255814 +� Orlainsl to City Clerk � � ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO �`"���"� PRESENTED Y � � ORDINANCE NO. ��`��� An ordinance ending Ordinance No. 7607, entitled: "An ordinance fixing the duties and responsibilities and the minimum qualifications for the various classes of positions in the Classified 5ervice of the City, " approved February 13, 1935, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SA.INT PAUL DOE5 ORDAIN; Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7607, approved February 13, 1935, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by inserting�in its proper alphabetical order the fo�lowing title, and specifications for Supervisor of Lime Recovery Plant -1- Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Butler Carlson In Favor Levine Meredith Sprafka A gainst Tedesco Mr. President (McCarty) Approved• Attest: � City Clerk Mayor �� ^ Forrri approved Corporation Counsel By r���A�� � . j '� o�.�e�cit,c�e� , . ORDINANCE ;����1�� COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO 1'� �j�� Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in £orce thirty days after its passage, approval, and publication. -3- 0 CT , � 19� Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Butler �sorr C�z-.-� � `'� , Levine n Favor / Meredith �j �-, Against Sprafka Tedeaco -� a �9� Mr. President �(McCarty) Appro � A i erk Mayor , �� Form approved Corporation �ou O eCl�� , e��� c�-'����A e�; P_UBLISHED_.____----- -- I nqnaa a r�ta ' � y ORDINAIITCE 25�8�4 COUNCIL HLE NO, PRESENTED BY ORDINANC� NO' I � An o�diaa�ce amandia� O�r+iia;�aes No. TiA7, �: ' "Aa osr#iaaiee fisis� the drties sad z�tapw�aibiti#ies a�d the �aaiaimam qoslificstiaas far the rsrioss clas:es o�f positiaas in the Claari�ed Service af ths Cit�," sppro�ned Febrasr� 13. 1935, u smeaded. THE COUN�IL OF THE C1TY �F 3AINT PAUL �4ES ORD�II�t: Sectiaa 1. ?hat �rdiasa�t No. ?607. a�pro�nd Februaar�► 13,� 1935, u am�sded, be a�d !h� sama is i��re'b�► fnrtl�r sanended b* iaaes�tisa ia fte proper slphsbeticsl order t1�.e �a�win� title, aad epeciScstioas for Superv�sor of Lime Racotrer� Plsat ' _1. Yesa Councilmen Nays Paeeed by the Council Butler �1�� Tn Favor Levine Meredith \� ro�inat sp� Tedesco �r. President (McCarty) Approved: Att�st: City Clerk Mayor ,�,� , . ,_ �orm approved Corporatiori �ounsel By � ��m�`'��.�,� �,c„�,. �a a r� .. . , . � ORDINAN' CE 2558�.� coul�Ci� H� No� , PRE�BVTED BY ORDINANCE NO_� �� ��� Sectiam 2. Thia osdivace sLsll take �ffact aad be is 6E�Me thfrtT daTs after its passs�s. spproTal. aad pnbllesticm. - � _3,. - OCT , 819Z1 Yeaa Councilmen Nays Pasaed by the Council Butler :(;.artann ���,� �y�e _In Favor Meredith �� � �197 OCT � 8 � Mr. Preaident (M�Carty) APPrnved: _ Atteat: City Clerk Ysyor ' �� '` Form appxoved Corporation �ounsel By.��so� � ' �—,._—.�*+� � 1 25��14 �. itl.c; c+� c13 c � . z *;' `. ` :U�?„n .T"uC::'. :'� f:.�I�:�... _. �� _.�;�?%..._tZ .� �'L._�I�;i �°_�?t�t;��,� .?nc1 :��.r�ror:si�; ilil:i� �_� �,�r��cic�r ��;i�•�:ctir�a�. �o �;c� :�•u.^r:a�:^iL��., f.oa� t�-_� c�exa2�i,�z_ and �aaiiatcnanc�� U�� i'i!.C' t_:LA7%�: =�;:Ct3`.'C�'1'yl .1='ic�.?;�;.; ."111:� t0 �3F;3.':1:°Jl'YYS :'�:;1':L'C:`.f; �T�'+7:'iit :�.E ��S 8 t�-;f1 i':�: 1`��..�>c iY111'_F f?�' (.:.'� �:�C:l�l:. ?�:d:��."��:-t':1�:.'�i`. �.iC1 7,'. _'1��'1, .'1}?.>; �_�l??_:i'V"l:i�'. 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