243398 Orisinsl to Ciky Cleric � ORDINANCE � COUNCIL FILE NO ������ PRESENTED BY �� �2���r�-� ORDINANCE NO An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 6446, entitled: 'r.An administrative ordinance fixing the com- " pensation rates of certai.n city positions and employments, 1t approved January 23, 1925, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 6446, approved Janua.ry 23, 1925, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by inserting in Section II under the heading "Special Employmentst', the following lines: "Beach-•Pool Manager 3. 00 an hour" "Refectory Attendant 2. 25 an hour" "Refectory Helper 1. 75 an hour" "Refectory Manager 3. 00 an hour" . Section 2. This ordinanee shall take effect and be an force on the first day of the first payroll period following thirty days after its passage, approval, and publication. MAY 8 �9e� Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Cq�ncil �lso� `// � � Tn Favor Meredith � ��- O againat Sprafka � MAY 81969 M Preaident Appr e • _ A -/ . i Clerk ,,�� Mayor � � �� ! ' Form approved Corporation Counsel By ' �tIBLISHE� MAY 1 � 1969 � �//� Daplicate to PrInter ORDINANCE �`����g COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO � � � � � An arda.nance arnendin� �rdinance ATo. 6446, entitled: ��Ara �.dnlin�l�trativ+e ordinance fi.ati.�g the com- pensation rates of certain city poeitic�ns a�d ernplayments, " approved Janua.ry 23, 1925, a.s amended. THE COUNCIL �F THE CITY OF SATNT PAUL ]�OES ORDAIN: ��ctioa l. That O�dinance No. 6446� approved Janvary 23, 1925� ae amended, be �and the same is hereby further amended by ineertiag in aection II urider the heading "Special Employrnex�ta", the following lines: "Beach-Foo3 1VTanag@r �. 00 an hour" �'Refectory Attendant x.�5 an hour" "�efr�ctory �elper 1. 75 an hour'► r'Refe�ctory Ma.�.�ger 3. �� a� hour" . ' Sectaon �. This ordinaace Bhall take effect and be in foxce on the '; firet day o� the f���t p�yroli pexiod fallowing thirty days aftex it� paeeage, approval, and publicatio�.. i ', ', ,' ;�' ��<;� �. . ... .. . Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Co ci� Carlson .�a�ghs�t--� � �. Meredith , In Favor '���— � Against Sprafka m„a �-eae��v Mr. President (Byrne) ��i�'',�� �'e�'�;� Attest: Approved: City Clerk Mayor �� Form approved Corporation Counsel By �-.��,__, , , �::`_i'� �-� � ! `�/ .��j O April 23, 1969 � Mr. John Ha,3der, � � Chief Examiner - Dir�etor of p�raonnel� ;—�A_� i City Civi2 Service Bureau. t --_--_----.- ``` Dear Sir: �` �. ;�;� \��' The City Cou�cil toa�y��aY� F�� Rea,ding to the following ordina.nces: , ,� �, <� � f \ F C. �'� ��3397 - Amendi3� �325U pertainin� to Golf�� Li�',e �uard, WatPr Safety � znstr �or�;-��ctor� �`�lper,, I�ef.ector,y Atte _c,i�n�, Refe��,or,y �t��er �.nd £�each- Poo Mfs.na�er. ; �• :'�. �'+ 3 8 - .Amend' j ? Ord. 64�6 pert�►ining . _._..to ho rat or B each-Pool iKa.nager, -�___..__�{'�Fecto ndant, RePectory Helper, �'� Refector3r M6�na,ger. � ' � Third Read�.n8 and A wi11 b� 'yan Ma3� lst,` ,���. PProval of �or�a o� �heae Grdir�nce� \ � ......��___�= Very truly youre, hp City Clerk Ist L� �� ` � �� ��G� 2nd Laid over to 3rd and app � �4dopted � �c� Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Carlson `Carlson Dalglish �.DalgHsfr Meredith ����`y'� \Meredith Peterson �+�'n'� Sprafka �6prafka t Tedesco �'edescv--- �/ \ Mr. President Byrne Mr. President Byrne O