256509 Oa3s5ns1 to City Clerk , ORDINANCE �5���,�� . COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED � `�' ORDINANCE NO. �`� ��� AN ORDINANCE 5ET'fLING THE CLAIM OF DENNIS EKSTEDT AGAINST THE CITY OF SAINT pAUL THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY aF SAINT PAUL DQES ORDAI�I: Section 1. That �he proper City offtcers are hereby authorized and directed to pay aut of the Tort Liability Fund 0035-421, to Dennis Ekstedt, the sum of $300.00, tn fu11 settlement of his claim of damages sustained on or about August 9, 1971, as more particularly set out 9n a canmunication to the City of Saint Paul on August 13, 1971. Section 2. That said sum sha11 be pa4d to the said clatmant upon his execution and del�very of a release in full to the City, in a form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel, for all damages sustained in the manner aforesaid. Section 3. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council oEC 9 197� Butler e�rl�e�r Conway Levine In Favor � Meredith d � Against Sprafka T���° 9 1971 Mr. President (McCarty Approved• DEC _ At C� . C' Clerk Mayor �� Form approved Corporatioi� ;Counsel By � PUBLISHED� �,�� , ti r D�llab t�PtLts �' ., +. � RDIN � NC � 256���� COUNCIL HLE NO PRESENTEA BY ORDINANCE NO.� � AN ORDilIAlICE SETTt.II� TtE CLAIM OF �NlITS EI�TE8�1' " A6JtINST TIiE CITY OF SAIItT PAi�. Tt� t�M1CIL � TltE CITY OF SAINT PAUk DOES dtQAl�ls S�ctioe� 1.� That t1� prep� C1t�r offic.ers sr� t�sb�r a�t�orfzld a� alr�cted �o �r •at •t tn• rort L1abil�ty F,ma oa3�Zt. �o �is Eksttdt, tht sw �f �300.flQ, t� f�11 s�tti�ent o�f bts etai� of �tg�s s�staine� on or aba�t A�st 9, 1971, as � partic�iarl�r se� oat in a ca�tutian to tt» City of Saint twl oe A�ust 13� 1971.� S�ctiop 2. Thit said sw sl�ll b� p�id to t� utd c1�ti�t � h�ls executlea sad d�l l��r�r of a r�ldse !n fdll to tlu CiLy, fn a _ for� tp b� appre�►ea ay tlK corpor:tion ck�s�el, for at1 da�s�s �stata.a fA -the'�; n� afor�sstd. �; ' S�etitm 3: TAat this ardiu�� sAall take �ffect a�N be ia foroe . � thlrtp da�rs after ita p�ss�9e, a�rreval aad p�lteatton. DEC 9 1971 Yeaa Cou�icilmen Nays Paeeed b� the CaunciL Butlpr � �� ___L�n Favor Levine ��� � .roO91171R'�: sp� T���° 1911 Mr. Presfdent (McCarty) APProv�; �EC 9 Atteet: Cit�y Clerk Mayor f� ' �: �orm spproved Corporation �ounsel By � ��,.,: Ist � � s � 2nd � Laid over to 3rd and app —Adopted � Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Butler Butler Carlson ��'�j�«���� -Eerlse� L°��z.�. Levine Levine Meredith Meredith 4 Sprafka Sprefka Tedesco Tedesco Mr. President McCarty Mr. Presiden+ McCarty �O