;ortion of the lot, upon tivhich are situated his house and garage, will consist of approximately 9,000 s�uare feet. 5. That as a further protection to the owners oP the affecte3 property situated �vithin 100 feet of his lot , he requests that the rezoning to Commercial terminate u�on his death, or upon the sale by him, of the affected property, �rahichever first oca�rs, and that the property revert to its original status •Hithout further action by the city couneil. � 6. That the si�natures on the attached petition represent all of the o�vners of rea.l estate situated �vithin 100 feet of the affected property. 7. That he •Nill erect and s�aintain ade��uate privacy fencing about ,\; the affect.ed area and �grees to landscape said area as necessary � `� to conform �vith the appearance of the area. ', � � 2 0� 2 BOARD OF ZONING, CITY OF ST. PAUL 1010 COMMERCE BUILDING • ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55101 • PHONE: 223-4151 December 21, 1967 2�`������ Mr. Harry E. Marshall, City C1erk 386 Courthouse Saint Pau1, Minnesota 55102 Dear Sir: This is written in response to the petition of Herbert W. Cook Jr. to rezone from "A" Residence to Commercial property located on the south side of Nettleton Avenue and immediately west of future Interstate Freeway 35 E. This property is further described as Lot 1, Block 1, except the west 125 feet and except that part taken for highway purposes (I. 35 E), Lexin.gton Park Plat 4. The petitioner proposes to use this area of 6,000 square feet for open air storage of building materials. The petitioner is a brick contractor engaged in a small brick and stone laying business. He also proposes that the property would revert to its original "A" Residence status upon transfer of ownership of the property. A1so, he would agree to erect and maintain adequate privacy fencing around the site and to landscape the area as necessary to conform with the resi- dential appearance of the area. This matter was con.sidered at the December 7, 1967 Board of Zoning meeting. The staff reported that the Coirnnissioner of Finance has declared the petition sufficien.t with the owners of 6 of a possible 7 (85.7%) tracts within 100' of the property in question having signed the petition. Existing zoning includes "Ar' Residence to the north, south and southwest and an area zoned "C" Residence to the northwest at the corner of Randolph Avenue and Lexington Parkway. Existing development includes the residence of the applicant to the west, and other sin- gle-family residences to the north and south. East is the right-of-way for future Interstate Freeway 35 E. It was the findings of the Board that if the conditions suggested by the applicant were met, the rezonin.g would not be detri- mental to the surrounding area. 'I4�.erefore, the Board of Zoning reco�nends approval of the petition to rezone the property from "A" Residence to Co�rnnercial subject to a negative easement to the effect that 1) the commercial use is for the storage of building materials on1y, 2) the site wi11 revert to "A" Residence zoning if the applicant ceases to occupy the property and 3) the applicant wi11 erect and properly maintain ade- quate opaque fencing around the total area to be used for outdoor storage and wi11 landscape the site as necessary to conform with the residential appearance of the area. � x Very truly yours, �' ' �'�"`...,._. y . )� �� � � ..�� i tt . ,�9 i 1 � _ ^ �\ F�.,O""',� �.., � � r ! r •�`� �r'� �, . .._._....__-- . . �� ,x'"�1�'1 1� '�Iei'"den,F �°� � ��d �•� . NRH:rc Secreta,ry �ti;..,, � � .;� GMK `'�: : `.� ZF 6392 �` � ao � � �,� � ,�} . - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA I 13 Court House,55102 JAMES J. DALGLISH, Commissioner LOUIS H. McKENNA, Depu+y Commissioner Phone:223-4646 November 22, 1957 To the Council City of Saint Paul Gentlemen: I have checked the attached petition of Herbert W. Cook, Jr. , filed in the matter of rezoning, Lot 1, Block 1, except the West 125 feet, Lexington Park Plat 4, otherwise described as 528 S. Lexington Parkway. The propertq is located South of Nettleton Avenue and apprbximately 125 feet East of Lexington Parkway, from a Class "A" Residence Digtrict to a ``CoaQaercial`� District, and find that said petition is sufficient. �.o�3+�s very tr�ts'I�, �� �;�` j+� � lr�� ��/ �• . ��.������:= .�'� ��/�' �J,Ames J. Da �lish ,-'�'�'�-'"! �ommnission ,r of Fin ce v Re: X-404 c.c. Mr. Ames N. R. Heiden O Feb, 13, 1968 Mr. Nicholas EolofP, ]315 ��'ich Ave., L St. Pau]., Minn. ---� Dear Sir: Eaclosed ie a copy of an inance zoning v,a�n property sub�ect to certain con�ditions set o t in th dinanee. We call your �pecial e,tten Paragraph 2 which requires thst you file a d gat easemeat in two p�rts in this office xithin 6E) �. The Corporati Caunsel'e ffce can give you further inforn�stian as to the f of the,t trwneut. � Very truly yours, City Clerk hp DEED OF NEG,^ AT,, IVE EAS_EM� AND ACCEPTANCE �� � �J �� : / OF ORDINANCE THIS INDENTURE, made and exeauted this�day of March, 1968, by and between Herbert W. Cook, Jr. and Dorothy P. Cook, husband and +�ife, of the Coun�y of Rdms�y, State of Minnesota, h�reinafter designated "the first par�ieg, " and CITY OF SAINT PAUZ, hereinafter de�i�nated "the second party, " WITNESSETH: �iHEREAS, the f3rst parties, on and for a consider�ble period. o� time next preceding the 1.Oth day of February, 1968, were and ever since said have been the owners, in fee simple, o�' all of the �ollow- ing described reml estate situate in the City of Saint Paul, County o� Ramsey, State of' Niinnesota, to-wit: Lot 1, B�.ock 1, except the Vk'eet 125 feet, Lexington Park Plat 4 ; located at 528 South Le�ington Parkway. �RHEREAS, said real e.state on said dat� and for a considerable period of ti�e next greaeding t�� same, rvas zoned and cla�sified ,,in "A" Residence District und�r and by virtue of Chapters 6fl t� 64, inclusive, Zoning Code, Saint Pau1 Leg�.slative Code, ae amended, and pursuant to tk�e peti�ion of the firat parties the Council of the second par�y, according to the provisions of said Zoning Code, as amended, and the Statutes of the State of Minnesota, insueh cases made and provided, with the written acquiescence of the owners of two-thirds of the several descriptions o� real estate situated within l00 feet of �aid real estate, duly enacted City of Saint Paul Ordinance No. 13824, approved February 7, 1968, and publish�d in the OPficial Newspaper oF the �eaond party on the lOth day of February, 1968, e.�ending sa�d Zoning Code, as amended, so th�.t said her�in.abov�e described real estate was thereby and thereunder rezoned and re- classified from "A" Re�idence District to Commercial Distric�:, �ub�eot to e�pecial exceptians and conditions in the nature of esp�aial restrictions upon the uee af the same whereby the us� ,arid em�loyme�t of said hereinabove deseribed real e�tate was restricted tv the following u$es and employments, subject to further rezoning and reclassification of the same by virtue oP proceedings there�or there- after instituted, conau�t�a and completed, according to applieable provisians of said Zr�nin� Code, as amended, and of statutes of the State of Minneso�a, to--wit s Commercial Distriat only for the storage o� bu�lding materials by the present Yes o�vner�, Herb�rt W. �nok, Jr. and Doroth�r P. Cook, sub,�ect to aT7. applicable statutes, ordinances, rule;s and regulations 1 prescribed and promul�ated by �overnmental agencies havin� co�niasnce; and subject further to the , eondition that said fee owners shall erect and maintain ade�uate opa�ue fencing around the s�or��e are� - and shall provide �uch land�capin� ae will canfor� to and maintain the resid�n�ia1 ap�earance of the area; and provided further thdt the property her�3n�bove described �hall revert t� "A" Residence District at �uch time as the same is no longer oceupied by the present fee o�ners. wHEREAS, the fir9t parties, for themselves, their heirs, administrators, executors and as�igns,. intend hereby to accept said Ordinance No. 13824, and to provide for the impo�ition, maintenance, and enforcement of sueh e�pecial r�etrietiona upon the u�e of said hereinabove described real e5tate to run �xith the land and to �rant �nto the second party, in further compli3nce with th� conditions of said Ordin�nce No. 13824, a neg�tive ea�ement therefor; NOW, THEBEFORE, the first parties, as such o�ners o� said herein�bove described regl estate, Por themselves, their heirs, admini9tr�tors, executors, and ass3�ns, do hereby covenant and bind them�elves, their heirs, admini�tr�tors, executors, and assi�ns, unto the second party that, in accordance with said Zoning Code, as amended, particularly as t�e same has been amended by said Ordinance No. 13824, said real estate h�s been e�£ec�iv�ly restricted and limited in respect af �t� use aMd employment and sh�ll henceforth be restricted a�d limitea in �uch particular$ as follows, to-wits That, sub�eet to any �urther recla$eific�tion of the herein- above desoribed real e�tate by virtue of praceedin�s therefor here- ina�ter instituted, conducted and campleted a�cording to the applicable provisians o� e�id Zonin� Cod�, effective as o� the aate of said petition �or realassification and the' �pplicable provisions of the statutes o� the St�te of Minnegota, hereby, �he employment of said real est�te heneeforth ig �egtricted and lfmited to the follow- in� sgeci�ied u�es, to-wit: Gommerefal District only for th� etarage of building materials by the prQeent fee o�ners, Herber� �. C�ok, Jr. and Dorothy P. Cook, �ub�eet to all applicable statutes, or3inance�, rules and re�ulatioMS preseribed a�.d promulgated by govern�nen�al ��encies having cognizanee ; and �ub�ect further to the condition that �sid fee owners �hall erect and maintain a�equate opaque fencin� flround the stora�e ar�a and ahall provide such landscapin� �e wil°� con�orm to and maintain the residential '�ppearance of the ares; and �rovided further tha� the property 2 hsreinabove described shall rsvert to "A" Residence District at such time as the same i$ no longer occupied by the present fe� owners. and �aid first par�ies, for themselves, their heirs, administrators, executors and assigns herEby �rant, conv�y and warrant unto the second party, said City of Saint Paul, as such municipal corporation, in t�u�t for the benefit of the public, a perpetual negative easement in and to said hereinabove described real estate and all thereof, for the imposition, m�intenance and enforcement by the second party, as such municipal eorporatio�, of the aforesaid r�strictions and limitations upon the use and emplo�ment of said hereinabovs described real estate, to run with the land, and for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and �uFficiency whereof by the �irst parties hereby are acknowle�ged. FURTHER, the first parties make reference to said Zo'ning Code, as amended, a�d by re�erence incorporate the same herein; as part hereof, with the s�me intent, purpose and effect as if 3aid ZoniM� Code, as amended, were fully set forth herein; and make �urther reference to said a.mendatory Ordinance No. 13g24 to the duly certified copy of the same hereto attached and hereby incorporated herein by reference as par� hereof; and said Yirst parties, for themselves, their heir�, administratore, egecutors and assign�, hereby accept said amendatory Ordinance No. 13824, and every provis3on, term, and condition of the same without res�rvation or exception. , �; 3 IN TESTI�ONY �HERE4F, �aid fir�t parties, Herbert W. Cook, Jr. and Dorothy P. Cook, husband and �i�e, have se� their hands to this instrument �s of the day �n� ye�r first above written. In Presence of � � _ �����'�a� � — He bert W. Cook, Jr. Doro hy . ook STATE OF &IINNESOTA) SS� COIINTY OF RAMSEY } On thie�day of D�areh, 1g68, befo�e me, a notory publia within and for �aid Coux�ty, personally �ppeared H�rber� �. Cook, Jr. and Dorothy P. Cook, hu�ba�d and wife, to me known to be the person� de�oribed i8, anfl who executed the fore�oing in�trument, and acknow- ledged that they executed th� same e,s the�r �ree act and deed. � � � otory Publie lE0 F. SCHEU tdaFmr��Anbno,Ramsey County.M�nn�� � �w �@�n,mlg.sl�� Expires APrll 19..]9?Y� Apt'''ooed as ro j,��rm ct�7rd �t.»ectrtiorr LPii$ ,._!T:;1' �%t�/�.ii� � _ —_---�,u;f��.......,, uc;.�.:.rt 4 DEED OF NEGATIVF EASEMENT AND ACCEPTANCE w OF ORDINANCE �� � ��°Z-� � THIS INDEiVTURE, made and executed this�day of March, 1968, � ;j� by and bet-�+een Herbert WQ Cook, Jr. and Dorothy Po Cook, husband and � �vife, of the County of Ra,msey, State of Minnesota, her�inafter ."f � designated "the first �arties, " and CITY OF SAINT PAUL, hereinafter � desi�;nated "the second party, " WITNESSETH: 'TJHEREAS� the first parties, on and for a considerable period of time ne�t prsce3ing the lOth day of February, 1g68, were and ever since said have been the owners, in fee si�ple, of �.11 of the follow- ing described real estate situate in the City of Saint Paul, County cO° of Ramaey, State of Minnescta, to-��vit : � _ �.,Fr � r.�p�^�,� . � u '.._:...b� P::�u �� � :7 Y Y..:��(\ a'- __..0�/ °---- .��._ .1� �� .�� Zot 1, Block l, exce�bt the '�'est 125 feet, .� � �' °' `:"°r �-� Lexington Park Plat 4 ; loc�.ted at 52� , . _; � .;; ��� � .�s��a South Lexington Parkwayo ,�; �-�%�'�.c.����-=-�'---- � � v'VHEREAS, said real estate on saic� date and for a considerable period of time next �receding the same, was zoned and classified in "A" Residence District under and by virtue of Chap�ers 60 ta 64, ,,aq inclusive, Zoning Code, Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended, and ""� pursuant to the petition of the first parties the Council of the �� � second p�rty, accordin� to the provisions of said Zoning Code, as � amenaed, and the Statutes of the State of P�innesota, insuch cases "'� made and provided, ��vith the Nritten ac�uiescence of th� o�Nners of � C''�2 tvlo-thirds of thQ several descriptions of real estate situated within .�. � 100 feet of ��.id real estate, duly en�cted City of Saint P,�.ul Or�inance No. 13824, approved February 7, 1968, and published in the �fficial Ne��NS�a�er of the second pa,rty on the lOth day of February, 1968, amending sai� Zoning Coc�e , as �.s�ended, so that said hereinabove described real �state �vas thereby and thereu.nder rezoned and re- clas�ified from "A" Residence vistrict to Commercial District , subject to esi�ecial exceptions and conclitions in the nature of es�.ecial restrictions u��on the use of the same �Jvhereby the use and employment of said hereinabove described real estate ��as restrictzd ta the tollo�vin� uses �.nd eml:;loym�nts, subject to further rezoning ana reelassi.�ication of the same by virtue of proceedin;s therefor there- after in�tituted, conducted and completed, according to applicable �:rovision� of said Zonin� Code, as �.mended, �.nd of st�.tutes of the St�te of l�(Iiinnesota, to-���it : Com�ercial District only for the stora�;e '� of building materi�,l� by the present fee • or�•ners, Herbert W. �ook, Jr. �,nd Dorothy ' Po Cook, �ubject to all ap�Iicable statutes, � ordinances, rules and regul�,tions , 1 1 l ° � t� �. � � saie � hereinabov� described �shall revert to "A" R�sidence Di�trict at such time as the same is no loneer occupied b� the l�resent fee o�vners e �,nd said first parties, for themselves, their heirs, �,dninistrators, executors �.n3 assi;ns hereby �r,:�.nt, convey and �varrant unto. the ,�econd p�,rty, said City of Saint Paul, as such municipal cor�oration, in trust for the benefit of the loublic, a �erpetu�.l ne�ative e�sement � in and to said hereinabove described real estate and �11 thzreof, �.�� � for the im�osition, maintenance and enforcement by the second �.arty, � a� such r�unici�al corporatio�}, of t;�e afor�said restrictions and � lin�itatioris u�on the use and employment of said hereinabove described � real e�tate, to run ti�aitn the land, �nd for �;ood 3n� v�.luable Q conai�eration, the receipt and sufficiency ��vhereof by the first � parties hereby are acknorrle:lged. FURTHER, the first parties make reference to said Zoning Code, as amended, :�.nd by reference incorporate the same herein; as part hereof, with the sa:r�e intent, purpose and effect as if �aid Zoning Code, as amended, ��vere fu11y set forth herein; an3 make further reYerence to said a.mend�,tory Or=3inance No. 13824 to the duly certified copy of the same hereto attached and hereby incorpor�,ted herein by referenc� aa part hereof; and said first p�.rties, for the�riselves, tYl�ir heirs, administrators, �xecutors and a5signs, hereby accept sai3 a.mendatory Ordinance No. 13824, and every provision, t�rm, and conditi�n of the same cvithout re�erv3tion or exception. 3 IN TESTI�Oi�Y '�HEREOF, said first �arties, Herbert �N. Cook, Jra and Dorothy P. Cook, husband and �vife, have set t�eir hands to this instrument as of the day and ye�r first above writteno � '�� � � In Presence of � / � � � L::�,-�. �-�',���''� ` � H rbert W. Cook, Jr. �� . C'��. — � . :� Dorot Pq Cook STAT� OF IVIIiV1VESOTA) SSo COIINTY OF RAMSEY ) On this�day of ilQarch, 1g68, b�fore me, a notory public ��vithin and for said County, personall;� appeared Herbert W. Cook, Jra and Dorothy P, Cook, husband �,nd ;�ife, to me kno�r�n to be the persons described in, and who exeeuted the fore�oing instrument, and acknow— leaged that they executed the sam� as their free act and deed. ,. .�,.�. �� ;�:� otory Public �:� � ` �v f I�� ��r n�K�>1;s�s ...a....:. LEO F. SCN�.k'1,.•,, ...� � haotary Pu41lc, Ramsey C6G�ity��YJIln1lu+� Mx Conirnlsslo� Expiras ApMI 19� 19'7?A ADP/crtrp'tf ne tn /orn: ac;,-� �::vctetdorr th{s��__r i.:� �.�.i/�,��` I . `������_t!!..���' 4 �rescribed and pr•omulgated by governmental agencies having cognizance; and subject f�rther to the conditicn that said fee owners shall erect and maint�in ade�uate opa�ue fencing around the storage area and shall provide such landscaping as ����ill conform to and maint3in the residential apl:;e�.rance of the area; �.nd provided further that the property herein�.bove � described shall revert to "A" Residence �',�"� District at such time �,s the same is no � lon�er occupied by the present fee o��vnersa � � '��HEREAS, the first p�.rties,,, for themselves, their heirs, �-1 :�dministrators, executors and assigns, intend hereby to accept said � Ordinance Noo 13824, and to �rovide for the imposition, maintenance, =� and enforcement of such es�ecial restrictions upon the use of said hereinabove described real estate to run ��rith the land and to grant unto the �econd party, in further compliance �Nith the conditions of said Ordinance No. 13824, a negative ea�ement therefor; NO`�V, THEREFORE, the first �arties, as such oavners of s<�,id hereinabove described real estate, for themselves, their heirs, administrators, executors, �.na assi�ns, do hereby covenant and bind themselves, their heirs, adminiatr�,tors, °xecutors, �,nd a,ssigns, unto the second party that, in accordance �vith s�,id Zoning Code, as amended, �articularly a� the sarue has been amended by said Ordinance No. 13824 , said real estate has been effectively restricted and limited in res�,ect of �ts u�e and em�loyment ,�nd shall henceforth be restricted and limited in such particulars �.s follovvs, to-�Nit : That , �ubject to any further reclassific_�tion of the herein- above described re�,l e5tate by virtue of proceedings theref.or here- in�,fter in5tituted, conducted and completed �.ccording to the �.pplic�.ble provi�ions of saict Zonin� Code, effective �.s of the �ate of said �etition for reclassification and �he applicable Frovisions of t:ne statutes of the State of Minnesota, hereby, the employment of said real est�,te h�nceforth is restricted and li�nited to the follow- ing s�ecified uses, to-��vit: Comulercial Di�trict only for the stor,�,�e of buildin�; u:aterials by the ;�resent fee o�vners, Herbert W. Cook, Jr. and Dorothy P. Cook, subjec�t to all applicable st�.tutes, crdinances, rules ;�.nd reoulations prescrib�d and �,�romulgated by �;overnmental a�encies having cognizance ; and �ubject further to the condition that said fee o�rvners shall erect and m�,intain sde.�uate opaque fencing around the storage area and shall ��rovide such landscaping as �vill conforn to and maintain the r�sidential appearance of the arPa; and provided further tha.t the propert� 2 �uoi�oaapisuo� lapun �(j.�ada,� � . ' • :aloa `pa�o8 6uiuuald in�d •�S � ` 1Nd�'d� n ,-• � �d12ilSflaNl � u ���T � ` � � �tJ1�2�3WW0�U � o `� :_ `- '�N 3�1� ;�, - __ �� � JI�IWt��-Il�(1W � `� �; ��� . Jl11Wd.� -2�f10.� �� _, ��"� � , , �_•.. , ._ . . ; ,,... . Sa3NJiS N011113d � � ; , A�IWd�-33aH1 ,� . �_; ',; . ., , ^ � JI�IWd�-OM1 -Q- "��"; : �� -. � .�: JNINOZ 1N3S3ad : 1��IWt1�-3N0 O _ _ �j ,, , �� - �sn aNd� � ��� ..� �� , _ r . �. ,. ,,, ��u, - �-. �sod�nd ,� � � ., > - . ;, _ ,� _ ,, . , �. 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