D001183� -° CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE 1VIAYOR • ADNIII�3ISTRATIVE ORDER BUDGET REVISION No.: Date: GS #: .� oa 11 �� �-��{--�'! 32139 Ap1btINISTRE�TIVE ORDER Consistent with the authoriry granted to the Mayor in Section 10A7.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of the Department of Pnblic Works to amend the 19 96 budget of the Street Repair and Cleanin� Fund fund, the Director of the Department of Finance and Management Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner. Curtent Budget 1 225 - 42313 - 0283 z 225 - 42313 - 0439 3 225 - 42318 - 0111 a 225 - 42320 - 0111 s 225 - 42322 - 0111 a 225 - 42322 - 0283 � 225 - 42322 - 0439 e 225 - 42330 - 0111 s 225 - 42330 - 0111 •225 - 42330 - 0283 si 225 - 42330 - 0388 iz 225 - 42330 - 0439 is 225 - 42332 - 0111 ia 225 - 42340 - 0283 is 225 - 42340 - 0359 16 225 - 42340 - 0535 Rental-Vehicles Fringe Benefits Full Time Permanent Full Time Permanent Full Time Permanent Rental-Vehicles Fringe Benefits Full Time Permanent Full Time Permanent Rental-Vehicles Salt For Streets Fringe Benefits Full Time Permanent Rental-Vehicles Other-Spec Matl & Supplies $868,467.00 $344,184.00 $217,738.00 $0.00 $158,796.00 $79,264.00 $42,212.00 $1,875,000.00 $1,875,600.00 $974,424.00 $556,338.Q0 $582,152.00 $0.00 $56,891.02 $15,965.23 Recoverable Adv to Spec. Fund $141,916.12 i7 225 - 42375 - 0111 Full Time Permanent $52,$52.00 i s 225 - 42375 - 0256 Registration Fees-Local $8,600.00 19 225 - 42375 - Q439 Fringe Benefits $15,658.00 Change ($30,000.00} $30,000.00 ($0.01) $0.01 $3,000.00 ($10,000.00) $7,000.00 ($155,000.00) ($0.01) $80,000.00 $155,000.00 ($80,000.00) $0.01 $10,000.00 $5,000.00 ($15,000.00) $60�.06 ($725.00) $125.00 . . ..- $838,467.00 $374,184.00 $217,737.99 $0.01 $161,796.00 $69,264.00 $49,212.00 $1,720,000.00 $1,874,999.99 $1,054,424.00 $711,338.00 $502,152.00 $0.01 $66,891.02 $20,965.23 $126,916.12 $53,452.00 $7,875.00 $15,783.00 Totals $7,865,457.37 $0.00 $7,865,457.37 zo To adjust 1996 City Council Adopted Budget to provide for differences between budget and actual zi final 1996 spending. -7-97 RequesfeA Dire Aw �,`��� m � ea ai: avo� �� �� t� � �--- � �� ;.., � - T b oa ��g 3EPARTMENTfOPFICEfCWtSCiI ATE INIr1ATED �2139 �bli�wor� 3/5/97 GREEN SHEET r,o. CpNTACT PERSON 8 PHONE tNIT7AV0ATE 1N4T1JS1 DEPAPTMEMDIRECTOR � CRYCOUNQL GBLS' ERC�]SOII, ZGG-()LZ9 / � �BE � � CITY ATTORNEY � CITY CLERK MUSTBEONCAUNqIAGENDABY(DAT� ROUiING ❑5 BUDGEfDIRECTOR � FlNANCEACCOUMING � � MAYOR(OR ASSISTAN"n ❑j p�p.�qy �aqe� � # OF SIGNANRE PAGES � (CIJP ALL LOCATONS FOR SIGNATUR� Q3 SENIOR MGM.. �_ � DFPMTMENT � AC170N REQUESTED Approve transfer of spending authority within the Street Repair and Cleaning Fund, to adjust spending bud�ers for the year 1 for compliance with fund sufficiency policies. RECAMMENDATIONS:Approve (A) or flejep (R) Pl1WNINGGOMMISSION CIVILSEFiVICECOMMIS$ION CIB COMMITTEE J A STAFF _ D15rAICTCOUNQL _ _ SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL O&IECf7VE? INITIATING PR08LEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNIN (WHO. WHAT, WI1EN, WHERE, WHI� Actual expenses reflect the accurate workload and personnel costing in the Public Works Stree[ Repair and Cleaning Fund. This Administrative Order matches budget to actual costs. ADVANTAGESIFAPPFOVED: � budget reports and spending reflects good management practices of fulfilling Budget Goals and Policies B-13 as well as City Char[er ter 10.10. F �. ' ' �. �. . ,: DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: None. DISADVANTAGES IF N07 APPAOVED: Some spending control levels will appeaz to be overspent while others will appeaz to be underspent. PERSONAL SERNCE COMRACTS MUSTANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has this persoNE±rtn ever worked �nder a con[ract for this dep2ctment? YES NO 2 kias this persoNfirtn ever been a ciry employee4 YES NO 3. Does this person/firtn possess a sltill not nortnally possessed by any current city empbyee? YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet antl attach to green sheei (: i l �� i. ��1.. �;1TY CLERK � AMOUNT OF TRANSAGTION $ COSVFiEVENUE BUUGEfED (CIRCLE ONE) NO FUNDINGSOURCE A�hG�rkcCtreerRepyi�andClPanin�5�nd ACTIVfTYNUMBER 42313,4232Q42322,42330,42332,42340,42375 FINANCIAL WFORMATOR (EXPLAIN) This is a housekeeping adjustment.