256510 Orisinsl to City Clert ` � ORDINANCE �5����` COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED B ' ORDINANCE NO �'� �� � AN ORDINANCE SETTLING THE CLAIM Of MUTUAL SERVICE INSURANCL COMPANIES ANQ THEIR INSIlRED, D4lYALD A. JOHNSON AGAINST THE CITY Of SAIIYT PAUL THE COUNCIL OF TH� C�TY p� SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Sectton 1. Tfiat the proper City offtcers are i�ereby authortzed to pay out of the Tort Ltabtlity Fund 0035-421, to Mutual Service Insurance Co�npanies and their insured, Donald A. Johnsan, the sum of $354.62, in fulT settlement of thetr clatm for damages sustained on or about August 13, t971, as a result of an accident tnvoivfng a City vehicle dr4ven by Daniel Ashton, at or near Lafayette Fre�way Exit, Saint Paul, Minnesota. Section 2. 7hat said sam sha11 6e patd to the said clatmants upon thefr executlon and delivery of a release tn full to the City, 1n a form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel, for all damages sustained tn the manner aforesaid. Sect4on 3. Tf�at this ordinance shall take effect and be tn force thtrty days afte� tts passage, approval and pu6lication. - . DEC 81971 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by► the Council Butler �� Conway n Favor Levine Meredith G� �? Sprafka - Against . T�es�° DEC 9 1971 r. President (McCarty) Approved• A . �� C" Clerk � Mayor Form approved Corporation Gounsel B �� pUBLISHED OEC 11 19�11 � �eb te Pstatu � � ORDIIITANCE 25fi���� COUNCIL HLE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO � � � I A�t ORDINANCE SETTLIN6 TWE CUIIM tif t�Rt1AL SERVICE INSURANCE COMPI4NI�S AND TNEIR INSURE�. DONALD A. JOHpfSON AGAINST THE CITY Of ,SAIi9T PAUL THE COI�iCIL OF TNE GITY OF SAINT PAtlL DQES �)RDAIt4t Sectlon 1, that the proper City officers a�e her�by authortzad to pa,q out of ttie Tvrt Liability Fund 0035-421, to Mut�sal Service Iasnranc� Coiopaaiea and their insurad, Oo�ald A. Jahnsoa, the sun of 3354.62, in fnll settle�ent of their �lain, fcr daa�ages snatainad on or aboat Aluydst 13, 1971, as a result of an accident involving a Cfty vehicle drive� by D�niel A�hton, at or near Lafayette Free�ay Exit, Saint Pau1. Minnesota. Section 2. That aaid sum shn11 be paid to the satd clai�ats - upa� thetr execution and delivery of a release in fu�i to the City, in � a for� to be approved by the Corparation Counsel, for a11 da�+ages sustained fn the nwnner atoresaid. Section 3. That this ordtnance shatl take effact and be in fer�e thirty �lays at'ter its passage. approral and publication. Yeas Counailmen Nays Paesed by the Coun��l DEC 8 .1.8�i Butler � ��y n Favor p� � Aon;� , Teae�co DEC 919T1 Mr. Preeident (McCartY) APProv�: Attest: City Clerk May� �� ,: Form apprnved Corporat�Ion Couneel By ,. . �r. . I st � �` � � 2nd— � Laid over to / 3rd and app dopted Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Butler Butler Carison �arlsom–�z�c�-zt--c. s� �; . � �'. Levine �'� `��'_��'` Levine Meredith Meredith � Sprafka Sprafka Tedesco Tedesco Mr. President McCarty Mr. President McCarty O