D001154• ., _ - Clty Clerk - Finance Dept. _ - Dept. Accounpng (Civlc Center) - Engineer (HGA) _ - Contractor _ - Projecc Manager (CPMn and which amount is to be financed from: CITY OF SAINT PAUL - OFFICE OF THS MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER for CONTRACT CAANGE AGREEMBNT NO. CP4.01-14 . u ADMINISTRATNE ORDER, Whereas, addiaons which proved to be necessary to the Improvement described as Saint Paul Civic Center E�z CP-4 Building Construction Imown as Contract L_City Project No.015117 M.A. Mortenson, is composed of the following: 1. Miscellaneous work including protection at US West shaft, Minnesota Club; moving door handles, investigation at Kellogg Boulevard per Field Order (FO)11F4.01 Reason: Safery 2. Clean-up at Fourth Street per FO #4.11. Iteason: Owner request. 3. Provide concrete for chil(er feeders per FO #416. Reason: Existing feeders had to be relocaced. 4. Lower footings in Sector A per FO #4.29. Reason: Poor"soil stabiliry. 5. Bulkhead mnnel at Kellogg bridge per FO #430. Reason: Unknown condition. 6. Demo existing grade beam by Elevator H9 per FO #432. Reason: U�knowo condiaon. Total $1,015.00 I50.00 562.00 728.00 500.00 298.00 $3,253.Q0 ORDERED, That the Ciry of Saint Paut, through its Mayor, apQroves the foregoing additions made in accordance with the specifications in the sum of $� 253.00 . said amount to be added to the lump sum consideration named in the contract, lmown as contract L- 930-90300-Q848-00000 Civic Center Expansion Fund. E ansi n r' ting Committee Director , o � f ,, C / i { vic Center j ;i��'LU dL�,.✓ Architect Z �� 19� � No. �) �.! Date � M A Mortenson Contrac[or �`-��,— ��. , �3 ,997 � of Department of Finance Assistant to tt� Mayoi ✓` ' � �. o<<�� ����� � � � ��� �i �� � GREEN SHEET n {3 �7 INITIAVDATE MRIAIJDATE �L DEPARIMENT DIRE O CITY CAUNCLL ��� � .��5 �� �+`K+N CRYATTORNEY �CRVCLEflK NUYeEqFOR -- / �ABY(DATE) � p BUDGE7DIRECfOR I��FN.&MGT.SERVICES �)JI ORDER tF-{ � MAYOfl (OR ASSISTANT� � � _ _ p-�_ „ �- o . TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE} oC�ION REQUESTEO: / "� (� G4.z...�Z- o:zl�e.f - t� i' 1 Cc�.� �PE�-�c�. �` d C��,c. C�t�-�ft� - FG(' Ci.i:L- l_En�(c.� �C.��dl'\S�E� ApP� (A) or _ PL,ANNING COMMISSION T CIVIL 3ERVICE COMMISSION _ CIB COMMfTTEE ��� � � Ja ��E�� _ STAFF _ _ DISTRICiCAURT _ SUPPORTS WHICH CAUNCILO&IECTIVE7 S�z�- �"�"�._'�.C�^.E � a PERSONAL SERVECE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWiNG �UESTIONS: t. Has Mis perso�rtn ever worketl under a contract for Mis departmeot? YES NO 2. Has this personHirtn ever been a ciry employae? YES NO 3. Ones this perso�Nirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any curre�t city employee? YES . NO Expfain all yas answers on separate sheet antl attech td green sheet RECE4! FEB 2 41997 CITY CLERK m :: �������� �� FE� 18 1°97 C��� ��� � �Y d'4� � p0 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACiION $ �aS3� COS7/REVENUE BUDGETEp (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDI(tl6SOURCE �-`^-y��E-ST'aX ���'k�� r .4G'I�SACTIVITYNUMBER "�7 �OOf;GD FINANCIAL INFORhiATION. (EXPLAIN) �„ f.z� � • PROJECT: Saint Paul Civic Center Expansion Project Saint Paul, Minnesota CONTRACTOR M.A. Mortenson PO Box 710 Minneapolis, MN 55440 Original Contract Amount: PO # 015117 $33,973,000.00 PO # 385,700.00 CO No" C4.01-01 C4.01-�2 C4.01-03 C4.01-04 C4.09-05 C4.01-06 C4.01-07 C4.01-OS C4.01-09 C4.01-10 C4.01-11 C4.01-12 C4.01-13 C4.01-14 Subtotal Deduct Add 34,475.00 151, 969.00 29,684.00 10,193.00 24,598.00 86,610.00 (4,535.50) zs,ai o.ao 8,927.OQ 4,482.00 22,��0.0� 15,460.00 50,000.00 3,253.00 $466 525.50 DATE ISSUED: CONTRACT NO.: CONTRACT TITLE: CONTRACT DATE: 8 January 1997 CP-4.01 Building Construction Multiscope 18 January 1996 Net Amount of Contract including this Change Order. $34,825,225.50 . 1!! RECEIVED � • . RAtCTOR'S PROPOSAL Contractor Praposal No.: FO# 4.01 Date: November 22, 1996 Project: S'C. PAUL ENTER C.4 Contract No.: 4.01 A change in the scope of the work is requested as indicated below: /�� l 3. lt is requested the completion date be O extended, ( 1 decreased, p� unchanged by calendar days. The adjusted completion date will be �� Description of the change: IRefer to drawings, specifications, addenda, if applicable). Reference RFP No.: ; FO No.: 4.01 ; PCO No.: Title: Perform miscellaneous tasks as directed bv CPMI Basis of payment: (Check one) SX1 Firm price for performing this change is S 1 015.00 Adequate supporting detaifs and information (Increased� (Deduct� must be attached to allow Owner to evaluate. () Time and material per contract, but not to exceed () Actual cost at completion of work Submitted by: M. A. MORTENSON Date: November 24, 1996 Co tractpr � � I��I � R-� / Contractor Signature FOR CPMfUSE Action Recommended: iCheck onel () Change will not be made. Explain: 2. Date:— `Ist;���— � Approved by: (Owner) Date: CPMI lnc., c/o Saint Paul Civic Center, I.A. O'Shaughnessy Piaza, 743 West Fourth Sireet, Saint Paul, MN 55102t299 cc: Chris Hansen Mike Pederson Dick Zehring 3225- 1) Suggested by Contractor �) Design Omission or Other (explain) CPMI Jo6 No.: 3225 �Proceed on the following basis: �s indicated above, change and basis of payment is acceptable. () Change +s acceptable, basis of payment is not acceptable. () Basis of payment shall be S ( 1 The following modification is recommended: (} Change in completion date is accepted. i) Change is acceptable with no change in pnce. () Change is acceptable with no change in completion date. ( S Other Reason for Change: O Design Change ( 1 Client Request �eld Condition 3. Is this a part of the original contract scope? () YES �NO 4. Is Contractor's Estimate attached? ES ( S NO 5. A(E consulted. YES O NO Prepared by:�(/�lJ- �CPMI) Approved by � / (HGA) Approved by �/�`" l�'� (Owner! 1 i /24/96 • ST, PAUL CIVIC CENTER EXPANSION s+�,vrr.auc.,+�� s�roz PH Gld/393-9/5! FAX GIZ/Z93-9.i�7 Description FO#4.91 Title� Pedorm miscellaneous tasks as dfrected by CPMI Modenson Labor: (See attached) Mortenson Matenal: (See attached) Mortenson Equipment (See attached) Associated Costs (Change Proposaq $ Am 5 661 $ 201 5 - $ Genefal Conditions: $ � (Mortenson WOrk) SUBTOTAL M. A. MoRenson 5 862 SUBCONTRACTORSlVENDORS 7. $ - � Z $ - 3. � 4. $ - 5 $ 6. � 7. $ - 8. $ - 9. $ - 70. $ - SU670TALSubNend $ - SUBTOTALFee SUBTOTALTax St. Paul Civic Center Expansion '" �) �+ Summary Change Proposal M. A. Mortenson Company Fee: SubcontractorsNendors Fee 5%: M. A. Mortenson Work 75%: ToYal Material & Equipment $ M. A. Mortenson Material 8 Equipment Tax� S $ 129 $ 129 201 7% $ 14 $ 14 SUBTOTAL:M.A.Mortenson+SuhNend+Fee+Tax $ t,�05 Builders Risk GCL Insurance Costs Payment & Performance Bond SUBTOTAL Insurance & Bonds 0.0007 ($.72IThousand) 0.0038 ($3 77fihousand) 0 0050 ($A.9593Iihousand) S � $ 4 $ 5 $ ID • TOTAL CHANGE PROPOSAL $ 1,0'IS Page 1 L • . O � � � h a �, a � N l� i x � i � � N : a 1 M ) a � N , N _ b l � � 0 � g � W � � Z Q o o ° o 2� � ` O O U W m N a . 0 0 � � LL _I � YJ a O O CL � � � O O o a � � LL Q � W Q � 3 ;a a o 0 Y Z � �.i ° O o � U � o � o 0 � O ��� m� OL� 0 W � � W N m � � � 7 \` � � N M m q � U � � � � � � a � o 0 0 m Z r oi o 0 g �a �Z wo,n �, o � � � � � o "' v ag n rn m oi goo � � � � N o m o C V y LL $� N Z J (6 � ` W � p ti O m S c K � m d � o n `o U' Z d � R J � � ° d ai � '�c �n o; m r a�i m m.- o� a 3 m o � � t�If5y � � � N 0 O � c ° 0 M � � � 0 m ¢ J Z O K � m K O m � � � � a ►.700 ( I 5� MaYI � � � �! • � r r i �.• ST. PAUL ClVlC CENTER IXPANSION 300EAGLESTREET JOBID S.1f:4"TP,{UG.MLF' jS702 Pff_ 6I1/393-9/�J FAX 6/2/297-95Ji C.P. No. Reference: Date • • FO#4.01 11l24196 Matenal Quantity Umt Unit Cost Total Measure reinforced poly 2 ea 76.80 153.6� lumber 7001f 0.47 47.00 � 0.00 0 00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 Cuh}n}al 2��.60 Page 1 MOR?ENSOH The Consrrutr(on Organi:ation�" WORK AUTHORtZATION �►15y •M, A. MORTENSON COMPANY P.O. Box 710 ■ Minneapolis, Minnesota 55440 ■ 612(522-2100 Job Number s�by� Job Name L U� � `� �-���� Authorized Subcontractor pr��NSON Address Date � �� � Detaifed description of work: ,�HS����� 'S �'�5�` /��l�r //�� w ���/ r'L-�z . �SUrEG � / ( / c1� � ) R-c � (,�ifi� �-�-�- � c�? �/ ��� r�d - �r/�'r�l� ��(,�}6v`' / N � � �� ��5�� ��`�- �%�'� �- �/����� �� �S�s �����s�- Materials used -- type and quantity (attach delivery tickets): �1 ,�NSu.�?r7'ec� �jC.f�ivK �'� Equipment used in pertormance of work and tength of time used: Labor hours for performing work: ���eti��� -- .Signature of owne� or representative ! Signature ot subcontractor representat+ve Signature of M. A. Mortenson Company representative � �o�.z c�� � � Complete in triphcate - whRe to oHice - canary to owner ot su6 - pink job site file Mf3R?EHSOH WORK AUTHORfZAT10N TheCarun'ucrionOrganuctitm'" �./�.ZJ, l� `Ui. A. MORTENSON COMPANY P.O. Box 710 ■ Minneapolis, Minnesota 55440 + 612/522-2100 Job Number ��6yZ Job Name / i�/� c��/�f/Z Date J d� Authorized Subcontractor /�/�i✓ �A/SD� Address Detailed description of work: J� ��7� i�� ��6 �-�1/ ��,���� s�re.p� t" �y � � ..� I ��� Materials used — type and quantity (attach delsvery tickets): �' fD� x'/G r y��lf5 a� � e�=� �'D� � ��� C,� �Y Equipment used in performance of work and length of time used: �1,�����/ /�h� � s � ��,�s ��5� ��son Labor hours for pertorming work: o� ��vr-e� � � z ����� ��� )%�t� � �� � f�� 1`� � ���-T��� 0 2 �7� o,1 6 �..iignature of owner or representative Signature of subcontractor representa���� . Signature of M. A. Mortenson Company representative Compie[e m triplicate - white to office - canary to owner or sub - pink job site file MORTEH�H WORK AUTHORiZATfON T�2QC(NLSZi"C(fliOti �fgQ1El.:LIILGYIw d/ld � � � •Ni. A. MORTENSOIV COMPANY P,O. Box 710 ■ Minneapolis, Minnesota 55440 ■ 612/522-2100 Job Number S/Q %2 Job Name ��l D y 2 - Authorized Subcontractor Detailed description of work: p �' P ✓`� � �' �e� fe�Y - � y. o / �'1D�eYn�1 DDD� ��✓�`��� J Date � y �c Address yn,�� � � � ����� ��� �� Materials used -- type and quantity (attach delivery ticketsj: . Equipment used in performance of work and (ength of time used: S ��, Q � � � �(u��' � t'J✓�-u Labor hours for performing work: 3 � e �r s / Cig-h't� � Signature of owner or \_� s- Signature of su6contractor represent�Yive--� ti Signature of M. A. Mortenson Company representative Complete in triplicate - white to office - canary to owner or sub - pink job site tile M�R?EHSOH[ The Coresrraction Orya��tu»r�' WORK AUTHORIZATfON �1�5� •M. A. MORTENSON COMPANY P.O. Box 710 • Minneapolis, Minnesota 55440 • 6i2J522-2100 ���9.6 Job Number �O� Job Name �v� G (��/�^�— Date s-�o Authorized Subcontractor _ Address Detaifed description of work: �/ �y,vc� �'XcQUg� �i ��T a,� f�� �� '— J � � � c��, , � � � 5(,9�v c� � �jCDaSE s l�2 YI ]� �X�S � a,�. , av S� / �' �o� N ���'/�� � � � ��,df Materials used -- type and quantity (attach delivery tickets): • Equipment used in performance of work and length of time used: �j�ove� Labor hours for performing work: �fJ'�jre� — ��,es � hRs •Signature of owner or representative _ Signature of subcontractor representative s ���9� ���9G Signature of M. A. Mortenson Company representative � � Gomplete in triplicate - white to oHice - canary to owner or sub - pinN �ob sRe tile M�RYEI�SOH The C�»zstn�ctum On,Ytniutrum WORK AUTHORIZATION ��415� �VI. A. MORTENSON COMPAM1tY P.O. Box 7? Q■ Minneaoo!is, Minnesota 55440 • 612/522-2� 00 Job Number�9�fc��/-/� Job Name Authorized Subconiracior Detailed description of work. �/ �~ / � V ✓ DO ���.�--��� � ��.�,-�- ?� Address Materiais used — type and uantity (attach de(ivery tickets): �� ft e � � �UY�`7i �- � "�j �r�� ec�' • Equipment used in performance of work and length of time used: Labor hours for performing work: �_,t��o� / �� �1� I �y a ts- i'� l h a u- Y` l Signature of owner or representative Signature of subcontractor represent Signature of M. A. Martenson Comp< Complete in tnplicate - whRe to office - canary to owner or sub - pmk job sRa file Date (�>°�y—/`"�� 1y[t�R?ENSOH The Cwutruc'tion O�nnization �' WORK AUTHORIZATION �� ��� �ll. A. MORTENSON COMPANY � � P.O. Box 710 ■ Min�eapolis, Minnesota 55440 ■ 612(522-2100 Job Number y�l� � 2 — Job Name ���t1+� �e-rI �-L.i� Date /— J�^ �V Authorized Subconiractor Detailed description of work: sc��'� 1,� �'o � w � � K � �y Address 1 y� c�..l i� 1{i Y1S �� `� Materiais used -- type and quantity (attach delivery tickets): � Equipment used in performance of work and length of tfine used: Labor hours for performi�g work: / /���r� ����. �ignature of owner or representative ^ Signature of subcontractor representative Signature of M. A. Mortenson Company representative Complete in triplicate - white to ONice - canary to owner or sub - pink �ob sRe fde � 32z5-�$ r� � Tlte Ca+turt�cunn Or;mii�ttlfort ` 2 November 1996 BUILDING ONIStON Minneapolis Oftice 700 Meadow Lane North P.O- Box 710 (55440-0770) Minneapolis, Minnesota 55422-4899 Telephone: (672) 522-2700 Facsimde� (672) 520-3430 SusanJones CPMI cJo Saint Paui Civic Center I. A. O'Shaughnessy Plaza 143 West Fourth Street St_Paul MN 55102-1299 Re: Subject: � Dear Susan: Saint Paul Civic Center Expansion CP-4 Mortenson Project #951042 FO#4.01 - Miscellaneous Tasks In accordance with Field Order #4.01 dated 10 April 1996 regarding the performance of miscellaneous tasks as directed by CPMI, we quote the sum of One Thousand Fifteen Dollaxs (+$1,015.00) Eor the added work. Enclosed are copies of flme and material sheets and our price breakdown. Please let me know if you need addiHonal information or clarificaHon on the enclosed. Please issue a contract change order. The amount quoted includes only the cost of the changes identified herein. Changes to the contract not specifically identiFied as revisions are not included in this proposal and are excluded. Mortenson reserves the right to submit a proposal for addirional costs and rime related to the impact of this change on unchanged work or for the effect of this change in combinafion with other changes. Very truly yours, � � �� �� Allen S. Troshinsky Assistant Project Manager 2�5 file: CPMI FO#4.01 . ; (�EC�i�lEC NOV 2 5 1996 ,-. ,. � � %NI I �d� � fi�� �� Mmneapolis•SeatCle �DenverColorado Spnngs•Milwaukee•Grand Rapids•San Diego•San Francisco•HOnolulu4os Angeles R�CEIVED � CONTRACTOR Contractor Proposal No.: FO# 4.1'i Project: ST. PAUL CIVIC CENTER CP.4 l�:Zilli�y3� A change in the scope of the work is requested as indicated below: It is requested the completion date be O extended, O decreased,�unchanged by calendar days. The adjusted completion date will be • 2. Description of the change: (Refer to drawings, specifications, addenda, if appficable). Reference RFP No.: ; FO No.: 4.11 ; PCO No.: Title: Clean-� at Fourth Street 3. Basis of payment: (Check one) (X) Firm price for performing this change is S � 50.00 Adequate supporting details and information (Increased) (Deduct) must be attached to allow Owner to evaluate. () Time and material per contract, but not to exceed $ ( 1 Actuai cost at completion of work S Submitted by: M. A. MORTENSON Date: December 2, 1996 Con ��—i}- t+�r � \ � Contractor Signature FOR CPMI USE ����f 4.01 /7��1/ 2 Action Recommended: (Check one) () Change will not be made. Explain: CPMI Job No.: 3225 �Proceed on the following basis: ( �' �s indicated above, change and bas+s of payment is acceptab4e. ( � Change is acceptable, basis of payment is not acceptabfe. () Basis of payment shall be $ () The following modification is recommended: (� Change in completion date is accepted. O Change is acceptable with no change in price. i) Change is acceptable with no change in completion date. ( ) Other 2. Reason for Change: {) Design Change ient Request �ield Condition i) Suggested by Con ractor () Design Omi s� ion or Other texplain) 3. Is this a part of the original contract scope? ( 1 YES �NO 4, is Contractor's Estimate attached? ES ( y NO 5. A/E consulted. ES () NO Prepared by: C CPMII Date: % I i�pproved by HGA) Date: . Approved by "' �" Ownerl Date: Approved by: (Owner) Date: CPMI Inc., c/o Saint Paul Civic Center, I.A. O'Shaughnessy Piaza, 143 West Fourth Street, Saint PaW, MN 5510&7299 cc: Chris Hansen Mike Pederson Dick Zehring 3225- • • . 12l2/96 St. Paul Civic Center Expansion Change Proposal �i��� Summary ST. PAUL CIVIC CENTER EXPANSlON 300EAGLESTREE7 JOBfD-9�104? SA/NT PAUL, MN »102 PH 612/293-9/SG FAX-6/1/?93-95ii Description: FO#4.11 Titie: Clean-up at Fourth Street 5 Amount Mo�tenson Labor: S 40 (See attached) Mortenson Material. � (See attached) Morte�son Equipment � (Sea attaChed) Associated Costs $ (Change Proposal) General Conditions $ (Marteason Work) SUBTOTA� M. A. Mortenson $ 40 SUBCONTR4CTORSNENDORS 'I. Central Sweeping � i7 $ $ $ 3 $ 5 98 � �. SUBTOTALSu6Nend $ 98 SUBTOTALPee M. A. Mortenson Company Fee' SubcontractorsNendors Fee 5%: M. A. Mortenson Work � 5°l0: $ 5 $ 6 £ 71 Total Materiat 8 Equipment $ - M. A. Mortenson Material & Equipment Tax: 7°/ 5 - SUBTOTALTax $ - SUBTOTAL:M.A.Mortenson+SubNend+Fee+Tax $ 148 Buildefs Risk 0.0007 ($.72lfhousand) 5 � GCL Insurance Gosts 0.0038 ($3.77ffhousand) $ � Payment & Pertormance 8ond 0.0050 ($4.9593fThousand) $ 1 , SUBTOTAL Insurance 8 Bonds $ � 70TAL CF4ANGE PROPOSAL $ 150 Page 1 � • . O a J � a d, Q N b i � r : q ! M J G � N . N ` b �a # �I m N � � LL (� o � Z a =' °' U � 0 �i�� � Q 4 � � rn � O N � �g 0 � � � z ° m � ° o ° o 0 � o 0 0 U � n N o 0 0 0 0 a . O o � J �� � O O O O O O Y � o 0 0 0 0 O W ° � LL a � � a w � g W� a o � p o 0 0 U K o � o ° o 0 0 � � m � � W �" � � p o 0 0 W � �' o � � o 0 0 a n N o 0 0 0 0 � o ¢ U � W � o 0 0 0 0 0 O p y , c� o o p o 0 0 m Z r� ai p p o O o g �o W O`� � � � �rn� ��Q � � m m � n m c m N N � M g o 0 K O m � g � � n � Z ti � � � � �lf N 0 �` 4 w .7 t1 @ = C J � m O � 7 9 0 (� Q m Q m �o � � C F" I'_ m J � m o O tY O m N N � d� [fJ 0] W 3 m o � � �gN N � m d CENTR4L SWEEPING 3240 IDEAL AVENUE NORTH • OAKDAI,E, MN 55128 Voice (612) 779-0129 F� (612) 770-2314 Sold To: M.A. MORTENSON 300 EAGLE STREET ST. PAt3L, MI3 55102 � SUBJOB I COST CODE • Check No: ����o�� JllN - 6 D 1996 ��•A• MORTENSOt� CO_ Job Address: �o� f�� IaY�i�fi invoice ivumoer: 4�Z6 Invoice Date: May 31, 199G Page: I � �','/ �, , � � CustomerlD: C-MA-MQR-lOQ Customer Contact: AL REICHOW 293-9154 Customer PO � PaymentTerms , Due Date , Sales Rep ID Net 10 Days 6/10/96 ry Item Description Unit Price Extension 1.50 CONSTRUCTION SWEEP - HOURLY RATE 65.Q0 97.SC DOWNTOWN ST. PAUL - 4TA STREET �5/Oi/96 TOB #951042 t1 •� � Subtotal Sales Tax "jota{ Invoice Amount Payment Received 70TAL 97. 5( 47 . Sl 0.0 97.5� � Mo�NSOH The Carsnz�crio�v Organizution� 02 December 1996 BUILDIfVG DIVfS10N x Minneapo6s Off�ce 700 Meadow Lane North P.O. 8ox 710 (55440-07t0) Minneapoiis, Minnesota 55422-4899 Telephone: (612) 522-2100 Facsimile: (612) 520-3430 Susan Jones CPMI c/ o Saint Paul Civic Center I. A. O'Shaughnessp Plaza 143 West Fourth SEreet St. Pau� MN 55102-1299 Re: Subject: • Dear Susan: • Saint Paul Civic Center Expansion CP-4 Mortenson Project #951042 FO#4.11 - Clean-up aY Fourth Street In accordance with Field Order 4.11 dated 30 April 1996, which d'uected Mortenson to clean Fourth Street, we quote the sum of One Hundred Fifty Dollars {+$150.00) for the added woik. Enclosed are copies of subcontractor quotations and our price breakdown. Please let me know if you need addifional information or clarification on the enclosed. Please issue a contract change order. The amount quoted includes only the wst of the changes identified herein. Changes to the contract not specifically identified as revisions are not included in this proposal and are excluded. Mortenson reserves the right to submit a proposal for additional costs and time related to the impact of this change on unchanged work or for the effect of this change in combination with other changes. Very truly yours, ��- �,,.s.�_�— Allen S. Troshinsky Assistant Project Manager file: CPMT Q�d FO# 4.11 � RECE�VEG � DEC 0 3 1996 i ____ ���� - 1�. 0� I .l ,�� ��.r —� i _'^ � `/1 ��„ � Minneapolis•Seattle •Denver•Colorado Springs•Milwaukee•Grand Rapids•San Diego•San Francisco•Honolulu•Los Angeles 1.. 115y !�cC�-I�I�� • • Contractor Proposal No.: Project: ST. PAUL C CONTR�SC S P Q S A L Da Decen T.���� Co�itract No.: ---- - -'� � � y � A change in the scope of the work is requested as indicaied below: ,/ c..l� � 1. It is requested the completion date be O extended, 1) decreased, ( S unchanged by calendar days. The adjusted completion date will be � 3. Description of the change: (Refer to drawings, specifications, addenda, if appiicablel. Reference RFP No.: ; FO No.: 4.16 ; PCO No.: Ti21e: Reroute efectrical feeders to chillers —� 1�vC�i"�P_ �77U�.2'rl�� � Basis of payment: (Check one) (X) Firm price for performing this change is S 562.00 Adequate supporting details and information tlncreased) (Deduct) musi be attached to allow Owner to evaluate. {) Time and material per contract, 6ut not to exceed 3 O Actuaf cost at compfetion of work $ Submitted by: M. A. MORTENSON Date: December 7 1996 Co tractor �� ���.�'V ' Contractor Signature FOR CPMI USE 1 2. 3. 4. 5. Action Recommended: (Check one) O Change wilf not be made. Explain: CPMI Job No.; 3225 ( 1 Proceed on the following basis: I) As indicated above, change and basis of payment is acceptable. O Change is acceptable, basis of payment is not acceptable. () Basis of payment shall be $ () The following modification is recommended: ( 1 Change in completion date is accepted. �} Cfiange is acceptable with no change in price. ( � Change is acceptable with no change in completion date. ( 1 Other Reasonfor Change: O Design Change O Client Request O Field Condition O Suggested by Contractor ( 1 Design Omission or Other (expiain) Is this a part of the original contract scope? ( 1 YES () NO Is Contractor's Estimate attached? ( 1 YES O NO A/E consulted. ( ) YES ( ) fV0 Prepared by:. Approved by � . Approved by DaTe: Approved by: {Ow�er) Date: CPMI Inc., c/o Saint PaW Civic Center, I.A. O'Shaughnessy Plaza, 143 West Fourth Street, Samt Paul, MN 55102-"1299 cc: Chris Hansen Mike Pederson Dick Zehring 3225- 12/7/96 St. Paul Civic Center Expansion "" -��� Summary Change Proposal � ���� SL PAUL CN(C CENTER EXPANSlON 300 EAGLESTREET lOB [D 951042 ���� ��� SAL6T PAUL. ,YI;t" SS 102 PIi. 6f2293-9f�J FA,t" Gl3;293-9;? Description: F6#4.16 Title: Reroute electrical feeders to chillers Mortenson Labor: (See attached) Mortenson Material. (See attached) MoRenson Equipment (See attached) Associated Costs (Change Proposal) S Amount 5 256 $ 275 S 5 - Ge�eral Conditions: § � (Mortenson Work) SUBTOTAL M. A. Mortenson $ 471 SUBCONTRACTORSNENDORS 1. � - . Z $ 3 � 4. $ 5 $ 6. $ 7. $ - 8. � - 9. $ - 10. $ - SISBTOTALSubNend $ - SUBT�TALFee SUBTOTALTax M. A. Mortenson Company Fee. SubcontraclorsNendors Fee 5%: M. A. Morte�son Work 75%' Total Material & Equipment $ M. A. Mortenson Material & Equipment Tax. $ - $ 71 $ 71 215 7% $ 15 $ 15 SUBTOTAL:M.A.MoRenson+SubNend+Fee+Tax $ 557 Buiider'S Risk GCL Insurance Costs Payment & Performance Bond SUBTOTAL Insurance 8 Bonds 0 0007 (� 72(fhousand) 0.0038 ($3.77/Thousand) 0.0050 ($4.9593lihousand) $ 0 5 2 $ 3 y 5 • TOTAL CHANGE PROPOSAL $ 562 Page 1 � � � s N J � 2 O Z al W C � W U U S U J � a N r Q P rv o x r � r z � � a �-1 � � a T � C �v �. � c 4 �� � � #� o � � �� 0 o � Z a �' °' U K � "�oo� �5� � � N a � C� � � � q O �g 0 r � � W O m ° ° ° o ° o ° o Z 4 o 0 0 � IL N � � p O O O U W m � Q . � � J a� p O O O O O O �� 1� � � p O O O O W ° � � a 0 K Z w ¢ Y � 5Wa <° o 0 0 000 Y Z r ry o 0 0 0 0 U K o � � m � K W Z m m co rn � N v W �n � � O � r n � M o�O r � o t� m � � Q U � W � o p p o 0 0 � p Q m a p o 0 0 Z n Oi ° o 0 0 0 0 g�o �Z W O� o � r ��rn � ° O c� m o m� n m � � �ti v� m g O o K O m Q C J N N O Z � � oa W � � � g�m � � o � � �; Fm � � -° J J m o O K O � E,n �- O r m N N (6 N� � m j 5 m o � ° �¢� N � (4 d MaYi ►ll� � ��► �Jl r r.r I ..�• C.P_ No- FO#4.16 Reference: Date: 72/7196 • • �� �5`� ST. PAUL CIV7C CENTER EXPANSION 30nf_AGLESTREET J06ID ���Ina'_ S. S1A' SSI03 PN G/1/393-9/SJ FA,t' 6!?Q93-955 Material Quan4ty Unit Unit Cost Total Measure 5000# concrete 4 cy 53.73 274 92 0 �0 0.00 0 QO O.OD 0.00 0 00 0_00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 Subtotal 214.92 Page 1 ` � WORK AUTHORIZAT(ON �o���M��H � � � � The Constrt�ct�rn:Orgctrsizrti<x¢ �" � A. MORTENSON COMRANY � � ���� � D '�P.O. Box 71 �• Mir„^,eapolis, Minnesota 5544 p 6 ( i.�r� (1 , ll Job �umber 9 S/° y� Job N�me �✓� �- �N ,��z.��� 9 �_ Date 7 ��- Author+zed Subcor,*.sactor Address Detailed descripbcn o*." work ��i.A. MUR7ENSON C0. 5- /c�a�DO ��� �,,�� b � � N r-F h �ks� �lELi� J'Oe M G�mncf 99 � � L�� ��Q�� �� �"c� � �-�y.i� C �r�`�z2 t�- �1 ��) � Materiafs used -- type and quantity (attach delivery tickets): y ����s • Equipment used in performance of wo;k and length of tiine used: ptns �xy �- yx� Labor hours for performing work: �P , y � rs ,�u�o!' � h�5 �ignature of owner or representative Signature of subcontractor representanve Signature of M. A. Mortenso� Company representative Comptete �n [ripUcate - white to oftice - canary to owner or sub - pink job srte tile � ��C�=(��Ep The Constructi�n O�gan+zation Minneapolis Office 700 Meadow Lane North P.O Box 770 (55440-0770) Minneapoiis, Minneso[a 55422-48g9 07 DecembeT 1996 SusanJones CPMI c j o Saint Paul Civic Center I. A. O'Shaughnessy Plaza 143 West Fourth Street St.Paul MN 55102-1299 � � ; � �--- �EC 0 9 1996 ���f Re: Subject: • DearSusan: • Saint Pau1 Civic Center Expansion CP-4 Mortenson Project #951�42 FO#416 - Reroute Electrical Peeders to Chillexs 322 s � ¢�¢. � ��fS�I SUIIDING DIVISION Telephone: (6t2) 522-2100 Facsimile� (672) 5203430 In accordance with FO#4.16 dated 22 May 1996, regarding the temporary rerouting of the existing underground elecisical feeders to chillers, we quote the sum of Five Hundzed Sixty-Tti�o Dollars (+$562.00) Eor the added work. Enclosed is our price breakdown. Please let me know �f you need addirional infoima6on or clazificafion on the enclosed. Please issue a contracY change order. The amount quoted includes only the cost of the changes identified herein. Changes to the contract not specifically identified as revisions are not included in this proposal and are excluded. Mortenson reserves the right ro submit a proposal for additional costs and flme related to the impact of thas change on unchanged work or for the effect of this change in comUination with other changes. Very truty yours, � — �- ' �� .��-- Allen S. Troshinsky Assistant Project Manager file: CPMI p" FO# 4.16 Minneapolis•Seattle •DenverColorado Springs•Milwaukee•Grand Rapids•San Diego•San Francisco•HOnolulu•LOS Angeles IO � � . R�C+�iVEJ � DEC 0 9 199S CONTRA TO R `S _PROPOS �� ��� Contractor Proposal No.: FO# 4.29 t--V__ ��` VO1 ��t�� !December 07, 1996 Proiect: ST. PAUL CIVIC CENTER CP.4 Contract No.: 4.01 A change in the scope of the work +s requested as indicated below: f 1 � � It is requested the completion date be O extended, O decreased, �,unchanged by ca{endar days. The adjusted comp(etion date wi(I be Description of the change: iRefer to drawings, specifications, addenda, if apphcabiey, Reference RFP No.: ; FO No.: 4.29 ; PCO No.: Title: Lower two footinqs +n Sector A Basis of payment: (Check one) IX) Firm price for performing this change is S 728.00 Adequate supporting detaifs and information flncreased) (Deduct) must be attached to allow Owner to evaluate. () Time and material per contract, but not to exceed S ( � Actual cost at completion of work $ Submitted by: M. A. MORTENSON Date: December 7, 1996 Contractor (�.�� � t � �-- Contractor Signature FOR CPMI USE Action Recommended: (Check one) {) Change will not 6e made. Explain: 2. CPMI Job No.: 3225 t{Q�Proceed on the following basis: 1 ` �As indicated above, change and basis of payment is acceptable. �( ) Change is acceptable, basis of payment is not acceptable. ( 1 Basis of payment shafi be $ ( 1 The following modification is recommended: ( � Change in completion date is accepted. ( 1 Change is acceptable with no change in price. O Change is acceptable wrth no change in completion date. ( � Other Reason for Change: O Design Change O Cfient Request ield Condition ( 1 Suggested by Contractor () Design Omis ion or Other (explain) 3. Is this a part of the original contract scope? ( 1 YES �O 4. is Contractor's Estimate attached? ES S) NO 5. A/E consulted. ES O NO Prepared by: CPMI) APproved by � HGA) Approved by � __SOwneri CPMI inc., c(o Saint Paul Civic Center, t.A. O'Shaughnessy Plaza, l43 West Four1 cc: Chris Hansen Mike Pederson Dick Zehring Date: ( ��7 Date: Paut. MN 55702-1 3225- � 12/7196 St. Paul Civic Center Expansion Change Proposal �� ( t �1 Summary • ���� ST. PAUL CIVIC CENTER EXPANSION � t � ,,,,,,.,,.,,,,,, 300 EAGLE STRE£T JOB ID. 9� 1042 T�� SAINTPAUL MN 5510? PH GR/?93-9/SJ FAX 6/2/293-95i7 Descnption' FO#429 Title: Lower hv Mortenson Labor: (See attached) Mortenson Materiaf: (See attached) Mo�tenson Eqwpment (Seeattached) Assoaated Gosts (Change Proposal) in SBCtor A $ Amount $ 256 $ 349 $ - S - General Conditions: $ - (Martenson Work) SUBTOTAL M. A. Mortenson $ 606 SUBCONTRACTORSNENDORS • , $ - 2 $ 3. $ 4. $ � 5. $ 6. $ 7. $ - 8. $ 9. $ 10 $ SUBTOTALSubNend $ - M. A. Mortenson Gompany Fee: SubcontractorsNendors Fee 5 $ - M. A. Mortenson Work 75%: S 5� SUBTOTAI Fee $ 91 Total Matenal & Equipment $ 349 M. A. Mortenson Materiai & Equipment Tax� 7% $ 24 SUBTOTALTaz � z4 SUBTOTAL: M. A. Mortenson + SubNend + Fee + Tax $ 721 Builders Risk GGL Insu2nce Costs Payment & Performance Bond SUBTOTAL Insurance & Bontls 0.0007 ($.7Nhousand) 0.0038 ($3.7�tiho�sand) 0.0050 ($4.9593/Thousand) $ � $ 3 $ 4 $ � , TOTALCHANGE PROPOSAL $ 728 Page 1 � . � Q N J � O _ d W � �I WI U, U � V 1 J d � 0 w h C � w J U y w [" O y N a a N b e � � a a N V 4 v O LL U o c Z � a w U � m rn N m O t�0115�} � � N Q a t(J (7 � Q C� .- J m P � f J � f- Yi � Z� m a o 0 0 0 �� a' o 0 0 0 0 0 N � p O O O U W n � d . O o � j O U�j � O O O O O y� m `? o o a o 0 0 � ^ o 0 0 0 0 O LLl ° c" LL a 0 K Z W c Y Z r N � O O O P O N O O O O O U � o K� m� � w W . � r' m v � m � N n a � � m � ° � � � o Q V � W W� O O O O � p � � � Q p O O O m Z 1� 6I � � O a O g Fa �Z �o� ,n o o n � d' � Q� � M � N oJ O �� f` O� � 6� �j Q �� 5° M � 0 m C -J N Q � W O � W � LL O � Z w d ' o � Q w � � m Z � � � �1 � � d J J 0] � � 9 � F m H � N J � (Q o O R� O 0 N (J � �� m m m g > > QI � F- LL�. N J !n � m N 0. MaYi 'J�^✓ t � �/ I • ST. PAUL GVlC CENTER EXPANS/ON 300 EAGLESTREEZ JOBID SAiNT PAUL. MK 591 D' PH�G/2/?93-9151 F,7,C 111/193-9�5� C.P_No. FO#429 ftefere�ce: Date: 12/7/96 � � Material Quantity Unit Unit Cost Total Measure 5000# concrete 6.5 cy 53.73 349.25 0 0� 0 00 0 00 � 00 0 00 0 00 0 0� 0 00 0 00 0 00 O.DO 0 00 0 00 0 00 Subtotal 349 25 Page 1 � WORK AUTHORIZATtON N[t9�'EN�OH �� ��� The Ccrostruction Organi arian �" �IN. A. MORTENSOtV COMPANY P.O. Box 7�0 ■ Minneapofis, Minnesota 55440 ■ 612/522-2100 Job Number 9y1�_� �= Job Name �,�t� i� Date �` a�— s'�O Authorized Subcontractor Address Detaifed description of work: � � .J � , � �oW �rz Co � �� S � �'� �'"''4� sa< � � l3 , L,� G�ie�e £Xi3��� �,� 7��,,��/s f�I�,s�j. ` J ?,vuef WUU�c� �fJd� /�G`°�`/ cc S /� �!c � DC� ��c'u M ev� ( ��f � Z � Materials used -- type and quantity (attach deiivery tickets): � � 1,a,r�s • Equipment used in performance of work and length of time used: � G( I1 S �j �,S �C� 9y � Labor hours toF-performing work: � �`cfQ' p � �lj4�.�' � l�b o f / /�u-� • Signature of owner or represe�tative �<� Signature at subcontractor representative Signature of M. A. Mortenso� Company represeRtative Complete in triplicate - whde to offwe - c owner or sub - pink job site tile � �l'c� /OU �8�° 322s- 4a4.� � The Constrin:riort �� ��=C�l�IE� � �EC 0 9 ]996 ; __—_ Crr1�1 � l [ 5�-f BUILDING DIVISION � Minneapolis Office 704 Meadow Lane North P.O. Box 710 (55440-0770) Minneapolis, Minnesota 55422-4899 07 DecemUer 1996 Susan Jones CPMI cJo Saint Paul Civic Center I. A. O'Shaughnessy Plaza 143 West Fouzth Street St. Paul MN 55102-1299 Re: SuUject: • Deac Susan: Saint Paul Civic Center Expansion CP-4 Mortenson Project #951042 FO#4.29 - Lower Two Footings in Sector A Telephone: (672) 522-2100 Facsimile: (612) 5203430 In accordance with FO#429 dated 2b June 1996, which loweied two footings in Sector A so that they would bear on competent soil, we quote the sum of Seven Hundred Twenty-Eight Dollars (+$728.00) fox the added work. Enclosed ls our price Ureakdown. Please let me know if you need additional informarion or clazification on the endosed. Please issue a contract change order. The amount quoted includes only the cost of the changes idenrified herein. Changes to the contract not specifically ident9fied as revisions are not included in this proposal and are excluded. Mortenson reserves the right to submit a proposal for addiHonal costs and time related to the impact of this change on unchanged work or for the effect of this change in combination with other changes. Very truly yours, \J-xxk� �� Allen S. Troshinsky Assistant Project Manager file: CPMI � FO#429 • � Minneapolis•Seattle•Denver•ColoradoSprings•Milwaukee•GrandRapids•SanDiego•San Francisco•Honolulu•LosAngeles � • RECEI�fED CON7RA4CTOR'S P POISAL 1�115� Contractor Proposal No.: FO# 4.30 : ; Datef December 07, 1996 Project: ST. PAUL CIVIC CENTER CP.�-- --- Cvntract No.: 4.01 A change in the scope of the work is requested as indicated below: /�M 5 1. It is requested the completion date be () extended, () decreased, () unchanged by calendar days. The adjusted completion date wilV be 2. Description of the change: IRefer to drawings, specifications, addenda, if applicable). Reference RFP No.: ; FO No.: 4.30 ; PCO No.: Title: Bulkhead tunnel under Kelloaq bridqe 3. Basis of payment; (Check one) (X) Firm price for performing this change is $ 616.00 Adequate supporting details and information (I�creasedl (Deduct) must 6e attached to allow Owner to evaluate. ( � Time and materfal per contract, but not to exceed S ( f Actual cost at completion of work $ Submitted by: M. A. MORTENSON Date: December 7, 1996 Contractor �� U,� Contractor Signature FOR CPMI USE Action Recommended: (Check one) CPMI Job No.: 3225 O Change will not be made. Explain: �Proceed on the following basis: () As indicated above, change and basis of payment is acceptable. �Change is acceptable, basis ot payment is not acceptable. �asis of payment shall 6e S S�'� ��� j�('�( j(�--; �',�. �' � () The tollowing modification is recommended: .q, n O Change in completion date is accepted. �i JG'J 1NCU/P� O�{ � r: O Change is acceptabie with no change in price. () Change is acceptable with no change in completion date. i ) Other 2. Reasonfor Change: 1) Design Change () Client Request Field Condition () Suggested by Contractor () Design Omission or Other {explain) 3. Is this a part of the original contract scope? O YES �L�10 4. ls Con[ractor's Estimate attached? �ES O NO 5. A!E consulted. ES (} NO Prepared by: CPMI) Date: ^ � � P,pproved by � (HGA1 Date: � Approved byc� --�Owner) Date: Approved by: (Owner� Date: GPM( loc., c!o Saint Paul Civic Ce�ter, I.A. O'Shaughnessy Plaza, t43 WesT Fourtfi Street, Sa�nt Paut, MN 55102-1299 cc: Chris Hansen Mike Pederson Dick Zehring 3225- 12l7l96 • Oescription: FO#4.30 Title: Bulkhead sandstone tunnel under MoRenson labor: (See attached) MoRenson Matenal: (Seeattached) MoAenson Equipment (See attached) Associated Costs (Change Proposal) S Amount S - 5 - S $ 500 General Conddions' $ ' (MoRenson Work) SUBTOTAL M.A.Mortenson 5 500 SUBCONTR4CTORSNENDORS 1 � • z $ - 3. $ 4 $ 5. $ 6. $ 7 $ g $ _ 9. $ 10. � SUBTOTALSubNend $ - M A Mortenson Company Fee� SubcontractorsNendors Fee 5%: M. A Mortenson Work 15%: SUBTOTALFee SUSTOTAL7ax St. PaW Civic Center Expansion Change Proposal Tota4 Material 8 Equipment $ M- A Mortenson Material & Equipment Tax: $ $ 75 500 7°(0 $ 35 S 35 SUB70TAL:M.A.Mortenson+SubNend+Fee+Tax $ 610 Buildefs Risk GCL insurance Gosts Payment & Performance Bond SUBTOTAL Insurance & Bonds 0 0007 ($.72ffhousand) 0.0038 ($377(fhousand) 0.0050 ($4.9593fihousand) 5 0 ^y 2 $ 3 $ 6 • TOTAL CHANGE PROPOSAL $ 6'I6 Page 1 I`�I f �� Sum ary ST. PAUL CIVIC CENTER EXPANSION 300EdGLESTRE£T 106ID: SA/NTPAUL :tl.\ 55/03 PH /:a,k"�G/?Q9J-935- 32 a s -�04-. d C� The Consrruction Orgmuzarion Minneapolls Office 700 Meadow Lane North P O. Box 770 {55440-0710) Mmneapohs, Mmnesota 55422-4899 07 December 1996 SusanJones CPMI c/o Saint PauL Civic Center I. A. O'Shaughnessy Plaza ]43 West Fourth Sfreet St.Paut MN 55102-1299 1� Re: Subject: • Dear Susan: • Saint Paul Civic Center Expansion CP-4 Mortenson Project #951042 FO#4.30 - Bulkhead Tunnel Under Kellogg Bridge BUILDING DIVISION Telephone. (612) 522-2700 Facsimile: (672) 520-3430 In accordance with FO#4.30 dated 26 June 1996, which directed us to install a bulklZead within the sandstone tunnel below the Kellogg Uridge, we quote the sum of Six Hundred Sixteen Dollars (+$616.00) for the added work. This amount represents the agreed upon unit price for bullcheads Enclosed is our price breakdown. Please let me know if you need addifional infarmation or clarificarion on the enclosed. Ptease issue a contract change order. The amount quoted includes only the cost of the changes identified herein. Changes specifically identified as revisions are not included in this proposal and are exduded. the right to submit a proposai for addirional costs and rime related to the impac unchanged work or for the effect of this change in combination with other changes. Very truly yours, � � �� Allen S. Troshuvsky Assistant Project Manager fi�e: CPMI �'' FO# 4.30 i hc: �i�. ; ; i DEC 0 9 1996 ; � � 1 f 5� -s'J to the contract not Mortenson reserves t of this change on Minneapohs•Seattle •Oenvec•Colorado Spri�gsMdwaukee•Grand RapidsSan D�egoSan Francisco•HOnolulu•Los Angeles c� � PR� FIEL Saint Pau{ Civic Center Expansion CP-4 Buifding Construction FIELD ORDER NO.: DATE3SSUED: OWNER; Saint Paul Civic Center Authority I.A. O'Shaughnessy Plaza CPMI PROJECT NO.: 143 West Fourth Street Saint Paul, MN 55102-1299 CONTRACT NO.: F4.30 26 June 1996 3225 CP-4A'1 TO: MA Mortenson CON7RACT_ Multiscope 300 Eag1e Street � Saint Pau1, MN 55102 Attn.: Todd Schiiling You are hereby directed to execute promptly this Field Order which interprets the Contract Documents or orders minor changes in the Work without change in Contract Sum and Contract Time. If you consider a change in Contract Sum or Contract Time is required, please submit your itemized proposal to CPMI immediately and before proceeding with the work. DESCRIPTION: 1. Bulkhead sandstone tunnel under Kellogg bridge between Portal D pier and Exchange Street. • NOTES: 1 2. Tunnef is already bulkheaded 20 feet to the north. Unit price is 5500/bulkhead. 3. Reason: Unforeseen conditions ATTACHMENTS: COST, !� Mark ¢un rson Assistant o' Manager cc: Chris Hansen Gephart AIFORMS\FlELDOD.00C MANAGEMENT INTERNATIONAL, fNC. F� r ,x � � �! Dick Zehring Mike Pederson Frank Berg Met�opolitan Bloomington 3225-404.5 • R�CCiVED � CONTRAC"�OR A change in the scope of the work is requested as indicated be�ow: Contractor Proposal No.: FO# 4.32 � ,-.p- Date: Project ST. PAUL CIV1C CENTER CP.4'------ -"� '��� �/' 1 �G/ It is requested the completion date be () extended, I) decreased, �unchanged by calendar days. The adjusted completion date wili be 2. Description of the change: (Refer to drawings, specifications, addenda, if appficable). Reference RFP No.: ; FO No.: 4.32 ; PCO No.: , Title: Demo existinq arade beam 3. Basis of payment: (Check one) (X1 Firm price for performing this change is S 298.00 Adequate supporting details and information (Increased) (Deduct) must be attached to aflow Owner to evaluate. () Time and material per contract, but not to exceed () Actual cost at completion of work r1 L_J Submitted by: M. A. MORTENSON Date: December 7. 1996 Contractor � � X�+ � \ �� Contractor Siqnature FOR CPMI USE Action Recommended: (Check onel () Change will not be made. Explain: �ioo�►�� CPMI Job No.: 3225 �Proceed on the fol{owing basis: �d'As indicated above, cfiange and basis of payment is acceptable. �_, f) Change is acceptable, basis of payment is not acceptable. () Basis of payment shali be S i) The foflowing moditication is recommended: �) Change in completion date is accepted. () Change is acceptable with no change in price. ( � Change is acceptable with no change in compietion date. ( ) Other Reason for Change: O Design Change O Client Request eld Condition ( 1 Suggested by Co�tractor O Design Omis ion or Other (explainl 3. Is this a part of the original contract scope? O YES �(�,'NO 4. Is Contractor's Estimate attached? �YES () NO 5. A/E consulted. ��'ES ( 1 NO > � — Prepared by: f7;f � (CPMq Approved by �HGAI � f �� Approved by (Owner) CPMI Inc., c/o Saint Paul Civic Center, I.A. O'Shaughnessy Plaza, 143 West Foun cc: Chris Hansen Mike Pederson Dick Zehring R.�. Date: r�z� Date: 3225- 55702-7 . , 12/7/96 • �►��ox ���� Descriptfon: FO#4.32 Title. Demo existing grade beam Mortenson Labor: (See attached) Mortenson MatenaC (See attached� Mortenson Equipment (See attached) Associated Costs (Change Proposal) � � � �� St. Paul Givic Center Expansion Summary Change Proposal ST. PAUL C1VIC CENTER EXPANSION 300EAGLESTREET JOBfD�951042 SAI,YTPAUL. MN 55l02 PN 6/2Q93-915s F�(X Gl?/Z93-955% S Amount S - 5 $ - $ - General Conditions $ - (Mortenson Work) SUBTOTAI M. A. MoRenson S - SUBCONTftACTORSNENDORS 1_ Ames � 281 • z � 3. $ 4. $ " 5. $ " 6 $ " 7. $ - 8. $ - g $ _ 10. $ - Sl1BTOTAL SubNend $ Z M. A. Mortenson Company Fee: SubcontractorsNendors Fee 5°(0 $ 14 M. A. MoM1enson Work 15 $ - SUBTOSALFee $ � Total Matenai ffi Equipment S - M. A. Mortenson MateriaV & Equrpment Tax 7 $ - SUBSOTALTax $ - � SUBTOTAL:M.A.MOrtenson+SubNend+Fee+Tax $ 295 Builder's Risk 0.0007 ($.72lihousand) $ 0 GCL Insurance Costs 0.0038 ($3.77/Thousand) $ 1 Payment & Perforcnance Bond 0.0050 ($4.9593fThousand) $ 1 SUBTOTAL Insurance 8 Bonds � 3 TOTAL CHANGE PROPOSAL $ 298 Page 1 , . • July 29, 1996 • ���5y AMES CONSTRUCTION, INC. 14420 COIINTY ROAD 5 BURNSVILLE, MINNESOTA 55306 (612) 435-7106 • FAX 435-7142 M.A.Mortenson Company 300 Eagle Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Attention: Todd Schilling � au.�, •. I �": ����ut���� JUL 3 0 1996 r,�.A. MORTEiJ50N Cti- Subject: Field Order #432- Remove Existing Footing near Elevator #9 Saint Paul Civic Center Expansion - CP-4 Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Mr. Schilling: We have recently completed some time and materials work removing an existing footing which was interfering with new construction. Please see the attached field work order for verification of the work. Following is a tabulation of the work involved. Labor & Equipment 6/24 6/25 6/26 6/27 6/28 6/29 Total Case 9030 Backhoe 2.0 2.0 Laborer 2.0 2.0 Rate Extension $95.00 $190.00 $27.22 $54.44 Subtotal $244.44 Total with 15% Mar�-Up $281.11 . It is our request that a change order be issued for this amount. If there are any questions, ptease give me a call. Sincerely, 2-=� �-�--�- Michael Moeller Project Manager. An Equ¢( Opportuniry Fmphyer OFFICES IN: DENVER, COLORADO • PHOENLY, ARIZONA • SALT LAKE C1TY, UTAH • AMES CONSTRUCTION INC. 14420 County Rd. 5 P.O. Box 1137 Burnsville, Minn. 55337 Te�epho�e (612)435-7106 FIELD WORK ORDER IPOR EXTRA WORK, TIME & MATERIAL WORK, AND BACKCHAflGES) Date � 2 - t �o Bill to / VI ° l�— '�F,I�1 5fl a �I FL p �(2 ��`�.. � l. 3Z Address HOURS Project No. Project Name > � � '��}'L�(__ �t L 1 � � �,cJ 'rF.�- -- Locatio� of Work Performed W GST O i� � LF' , q.,�, 2 �� Nature of Work Performed ��i✓�-O U i�- (� ��. ( S i tN � ( T�/v 6 LABORERS EMPLOYEE TRAOE �IfSy TOTAL 4 RATE I TOTAL HOURS LABOR SUB TOTAL TOTAI DESCRIPTION � r • SY �� �1�6�n� � �—��� a !� WORK ORDER PREPARED BV QUANTITV � UNITCOS7 MATERIAL SUB TOTAL LABOR SUB TOTAL EQUIPMENT SUB TOTAL PROF�T AT _% & O.H. AT _% TOTAL BILLED TOTAL EQUIPMENT SUB TOTAL MATERIAL & OTHER CHARGES �J f "r':����i��`FG ' D�C 0 9 1996 �.rV� T�ie Corss(ruCtion Orga�iiZ¢tion 3 a� s - 404. � �00� ��-I �r BUILDING DIVISION Minneapo�is Office 700 Meadow Lane North P.O- Box 7t0 (5544�-071�) Minneapolis, Minnesota 55422-4899 07 December 1996 Susan Jones CPMI c/o Saint Paul Civic Center I A. O'Shaughnessy P1aza 143 West Fourth Street St.Paul MN 55102-1299 Re: SuUject: . Dear Susan: Saint Paul Civic Center Expansion CP-4 Mortenson Project #951042 PO#4.32 - Demo Existing Grade Beam Telephone: (672) 522-2700 Facsimile. (612) 520-3430 In accordance with FO#4.32 dated 28 June 1996, which directed us to demolish and remove an existing grade beam which intexferes with new construcfion, we quote the sum of Two Hundred Ninety-Eight Dollars (+$298.00) for the added work. Enclosed are copies of subcontractor quotaHons and our price breakdown. Please let me know if you need addifional information ar clazification on the enclosed. Please vssue a contract change ordec. The amount quoted includes only the cost of the changes identified herein. Changes to the mntract not specifically identified as revisions are not included in this proposal and are exduded. Mortenson reserves the right to submit a proposal for addirional msts and Hme related to the impact of this change on unchanged work or for Ehe effect of this change in combination with other changes. Very truly yours, � � du�' v — Allen S.Troshinsky Assistant Project Manager fi�e: CPMI • � FO# 4.32 Minneapolis•Seattle •Denver•COlorado Spr�ngs•Milwaukee•Grand Rapids•San Diego•San Francisco•Honolulu�LOS Angeles A X�pF ..,. � J � � F 1 E L D O R D E R PROJECT: Saint Paul Civ+c Center Expansion F4ELD oRDER NO.: CP-4 Building Construction DATEfSSUED: OWNER: Saint Paui Civic Center Authority I.A. O'Shaughnessy Plaza CPMI PROJECT NO.: 143 West Fourth Street Saint Paul. MN 55102-1299 � �0115�1 F4.32 28 June 1996 3225 CP-4.01 CONTRACT NQ.: TO: MA Mortenson CONTRACT: Multiscope 300 Eagie Street Saint Paul, MN 55102 Attn.: Todd Schilling You are hereby directed to execute promptly this Field Qrder which interprets the Contract Documents or orders minor changes in 2he Work without change in Contract Sum and Contract Time. If you cons+der a change in Contract Sum or Contract Time is required, please submit your itemized proposal to CPMI immediately and before proceedinq with the work. DESCRIPTION: Demolish and dispose of existing grade beam located along 2.8 line at Rooms 125 and 123 (rotated per RFI G-174). � NOTES: Existing condition, interferes with new construction. MAM wifl be compensated for this work on a time and material basis. Timesheets are to be turned in to CPMi on a DAILY basis. ATTACHMENTS: COST, PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT INTERNATIONAL, INC. r� Cl�2I�l ������] Ld� � John Steften Project Manager cc: Chris Hansen Gephart Dick Zehring Mike Pederson Frank Berg Metropolitan Bloomington 3225-404.5 � A\FORMS\FlELOO�.DOC