246174 Orl�insl to City Clerk .. - � �� - x�ORDINANCE 2461'74 COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ��ert F. Peterso� ORDINANCE NO- �� �� ''� � An ardinance graatiq� psraiission to the 6reat Mvrther� RailMay Comps�y to coast rdct, op�rata a�d �aa i�ta i� coatrol s i gaa 1 s oa tt�e navr lafayette ti�ad 8r i�ye over the tracks a�d rig�t-of-aay of the 6reat Northern Raiiway Coa�pa�y. Tbis ts a�a ea�ergeacy ordi�sace rewdered necessary for ths preservatiop of tlae.public peace, healtt� a�d safety. TNE C@�ICIL OF THE CITY �F SAINT PAt�L DOES ORCAIN: SECTt�II 1 That pere�issioA aad authority are hereby gra�ted to tbe Great Norther� Railaay Cr�pany to c�astract, operate and waintaiw: a. Coatrol si�nals on the �ea Lafayette ROad Bridge over the tracks a�� rigt�t-of-Nay of tl�e 6reat liort�aern Rai)way Cc�nnpatiy, as d�scri�ed iA the sai�i pe�ittee's �laAS and specifications �arked BRIEI6E N0. 1.1 AT LAFAYETTE A1iE., ST. PAUL, MINN. CENERAL PLAN S16NAL5, dated �ctc�ber 17, 1969, and naabered 120-329-33 and 12t�-329-3b�, copies of said plaas a�d spacifications so a�arkeei an� oa file ia tbe offics of the Ei�parta�t of P�i�l ic Vorks, �ureau of Bridgas. b. A cal�le, for aperatior� of said ceptroi sigAals, i�stalled on pier No. 4 aq� tt�e steel s�perstr�ctd�e of said I�ridge, said cal�le t0 be co��ected to tbs coacrete of the pi�r by wes�s of clips and concr�te snchors a�d to tt�s ste�l s��erstructurm by �xea�s of cl ips. Tt�e cable �esiga bei�g ��e�rst� and �a�tuaily mgread �poa by tba City cf St. Pawl aad the said p�rmittem. SECTION 2 Tl�at tbe Cc�tssioner of Pabiic Works is t�ereby antborize� tm issue a perwit to the 6rsat Nortiaern Railway Cc�wpaar for the constrwctio�, operatio� aad �+ai�tsaance of said co�trot sigaals w�o� a�d snbject ta the fallowiag provisions, te nas aad co�ditioas: a. Tl�at sa i d peraii ttee sha 11 parform al l sach above d�crT bed ao�k, at its oam expense an� ir� accordance with the pians, on file with tbe Depart�e�t of Pubtic Morks, a�rkad as 6reat Narthern Railway d�aai�gs 120-329-33 and 120-329-34 and staw�ed with the approval of tt�e Depart�eat af P�blic Morks; b. That sa i d pe�+i ttee sha i l pay t�e cc�st of pe�b 1 i cat i 0� ef tb i s ordiaaAC� and ali resolatic�s passed in relatiop to said ordiAaace; c. Tt�t sa i d peraA i ttee sha 11 pay tha cc�sts of eng i�mer i�ag and i aspect t on ie�curr�d �y ti�e Depart�e�t of Public Works becaase of t�is undertaking. Said costs to I�e accouAt�� for nnde� Depart�ewt of Pablic Wo�ks Project N��r E-1046. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Councii Carlson Dalglish In Favor X1Nle-re- di�-h Sprafka Peterson . Against Tedesco ` Mr. President (Byrne) Appro Attest: City Clerk M or �� Form approved Corporation Counsel By OrlYinal to CitY Clerlc iI�V���� �V , ' '�- - ,��ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY �ert F. P�terscxo ORDINANCE NO. � � `� `� � Page 2 d. That said perwittem sMall properly pratect all aork aroas tn relation harennto in or on Lafayette Road ac�d adj�cmr�t to thm rig�t-of-v+ay of the Morthera Pacific Raitway CeNapany, both day and r�ight, so as to avoid all daa�ge or ic�,jnryr to parsoa or property; a. Tt�at said psr�ittee shai l dmring the tsrrn�a uf this pera�it, restcre and repair all property wbether pablic or private, damagad or rrt�i cb �ay be d�aaged due to the e ract i ow, a�a i nteaance, o r preseace of tbe brackets, cable, or coatrol sigaais provtded for hereiA; f. That said per�nittee sl�all not drill holes tnto a�y portia� of tbe strdctursl steal s�perst��ct�re of said b�idge otl�er tha� the holes ir� tbe girdar stiff��ars sbvwn oa the �lans to be used for co��ecting the brackets with t�igi� Stre�gtb Bolts; g. That sai� penpittes shall not do ar�y welding on th� struat�ral steel snperstructnr� of sat� bridge; h. That sai�i per�ittee shall �t pa�it aay ladder to rewaiA in placs or faster�ed per�aanently to furaiah access f�v�n the bridg� rai i i�g tc th� brackets or cahtrol signals; i. Tbat said perMittee shal l faraiaE� tMe Bepsrtuient of Pmbl ic Morks "as b�ilt" plans of iqstallatioA upvr� ee��letioa of constructie�; J. Tbat said par�ittee expressly agrees and �adertakes to fuily i aele�ify, hol d bar�l mss anet def� tha Ci ty 0f Sa i nt Panl, i ta agswts, officers and �ple»r�ea frciai anr a�� all da�ages, clsims, ic�sses, J�dgee�ts, suita, or axpe�ses arisi�g oat of cr occasioaed by th� performance of the wark coatanplated �r tl�is �+enaission aNd a�tbority; k. TE�at said paraiittee shall, �ithin teA (10) days aftmr t�e passage of thts ordinaACe, file a writte� acceptance thereof aith the City Cle�k; i. That said penuittec shail remove tha coatrol signals or part tl�ereof iW se�cb aisnner as is satisfactory ta tF�s Cv�isstoaer of Pwbl ic � Narks whaueva� t�a City Cou�cil cf Sai�t Paal s�iall s� order. SECTIOM 3 Tbis erdinapce 1s hermby declaread to be a� e�asrgeacy ordiaae�ce readered necessary for the p�eservation of pablic peace, health and safety. � S ECT 1 E�! 4 This ordinancro sball tske effect and �e in forcm fre�a� and after its passage, approval aad publicatiea. ��� ? � �� f� Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson � Dalglish . � �bQ�( S�rafka � In Favor �Meredith �� Against * Fe�e�aen Tedesco Mr. President (Byr ) n��"� �' `�' ���9 Appr A est: � Ci ler ayor, �� Form approved Corpo�ation Counpel $ _ �� R�V 2 2 fi 69 GREAT NORTHERN Great Northern Railway Company / 175 East Fourth Street / Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 / Phone 612 224-5588 Engineering Department Hove�r 13, 1g69 A� 68-�29 Mr. H�a,rry I�rsha.tl. Ci.�y Glerk City of St. Paul st. Paul, Minneso�a 55102 _ Dear �r. Marsha].1: This is to advise t.bat the Grea.t �orthern Rail� �C� o�apaay'� acceptance of �he eondi�ions o�' 4rdiaanee C.F. 24617� to pl�a.ce �ig�.1. bra�&ete on tl�e Lafayette goad Bridge Fo. 6�515 c�er our tra,cks, �t. Paul, �inaesota. �'ntess advised to th�e contr�.ry, our forc�s xi71 carry out this inetallation cor�eiaaing A�bnRiey, �ovember 17, 1969 in accord�ance with resol�tioa C.F. 2�6175. Yovrs truly, �� �� �r � �' ,�. ��-•!�r�.�.-� B. GF. Asu�.erson Chie� �ngin�er LGF/ss cc: Mes�ers. G. D. Archibald �. E. �tcrera W. 8. Byrne �-, r.--" R. �. Qrieder =� r"` cn'` ;�,-, -- -�� �`-c� �:�� y.�-,� �-,'� �� c� 'Ac� �r ---t� � -�'-n '. � c� S 11 ly�^:+��./ I�ov. 24, �969 ��'. `� O�`�,, `��� Great Northern Ry. Compa�y, ��""�� 175 �. Fourth St., f� St. Paul, Minn. 55101. ,%,/ � ;, ,�,, Attri� .�'`�G. .�.�rson, �� En,�ineer Dear Sir: �- -� /�� � We enclos� a c �� of Ordina e No. �330, ���� C. F. 2�+617�+, and also a of Resol t on C. F. 2�+6175s granting you permission t onstruc�, �rate and maintain control signa7.s on th� new fayette dge over th� tracks and R�d �f tne Gr�N��the ��. /;'� `vTe o er�close a bill in the sum of $37.3� �o ��er the C05t of t p�zblicatiot�of this ordinance and resolutiono � ,� � �'`�-�_�y';� . V�ry tru].y your s, City Clerk hp 1 st � ' 2nd '� . � , Laid over to �� 3rd and app � � ___Adopted ��s'? Yeas Nays as Nays Car�son arlson Dalglish �alglish Meredith 24s1�4`�eredith Peterson -�on-� S rafka � � rafka. P p Tedesco desco � Mr. President Byrne r. President Byrne O