254825 Oriainal to City Clerk � ORDINANCE 254825 COUNCIL FILE NO. � PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO `� � An ordi ce amending Ordi.nance No. 6446, entitled: � "An administrative ordinance fixing the com- pensation rates of certai.n city positions and employments, " approved January 23, 1925, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF TI-�E CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 6446, approved January 23, 1925, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out of See�ion II all of>f,h.e:ti.tles and rates unde�� the hEa.dyxig Group F; and by � s�.bstituti.ng in li'eu �her�of the ,�01,1o�ain;g: Group F Auto Body Repairman $.5. 87 Auto Mechanic 5-, 87 Auto Mechanic Leadman fz. OZ Equipment Maintenance Foreman 6. 37 Fi r eman-Me chanic 5. 8 7 Firemari-Mechanic Foreman 6.37 ` Fireman-Mechanic General Foreman 6. 87 .��,�=�, . r. ::� Machinist _ . ._ - - __ .. 5. 8? _ �e�ha,�..G Foreman--Municipal Garage 6. 37 MeC�.ri.ia. For'�rnan��•=�Y�.-��ri I�e�r:�nEn.�. 6. 37 Ivlech�ic�..Welder �. 8� 'Ti�*e R�p'a�urr�ari;: > 5. 5� Welder�Blacksrnit�i 5. 8�� _ . �_._.., . ;; Section 2. This ordinance sh�a1J��a.kc �f�f'ec;# �id-be in foi�e� on the `� first day of the first pay.roll p��a.od �ol�o��ng lflii,r�y. days a��e� i:�s pa�ssage, �, �� approval and publieation'in accorda.�ee with Counei,l:FilE No.. 2.52982:. u� ; approved March 10, 1971 whic�i-a.utho�i.�e;s �1n�sE-v�a:ge r�a�e increases to � ,; be retroactive to July 10,` 1971�' � 0 a _ ` 0 . v r✓ ui � a ,� _.. . _ .. .� , Yeas Councilmen Na s Pas , JUL Z 2 197� y sed by the Council Butler � � Tn Favor Meredith � d Against Sprafka �" ''� JU L 2 2 197�1 r. Presiden (McCa y) ttest: i Clerk Mayor � Form approved Corporation Counsel By Pt�BLISHED J U L 2 41971 . . w - �.. .. 5..._ _ - . a a�e.s.a r�t.t.r � � « �,:�� ` ; � ORDIN � _ CE _ � - .: 2�8� ^� COUNCIL HLE NO �i� �h PRfSENTED BY ` ��� ORDINANCE NO � � � r An ordiazace smending Ordiasace No. 6446, eatitled: g '�An sdmiaistrative ordiasnce fi�g the com- peaas#ion rstes of certaia city positians sad e�aplo�rmeats. " sppro�ed Jannsz�r Z3, 1925, as smesded. THE COt1AtCIL QF ?8]� CITY OF SA�tT PAtIL DOES D�rtDAII�i: � Seclica 1. Thst �rdi�aac� No. 6446, sppro�d Jsaoar� i3, 1q?3, , u sma�d�d. be sad the sam� is �ra�by tarther sme�.�d b� strikfa� o�t a� , Secli�oa II s�1 of t�a #itles aai satss �eler ths heaYd�s� Gro�p Fs s�d tip s�bstit�iag ia lien thoraof the foilowiaa; Graup F Anto Bod� Rdpsizmsa $5.87 Aato Mecbr,nic 5.8? �► Meel�anic Lead�►a b. OZ Equipmeat A�aiatensace Foreanaa 6.3T Firemaa-l�tecbsaic 5.8? Firemaa-Ir�ecbanic Foremsn 6.3T ' Firemas•�ec]�sa#c G�ersl Foremaa 6.8? Msr�ist 5.87 Mec�e For�a�sn--�ipal Gsrs�s 6.3? �decLaaic For�mas--Wa�z Departmart 6.�7 lr[sth�c-'IYreldss 5.87 Tire R�pairmaa 5.53 Welder-Blscl�smith ` 5.8? Sectioa 2. Thia osd#:aaCe shali tske effect sad be ia forea e� !he � firet day of the Srs� psrroll period foilowi�Q thfrt� dsys �tt�z its pa�use, �:�' sppro�sl and pablfcstioa in sccosdaace w�th Co�mcil File No. 25t98E, arpproved Msrch 10, 1971 w!Aich sotho�i�es tbese wsge rato iaeressea bo b� ralrosct��n to Joly I0, 297i. �u� aa »7a Yeas Councilmen N$ya Paseed by the Council Butler -Cs�rlee � Favor p� . d ro��` .. � �. �t c��c�� '�UL 2 2 1971 Approved: Attest: City Clerk • Mayor �►� ;:,. . , Form s�provsd Coxpors�ion Counsel $y -�\ ..,, -� ' ' Preseat r�tes for Group F (effecti�re 6-26•71:� _ ' �t ; ;� ' � - Anto Bddy Repairrnan $5.79 ' Auto Meicha.nic . 5.?9 An.ta Meicha.nic Leadman 5,94 Eqw,a,pme�nt Maintea:ance Foreman 6.29, Firernaxi.•Meeha.nic : 5.79 = Fireman-Mechanic Foreman 6.29 • Firema�-Mecha.nic General Forema.�n. b.'79 _, Machiai�t � 5.'79' '`� Mechazii;c Foreman--M�aiei�ai Garage fi.29' � Mechani�c Forernan--Water' Departmeaat 6.29 Mechaaijc.-Welder 5. 79 Tire Repairman 5.45 , Welder•iBlacksmith 5.79 � � � � � ' . _ '� ,—. Is+ ` 2nd Laid over to 3rd and app ? �Adop+ed ` `� Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Butler Butler ��,,� V Cerlson �o�-- Levine 2�4825 �}�� Meredith �Meredith Sprafka Sprafka � Tedesco �e°'eSZr"' Mr. President McCarty Mr. President McCarty O